from nmigen.cli import main, rtlil
from nmutil.iocontrol import RecordObject
from nmigen.utils import log2_int
+from nmigen.lib.coding import Decoder
from nmutil.util import Display
#from nmutil.plru import PLRU
sync = m.d.sync
bus, stall_in = self.bus, self.stall_in
+ m.submodules.replace_way_e = re = Decoder(NUM_WAYS)
+ m.submodules.hit_way_e = he = Decoder(NUM_WAYS)
+ comb += re.i.eq(replace_way)
+ comb += he.i.eq(r.hit_way)
for i in range(NUM_WAYS):
do_read = Signal(name="do_rd_%d" % i)
d_out = Signal(ROW_SIZE_BITS, name="d_out_%d" % i)
wr_sel = Signal(ROW_SIZE)
- way = CacheRam(ROW_BITS, ROW_SIZE_BITS, True, ram_num=i)
- setattr(m.submodules, "cacheram_%d" % i, way)
+ way = CacheRam(ROW_BITS, ROW_SIZE_BITS, TRACE=True, ram_num=i)
+ m.submodules["cacheram_%d" % i] = way
comb += way.rd_en.eq(do_read)
comb += way.rd_addr.eq(rd_addr)
comb += way.wr_data.eq(bus.dat_r)
comb += do_read.eq(~(stall_in | use_previous))
- comb += do_write.eq(bus.ack & (replace_way == i))
+ comb += do_write.eq(bus.ack & re.o[i])
with m.If(do_write):
sync += Display("cache write adr: %x data: %lx",
wr_addr, way.wr_data)
- with m.If(r.hit_way == i):
+ with m.If(he.o[i]):
comb += cache_out_row.eq(d_out)
with m.If(do_read):
sync += Display("cache read adr: %x data: %x",
comb = m.d.comb
with m.If(NUM_WAYS > 1):
+ m.submodules.plru_e = e = Decoder(NUM_LINES)
+ comb += e.i.eq(get_index(r.hit_nia))
for i in range(NUM_LINES):
- plru_acc_i = Signal(WAY_BITS)
- plru_acc_en = Signal()
- setattr(m.submodules, "plru_%d" % i, plru)
- comb += plru.acc_i.eq(plru_acc_i)
- comb += plru.acc_en.eq(plru_acc_en)
+ m.submodules["plru_%d" % i] = plru
# PLRU interface
- with m.If(get_index(r.hit_nia) == i):
+ with m.If(e.o[i]):
comb += plru.acc_en.eq(r.hit_valid)
comb += plru.acc_i.eq(r.hit_way)
ctag = Signal(TAG_RAM_WIDTH)
comb += ctag.eq(cache_tags[req_index].tag)
comb += cvb.eq(cache_tags[req_index].valid)
+ m.submodules.store_way_e = se = Decoder(NUM_WAYS)
+ comb += se.i.eq(r.store_way)
for i in range(NUM_WAYS):
tagi = Signal(TAG_BITS, name="tag_i%d" % i)
- comb += tagi.eq(read_tag(i, ctag))
hit_test = Signal(name="hit_test%d" % i)
- comb += hit_test.eq(i == r.store_way)
- with m.If((cvb[i] | (hitcond & hit_test)) & (tagi == req_tag)):
+ is_tag_hit = Signal(name="is_tag_hit_%d" % i)
+ comb += tagi.eq(read_tag(i, ctag))
+ comb += hit_test.eq(se.o[i])
+ comb += is_tag_hit.eq((cvb[i] | (hitcond & hit_test)) &
+ (tagi == req_tag))
+ with m.If(is_tag_hit):
comb += hit_way.eq(i)
comb += is_hit.eq(1)