with m.If(stopping):
# stopping: jump back to idle
m.next = "ISSUE_START"
+ if flush_needed:
+ # request the icache to stop asserting "failed"
+ comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
+ # stop instruction fault
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
with m.Else():
comb += fetch_insn_i_ready.eq(1)
with m.If(fetch_insn_o_valid):
with m.Else():
comb += dbg.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
+ if flush_needed:
+ # request the icache to stop asserting "failed"
+ comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
+ # stop instruction fault
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
+ if flush_needed:
+ # request the icache to stop asserting "failed"
+ comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
+ # stop instruction fault
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
# while stopped, allow updating the PC and SVSTATE
with m.If(self.pc_i.ok):
comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
core_busy_o = core.n.o_data.busy_o # core is busy
core_ivalid_i = core.p.i_valid # instruction is valid
+ if hasattr(core, "icache"):
+ fetch_failed = core.icache.i_out.fetch_failed
+ else:
+ fetch_failed = Const(0, 1)
with m.FSM(name="exec_fsm"):
# waiting for instruction bus (stays there until not busy)
# if we erroneously indicate "done" here, it is as if
# there were *TWO* instructions:
# 1) the failed LDST 2) a TRAP.
- with m.If(~pdecode2.ldst_exc.happened):
+ with m.If(~pdecode2.ldst_exc.happened &
+ ~fetch_failed):
comb += self.insn_done.eq(1)
m.next = "INSN_START" # back to fetch