-# Autogenerated file. Changes will be overwritten.
-import CRL, Hurricane, Viewer, Cfg
-from Hurricane import (
- Technology, DataBase, DbU, Library,
- Layer, BasicLayer,
- Cell, Net, Vertical, Rectilinear, Box, Point,
- Instance, Transformation,
- NetExternalComponents,
-from common.colors import toRGB
-from common.patterns import toHexa
-from helpers import u, l
+import CRL
+import Hurricane
+import Viewer
+import Cfg
+from Hurricane import Technology, DataBase, DbU, Library, \
+ Layer, BasicLayer, Cell, Net, Vertical, \
+ Rectilinear, Box, Point, Instance, \
+ Transformation, NetExternalComponents, \
+ Horizontal, Pad
+from common.colors import toRGB
+from common.patterns import toHexa
+from helpers import u, l
from helpers.technology import setEnclosures
-from helpers.overlay import CfgCache, UpdateSession
+from helpers.overlay import CfgCache, UpdateSession
-__all__ = ["setup"]
-def createRL(tech, net, layer, coords):
- return
- coords = [Point(u(x), u(y)) for x,y in coords]
- Rectilinear.create(net, tech.getLayer(layer), coords)
-def _routing():
- return # all commented-out for now
- af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
- db = DataBase.getDB()
- tech = db.getTechnology()
- rg = CRL.RoutingGauge.create('LibreSOCMem')
- rg.setSymbolic(False)
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal1')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal1_via1_metal2')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.035)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.PinOnly, 0, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.21), u(0.065), u(0.065), u(0.065), u(0.065),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal2')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal1_via1_metal2')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.035)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal2_via2_metal3')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.035)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 1, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.21), u(0.14), u(0.07), u(0.07), u(0.07),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal3')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal2_via2_metal3')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.035), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal3_via3_metal4')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.035), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 2, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.21), u(0.14), u(0.07), u(0.07), u(0.07),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal4')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal3_via3_metal4')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal4_via4_metal5')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 3, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.28), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal5')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal4_via4_metal5')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal5_via5_metal6')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 4, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.28), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal6')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal5_via5_metal6')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal6_via6_metal7')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 5, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.28), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal7')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal6_via6_metal7')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal7_via7_metal8')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 6, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.8), u(0.4), u(0.4), u(0.4), u(0.4),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal8')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal7_via7_metal8')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal8_via8_metal9')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 7, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.8), u(0.4), u(0.4), u(0.4), u(0.4),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal9')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal8_via8_metal9')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal9_via9_metal10')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 8, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(1.6), u(0.8), u(0.8), u(0.8), u(0.8),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal10')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal9_via9_metal10')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 9, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(1.6), u(0.8), u(0.8), u(0.8), u(0.8),
- ))
- af.addRoutingGauge(rg)
- af.setRoutingGauge('LibreSOCMem')
- cg = CRL.CellGauge.create(
- 'LibreSOCMem', 'metal2',
- u(0.4), u(4.0), u(0.4),
- )
- af.addCellGauge(cg)
- af.setCellGauge('LibreSOCMem')
- # Place & Route setup
- with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.ConfigurationFile) as cfg:
- cfg.lefImport.minTerminalWidth = 0.0
- cfg.crlcore.groundName = 'vss'
- cfg.crlcore.powerName = 'vdd'
- cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.00
- cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = [10, 1000]
- cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10
- cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = False
- cfg.etesian.routingDriven = False
- cfg.etesian.feedNames = 'tie_x0,fill_x0'
- cfg.etesian.cell.zero = 'zero_x0'
- cfg.etesian.cell.one = 'one_x0'
- cfg.etesian.bloat = 'disabled'
- cfg.etesian.effort = 2
- cfg.etesian.effort = (
- ('Fast', 1),
- ('Standard', 2),
- ('High', 3 ),
- ('Extreme', 4 ),
- )
- cfg.etesian.graphics = 2
- cfg.etesian.graphics = (
- ('Show every step', 1),
- ('Show lower bound', 2),
- ('Show result only', 3),
- )
- cfg.anabatic.routingGauge = 'LibreSOCMem'
- cfg.anabatic.globalLengthThreshold = 1450
- cfg.anabatic.saturateRatio = 90
- cfg.anabatic.saturateRp = 10
- cfg.anabatic.topRoutingLayer = 'metal10'
