from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
from math import log
-from ieee754.fpcommon.fpbase import Overflow, FPNumBase, FPNumBaseRecord
+from ieee754.fpcommon.fpbase import (Overflow, OverflowMod,
+ FPNumBase, FPNumBaseRecord)
from ieee754.fpcommon.fpbase import MultiShiftRMerge
from ieee754.fpcommon.fpbase import FPState
from ieee754.fpcommon.getop import FPPipeContext
pe = PriorityEncoder(mwid)
m.submodules.norm_pe = pe
- of = Overflow()
- m.d.comb += self.o.roundz.eq(of.roundz)
+ of = OverflowMod("norm1of_")
#m.submodules.norm1_out_z = self.o.z
- #m.submodules.norm1_out_overflow = of
+ m.submodules.norm1_out_overflow = of
#m.submodules.norm1_in_z = self.i.z
#m.submodules.norm1_in_overflow = self.i.of
i = self.ispec()
+ = "norm1_i_of_guard"
+ = "norm1_i_of_roundbit"
+ = "norm1_i_of_sticky"
+ = "norm1_i_of_m0"
m.submodules.norm1_insel_z = insel_z = FPNumBase(i.z)
- #m.submodules.norm1_insel_overflow = i.of
+ #m.submodules.norm1_insel_overflow = iof = OverflowMod("iof")
espec = (len(insel_z.e), True)
ediff_n126 = Signal(espec, reset_less=True)
m.d.comb += i.eq(self.i)
# initialise out from in (overridden below)
m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(insel_z)
- m.d.comb += of.eq(i.of)
+ m.d.comb += Overflow.eq(of, i.of)
# normalisation increase/decrease conditions
decrease = Signal(reset_less=True)
increase = Signal(reset_less=True)
# *sigh* not entirely obvious: count leading zeros (clz)
# with a PriorityEncoder: to find from the MSB
# we reverse the order of the bits.
- temp_m = Signal(mwid, reset_less=True)
- temp_s = Signal(mwid+1, reset_less=True)
+ temp_m = Signal(mwid+1, reset_less=True)
+ temp_r = Signal(mwid+2, reset_less=True) # mask
+ temp_s = Signal(mwid+2, reset_less=True)
clz = Signal((len(insel_z.e), True), reset_less=True)
# make sure that the amount to decrease by does NOT
# go below the minimum non-INF/NaN exponent
limclz = Mux(insel_z.exp_sub_n126 > pe.o, pe.o,
+ with m.If(temp_m[0]):
+ # propagate low bit: do an ASL basically, except
+ # i can't work out how to do it in nmigen sigh
+ m.d.comb += temp_r.eq((temp_m[0] << clz) -1)
m.d.comb += [
# cat round and guard bits back into the mantissa
- temp_m.eq(Cat(i.of.round_bit, i.of.guard, insel_z.m)),
+ temp_m.eq(Cat(i.of.sticky, i.of.round_bit, i.of.guard,
+ insel_z.m)),
pe.i.eq(temp_m[::-1]), # inverted
clz.eq(limclz), # count zeros from MSB down
- temp_s.eq(temp_m << clz), # shift mantissa UP
+ temp_s.eq((temp_m << clz) | temp_r), # shift mantissa UP
self.o.z.e.eq(insel_z.e - clz), # DECREASE exponent
- self.o.z.m.eq(temp_s[2:]), # exclude bits 0&1
- of.m0.eq(temp_s[2]), # copy of mantissa[0]
+ self.o.z.m.eq(temp_s[3:]), # exclude bits 0&1
+ of.m0.eq(temp_s[3]), # copy of mantissa[0]
# overflow in bits 0..1: got shifted too (leave sticky)
- of.guard.eq(temp_s[1]), # guard
- of.round_bit.eq(temp_s[0]), # round
+ of.guard.eq(temp_s[2]), # guard
+ of.round_bit.eq(temp_s[1]), # round
# increase exponent
with m.Elif(increase):
self.o.z.e.eq(insel_z.e + ediff_n126),
+ m.d.comb += self.o.roundz.eq(of.roundz_out)
m.d.comb += self.o.ctx.eq(self.i.ctx)
m.d.comb += self.o.out_do_z.eq(self.i.out_do_z)
m.d.comb += self.o.oz.eq(self.i.oz)