from nmigen import Elaboratable, Module, Signal, Shape, unsigned, Cat, Mux
from soc.fu.mmu.pipe_data import MMUInputData, MMUOutputData, MMUPipeSpec
from nmutil.singlepipe import ControlBase
+from nmutil.util import rising_edge
from soc.experiment.mmu import MMU
from soc.experiment.dcache import DCache
spr = Signal(len(x_fields.SPR))
comb += spr.eq(decode_spr_num(x_fields.SPR))
+ # ok so we have to "pulse" the MMU (or dcache) rather than
+ # hold the valid hi permanently. guess what this does...
+ valid = Signal()
+ blip = Signal()
+ m.d.comb += blip.eq(rising_edge(m, valid))
with m.If(~busy):
with m.If(self.p.valid_i):
m.d.sync += busy.eq(1)
comb += done.eq(1)
# pass it over to the MMU instead
with m.Else():
- # kick the MMU and wait for it to complete
- comb += m_in.valid.eq(1) # start
- comb += m_in.mtspr.eq(1) # mtspr mode
+ # blip the MMU and wait for it to complete
+ comb += valid.eq(1) # start "pulse"
+ comb += m_in.valid.eq(blip) # start
+ comb += m_in.mtspr.eq(1) # mtspr mode
comb += m_in.sprn.eq(spr) # which SPR
comb += # incoming operand (RS)
comb += done.eq(m_out.done) # zzzz
comb += done.eq(1)
# pass it over to the MMU instead
with m.Else():
- # kick the MMU and wait for it to complete
- comb += m_in.valid.eq(1) # start
+ # blip the MMU and wait for it to complete
+ comb += valid.eq(1) # start "pulse"
+ comb += m_in.valid.eq(blip) # start
comb += m_in.mtspr.eq(1) # mtspr mode
comb += m_in.sprn.eq(spr) # which SPR
comb += # incoming operand (RS)
with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_DCBZ):
# activate dcbz mode (spec: v3.0B p850)
- comb += d_in.valid.eq(1) # start
+ comb += valid.eq(1) # start "pulse"
+ comb += d_in.valid.eq(blip) # start
comb += d_in.dcbz.eq(1) # dcbz mode
comb += d_in.addr.eq(a_i + b_i) # addr is (RA|0) + RB
- comb += done.eq(d_out.done) # zzzz
+ comb += done.eq(d_out.done) # zzzz
with m.Case(MicrOp.OP_TLBIE):
# pass TLBIE request to MMU (spec: v3.0B p1034)
# note that the spr is *not* an actual spr number, it's
# just that those bits happen to match with field bits
- comb += m_in.valid.eq(1) # start
+ comb += valid.eq(1) # start "pulse"
+ comb += m_in.valid.eq(blip) # start
comb += m_in.tlbie.eq(1) # mtspr mode
comb += m_in.sprn.eq(spr) # use sprn to send insn bits
comb += m_in.addr.eq(b_i) # incoming operand (RB)