- cfg.anabatic.edgeLength = 48
- cfg.anabatic.edgeWidth = 8
- cfg.anabatic.edgeCostH = 9.0
- cfg.anabatic.edgeCostK = -10.0
- cfg.anabatic.edgeHInc = 1.0
- cfg.anabatic.edgeHScaling = 1.0
- cfg.anabatic.globalIterations = 10
- cfg.anabatic.globalIterations = [ 1, 100 ]
- cfg.anabatic.gcell.displayMode = 1
- cfg.anabatic.gcell.displayMode = (("Boundary", 1), ("Density", 2))
- cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 4
- cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = [0, 20]
- cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 3
- cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = [0, 20]
- cfg.katana.termSatReservedLocal = 8
- cfg.katana.termSatThreshold = 9
- cfg.katana.eventsLimit = 4000002
- cfg.katana.ripupCost = 3
- cfg.katana.ripupCost = [0, None]
- cfg.katana.strapRipupLimit = 16
- cfg.katana.strapRipupLimit = [1, None]
- cfg.katana.localRipupLimit = 9
- cfg.katana.localRipupLimit = [1, None]
- cfg.katana.globalRipupLimit = 5
- cfg.katana.globalRipupLimit = [1, None]
- cfg.katana.longGlobalRipupLimit = 5
- cfg.chip.padCoreSide = 'South'
- # Plugins setup
- with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.ConfigurationFile) as cfg:
- cfg.chip.block.rails.count = 5
- cfg.chip.block.rails.hWidth = u(2.68)
- cfg.chip.block.rails.vWidth = u(2.68)
- cfg.chip.block.rails.hSpacing = u(0.7)
- cfg.chip.block.rails.vSpacing = u(0.7)
- cfg.clockTree.minimumSide = l(600)
- cfg.clockTree.buffer = 'buf_x2'
- cfg.clockTree.placerEngine = 'Etesian'
- cfg.block.spareSide = 10
- cfg.spares.buffer = 'buf_x8'
- cfg.spares.maxSinks = 31
+__all__ = ["setup"]
def _load():
- af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
- db = DataBase.getDB()
- tech = db.getTechnology()
- rootlib = db.getRootLibrary()
- lib = Library.create(rootlib, 'LibreSOCMem')
- cell = Cell.create(lib, 'spblock_512w64b8w')
- space = 0.1
+ print( ' o LibreSOCMem.py: create dummy abstract of "spblock_512w64b8w".' )
+ af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
+ rg = af.getRoutingGauge()
+ cg = af.getCellGauge()
+ db = DataBase.getDB()
+ tech = db.getTechnology()
+ rootlib = db.getRootLibrary()
+ sliceHeight = cg.getSliceHeight()
+ METAL2 = tech.getLayer( 'METAL2' )
+ METAL3 = tech.getLayer( 'METAL3' )
+ BLOCKAGE1 = tech.getLayer( 'BLOCKAGE1' )
+ BLOCKAGE2 = tech.getLayer( 'BLOCKAGE2' )
+ BLOCKAGE3 = tech.getLayer( 'BLOCKAGE3' )
with UpdateSession():
- cell.setAbutmentBox(Box(
- #u(0.0), u(0.0), u(110.025), u(2.025),
- u(0.0), u(0.0), u(space*1000), u(space*25),
- ))
- nets = {
- '*': Net.create(cell, '*'),
- 'clk': Net.create(cell, 'clk'),
- 'vdd': Net.create(cell, 'vdd'),
- 'vss': Net.create(cell, 'vss'),
- }
- nets['vss'].setGlobal(True)
- nets['vdd'].setGlobal(True)
- for name, qty in (('a', 9),
- ('d', 64),
- ('q', 64),
- ('we', 8),
- ):
- for i in range(qty):
- cname = "%s(%d)" % (name, i)
- nets[cname] = Net.create(cell, cname)
- # create series of stepped pins
- x = space*20
- wid = space
- step = wid*5
- for name, qty in (('a', 9),
- ('d', 64),
- ('q', 64),
- ('we', 8),
- ):
- for i in range(qty):
- cname = "%s(%d)" % (name, i)
- net = nets[cname]
- pin = Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1'),
- u(x), u(wid), u(0), u(space*25),
- )
- x += step
- net.setExternal(True)
- NetExternalComponents.setExternal(pin)
- # q is an output, has to be explicitly set as output
- # everything else set to input
+ lib = Library.create( rootlib, 'LibreSOCMem' )
+ cell = Cell.create( lib, 'spblock_512w64b8w' )
+ cell.setAbutmentBox( Box( 0, 0, (55+2)*sliceHeight, (45+2)*sliceHeight ) )
+ nets = { 'clk' : Net.create( cell, 'clk' )
+ , 'vdd' : Net.create( cell, 'vdd' )
+ , 'vss' : Net.create( cell, 'vss' )
+ , 'blockageNet': Net.create( cell, 'blockageNet' )
+ }
+ nets['clk'].setType( Net.Type.CLOCK )
+ nets['clk'].setExternal( True )
+ nets['clk'].setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
+ nets['vdd'].setType( Net.Type.POWER )
+ nets['vdd'].setExternal( True )
+ nets['vdd'].setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
+ nets['vss'].setType( Net.Type.GROUND )
+ nets['vss'].setExternal( True )
+ nets['vss'].setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
+ blockageArea = Box( cell.getAbutmentBox() )
+ blockageArea.inflate( -sliceHeight )
+ for layer in (BLOCKAGE1, BLOCKAGE2, BLOCKAGE3):
+ Pad.create( nets['blockageNet'], layer, blockageArea )
+ for name, width in ( ('a', 9), ('d', 64), ('q', 64), ('we', 8) ):
+ for bit in range(width):
+ bitName = '{}({})'.format( name, bit )
+ nets[ bitName ] = Net.create( cell, bitName )
+ nets[ bitName ].setExternal( True )
+ direction = Net.Direction.IN
if name == 'q':
- net.setDirection( Net.Direction.OUT )
- else:
- net.setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
- # separate the pin groups
- x += step * 3
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((1.105,1.0),(1.4375,1.0),(1.4375,0.24),(0.9625,0.24),(0.9625,1.0),(1.105,1.0)),
- )
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'nimplant',
- ((1.105,0.235),(0.895,0.235),(0.895,0.17),(0.705,0.17),(0.705,0.235),(0.55,0.235),(0.55,0.615),(0.495,0.615),(0.495,0.55),(0.305,0.55),(0.305,0.615),(0.1575,0.615),(0.1575,1.385),(0.305,1.385),(0.305,1.45),(0.495,1.45),(0.495,1.385),(0.65,1.385),(0.65,1.005),(0.705,1.005),(0.705,1.07),(0.895,1.07),(0.895,1.005),(1.105,1.005),(1.105,1.07),(1.295,1.07),(1.295,1.005),(1.4425,1.005),(1.4425,0.235),(1.295,0.235),(1.295,0.17),(1.105,0.17),(1.105,0.235)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'nimplant',
- ((0.515,3.595),(0.515,3.765),(0.685,3.765),(0.685,3.595),(0.515,3.595)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((1.105,0.17),(1.105,1.07),(1.295,1.07),(1.295,0.17),(1.105,0.17)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((1.105,2.13),(1.105,3.87),(1.295,3.87),(1.295,2.13),(1.105,2.13)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((0.305,0.55),(0.305,1.45),(0.495,1.45),(0.495,0.55),(0.305,0.55)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((0.305,2.53),(0.305,3.47),(0.495,3.47),(0.495,2.53),(0.305,2.53)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((0.705,0.17),(0.705,1.07),(0.895,1.07),(0.895,0.17),(0.705,0.17)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((0.705,2.53),(0.705,3.47),(0.895,3.47),(0.895,2.53),(0.705,2.53)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'pimplant',
