print ("set_cu_inputs", inp)
for idx, data in inp.items():
yield from set_cu_input(cu, idx, data)
+ # gets out of sync when checking busy if there is no wait, here.
+ if len(inp) == 0:
+ yield # wait one cycle
def set_operand(cu, dec2, sim):
def get_cu_outputs(cu, code):
res = {}
wrmask = yield cu.wrmask
- print ("get_cu_outputs", cu.n_dst, wrmask)
+ wr_rel_o = yield cu.wr.rel
+ print ("get_cu_outputs", cu.n_dst, wrmask, wr_rel_o)
if not wrmask: # no point waiting (however really should doublecheck wr.rel)
return {}
# wait for at least one result
index = pc//4
msr = sim.msr.value
while True:
- print("instr index", index)
+ print("instr pc", pc)
yield from sim.setup_one()
except KeyError: # indicates instruction not in imem: stop
yield Settle()
ins, code = instructions[index]
- print(index, code)
+ print("instruction @", index, code)
# ask the decoder to decode this binary data (endian'd)
yield pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(self.bigendian) # le / be?
yield pdecode2.cia.eq(pc) # set PC "state"
yield instruction.eq(ins) # raw binary instr.
yield Settle()
+ # debugging issue with branch
+ if self.funit == Function.BRANCH:
+ lk = yield
+ fast_out2 = yield
+ fast_out2_ok = yield pdecode2.e.write_fast2.ok
+ print ("lk:", lk, fast_out2, fast_out2_ok)
+ op_lk = yield
+ print ("op_lk:", op_lk)
+ print (dir(cu.alu.pipe1.n.data_o))
fn_unit = yield
fuval = self.funit.value
self.assertEqual(fn_unit & fuval, fuval)
# set operand and get inputs
yield from set_operand(cu, pdecode2, sim)
- yield Settle()
- iname = yield from self.iodef.get_cu_inputs(pdecode2, sim)
- inp = get_inp_indexed(cu, iname)
# reset read-operand mask
rdmask = pdecode2.rdflags(cu)
#print ("hardcoded rdmask", cu.rdflags(pdecode2.e))
#print ("decoder rdmask", rdmask)
yield cu.rdmaskn.eq(~rdmask)
+ yield Settle()
+ iname = yield from self.iodef.get_cu_inputs(pdecode2, sim)
+ inp = get_inp_indexed(cu, iname)
# reset write-operand mask
for idx in range(cu.n_dst):
wrok = cu.get_out(idx)
print ("after got outputs, rd_rel, wr_rel, wrmask: ",
bin(rd_rel_o), bin(wr_rel_o), bin(wrmask))
+ # reset read-mask. IMPORTANT when there are no operands
+ yield cu.rdmaskn.eq(0)
# wait for busy to go low
while True:
busy_o = yield cu.busy_o
if not busy_o:
+ yield
+ # debugging issue with branch
+ if self.funit == Function.BRANCH:
+ lr = yield
+ lr_ok = yield
+ print ("lr:", hex(lr), lr_ok)
if self.funit == Function.LDST:
yield from dump_sim_memory(self, l0, sim, code)
name =
with sim.write_vcd("%s_simulator.vcd" % name,
- "%s_simulator.gtkw" % name,