from nmigen.utils import log2_int
from nmigen.lib.coding import Decoder
from nmutil.util import Display
+from nmutil.latch import SRLatch
#from nmutil.plru import PLRU
from soc.experiment.plru import PLRU, PLRUs
ctag = Signal(TAG_RAM_WIDTH)
comb += rd_tag.addr.eq(req_index)
comb += ctag.eq(
- comb += cvb.eq(cache_valids.word_select(req_index, NUM_WAYS))
+ comb += cvb.eq(cache_valids.q.word_select(req_index, NUM_WAYS))
m.submodules.store_way_e = se = Decoder(NUM_WAYS)
comb += se.i.eq(r.store_way)
comb += se.n.eq(~i_in.req)
# Force misses on that way while reloading that line
idx = req_index*NUM_WAYS + replace_way # 2D index, 1st dim: NUM_WAYS
- sync += cache_valids.bit_select(idx, 1).eq(0)
+ comb += cache_valids.r.eq(1<<idx)
# use write-port "granularity" to select the tag to write to
# TODO: the Memory should be multipled-up (by NUM_TAGS)
# Cache line is now valid
idx = r.store_index*NUM_WAYS + replace_way # 2D index again
valid = r.store_valid & ~inval_in
- sync += cache_valids.bit_select(idx, 1).eq(valid)
+ comb += cache_valids.s.eq(1<<idx)
sync += r.state.eq(State.IDLE)
# move on to next request in row
# Process cache invalidations
with m.If(inval_in):
- sync += cache_valids.eq(0)
+ comb += cache_valids.r.eq(-1)
sync += r.store_valid.eq(0)
# Main state machine
# Cache-Ways "valid" indicators. this is a 2D Signal, by the
# number of ways and the number of lines.
- cache_valids = Signal(NUM_WAYS*NUM_LINES)
+ vec = SRLatch(sync=True, llen=NUM_WAYS*NUM_LINES, name="cachevalids")
+ m.submodules.cache_valids = cache_valids = vec
# TLB Array
itlb = TLBArray()