- ((1.105,2.195),(0.9575,2.195),(0.9575,2.595),(0.895,2.595),(0.895,2.53),(0.705,2.53),(0.705,2.595),(0.7,2.595),(0.495,2.595),(0.495,2.53),(0.305,2.53),(0.305,2.595),(0.15,2.595),(0.15,3.6825),(0.25,3.6825),(0.25,3.405),(0.305,3.405),(0.305,3.47),(0.495,3.47),(0.495,3.405),(0.5,3.405),(0.705,3.405),(0.705,3.47),(0.895,3.47),(0.895,3.405),(0.95,3.405),(0.95,3.7875),(0.9575,3.7875),(0.9575,3.805),(1.105,3.805),(1.105,3.87),(1.295,3.87),(1.295,3.805),(1.4425,3.805),(1.4425,2.195),(1.295,2.195),(1.295,2.13),(1.105,2.13),(1.105,2.195)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'pimplant',
- ((0.115,0.195),(0.115,0.365),(0.285,0.365),(0.285,0.195),(0.115,0.195)),
- )
- if False:
- net = nets['vss']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'pwell',
- ((-0.12,-0.32),(-0.12,1.92),(1.72,1.92),(1.72,-0.32),(-0.12,-0.32)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'metal1',
- ((0.0,0.0),(0.0,0.48),(1.6,0.48),(1.6,0.0),(0.0,0.0)),
- )
- if False:
- Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1.pin'),
- u(0.8), u(1.6), u(0.0), u(0.48),
- )
- pin = Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1'),
- u(0.8), u(1.6), u(0.0), u(0.48),
- )
- net.setExternal(True)
- NetExternalComponents.setExternal(pin)
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.12,0.2),(0.12,0.36),(0.28,0.36),(0.28,0.2),(0.12,0.2)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.9625,0.3075),(1.0375,0.3075),(1.0375,0.3825),(0.9625,0.3825),(0.9625,0.3075)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.1675,0.2475),(0.2325,0.2475),(0.2325,0.3125),(0.1675,0.3125),(0.1675,0.2475)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.9675,0.3125),(1.0325,0.3125),(1.0325,0.3775),(0.9675,0.3775),(0.9675,0.3125)),
- )
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((1.105,3.8),(1.4375,3.8),(1.4375,2.2),(0.9625,2.2),(0.9625,3.8),(1.105,3.8)),
- )
- if False:
+ direction = Net.Direction.OUT
+ nets[ bitName ].setDirection( direction )
+ METAL2pitch = rg.getLayerGauge( METAL2 ).getPitch()
+ METAL3pitch = rg.getLayerGauge( METAL3 ).getPitch()
+ METAL2width = rg.getLayerGauge( METAL2 ).getWireWidth()
+ METAL3width = rg.getLayerGauge( METAL3 ).getWireWidth()
+ southSideStep = 16
+ yref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin() + sliceHeight - METAL2pitch
+ for bitpair in range(32):
+ xref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMax() \
+ - sliceHeight - ( (bitpair+1)*southSideStep + 2 )*METAL3pitch
+ pinSpecs = [ ('q', (63-bitpair*2) , 0)
+ , ('d', (63-bitpair*2) , 10)
+ , ('d', (63-bitpair*2)-1, 12)
+ , ('q', (63-bitpair*2)-1, 14)
+ ]
+ if bitpair%4 == 3:
+ pinSpecs.append( ('we', 7-bitpair//4, 8) )
+ for name, bit, deltaPitch in pinSpecs:
+ net = nets[ '{}({})'.format(name,bit) ]
+ xaxis = xref - METAL3pitch*deltaPitch
+ segment = Vertical.create( net
+ , METAL3
+ , xaxis
+ , METAL3width
+ , yref
+ , yref+8*METAL2pitch )
+ segment = Vertical.create( net
+ , METAL3
+ , xaxis
+ , METAL3width
+ , yref
+ , yref+METAL2pitch )
+ NetExternalComponents.setExternal( segment )
+ segment = Vertical.create( nets['clk']
+ , METAL3
+ , cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
+ + sliceHeight + 5*METAL3pitch
+ , METAL3width
+ , yref
+ , yref+8*METAL2pitch )
+ segment = Vertical.create( nets['clk']
+ , METAL3
+ , cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
+ + sliceHeight + 5*METAL3pitch
+ , METAL3width
+ , yref
+ , yref+METAL2pitch )
+ NetExternalComponents.setExternal( segment )
+ xref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin() + sliceHeight - METAL3pitch
+ yref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMax() - sliceHeight
+ for bit in range(9):
+ net = nets[ '{}({})'.format('a',8-bit) ]
+ yaxis = yref - 2*sliceHeight*bit - METAL3pitch*5
+ if bit > 4:
+ yaxis -= 20*sliceHeight
+ segment = Horizontal.create( net
+ , METAL2
+ , yaxis
+ , METAL2width
+ , xref
+ , xref+8*METAL3pitch )
+ segment = Horizontal.create( net
+ , METAL2
+ , yaxis
+ , METAL2width
+ , xref
+ , xref+METAL3pitch )
+ NetExternalComponents.setExternal( segment )
+ xmin = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin() + 2*sliceHeight
+ xmax = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMax() - 2*sliceHeight
+ yref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin() + 2*sliceHeight
+ for i in range(44):
net = nets['vdd']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'nwell',
- ((-0.12,1.92),(-0.12,4.32),(1.72,4.32),(1.72,1.92),(-0.12,1.92)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'metal1',
- ((0.0,3.52),(0.0,4.0),(1.6,4.0),(1.6,3.52),(0.0,3.52)),
- )
- if False:
- Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1.pin'),
- u(0.8), u(1.6), u(3.52), u(4.0),
- )
- pin = Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1'),
- u(0.8), u(1.6), u(3.52), u(4.0),
- )
- net.setExternal(True)
- NetExternalComponents.setExternal(pin)
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.52,3.6),(0.52,3.76),(0.68,3.76),(0.68,3.6),(0.52,3.6)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.9625,3.5675),(1.0375,3.5675),(1.0375,3.7825),(0.9625,3.7825),(0.9625,3.5675)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.1625,3.6025),(0.2375,3.6025),(0.2375,3.6775),(0.1625,3.6775),(0.1625,3.6025)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.5675,3.6475),(0.6325,3.6475),(0.6325,3.7125),(0.5675,3.7125),(0.5675,3.6475)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.9675,3.5725),(1.0325,3.5725),(1.0325,3.6375),(0.9675,3.6375),(0.9675,3.5725)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.9675,3.7125),(1.0325,3.7125),(1.0325,3.7775),(0.9675,3.7775),(0.9675,3.7125)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.1675,3.6075),(0.2325,3.6075),(0.2325,3.6725),(0.1675,3.6725),(0.1675,3.6075)),
- )
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.305,1.38),(0.495,1.38),(0.495,0.62),(0.1625,0.62),(0.1625,1.38),(0.305,1.38)),
