ptw_error = Signal() # PTW threw an exception
update_vaddr = Signal(39)
+ uaddr64 = Cat(update_vaddr, Const(0, 25)) # extend to 64bit with zeros
update_ptw_itlb = TLBUpdate()
update_ptw_dtlb = TLBUpdate()
m.submodules.i_tlb = i_tlb = TLB(INSTR_TLB_ENTRIES, ASID_WIDTH)
m.d.comb += [i_tlb.flush_i.eq(flush_tlb_i),
# Instruction Interface
# The instruction interface is a simple request response interface
- always_comb begin : instr_interface
- # MMU disabled: just pass through
- icache_areq_o.fetch_valid = icache_areq_i.fetch_req;
- icache_areq_o.fetch_paddr = icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr; # play through in case we disabled address translation
- # two potential exception sources:
- # 1. HPTW threw an exception -> signal with a page fault exception
- # 2. We got an access error because of insufficient permissions -> throw an access exception
- icache_areq_o.fetch_exception = '0;
- # Check whether we are allowed to access this memory region from a fetch perspective
- iaccess_err = icache_areq_i.fetch_req && (((priv_lvl_i == riscv::PRIV_LVL_U) && ~itlb_content.u)
- || ((priv_lvl_i == riscv::PRIV_LVL_S) && itlb_content.u));
- # MMU enabled: address from TLB, request delayed until hit. Error when TLB
- # hit and no access right or TLB hit and translated address not valid (e.g.
- # AXI decode error), or when PTW performs walk due to ITLB miss and raises
- # an error.
- if (enable_translation_i) begin
- # we work with SV39, so if VM is enabled, check that all bits [63:38] are equal
- if (icache_areq_i.fetch_req && !((&icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr[63:38]) == 1'b1 || (|icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr[63:38]) == 1'b0)) begin
- icache_areq_o.fetch_exception = {riscv::INSTR_ACCESS_FAULT, icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr, 1'b1};
- end
- icache_areq_o.fetch_valid = 1'b0;
- # 4K page
- icache_areq_o.fetch_paddr = {itlb_content.ppn, icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr[11:0]};
- # Mega page
- if (itlb_is_2M) begin
- icache_areq_o.fetch_paddr[20:12] = icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr[20:12];
- end
- # Giga page
- if (itlb_is_1G) begin
- icache_areq_o.fetch_paddr[29:12] = icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr[29:12];
- end
- # ---------
- # ITLB Hit
- # --------
- # if we hit the ITLB output the request signal immediately
- if (itlb_lu_hit) begin
- icache_areq_o.fetch_valid = icache_areq_i.fetch_req;
- # we got an access error
- if (iaccess_err) begin
- # throw a page fault
- icache_areq_o.fetch_exception = {riscv::INSTR_PAGE_FAULT, icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr, 1'b1};
- end
- end else
- # ---------
- # ITLB Miss
- # ---------
- # watch out for exceptions happening during walking the page table
- if (ptw_active && walking_instr) begin
- icache_areq_o.fetch_valid = ptw_error;
- icache_areq_o.fetch_exception = {riscv::INSTR_PAGE_FAULT, {25'b0, update_vaddr}, 1'b1};
- end
+ # MMU disabled: just pass through
+ m.d.comb += [icache_areq_o.fetch_valid.eq(icache_areq_i.fetch_req),
+ # play through in case we disabled address translation
+ icache_areq_o.fetch_paddr.eq(icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr)
+ ]
+ # two potential exception sources:
+ # 1. HPTW threw an exception -> signal with a page fault exception
+ # 2. We got an access error because of insufficient permissions ->
+ # throw an access exception
+ m.d.comb += icache_areq_o.fetch_exception.eq(0)
+ # Check whether we are allowed to access this memory region
+ # from a fetch perspective
+ m.d.comb += iaccess_err.eq(icache_areq_i.fetch_req & \
+ (((priv_lvl_i == PRIV_LVL_U) & \
+ ~itlb_content.u) | \
+ ((priv_lvl_i == :PRIV_LVL_S) & \
+ itlb_content.u)))
+ # MMU enabled: address from TLB, request delayed until hit.
