--- /dev/null
+""" key strategic example showing how to do multi-input fan-in into a
+ multi-stage pipeline, then multi-output fanout.
+ the multiplex ID from the fan-in is passed in to the pipeline, preserved,
+ and used as a routing ID on the fanout.
+from random import randint
+from math import log
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Value
+from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
+from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
+from multipipe import CombMultiOutPipeline
+from multipipe import CombMultiInPipeline, InputPriorityArbiter
+from singlepipe import UnbufferedPipeline
+class PriorityUnbufferedPipeline(CombMultiInPipeline):
+ def __init__(self, stage, p_len):
+ p_mux = InputPriorityArbiter(self, p_len)
+ CombMultiInPipeline.__init__(self, stage, p_len=p_len, p_mux=p_mux)
+ def ports(self):
+ return self.p_mux.ports()
+ #return UnbufferedPipeline.ports(self) + self.p_mux.ports()
+class MuxUnbufferedPipeline(CombMultiOutPipeline):
+ def __init__(self, stage, n_len):
+ # HACK: stage is also the n-way multiplexer
+ CombMultiOutPipeline.__init__(self, stage, n_len=n_len, n_mux=stage)
+ # HACK: n-mux is also the stage... so set the muxid equal to input mid
+ stage.m_id = self.p.i_data.mid
+ def ports(self):
+ return self.p_mux.ports()
+class PassData: # (Value):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.mid = Signal(2, reset_less=True)
+ self.idx = Signal(8, reset_less=True)
+ self.data = Signal(16, reset_less=True)
+ def _rhs_signals(self):
+ return self.ports()
+ def shape(self):
+ bits, sign = 0, False
+ for elem_bits, elem_sign in (elem.shape() for elem in self.ports()):
+ bits = max(bits, elem_bits + elem_sign)
+ sign = max(sign, elem_sign)
+ return bits, sign
+ def eq(self, i):
+ return [self.mid.eq(i.mid), self.idx.eq(i.idx), self.data.eq(i.data)]
+ def ports(self):
+ return [self.mid, self.idx, self.data]
+class PassThroughStage:
+ def ispec(self):
+ return PassData()
+ def ospec(self):
+ return self.ispec() # same as ospec
+ def process(self, i):
+ return i # pass-through
+class PassThroughPipe(UnbufferedPipeline):
+ def __init__(self):
+ UnbufferedPipeline.__init__(self, PassThroughStage())
+class InputTest:
+ def __init__(self, dut):
+ self.dut = dut
+ self.di = {}
+ self.do = {}
+ self.tlen = 100
+ for mid in range(dut.num_rows):
+ self.di[mid] = {}
+ self.do[mid] = {}
+ for i in range(self.tlen):
+ self.di[mid][i] = randint(0, 255) + (mid<<8)
+ self.do[mid][i] = self.di[mid][i]
+ def send(self, mid):
+ for i in range(self.tlen):
+ op2 = self.di[mid][i]
+ rs = dut.p[mid]
+ yield rs.i_valid.eq(1)
+ yield rs.i_data.data.eq(op2)
+ yield rs.i_data.idx.eq(i)
+ yield rs.i_data.mid.eq(mid)
+ yield
+ o_p_ready = yield rs.o_ready
+ while not o_p_ready:
+ yield
+ o_p_ready = yield rs.o_ready
+ print ("send", mid, i, hex(op2))
+ yield rs.i_valid.eq(0)
+ # wait random period of time before queueing another value
+ for i in range(randint(0, 3)):
+ yield
+ yield rs.i_valid.eq(0)
+ yield
+ print ("send ended", mid)
+ ## wait random period of time before queueing another value
+ #for i in range(randint(0, 3)):
+ # yield
+ #send_range = randint(0, 3)
+ #if send_range == 0:
+ # send = True
+ #else:
+ # send = randint(0, send_range) != 0
+ def rcv(self, mid):
+ while True:
+ #stall_range = randint(0, 3)
+ #for j in range(randint(1,10)):
+ # stall = randint(0, stall_range) != 0
+ # yield self.dut.n[0].i_ready.eq(stall)
+ # yield
+ n = self.dut.n[mid]
+ yield n.i_ready.eq(1)