- )
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.425,2.6),(0.155,2.6),(0.155,3.6775),(0.245,3.6775),(0.245,3.4),(0.705,3.4),(0.705,2.6),(0.425,2.6)),
- )
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.705,1.0),(1.0375,1.0),(1.0375,0.24),(0.555,0.24),(0.555,1.0),(0.705,1.0)),
- )
- net = nets['clk']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'poly',
- ((0.775,0.185),(0.775,1.2375),(0.9975,1.2375),(0.9975,1.1625),(0.825,1.1625),(0.825,0.185),(0.775,0.185)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'poly',
- ((0.775,2.545),(0.775,3.455),(0.825,3.455),(0.825,2.0375),(0.9975,2.0375),(0.9975,1.9625),(0.775,1.9625),(0.775,2.545)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'metal1',
- ((0.9675,1.2675),(0.9675,1.9325),(0.9275,1.9325),(0.9275,2.0675),(0.9675,2.0675),(0.9675,3.455),(1.0325,3.455),(1.0325,0.545),(0.9675,0.545),(0.9675,1.1325),(0.9275,1.1325),(0.9275,1.2675),(0.9675,1.2675)),
- )
- if False:
- Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1.pin'),
- u(1.0), u(0.065), u(0), u(3.455),
- )
- pin = Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1'),
- u(1.0), u(0.065), u(0), u(3.455),
- )
- net.setExternal(True)
- NetExternalComponents.setExternal(pin)
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.9275,1.1675),(0.9925,1.1675),(0.9925,1.2325),(0.9275,1.2325),(0.9275,1.1675)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.9275,1.9675),(0.9925,1.9675),(0.9925,2.0325),(0.9275,2.0325),(0.9275,1.9675)),
- )
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.775,2.6),(0.705,2.6),(0.705,3.4),(0.955,3.4),(0.955,3.7825),(1.045,3.7825),(1.045,2.6),(0.775,2.6)),
- )
- af.wrapLibrary(lib, 0)
+ if i % 2:
+ net = nets['vss']
+ segment = Horizontal.create( net
+ , METAL3
+ , yref + sliceHeight*i
+ , l(24.0)
+ , xmin
+ , xmax )
+ NetExternalComponents.setExternal( segment )
+ af.wrapLibrary( lib, 0 )
return lib
def setup():
lib = _load()
- _routing()
return lib
-if os.environ.has_key('CELLS_TOP'):
+if 'CELLS_TOP' in os.environ:
cellsTop = os.environ['CELLS_TOP']
cellsTop = '../../../alliance-check-toolkit/cells'
af = AllianceFramework.get()
-def createPLLBlackbox ():
- global db, af
- print( ' o Creating PLL blackboxes for "ls180" design.' )
- rootlib = db.getRootLibrary()
- lib = rootlib.getLibrary( 'pll' )
- pllName = 'pll'
- pll = lib.getCell( pllName )
- if not pll:
- raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'settings.createPLLBlackBox(): '
- 'PLL Cell "{}" not found.' \
- .format(pllName) )
- pll.setAbstractedSupply( True )
- blackboxName = 'real_pll'
- cell = Cell.create( lib, blackboxName )
- instance = Instance.create( cell, 'real_pll', pll )
- state = af.getCatalog().getState( blackboxName, True )
- state.setCell( cell )
- state.setLogical( True )
- state.setInMemory( True )
- print( ' - {}.'.format(cell) )
- for masterNet in pll.getNets():
- if not masterNet.isExternal():
- continue
- net = Net.create( cell, masterNet.getName() )
- net.setDirection( masterNet.getDirection() )
- net.setType( masterNet.getType() )
- net.setExternal( True )
- net.setGlobal( masterNet.isGlobal() )
- if masterNet.isSupply():
- continue
- plug = instance.getPlug( masterNet )
- plug.setNet( net )
-def createSramBlackbox ():
- global db, af
- print( ' o Creating SRAM blackboxes for "ls180" design.' )
- rootlib = db.getRootLibrary()
- lib = rootlib.getLibrary( 'LibreSOCMem' )
- sramName = 'spblock_512w64b8w'
- sram = lib.getCell( sramName )
- if not sram:
- raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'settings.createSramBlocks(): '
- 'SRAM Cell "{}" not found.' \
- .format(sramName) )
- sram.setAbstractedSupply( True )
- blackboxeNames = [ 'spblock_512w64b8w_0',
- 'spblock_512w64b8w_1',
- 'spblock_512w64b8w_2',
- 'spblock_512w64b8w_3',
- ]
- for blackboxName in blackboxeNames:
- cell = Cell.create( lib, blackboxName )
- instance = Instance.create( cell, 'real_sram', sram )
- state = af.getCatalog().getState( blackboxName, True )
- state.setCell( cell )
- state.setLogical( True )
- state.setInMemory( True )
- print( ' - {}.'.format(cell) )
- for masterNet in sram.getNets():
- if not masterNet.isExternal():
- continue
- net = Net.create( cell, masterNet.getName() )
- net.setDirection( masterNet.getDirection() )
- net.setType( masterNet.getType() )
- net.setExternal( True )
- net.setGlobal( masterNet.isGlobal() )
- if masterNet.isSupply():
- continue
- plug = instance.getPlug( masterNet )
- plug.setNet( net )
with CfgCache('', priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.UserFile) as cfg:
cfg.misc.catchCore = False
cfg.misc.info = False
cfg.conductor.useFixedAbHeight = False
env = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getEnvironment()
- env.setCLOCK( '^sys_pllclk$|^ck|^jtag_tck$' )
+ env.setCLOCK( '^ck|^pll_clk|^jtag_tck$' )
mode=CRL.Environment.Prepend )
Viewer.Graphics.setStyle('Alliance.Classic [black]')
-# XXX cannot run this in non-NDA'd mode because there is no
-# equivalent to NDA.node180.tsmc_c018.LibreSOCMem (or PLL)
-# TODO: create a fake one
-with overlay.UpdateSession():
- createSramBlackbox()
- createPLLBlackbox()
print( ' o Successfully run "<>/coriolis2/settings.py".' )
print( ' - CELLS_TOP = "{}"'.format(cellsTop) )
-from __future__ import print_function
import os
import json
import sys
import traceback
import CRL
import helpers
+from helpers import trace, overlay, l, u, n
from helpers.io import ErrorMessage, WarningMessage
-from helpers import trace, l, u, n
import plugins
-from Hurricane import DbU
+from Hurricane import Breakpoint, DbU, DataBase, Instance, Transformation
from plugins.alpha.block.configuration import IoPin, GaugeConf
from plugins.alpha.block.iospecs import IoSpecs
from plugins.alpha.block.block import Block
+from plugins.alpha.block.spares import Spares
from plugins.alpha.core2chip.niolib import CoreToChip
from plugins.alpha.chip.configuration import ChipConf
from plugins.alpha.chip.chip import Chip
af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
-def scriptMain (**kw):
+def scriptMain ( **kw ):
"""The mandatory function to be called by Coriolis CGT/Unicorn."""