+ # Error when TLB hit and no access right or TLB hit and
+ # translated address not valid (e.g. AXI decode error),
+ # or when PTW performs walk due to ITLB miss and raises
+ # an error.
+ with m.If (self.enable_translation_i):
+ # we work with SV39, so if VM is enabled, check that
+ # all bits [63:38] are equal
+ with m.If (icache_areq_i.fetch_req & \
+ ~(((~icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr[38:64]) == 0) | \
+ (icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr[38:64]) == 0)):
+ fe = icache_areq_o.fetch_exception
+ m.d.comb += [fe.cause.eq(INSTR_ACCESS_FAULT),
+ fe.tval.eq(icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr),
+ fe.valid.eq(1)
+ ]
+ m.d.comb += icache_areq_o.fetch_valid.eq(0)
+ # 4K page
+ paddr =
+ paddr4k = Cat(icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr[0:12], itlb_content.ppn)
+ m.d.comb += paddr.eq(paddr4k)
+ # Mega page
+ with m.If(itlb_is_2M):
+ m.d.comb += paddr[12:21].eq(icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr[12:21])
- end
+ # Giga page
+ with m.If(itlb_is_1G):
+ m.d.comb += paddr[12:30].eq(icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr[12:30])
+ m.d.comb += icache_areq_o.fetch_paddr.eq(paddr)
+ # ---------
+ # ITLB Hit
+ # --------
+ # if we hit the ITLB output the request signal immediately
+ with m.If(itlb_lu_hit):
+ m.d.comb += icache_areq_o.fetch_valid.eq(
+ icache_areq_i.fetch_req)
+ # we got an access error
+ with m.If (iaccess_err):
+ # throw a page fault
+ fe = icache_areq_o.fetch_exception
+ m.d.comb += [fe.cause.eq(INSTR_ACCESS_FAULT),
+ fe.tval.eq(icache_areq_i.fetch_vaddr),
+ fe.valid.eq(1)
+ ]
+ # ---------
+ # ITLB Miss
+ # ---------
+ # watch out for exceptions happening during walking the page table
+ with m.Elif(ptw_active & walking_instr):
+ m.d.comb += icache_areq_o.fetch_valid.eq(ptw_error)
+ fe = icache_areq_o.fetch_exception
+ m.d.comb += [fe.cause.eq(INSTR_PAGE_FAULT),
+ fe.tval.eq(uaddr64),
+ fe.valid.eq(1)
+ ]
# Data Interface
- logic [63:0] lsu_vaddr_n, lsu_vaddr_q;
- riscv::pte_t dtlb_pte_n, dtlb_pte_q;
- exception_t misaligned_ex_n, misaligned_ex_q;
- logic lsu_req_n, lsu_req_q;
- logic lsu_is_store_n, lsu_is_store_q;
- logic dtlb_hit_n, dtlb_hit_q;
- logic dtlb_is_2M_n, dtlb_is_2M_q;
- logic dtlb_is_1G_n, dtlb_is_1G_q;
- # check if we need to do translation or if we are always ready (e.g.: we are not translating anything)
- assign lsu_dtlb_hit_o = (en_ld_st_translation_i) ? dtlb_lu_hit : 1'b1;
- # The data interface is simpler and only consists of a request/response interface
- always_comb begin : data_interface
+ lsu_vaddr = Signal(64)
+ dtlb_pte = PTE()
+ misaligned_ex = RVException()
+ lsu_req = Signal()
+ lsu_is_store = Signal()
+ dtlb_hit = Signal()
+ dtlb_is_2M = Signal()
+ dtlb_is_1G = Signal()
