with open("test_shifter.il", "w") as f:
- # Describe a GTKWave document
- # Style for signals, classes and groups
gtkwave_style = {
- # Root selector. Gives default attributes for every signal.
- '': {'base': 'dec'},
- # color the traces, according to class
- # class names are not hardcoded, they are just strings
'in': {'color': 'orange'},
'out': {'color': 'yellow'},
- # signals in the debug group have a common color and module path
- 'debug': {'module': 'top', 'color': 'red'},
- # display a different string replacing the signal name
- 'test_case': {'display': 'test case'},
- # DOM style description for the trace pane
gtkwave_desc = [
- # simple signal, without a class
- # even so, it inherits the top-level root attributes
- # comment
{'comment': 'Shifter Demonstration'},
- # collapsible signal group
('prev port', [
- # attach a class style for each signal
('op__sdir', 'in'),
('p_data_i[7:0]', 'in'),
('p_shift_i[7:0]', 'in'),
('p_valid_i', 'in'),
('p_ready_o', 'out'),
- # Signals in a signal group inherit the group attributes.
- # In this case, a different module path and color.
- ('debug', [
- {'comment': 'Some debug statements'},
- # inline attributes, instead of a class name
- ('zero', {'display': 'zero delay shift'}),
- 'interesting',
- 'test_case',
- 'msg',
- ]),
('internal', [
write_gtkw("test_shifter.gtkw", "test_shifter.vcd",
gtkwave_desc, gtkwave_style,
- module="top.shf", loc=__file__, marker=10500000)
+ module="top.shf", loc=__file__, base='dec')
sim = Simulator(m)
- # demonstrates adding extra debug signal traces
- # they end up in the top module
- #
- zero = Signal() # mark an interesting place
- #
- # demonstrates string traces
- #
- # display a message when the signal is high
- # the low level is just an horizontal line
- interesting = Signal(decoder=lambda v: 'interesting!' if v else '')
- # choose between alternate strings based on numerical value
- test_cases = ['', '13>>2', '3<<4', '21<<0']
- test_case = Signal(8, decoder=lambda v: test_cases[v])
- # hack to display arbitrary strings, like debug statements
- msg = Signal(decoder=lambda _: msg.str)
- msg.str = ''
def send(data, shift, direction):
# present input data and assert valid_i
yield dut.p.data_i.data.eq(data)
while not (yield dut.p.ready_o):
# show current operation operation
- if direction:
- msg.str = f'{data}>>{shift}'
- else:
- msg.str = f'{data}<<{shift}'
# force dump of the above message by toggling the
# underlying signal
- yield msg.eq(0)
- yield msg.eq(1)
# clear input data and negate p.valid_i
yield dut.p.valid_i.eq(0)
yield dut.p.data_i.data.eq(0)
# check result
assert result == expected
# finish displaying the current operation
- msg.str = ''
- yield msg.eq(0)
- yield msg.eq(1)
def producer():
# 13 >> 2
# 21 << 0
# use a debug signal to mark an interesting operation
# in this case, it is a shift by zero
- yield interesting.eq(1)
yield from send(21, 0, 0)
- yield interesting.eq(0)
def consumer():
# the consumer is not in step with the producer, but the
# order of the results are preserved
# 13 >> 2 = 3
- yield test_case.eq(1)
yield from receive(3)
# 3 << 4 = 48
- yield test_case.eq(2)
yield from receive(48)
# 21 << 0 = 21
- yield test_case.eq(3)
# you can look for the rising edge of this signal to quickly
# locate this point in the traces
- yield zero.eq(1)
yield from receive(21)
- yield zero.eq(0)
- yield test_case.eq(0)
- sim_writer = sim.write_vcd(
- "test_shifter.vcd",
- # include additional signals in the trace dump
- traces=[zero, interesting, test_case, msg],
- )
+ sim_writer = sim.write_vcd("test_shifter.vcd")
with sim_writer: