wvsets = []
wvseten = []
wvclren = []
- wvens = []
+ #wvens = [] - not needed: reading of writevec is permanently held hi
addrs = []
for i, fspec in enumerate(fspecs):
# connect up the FU req/go signals and the reg-read to the FU
# write-active indicator in regspec_decode_write()
print ("XXX FIXME waw_iactive", issue_active, fu_issue, wf)
- #comb += issue_active.eq(fu_issue & wf)
+ # check bits from the incoming instruction. note (back
+ # in connect_instruction) that the decoder is held for
+ # us to be able to do this, here... *without* issue being
+ # held HI. we MUST NOT gate this with fu.issue_i or
+ # with fu_bitdict "enable": it would create a loop
comb += issue_active.eq(wf)
with m.If(issue_active):
if rfile.unary:
comb += wvset.i_data.eq(ortreereduce_sig(wvsets))
# for write-after-write. this gets the write vector one cycle
- # late but that's ok
+ # late but that's ok... no, actually it's essential, and here's why:
+ # on issue, the write-to-bitvector occurs, but occurs one cycle late.
+ # if we were not reading the write-bitvector one cycle early (its
+ # previous state on the previous cycle), we would end up reading
+ # our *own* write-request as a write-after-write hazard!
comb += wvchk.ren.eq(-1) # always enable #ortreereduce_sig(wvens))
def connect_wrports(self, m, fu_bitdict, fu_selected):