FPGetOp (b)
- FPAddBase---> GetOps->Specials->Align->Add1/2->Norm->Round/Pack->PutZ
- |
- PutZ
+ FPAddBase---> FPAddBaseMod
+ | |
+ PutZ GetOps->Specials->Align->Add1/2->Norm->Round/Pack->PutZ
FPAddBase is tricky: it is both a stage and *has* stages.
+ Connection to FPAddBaseMod therefore requires an in stb/ack
+ and an out stb/ack. Just as with Add1-Norm1 interaction, FPGetOp
+ needs to be the thing that raises the incoming stb.
def __init__(self, width, id_wid=None, single_cycle=False):