return Array(Signal(name="tlb_valid%d" % x)
for x in range(TLB_SIZE))
-def TLBArray():
- tlb_layout = [
- ('tag', TLB_EA_TAG_BITS),
+def TLBRecord(name):
+ tlb_layout = [ ('tag', TLB_EA_TAG_BITS),
('pte', TLB_PTE_BITS)
- return Array(Record(tlb_layout, name="tlb%d" % x) for x in range(TLB_SIZE))
+ return Record(tlb_layout, name=name)
+def TLBArray():
+ return Array(TLBRecord("tlb%d" % x) for x in range(TLB_SIZE))
# PLRU output interface
def PLRUOut():
i_in = self.i_in
- pte = Signal(TLB_PTE_BITS)
- ttag = Signal(TLB_EA_TAG_BITS)
+ # use an *asynchronous* Memory read port here (combinatorial)
+ m.submodules.rd_tlb = rd_tlb = self.tlbmem.read_port(domain="comb")
+ tlb = TLBRecord("tlb_rdport")
+ pte, ttag = tlb.pte, tlb.tag
comb += tlb_req_index.eq(hash_ea(i_in.nia))
- comb += pte.eq(itlb[tlb_req_index].pte)
- comb += ttag.eq(itlb[tlb_req_index].tag)
+ comb += rd_tlb.addr.eq(tlb_req_index)
+ comb += tlb.eq(
with m.If(i_in.virt_mode):
comb += real_addr.eq(Cat(i_in.nia[:TLB_LG_PGSZ],
wr_index = Signal(TLB_SIZE)
comb += wr_index.eq(hash_ea(m_in.addr))
+ m.submodules.wr_tlb = wr_tlb = self.tlbmem.write_port()
with m.If(m_in.tlbie & m_in.doall):
# Clear all valid bits
for i in range(TLB_SIZE):
sync += itlb_valid[wr_index].eq(0)
with m.Elif(m_in.tlbld):
- sync += itlb[wr_index].tag.eq(m_in.addr[TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_BITS:64])
- sync += itlb[wr_index].pte.eq(m_in.pte)
+ tlb = TLBRecord("tlb_wrport")
+ comb += tlb.tag.eq(m_in.addr[TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_BITS:64])
+ comb += tlb.pte.eq(m_in.pte)
+ comb += wr_tlb.en.eq(1)
+ comb += wr_tlb.addr.eq(wr_index)
+ comb +=
sync += itlb_valid[wr_index].eq(1)
# Cache hit detection, output to fetch2 and other misc logic
plru_victim = Signal(WAY_BITS)
replace_way = Signal(WAY_BITS)
+ self.tlbmem = Memory(depth=TLB_SIZE, width=TLB_EA_TAG_BITS+TLB_PTE_BITS)
# call sub-functions putting everything together,
# using shared signals established above
self.rams(m, r, cache_out_row, use_previous, replace_way, req_row)