from nmigen import Module, Elaboratable, Signal
import csv
import os
-from enum import Enum, unique
-class Function(Enum):
- ALU = 0
- LDST = 1
-class InternalOp(Enum):
- OP_ADD = 0
- OP_AND = 1
- OP_B = 2
- OP_BC = 3
- OP_CMP = 4
- OP_LOAD = 5
- OP_MUL_L64 = 6
- OP_OR = 7
- OP_RLC = 8
- OP_STORE = 9
- OP_TDI = 10
- OP_XOR = 11
-class In1Sel(Enum):
- RA = 0
- RA_OR_ZERO = 1
- NONE = 2
- SPR = 3
-class In2Sel(Enum):
- CONST_SI = 0
- CONST_UI = 2
- CONST_LI = 4
- CONST_BD = 5
- CONST_SH32 = 6
- RB = 7
-class In3Sel(Enum):
- NONE = 0
- RS = 1
-class OutSel(Enum):
- RT = 0
- RA = 1
- NONE = 2
- SPR = 3
-class LdstLen(Enum):
- NONE = 0
- is1B = 1
- is2B = 2
- is4B = 3
-class RC(Enum):
- NONE = 0
- ONE = 1
- RC = 2
-class CryIn(Enum):
- ZERO = 0
- ONE = 1
- CA = 2
+from power_enums import (Function, InternalOp, In1Sel, In2Sel, In3Sel,
+ OutSel, RC, LdstLen, CryIn)
# names of the fields in major.csv that don't correspond to an enum
import sys
import unittest
-from power_major_decoder import (PowerMajorDecoder, Function,
- In1Sel, In2Sel, In3Sel, OutSel,
- LdstLen, RC, CryIn,
- single_bit_flags, get_signal_name,
- InternalOp, major_opcodes)
+from power_major_decoder import (PowerMajorDecoder, single_bit_flags,
+ get_signal_name, major_opcodes)
+from power_enums import (Function, InternalOp, In1Sel, In2Sel, In3Sel,
+ OutSel, RC, LdstLen, CryIn)
class DecoderTestCase(FHDLTestCase):