global af
- rvalue = True
- coreSize = 65000
- cwd = os.path.split( os.path.abspath(__file__) )[0]
- ioSpecs = IoSpecs()
+ rvalue = True
+ coreSize = 380*100.0
+ cwd = os.path.split( os.path.abspath(__file__) )[0]
+ ioSpecs = IoSpecs()
ioSpecs.loadFromPinmux( '%s/ls180/litex_pinpads.json' % cwd,
#helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
+ #Breakpoint.setStopLevel( 100 )
cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
cell = af.getCell( 'ls180', CRL.Catalog.State.Logical )
if cell is None:
ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.05
- #ls180Conf.cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 6
- #ls180Conf.cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 3
- ls180Conf.cfg.katana.hTracksReservedMin = 6
- ls180Conf.cfg.katana.vTracksReservedMin = 1
+ ls180Conf.cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 6
+ ls180Conf.cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 6
+ ls180Conf.cfg.katana.hTracksReservedMin = 0
+ ls180Conf.cfg.katana.vTracksReservedMin = 0
ls180Conf.cfg.block.spareSide = l(700)
ls180Conf.cfg.chip.padCoreSide = 'North'
+ ls180Conf.cfg.chip.supplyRailWidth = l(50)
+ ls180Conf.cfg.chip.supplyRailPitch = l(300)
ls180Conf.editor = editor
ls180Conf.useSpares = True
ls180Conf.useClockTree = True
+ ls180Conf.useHFNS = True
ls180Conf.bColumns = 2
ls180Conf.bRows = 2
ls180Conf.chipConf.name = 'chip'
ls180Conf.chipConf.ioPadGauge = 'niolib'
- ls180Conf.coreSize = (l(coreSize ), l(coreSize ))
- ls180Conf.chipSize = (l(coreSize+3360), l(coreSize+3360))
- # ooo, how annoying. nsxlib (only 6 METAL) cannot cope with 3 clocks!
- #ls180Conf.useHTree('core.por_clk') # output from the PLL, needs to be H-Tree
+ ls180Conf.coreSize = (l(coreSize ), l(coreSize ))
+ ls180Conf.chipSize = (l(coreSize+4000.0), l(coreSize+4000.0))
+ ls180Conf.useHTree( 'core.pll_clk', Spares.HEAVY_LEAF_LOAD )
- ls180Conf.useHTree('sys_pllclk_from_pad')
ls180ToChip = CoreToChip( ls180Conf )
chipBuilder = Chip( ls180Conf )
+ tiPath = 'test_issuer.ti.'
+ sramDatas = [ 'test_issuer.ti.sram4k_0.spblock_512w64b8w'
+ , 'test_issuer.ti.sram4k_1.spblock_512w64b8w'
+ , 'test_issuer.ti.sram4k_2.spblock_512w64b8w'
+ , 'test_issuer.ti.sram4k_3.spblock_512w64b8w'
+ ]
+ with overlay.UpdateSession():
+ sram = DataBase.getDB().getCell( 'spblock_512w64b8w' )
+ sramAb = sram.getAbutmentBox()
+ coreAb = cell.getAbutmentBox()
+ sliceHeight = chipBuilder.conf.sliceHeight
+ sliceStep = chipBuilder.conf.sliceStep
+ originX = coreAb.getXMin()
+ for i in range(len(sramDatas)):
+ block = chipBuilder.rgetCoreInstance( sramDatas[i] )
+ block.setTransformation(
+ Transformation( originX
+ , coreAb.getYMax() - sramAb.getHeight()
+ , Transformation.Orientation.ID ) )
+ block.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
+ originX += sramAb.getWidth()
+ block = chipBuilder.rgetCoreInstance( 'test_issuer.wrappll.pll' )
+ block.setTransformation(
+ Transformation( coreAb.getXMax()
+ , coreAb.getYMax() - block.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
+ , Transformation.Orientation.MX ) )
+ block.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
rvalue = chipBuilder.doPnR()
- CRL.Gds.save(ls180Conf.chip)
- except Exception, e:
+ #CRL.Gds.save(ls180Conf.chip)
+ except Exception as e:
rvalue = False
-# Autogenerated file. Changes will be overwritten.
-import CRL, Hurricane, Viewer, Cfg
-from Hurricane import (
- Technology, DataBase, DbU, Library,
- Layer, BasicLayer,
- Cell, Net, Vertical, Rectilinear, Box, Point,
- Instance, Transformation,
- NetExternalComponents,
-from common.colors import toRGB
-from common.patterns import toHexa
-from helpers import u, l
-from helpers.technology import setEnclosures
-from helpers.overlay import CfgCache, UpdateSession
+import CRL
+import Hurricane
+import Viewer
+import Cfg
+from Hurricane import Technology, DataBase, DbU, Library, \
+ Layer, BasicLayer, Cell, Net, Vertical, \
+ Rectilinear, Box, Point, Instance, \
+ Transformation, NetExternalComponents, \
+ Horizontal, Pad
+from helpers import u, l
+from helpers.overlay import UpdateSession
-__all__ = ["setup"]
-def createRL(tech, net, layer, coords):
- return
- coords = [Point(u(x), u(y)) for x,y in coords]
- Rectilinear.create(net, tech.getLayer(layer), coords)
-def _routing():
- return # all commented-out for now
- af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
- db = DataBase.getDB()
- tech = db.getTechnology()
- rg = CRL.RoutingGauge.create('pll')
- rg.setSymbolic(False)
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal1')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal1_via1_metal2')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.035)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.PinOnly, 0, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.21), u(0.065), u(0.065), u(0.065), u(0.065),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal2')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal1_via1_metal2')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.035)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal2_via2_metal3')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.035)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 1, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.21), u(0.14), u(0.07), u(0.07), u(0.07),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal3')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal2_via2_metal3')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.035), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal3_via3_metal4')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.035), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 2, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.21), u(0.14), u(0.07), u(0.07), u(0.07),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal4')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal3_via3_metal4')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal4_via4_metal5')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 3, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.28), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal5')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal4_via4_metal5')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal5_via5_metal6')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 4, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.28), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal6')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal5_via5_metal6')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal6_via6_metal7')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 5, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.28), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14), u(0.14),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal7')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal6_via6_metal7')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal7_via7_metal8')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 6, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.8), u(0.4), u(0.4), u(0.4), u(0.4),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal8')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal7_via7_metal8')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal8_via8_metal9')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 7, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(0.8), u(0.4), u(0.4), u(0.4), u(0.4),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal9')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal8_via8_metal9')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- via = tech.getLayer('metal9_via9_metal10')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 8, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(1.6), u(0.8), u(0.8), u(0.8), u(0.8),
- ))
- metal = tech.getLayer('metal10')
- via = tech.getLayer('metal9_via9_metal10')
- setEnclosures(via, metal, (u(0.0), u(0.0)))
- rg.addLayerGauge(CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.create(
- metal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal, CRL.RoutingLayerGauge.Default, 9, 0.0,
- u(0.0), u(1.6), u(0.8), u(0.8), u(0.8), u(0.8),
- ))
- af.addRoutingGauge(rg)
- af.setRoutingGauge('LibreSOCMem')
- cg = CRL.CellGauge.create(
- 'LibreSOCMem', 'metal2',
- u(0.4), u(4.0), u(0.4),
- )
- af.addCellGauge(cg)
- af.setCellGauge('LibreSOCMem')
- # Place & Route setup
- with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.ConfigurationFile) as cfg:
- cfg.lefImport.minTerminalWidth = 0.0
- cfg.crlcore.groundName = 'vss'
- cfg.crlcore.powerName = 'vdd'
- cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.00
- cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = [10, 1000]
- cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10
- cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = False
- cfg.etesian.routingDriven = False
- cfg.etesian.feedNames = 'tie_x0,fill_x0'
- cfg.etesian.cell.zero = 'zero_x0'
- cfg.etesian.cell.one = 'one_x0'
- cfg.etesian.bloat = 'disabled'
- cfg.etesian.effort = 2
- cfg.etesian.effort = (
- ('Fast', 1),
- ('Standard', 2),
- ('High', 3 ),
- ('Extreme', 4 ),
- )
- cfg.etesian.graphics = 2
- cfg.etesian.graphics = (
- ('Show every step', 1),
- ('Show lower bound', 2),
- ('Show result only', 3),
- )
- cfg.anabatic.routingGauge = 'LibreSOCMem'
- cfg.anabatic.globalLengthThreshold = 1450
- cfg.anabatic.saturateRatio = 90
- cfg.anabatic.saturateRp = 10
- cfg.anabatic.topRoutingLayer = 'metal10'
- cfg.anabatic.edgeLength = 48
- cfg.anabatic.edgeWidth = 8
- cfg.anabatic.edgeCostH = 9.0
- cfg.anabatic.edgeCostK = -10.0
- cfg.anabatic.edgeHInc = 1.0
- cfg.anabatic.edgeHScaling = 1.0
- cfg.anabatic.globalIterations = 10
- cfg.anabatic.globalIterations = [ 1, 100 ]
- cfg.anabatic.gcell.displayMode = 1
- cfg.anabatic.gcell.displayMode = (("Boundary", 1), ("Density", 2))
- cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 4
- cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = [0, 20]
- cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 3
- cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = [0, 20]
- cfg.katana.termSatReservedLocal = 8
- cfg.katana.termSatThreshold = 9
- cfg.katana.eventsLimit = 4000002
- cfg.katana.ripupCost = 3
- cfg.katana.ripupCost = [0, None]
- cfg.katana.strapRipupLimit = 16
- cfg.katana.strapRipupLimit = [1, None]
- cfg.katana.localRipupLimit = 9
- cfg.katana.localRipupLimit = [1, None]
- cfg.katana.globalRipupLimit = 5
- cfg.katana.globalRipupLimit = [1, None]
- cfg.katana.longGlobalRipupLimit = 5
- cfg.chip.padCoreSide = 'South'
- # Plugins setup
- with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.ConfigurationFile) as cfg:
- cfg.chip.block.rails.count = 5
- cfg.chip.block.rails.hWidth = u(2.68)
- cfg.chip.block.rails.vWidth = u(2.68)
- cfg.chip.block.rails.hSpacing = u(0.7)
- cfg.chip.block.rails.vSpacing = u(0.7)
- cfg.clockTree.minimumSide = l(600)
- cfg.clockTree.buffer = 'buf_x2'
- cfg.clockTree.placerEngine = 'Etesian'
- cfg.block.spareSide = 10
- cfg.spares.buffer = 'buf_x8'
- cfg.spares.maxSinks = 31
+__all__ = [ "setup" ]
def _load():
- af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
- db = DataBase.getDB()
- tech = db.getTechnology()
- rootlib = db.getRootLibrary()
- lib = Library.create(rootlib, 'pll')
- space = 0.1
+ print( ' o pll.py: Create dummy abstract of "pll".' )
+ af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
+ rg = af.getRoutingGauge()
+ cg = af.getCellGauge()
+ db = DataBase.getDB()
+ tech = db.getTechnology()
+ rootlib = db.getRootLibrary()
+ sliceHeight = cg.getSliceHeight()
+ METAL2 = tech.getLayer( 'METAL2' )
+ METAL3 = tech.getLayer( 'METAL3' )
+ METAL4 = tech.getLayer( 'METAL4' )
+ METAL5 = tech.getLayer( 'METAL5' )
+ BLOCKAGE1 = tech.getLayer( 'BLOCKAGE1' )
+ BLOCKAGE2 = tech.getLayer( 'BLOCKAGE2' )
+ BLOCKAGE3 = tech.getLayer( 'BLOCKAGE3' )
+ BLOCKAGE4 = tech.getLayer( 'BLOCKAGE4' )
+ BLOCKAGE5 = tech.getLayer( 'BLOCKAGE5' )
- cell = Cell.create(lib, 'pll')
with UpdateSession():
- cell.setAbutmentBox(Box(
- #u(0.0), u(0.0), u(13.5), u(2.025),
- u(0.0), u(0.0), u(space*125), u(space*25),
- ))
- nets = {
- #'*': Net.create(cell, '*'),
- 'ref_v': Net.create(cell, 'ref_v'),
- 'div_out_test': Net.create(cell, 'div_out_test'),
- 'a0': Net.create(cell, 'a0'),
- 'a1': Net.create(cell, 'a1'),
- 'vco_test_ana': Net.create(cell, 'vco_test_ana'),
- 'out_v': Net.create(cell, 'out_v'),
- 'vdd': Net.create(cell, 'vdd'),
- 'vss': Net.create(cell, 'vss'),
- }
- nets['vdd'].setGlobal(True)
- nets['vss'].setGlobal(True)
- # set net directions
- nets['ref_v'].setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
- nets['a0'].setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
- nets['a1'].setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
- nets['div_out_test'].setDirection( Net.Direction.OUT )
- nets['vco_test_ana'].setDirection( Net.Direction.OUT )
- nets['out_v'].setDirection( Net.Direction.OUT )
- nets['vdd'].setType( Net.Type.POWER )
- nets['vdd'].setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
- nets['vss'].setType( Net.Type.GROUND )
- nets['vss'].setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
- # create series of stepped pins
- x = space*20
- wid = space
- step = wid*5
- for cname in ['ref_v', 'div_out_test', 'a0', 'a1', 'vco_test_ana',
- 'out_v', 'vdd', 'vss']:
- net = nets[cname]
- pin = Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1'),
- u(x), u(wid), u(0), u(space*15),
- )
- x += step
- net.setExternal(True)
- NetExternalComponents.setExternal(pin)
- if False:
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((1.105,1.0),(1.4375,1.0),(1.4375,0.24),(0.9625,0.24),(0.9625,1.0),(1.105,1.0)),
- )
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'nimplant',
- ((1.105,0.235),(0.895,0.235),(0.895,0.17),(0.705,0.17),(0.705,0.235),(0.55,0.235),(0.55,0.615),(0.495,0.615),(0.495,0.55),(0.305,0.55),(0.305,0.615),(0.1575,0.615),(0.1575,1.385),(0.305,1.385),(0.305,1.45),(0.495,1.45),(0.495,1.385),(0.65,1.385),(0.65,1.005),(0.705,1.005),(0.705,1.07),(0.895,1.07),(0.895,1.005),(1.105,1.005),(1.105,1.07),(1.295,1.07),(1.295,1.005),(1.4425,1.005),(1.4425,0.235),(1.295,0.235),(1.295,0.17),(1.105,0.17),(1.105,0.235)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'nimplant',
- ((0.515,3.595),(0.515,3.765),(0.685,3.765),(0.685,3.595),(0.515,3.595)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((1.105,0.17),(1.105,1.07),(1.295,1.07),(1.295,0.17),(1.105,0.17)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((1.105,2.13),(1.105,3.87),(1.295,3.87),(1.295,2.13),(1.105,2.13)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((0.305,0.55),(0.305,1.45),(0.495,1.45),(0.495,0.55),(0.305,0.55)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((0.305,2.53),(0.305,3.47),(0.495,3.47),(0.495,2.53),(0.305,2.53)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((0.705,0.17),(0.705,1.07),(0.895,1.07),(0.895,0.17),(0.705,0.17)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'vthg',
- ((0.705,2.53),(0.705,3.47),(0.895,3.47),(0.895,2.53),(0.705,2.53)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'pimplant',
- ((1.105,2.195),(0.9575,2.195),(0.9575,2.595),(0.895,2.595),(0.895,2.53),(0.705,2.53),(0.705,2.595),(0.7,2.595),(0.495,2.595),(0.495,2.53),(0.305,2.53),(0.305,2.595),(0.15,2.595),(0.15,3.6825),(0.25,3.6825),(0.25,3.405),(0.305,3.405),(0.305,3.47),(0.495,3.47),(0.495,3.405),(0.5,3.405),(0.705,3.405),(0.705,3.47),(0.895,3.47),(0.895,3.405),(0.95,3.405),(0.95,3.7875),(0.9575,3.7875),(0.9575,3.805),(1.105,3.805),(1.105,3.87),(1.295,3.87),(1.295,3.805),(1.4425,3.805),(1.4425,2.195),(1.295,2.195),(1.295,2.13),(1.105,2.13),(1.105,2.195)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'pimplant',
- ((0.115,0.195),(0.115,0.365),(0.285,0.365),(0.285,0.195),(0.115,0.195)),
- )
- if False:
- net = nets['vss']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'pwell',
- ((-0.12,-0.32),(-0.12,1.92),(1.72,1.92),(1.72,-0.32),(-0.12,-0.32)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'metal1',
- ((0.0,0.0),(0.0,0.48),(1.6,0.48),(1.6,0.0),(0.0,0.0)),
- )
- if False:
- Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1.pin'),
- u(0.8), u(1.6), u(0.0), u(0.48),
- )
- pin = Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1'),
- u(0.8), u(1.6), u(0.0), u(0.48),
- )
- net.setExternal(True)
- NetExternalComponents.setExternal(pin)
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.12,0.2),(0.12,0.36),(0.28,0.36),(0.28,0.2),(0.12,0.2)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.9625,0.3075),(1.0375,0.3075),(1.0375,0.3825),(0.9625,0.3825),(0.9625,0.3075)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.1675,0.2475),(0.2325,0.2475),(0.2325,0.3125),(0.1675,0.3125),(0.1675,0.2475)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.9675,0.3125),(1.0325,0.3125),(1.0325,0.3775),(0.9675,0.3775),(0.9675,0.3125)),
- )
- if False:
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((1.105,3.8),(1.4375,3.8),(1.4375,2.2),(0.9625,2.2),(0.9625,3.8),(1.105,3.8)),
- )
- if False:
+ lib = Library.create( rootlib, 'pll' )
+ cell = Cell.create( lib, 'pll' )
+ cell.setAbutmentBox( Box( 0, 0, (15+2)*sliceHeight, (13+2)*sliceHeight ) )
+ nets = {}
+ netSpecs = ( ( 'a0' , None , Net.Direction.IN , True )
+ , ( 'a1' , None , Net.Direction.IN , True )
+ , ( 'ref_v' , None , Net.Direction.IN , True )
+ , ( 'out_v' , None , Net.Direction.OUT, True )
+ , ( 'vco_test_ana', None , Net.Direction.OUT, True )
+ , ( 'div_out_test', None , Net.Direction.OUT, True )
+ , ( 'vdd' , Net.Type.POWER , Net.Direction.IN , True )
+ , ( 'vss' , Net.Type.GROUND, Net.Direction.IN , True )
+ , ( 'blockageNet' , None , Net.Direction.IN , True )
+ )
+ for name, netType, direction, external in netSpecs:
