--- /dev/null
+import os
+import unittest
+from nmigen import Elaboratable, Signal, Module, Repl
+from nmigen.asserts import Assert, Cover
+from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
+from nmutil.gtkw import write_gtkw
+from nmutil.ripple import RippleLSB
+from ieee754.part_mul_add.partpoints import PartitionPoints
+from ieee754.part.formal.proof_partition import GateGenerator
+from ieee754.part_cmp.eq_gt_ge import PartitionedEqGtGe
+class Driver(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # inputs and outputs
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def elaborate(_):
+ m = Module()
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ width = 64
+ mwidth = 8
+ # Setup partition points and gates
+ points = PartitionPoints()
+ gates = Signal(mwidth-1)
+ step = int(width/mwidth)
+ for i in range(mwidth-1):
+ points[(i+1)*step] = gates[i]
+ # instantiate the DUT
+ m.submodules.dut = dut = PartitionedEqGtGe(width, points)
+ comb += dut.opcode.eq(PartitionedEqGtGe.EQ)
+ # post-process the output to ripple the LSB
+ # TODO: remove this once PartitionedEq is conformant
+ m.submodules.ripple = ripple = RippleLSB(mwidth)
+ comb += ripple.results_in.eq(dut.output)
+ comb += ripple.gates.eq(gates)
+ # instantiate the partitioned gate generator and connect the gates
+ m.submodules.gen = gen = GateGenerator(mwidth)
+ comb += gates.eq(gen.gates)
+ p_offset = gen.p_offset
+ p_width = gen.p_width
+ # generate shifted down inputs and outputs
+ p_output = Signal(mwidth)
+ p_a = Signal(width)
+ p_b = Signal(width)
+ for pos in range(mwidth):
+ with m.If(p_offset == pos):
+ # TODO: change to dut.output once PartitionedEq is conformant
+ comb += p_output.eq(ripple.output[pos:])
+ comb += p_a.eq(dut.a[pos * step:])
+ comb += p_b.eq(dut.b[pos * step:])
+ # generate and check expected values for all possible partition sizes
+ for w in range(1, mwidth+1):
+ with m.If(p_width == w):
+ # calculate the expected output, for the given bit width,
+ # truncating the inputs to the partition size
+ input_bit_width = w * step
+ output_bit_width = w
+ expected = Signal(output_bit_width, name=f"expected_{w}")
+ comb += expected[0].eq(
+ p_a[:input_bit_width] == p_b[:input_bit_width])
+ comb += expected[1:].eq(Repl(expected[0], output_bit_width-1))
+ # truncate the output, compare and assert
+ comb += Assert(p_output[:output_bit_width] == expected)
+ # output an example
+ # make the selected partition not start at the very beginning
+ comb += Cover((p_offset != 0) & (p_width == 3) & (dut.a != dut.b))
+ return m
+class PartitionedEqTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
+ def test_formal(self):
+ traces = [
+ ('p_offset[2:0]', {'base': 'dec'}),
+ ('p_width[3:0]', {'base': 'dec'}),
+ ('p_gates[8:0]', {'base': 'bin'}),
+ ('dut', {'submodule': 'dut'}, [
+ ('gates[6:0]', {'base': 'bin'}),
+ 'a[63:0]', 'b[63:0]',
+ ('output[7:0]', {'base': 'bin'})]),
+ ('ripple', {'submodule': 'ripple'}, [
+ ('output[7:0]', {'base': 'bin'})]),
+ ('p_output[7:0]', {'base': 'bin'}),
+ ('expected_3[2:0]', {'base': 'bin'})]
+ write_gtkw(
+ 'proof_partitioned_eq_gt_ge_cover.gtkw',
+ os.path.dirname(__file__) +
+ '/proof_partitioned_eq_gt_ge_formal/engine_0/trace0.vcd',
+ traces,
+ module='top',
+ zoom=-3
+ )
+ write_gtkw(
+ 'proof_partitioned_eq_gt_ge_bmc.gtkw',
+ os.path.dirname(__file__) +
+ '/proof_partitioned_eq_gt_ge_formal/engine_0/trace.vcd',
+ traces,
+ module='top',
+ zoom=-3
+ )
+ module = Driver()
+ self.assertFormal(module, mode="bmc", depth=1)
+ self.assertFormal(module, mode="cover", depth=1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()