+ yield
+ o_n_valid = yield n.o_valid
+ i_n_ready = yield n.i_ready
+ if not o_n_valid or not i_n_ready:
+ continue
+ out_mid = yield n.o_data.mid
+ out_i = yield n.o_data.idx
+ out_v = yield n.o_data.data
+ print ("recv", out_mid, out_i, hex(out_v))
+ # see if this output has occurred already, delete it if it has
+ assert mid == out_mid, "out_mid %d not correct %d" % (out_mid, mid)
+ assert out_i in self.do[mid], "out_i %d not in array %s" % \
+ (out_i, repr(self.do[mid]))
+ assert self.do[mid][out_i] == out_v # pass-through data
+ del self.do[mid][out_i]
+ # check if there's any more outputs
+ if len(self.do[mid]) == 0:
+ break
+ print ("recv ended", mid)
+class TestPriorityMuxPipe(PriorityUnbufferedPipeline):
+ def __init__(self, num_rows):
+ self.num_rows = num_rows
+ stage = PassThroughStage()
+ PriorityUnbufferedPipeline.__init__(self, stage, p_len=self.num_rows)
+ def ports(self):
+ res = []
+ for i in range(len(self.p)):
+ res += [self.p[i].i_valid, self.p[i].o_ready] + \
+ self.p[i].i_data.ports()
+ res += [self.n.i_ready, self.n.o_valid] + \
+ self.n.o_data.ports()
+ return res
+class OutputTest:
+ def __init__(self, dut):
+ self.dut = dut
+ self.di = []
+ self.do = {}
+ self.tlen = 100
+ for i in range(self.tlen * dut.num_rows):
+ if i < dut.num_rows:
+ mid = i
+ else:
+ mid = randint(0, dut.num_rows-1)
+ data = randint(0, 255) + (mid<<8)
+ def send(self):
+ for i in range(self.tlen * dut.num_rows):
+ op2 = self.di[i][0]
+ mid = self.di[i][1]
+ rs = dut.p
+ yield rs.i_valid.eq(1)
+ yield rs.i_data.data.eq(op2)
+ yield rs.i_data.mid.eq(mid)
+ yield
+ o_p_ready = yield rs.o_ready
+ while not o_p_ready:
+ yield
+ o_p_ready = yield rs.o_ready
+ print ("send", mid, i, hex(op2))
+ yield rs.i_valid.eq(0)
+ # wait random period of time before queueing another value
+ for i in range(randint(0, 3)):
+ yield
+ yield rs.i_valid.eq(0)
+class TestMuxOutPipe(MuxUnbufferedPipeline):
+ def __init__(self, num_rows):
+ self.num_rows = num_rows
+ stage = PassThroughStage()
+ MuxUnbufferedPipeline.__init__(self, stage, n_len=self.num_rows)
+ def ports(self):
+ res = [self.p.i_valid, self.p.o_ready] + \
+ self.p.i_data.ports()
+ for i in range(len(self.n)):
+ res += [self.n[i].i_ready, self.n[i].o_valid] + \
+ self.n[i].o_data.ports()
+ return res
+class TestInOutPipe:
+ def __init__(self, num_rows=4):
+ self.num_rows = num_rows
+ self.inpipe = TestPriorityMuxPipe(num_rows)
+ self.pipe1 = PassThroughPipe()
+ self.pipe2 = PassThroughPipe()
+ self.outpipe = TestMuxOutPipe(num_rows)
+ self.p = self.inpipe.p
+ self.n = self.outpipe.n
+ self._ports = self.inpipe.ports() + self.outpipe.ports()
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.inpipe = self.inpipe
+ m.submodules.pipe1 = self.pipe1
+ m.submodules.pipe2 = self.pipe2
+ m.submodules.outpipe = self.outpipe
+ m.d.comb += self.inpipe.n.connect_to_next(self.pipe1.p)
+ m.d.comb += self.pipe1.connect_to_next(self.pipe2)
+ m.d.comb += self.pipe1.connect_to_next(self.outpipe)
+ return m
+ def ports(self):
+ return self._ports
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ dut = TestInOutPipe()
+ vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
+ with open("test_inoutmux_pipe.il", "w") as f:
+ f.write(vl)
+ #run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_inputgroup.vcd")
+ test = InputTest(dut)
+ run_simulation(dut, [test.rcv(1), test.rcv(0),
+ test.rcv(3), test.rcv(2),
+ test.send(0), test.send(1),
+ test.send(3), test.send(2),
+ ],
+ vcd_name="test_inoutmux_pipe.vcd")