+ # check if we need to do translation or if we are always
+ # ready (e.g.: we are not translating anything)
+ m.d.comb += lsu_dtlb_hit_o.eq(Mux(en_ld_st_translation_i),
+ dtlb_lu_hit, 1)
+ # The data interface is simpler and only consists of a
+ # request/response interface
+ m.d.comb += [
# save request and DTLB response
- lsu_vaddr_n = lsu_vaddr_i;
- lsu_req_n = lsu_req_i;
- misaligned_ex_n = misaligned_ex_i;
- dtlb_pte_n = dtlb_content;
- dtlb_hit_n = dtlb_lu_hit;
- lsu_is_store_n = lsu_is_store_i;
- dtlb_is_2M_n = dtlb_is_2M;
- dtlb_is_1G_n = dtlb_is_1G;
- lsu_paddr_o = lsu_vaddr_q;
- lsu_valid_o = lsu_req_q;
- lsu_exception_o = misaligned_ex_q;
- # mute misaligned exceptions if there is no request otherwise they will throw accidental exceptions
- misaligned_ex_n.valid = misaligned_ex_i.valid & lsu_req_i;
- # Check if the User flag is set, then we may only access it in supervisor mode
- # if SUM is enabled
- daccess_err = (ld_st_priv_lvl_i == riscv::PRIV_LVL_S && !sum_i && dtlb_pte_q.u) || # SUM is not set and we are trying to access a user page in supervisor mode
- (ld_st_priv_lvl_i == riscv::PRIV_LVL_U && !dtlb_pte_q.u); # this is not a user page but we are in user mode and trying to access it
+ lsu_vaddr.eq(lsu_vaddr_i),
+ lsu_req.eq(lsu_req_i),
+ misaligned_ex.eq(misaligned_ex_i),
+ dtlb_pte.eq(dtlb_content),
+ dtlb_hit.eq(dtlb_lu_hit),
+ lsu_is_store.eq(lsu_is_store_i),
+ dtlb_is_2M.eq(dtlb_is_2M),
+ dtlb_is_1G.eq(dtlb_is_1G),
+ ]
+ m.d.sync += [
+ lsu_paddr_o.eq(lsu_vaddr),
+ lsu_valid_o.eq(lsu_req),
+ lsu_exception_o.eq(misaligned_ex),
+ ]
+ m.d.comb += [
+ # mute misaligned exceptions if there is no request
+ # otherwise they will throw accidental exceptions
+ misaligned_ex_n.valid.eq(misaligned_ex_i.valid & lsu_req_i),
+ # Check if the User flag is set, then we may only
+ # access it in supervisor mode if SUM is enabled
+ daccess_err.eq(
+ # SUM is not set and we are trying to access a user
+ # page in supervisor mode
+ ld_st_priv_lvl_i == PRIV_LVL_S & ~sum_i & \
+ dtlb_pte_q.u) | \
+ # this is not a user page but we are in user mode and
+ # trying to access it
+ (ld_st_priv_lvl_i == PRIV_LVL_U & ~dtlb_pte_q.u))
# translation is enabled and no misaligned exception occurred
- if (en_ld_st_translation_i && !misaligned_ex_q.valid) begin
- lsu_valid_o = 1'b0;
+ with m.If(en_ld_st_translation_i & ~misaligned_ex_q.valid):
+ m.d.comb += lsu_valid_o.eq(0)
# 4K page
- lsu_paddr_o = {dtlb_pte_q.ppn, lsu_vaddr_q[11:0]};
+ paddr =
+ paddr4k = Cat(lsu_vaddr_q[0:12], itlb_content.ppn)
+ m.d.comb += paddr.eq(paddr4k)
# Mega page
- if (dtlb_is_2M_q) begin
- lsu_paddr_o[20:12] = lsu_vaddr_q[20:12];
+ with m.If(dtlb_is_2M):
+ m.d.comb += paddr[12:21].eq(lsu_vaddr_q[12:21])
# Giga page
- if (dtlb_is_1G_q) begin
- lsu_paddr_o[29:12] = lsu_vaddr_q[29:12];
- end
+ with m.If(dtlb_is_1G):
+ m.d.comb += paddr[12:30].eq(lsu_vaddr_q[12:30])
+ m.d.comb += lsu_paddr_o.eq(paddr)
# ---------
# DTLB Hit
# --------
- if (dtlb_hit_q && lsu_req_q) begin
- lsu_valid_o = 1'b1;
+ with m.If(dtlb_hit_q & lsu_req_q):
+ m.d.comb += lsu_valid_o.eq(1)
# this is a store
- if (lsu_is_store_q) begin
- # check if the page is write-able and we are not violating privileges
+ with m.If (lsu_is_store_q):
+ # check if the page is write-able and
+ # we are not violating privileges
# also check if the dirty flag is set
- if (!dtlb_pte_q.w || daccess_err || !dtlb_pte_q.d) begin
- lsu_exception_o = {riscv::STORE_PAGE_FAULT, lsu_vaddr_q, 1'b1};
- end
- # this is a load, check for sufficient access privileges - throw a page fault if necessary
- end else if (daccess_err) begin
- lsu_exception_o = {riscv::LOAD_PAGE_FAULT, lsu_vaddr_q, 1'b1};
- end
- end else
+ with m.If(~dtlb_pte_q.w | daccess_err | ~dtlb_pte_q.d):
+ le = lsu_exception_o
+ m.d.comb += [le.cause.eq(STORE_PAGE_FAULT),
+ le.tval.eq(lsu_vaddr_q),
+ le.valid.eq(1)
+ ]
+ # this is a load, check for sufficient access
+ # privileges - throw a page fault if necessary
+ with m.Elif(daccess_err):
+ le = lsu_exception_o
+ m.d.comb += [le.cause.eq(LOAD_PAGE_FAULT),
+ le.tval.eq(lsu_vaddr_q),
+ le.valid.eq(1)
+ ]
# ---------
# DTLB Miss
# ---------
# watch out for exceptions
- if (ptw_active && !walking_instr) begin
+ with m.Elif (ptw_active & ~walking_instr):
# page table walker threw an exception
- if (ptw_error) begin
+ with m.If (ptw_error):
# an error makes the translation valid
- lsu_valid_o = 1'b1;
+ m.d.comb += lsu_valid_o.eq(1)
# the page table walker can only throw page faults
- if (lsu_is_store_q) begin
- lsu_exception_o = {riscv::STORE_PAGE_FAULT, {25'b0, update_vaddr}, 1'b1};
- end else begin
- lsu_exception_o = {riscv::LOAD_PAGE_FAULT, {25'b0, update_vaddr}, 1'b1};
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # ----------
- # Registers
- # ----------
- always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
- if (~rst_ni) begin
- lsu_vaddr_q <= '0;
- lsu_req_q <= '0;
- misaligned_ex_q <= '0;
- dtlb_pte_q <= '0;
- dtlb_hit_q <= '0;
- lsu_is_store_q <= '0;
- dtlb_is_2M_q <= '0;
- dtlb_is_1G_q <= '0;
- end else begin
- lsu_vaddr_q <= lsu_vaddr_n;
- lsu_req_q <= lsu_req_n;
- misaligned_ex_q <= misaligned_ex_n;
- dtlb_pte_q <= dtlb_pte_n;
- dtlb_hit_q <= dtlb_hit_n;
- lsu_is_store_q <= lsu_is_store_n;
- dtlb_is_2M_q <= dtlb_is_2M_n;
- dtlb_is_1G_q <= dtlb_is_1G_n;
- end
- end
- endmodule
+ with m.If (lsu_is_store_q):
+ le = lsu_exception_o
+ m.d.comb += [le.cause.eq(STORE_PAGE_FAULT),
+ le.tval.eq(uaddr64),
+ le.valid.eq(1)
+ ]
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += [le.cause.eq(LOAD_PAGE_FAULT),
+ le.tval.eq(uaddr64),
+ le.valid.eq(1)
+ ]