+ nets[ name ] = Net.create( cell, name )
+ if netType is not None: nets[name].setType ( netType )
+ if direction is not None: nets[name].setDirection( direction )
+ if external is not None: nets[name].setExternal ( external )
+ blockageArea = Box( cell.getAbutmentBox() )
+ blockageArea.inflate( -sliceHeight )
+ Pad.create( nets['blockageNet'], layer, blockageArea )
+ METAL2pitch = rg.getLayerGauge( METAL2 ).getPitch()
+ METAL3pitch = rg.getLayerGauge( METAL3 ).getPitch()
+ METAL2width = rg.getLayerGauge( METAL2 ).getWireWidth()
+ METAL3width = rg.getLayerGauge( METAL3 ).getWireWidth()
+ xref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin() + sliceHeight
+ yref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMax() - sliceHeight + METAL2pitch
+ for name, xpitchs in (('a0',20), ('ref_v',75), ('a1',130)):
+ segment = Vertical.create( nets[name]
+ , METAL3
+ , xref + xpitchs*METAL3pitch
+ , METAL3width
+ , yref
+ , yref - sliceHeight )
+ segment = Vertical.create( nets[name]
+ , METAL3
+ , xref + xpitchs*METAL3pitch
+ , METAL3width
+ , yref
+ , yref - METAL2pitch )
+ NetExternalComponents.setExternal( segment )
+ xref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin() + sliceHeight - METAL3pitch
+ yref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin() + sliceHeight
+ for name, ypitchs in (('vco_test_ana',65), ('div_out_test',120)):
+ segment = Horizontal.create( nets[name]
+ , METAL2
+ , yref + ypitchs*METAL2pitch
+ , METAL2width
+ , xref
+ , xref + sliceHeight )
+ segment = Horizontal.create( nets[name]
+ , METAL2
+ , yref + ypitchs*METAL2pitch
+ , METAL2width
+ , xref
+ , xref + METAL3pitch )
+ NetExternalComponents.setExternal( segment )
+ xref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMax() - 2*sliceHeight + METAL3pitch
+ yref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin() + sliceHeight
+ for name, ypitchs in (('out_v',120),):
+ segment = Horizontal.create( nets[name]
+ , METAL2
+ , yref + ypitchs*METAL2pitch
+ , METAL2width
+ , xref
+ , xref + sliceHeight )
+ segment = Horizontal.create( nets[name]
+ , METAL2
+ , yref + ypitchs*METAL2pitch
+ , METAL2width
+ , xref + sliceHeight
+ , xref + sliceHeight - METAL3pitch )
+ NetExternalComponents.setExternal( segment )
+ xmin = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin() + sliceHeight
+ xmax = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMax() - sliceHeight
+ yref = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin() + 2*sliceHeight
+ for i in range(4):
net = nets['vdd']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'nwell',
- ((-0.12,1.92),(-0.12,4.32),(1.72,4.32),(1.72,1.92),(-0.12,1.92)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'metal1',
- ((0.0,3.52),(0.0,4.0),(1.6,4.0),(1.6,3.52),(0.0,3.52)),
- )
- if False:
- Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1.pin'),
- u(0.8), u(1.6), u(3.52), u(4.0),
- )
- pin = Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1'),
- u(0.8), u(1.6), u(3.52), u(4.0),
- )
- net.setExternal(True)
- NetExternalComponents.setExternal(pin)
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.52,3.6),(0.52,3.76),(0.68,3.76),(0.68,3.6),(0.52,3.6)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.9625,3.5675),(1.0375,3.5675),(1.0375,3.7825),(0.9625,3.7825),(0.9625,3.5675)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.1625,3.6025),(0.2375,3.6025),(0.2375,3.6775),(0.1625,3.6775),(0.1625,3.6025)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.5675,3.6475),(0.6325,3.6475),(0.6325,3.7125),(0.5675,3.7125),(0.5675,3.6475)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.9675,3.5725),(1.0325,3.5725),(1.0325,3.6375),(0.9675,3.6375),(0.9675,3.5725)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.9675,3.7125),(1.0325,3.7125),(1.0325,3.7775),(0.9675,3.7775),(0.9675,3.7125)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.1675,3.6075),(0.2325,3.6075),(0.2325,3.6725),(0.1675,3.6725),(0.1675,3.6075)),
- )
- if False:
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.305,1.38),(0.495,1.38),(0.495,0.62),(0.1625,0.62),(0.1625,1.38),(0.305,1.38)),
- )
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.425,2.6),(0.155,2.6),(0.155,3.6775),(0.245,3.6775),(0.245,3.4),(0.705,3.4),(0.705,2.6),(0.425,2.6)),
- )
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.705,1.0),(1.0375,1.0),(1.0375,0.24),(0.555,0.24),(0.555,1.0),(0.705,1.0)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'poly',
- ((0.775,2.545),(0.775,3.455),(0.825,3.455),(0.825,2.0375),(0.9975,2.0375),(0.9975,1.9625),(0.775,1.9625),(0.775,2.545)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'metal1',
- ((0.9675,1.2675),(0.9675,1.9325),(0.9275,1.9325),(0.9275,2.0675),(0.9675,2.0675),(0.9675,3.455),(1.0325,3.455),(1.0325,0.545),(0.9675,0.545),(0.9675,1.1325),(0.9275,1.1325),(0.9275,1.2675),(0.9675,1.2675)),
- )
- if False:
- Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1.pin'),
- u(1.0), u(0.065), u(0), u(3.455),
- )
- pin = Vertical.create(
- net, tech.getLayer('metal1'),
- u(1.0), u(0.065), u(0), u(3.455),
- )
- net.setExternal(True)
- NetExternalComponents.setExternal(pin)
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.9275,1.1675),(0.9925,1.1675),(0.9925,1.2325),(0.9275,1.2325),(0.9275,1.1675)),
- )
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'contact',
- ((0.9275,1.9675),(0.9925,1.9675),(0.9925,2.0325),(0.9275,2.0325),(0.9275,1.9675)),
- )
- if False:
- net = nets['*']
- createRL(
- tech, net, 'active',
- ((0.775,2.6),(0.705,2.6),(0.705,3.4),(0.955,3.4),(0.955,3.7825),(1.045,3.7825),(1.045,2.6),(0.775,2.6)),
- )
- af.wrapLibrary(lib, 0)
+ if i % 2:
+ net = nets['vss']
+ segment = Horizontal.create( net
+ , METAL5
+ , yref + sliceHeight*3*i
+ , 2*sliceHeight
+ , xmin
+ , xmax )
+ NetExternalComponents.setExternal( segment )
+ af.wrapLibrary( lib, 0 )
return lib
def setup():
lib = _load()
- _routing()
return lib