-# This stage is intended to do most of the work of executing the ALU
-# instructions. This would be like the additions, logical operations,
+# This stage is intended to do most of the work of executing the Arithmetic
+# instructions. This would be like the additions, compares, and sign-extension
# and shifting, as well as carry and overflow generation. This module
# however should not gate the carry or overflow, that's up to the
# output stage
m = Module()
comb = m.d.comb
# check if op is 32-bit, and get sign bit from operand a
is_32bit = Signal(reset_less=True)
sign_bit = Signal(reset_less=True)
# main switch-statement for handling arithmetic and logic operations
with m.Switch(self.i.ctx.op.insn_type):
+ #### CMP, CMPL ####
+ # TODO with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_CMP):
#### add ####
with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_ADD):
# little trick: do the add using only one add (not 2)