spec.reg_wid = wordsize*8 # 32
self.bus = Record(make_wb_layout(spec), name="gpio_wb")
- #print("CSRBUS layout: ", csrbus_layout)
- # MultiCSR read and write buses
- temp = []
- for i in range(self.wordsize):
- temp_str = "rd_word{}".format(i)
- temp.append(Record(name=temp_str, layout=csrbus_layout))
- self.rd_multicsr = Array(temp)
- temp = []
- for i in range(self.wordsize):
- temp_str = "wr_word{}".format(i)
- temp.append(Record(name=temp_str, layout=csrbus_layout))
- self.wr_multicsr = Array(temp)
temp = []
for i in range(self.n_gpio):
- temp_str = "gpio{}".format(i)
- temp.append(Record(name=temp_str, layout=gpio_layout))
+ name = "gpio{}".format(i)
+ temp.append(Record(name=name, layout=gpio_layout))
self.gpio_ports = Array(temp)
def elaborate(self, platform):
wb_ack = bus.ack
gpio_ports = self.gpio_ports
- wr_multi = self.wr_multicsr
- rd_multi = self.rd_multicsr
+ # MultiCSR read and write buses
+ rd_multi = []
+ for i in range(self.wordsize):
+ name = "rd_word%d" % i
+ rd_multi.append(Record(name=name, layout=csrbus_layout))
+ wr_multi = []
+ for i in range(self.wordsize):
+ name = "wr_word%d" % i
+ wr_multi.append(Record(name=name, layout=csrbus_layout))
+ # Combinatorial data reformarting for ease of connection
+ # Split the WB data into bytes for use with individual GPIOs
+ comb += Cat(*wr_multi).eq(wb_wr_data)
+ comb += wb_rd_data.eq(Cat(*rd_multi))
# Flag for indicating rd/wr transactions
new_transaction = Signal(1)
with m.If(bus.we): # write
sync += wb_ack.eq(1) # always ack, always delayed
- # Split the WB data into bytes for individual GPIOs
- sync += Cat(*wr_multi).eq(wb_wr_data)
with m.Else():
# Update the read multi bus with current GPIO configs
# not ack'ing as we need to wait 1 clk cycle before data ready
- # New code based on Luke's idea (still using intermediate
- # signal for Layouts)
for i in range(len(bus.sel)):
GPIO_num = Signal(16) # fixed for now
comb += GPIO_num.eq(bus.adr*len(bus.sel)+i)
# Copy the GPIO config data in read multi bus to the WB data bus
# Ack as we're done
with m.Else():
- sync += wb_rd_data.eq(Cat(*rd_multi))
sync += wb_ack.eq(1) # Delay ack until rd data is ready!
return m