-# entity cache_ram is
-# generic(
-# ROW_BITS : integer := 16;
-# WIDTH : integer := 64;
-# TRACE : boolean := false;
-# ADD_BUF : boolean := false
-# );
-# port(
-# clk : in std_logic;
-# rd_en : in std_logic;
-# rd_addr : in std_logic_vector(ROW_BITS - 1 downto 0);
-# rd_data : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
-# wr_sel : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH/8 - 1 downto 0);
-# wr_addr : in std_logic_vector(ROW_BITS - 1 downto 0);
-# wr_data : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH - 1 downto 0)
-# );
-# end cache_ram;
-# architecture rtl of cache_ram is
-# constant SIZE : integer := 2**ROW_BITS;
-# type ram_type is array (0 to SIZE - 1) of std_logic_vector(WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
-# signal ram : ram_type;
-# attribute ram_style : string;
-# attribute ram_style of ram : signal is "block";
-# signal rd_data0 : std_logic_vector(WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
-# begin
-# process(clk)
-# variable lbit : integer range 0 to WIDTH - 1;
-# variable mbit : integer range 0 to WIDTH - 1;
-# variable widx : integer range 0 to SIZE - 1;
-# constant sel0 : std_logic_vector(WIDTH/8 - 1 downto 0)
-# := (others => '0');
-# begin
-# if rising_edge(clk) then
-# with m.If( TRACE then
-# with m.If( wr_sel /= sel0 then
-# report "write a:" & to_hstring(wr_addr) &
-# " sel:" & to_hstring(wr_sel) &
-# " dat:" & to_hstring(wr_data);
-# end with m.If(;
-# end with m.If(;
-# for i in 0 to WIDTH/8-1 loop
-# lbit := i * 8;
-# mbit := lbit + 7;
-# widx := to_integer(unsigned(wr_addr));
-# with m.If( wr_sel(i) = '1' then
-# ram(widx)(mbit downto lbit) <= wr_data(mbit downto lbit);
-# end with m.If(;
-# end loop;
-# with m.If( rd_en = '1' then
-# rd_data0 <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(rd_addr)));
-# if TRACE then
-# report "read a:" & to_hstring(rd_addr) &
-# " dat:" & to_hstring(ram(to_integer(unsigned(rd_addr))));
-# end with m.If(;
-# end with m.If(;
-# end with m.If(;
-# end process;
-# buf: with m.If( ADD_BUF generate
-# begin
-# process(clk)
-# begin
-# with m.If( rising_edge(clk) then
-# rd_data <= rd_data0;
-# end with m.If(;
-# end process;
-# end generate;
-# nobuf: with m.If( not ADD_BUF generate
-# begin
-# rd_data <= rd_data0;
-# end generate;
-# end;
+# TODO: replace with Memory at some point
+from nmigen import Elaboratable, Signal, Array, Module
+class CacheRam(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, ROW_BITS=16, WIDTH = 64, TRACE=False, ADD_BUF=False):
+ self.WIDTH = WIDTH
+ self.TRACE = TRACE
+ self.ADD_BUF = ADD_BUF
+ self.rd_en = Signal()
+ self.rd_addr = Signal(ROW_BITS)
+ self.rd_data_o = Signal(WIDTH)
+ self.wr_sel = Signal(WIDTH//8)
+ self.wr_addr = Signal(ROW_BITS)
+ self.wr_data = Signal(WIDTH)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ WIDTH = self.WIDTH
+ TRACE = self.TRACE
+ ADD_BUF = self.ADD_BUF
+ ram = Array(Signal(WIDTH) for i in range(SIZE))
+ #attribute ram_style of ram : signal is "block";
+ rd_data0 = Signal(WIDTH)
+ sel0 = Signal(WIDTH//8) # defaults to zero
+ with m.If(TRACE):
+ with m.If(self.wr_sel != sel0):
+ #Display( "write a:" & to_hstring(wr_addr) &
+ # " sel:" & to_hstring(wr_sel) &
+ # " dat:" & to_hstring(wr_data))
+ pass
+ for i in range(WIDTH//8):
+ lbit = i * 8;
+ mbit = lbit + 8;
+ with m.If(self.wr_sel[i]):
+ sync += ram[self.wr_addr][lbit:mbit].eq(wr_data(lbit:mbit]))
+ with m.If(self.rd_en):
+ if ADD_BUF:
+ sync += self.rd_data_o.eq(ram[rd_addr])
+ else:
+ comb += self.rd_data_o.eq(ram[rd_addr])
+ if TRACE:
+ # Display( "read a:" & to_hstring(rd_addr) &
+ #" dat:" & to_hstring(ram(to_integer(unsigned(rd_addr))));
+ pass
+ return m
from nmigen.iocontrol import RecordObject
from nmigen.util import log2_int
-from experiment.mem_types import LoadStore1ToDCacheType,
+from soc.experiment.mem_types import LoadStore1ToDCacheType,
-from experiment.wb_types import WB_ADDR_BITS, WB_DATA_BITS, WB_SEL_BITS,
+from soc.experiment.wb_types import WB_ADDR_BITS, WB_DATA_BITS, WB_SEL_BITS,
WBAddrType, WBDataType, WBSelType,
WbMasterOut, WBSlaveOut,
WBMasterOutVector, WBSlaveOutVector,
WBIOMasterOut, WBIOSlaveOut
+from soc.experiment.cache_ram import CacheRam
# TODO: make these parameters of DCache at some point
LINE_SIZE = 64 # Line size in bytes
NUM_LINES = 32 # Number of lines in a set
--- /dev/null
+# based on microwatt plru.vhdl
+from nmigen import Elaboratable, Signal, Array, Module
+class PLRU(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, BITS=2):
+ self.BITS = BITS
+ self.acc = Signal(BITS)
+ self.acc_en = Signal()
+ self.lru_o = Signal(BITS)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ tree = Array(Signal() for i in range(self.BITS))
+ # XXX Check if we can turn that into a little ROM instead that
+ # takes the tree bit vector and returns the LRU. See if it's better
+ # in term of FPGA resouces usage...
+ node = Signal(self.BITS)
+ for i in range(self.BITS):
+ node_next = Signal(self.BITS)
+ node2 = Signal(self.BITS)
+ # report "GET: i:" & integer'image(i) & " node:" &
+ # integer'image(node) & " val:" & Signal()'image(tree(node))
+ comb += self.lru_o[self.BITS-1-i].eq(tree[node])
+ if i != BITS-1:
+ comb += node2.eq(node << 1)
+ else:
+ comb += node2.eq(node)
+ with m.If(tree[node]):
+ comb += node_next.eq(node2 + 2)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += node_next.eq(node2 + 1)
+ node = node_next
+ with m.If(self.acc_en):
+ node = Signal(self.BITS)
+ for i in range(self.BITS):
+ node_next = Signal(self.BITS)
+ node2 = Signal(self.BITS)
+ # report "GET: i:" & integer'image(i) & " node:" &
+ # integer'image(node) & " val:" & Signal()'image(tree(node))
+ abit = self.acc[self.BITS-1-i]
+ sync += tree[node].eq(~abit)
+ if i != BITS-1:
+ comb += node2.eq(node << 1)
+ else:
+ comb += node2.eq(node)
+ with m.If(abit):
+ comb += node_next.eq(node2 + 2)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += node_next.eq(node2 + 1)
+ node = node_next
+ return m