add more converted header files
authorTobias Platen <>
Thu, 23 Jan 2020 10:51:52 +0000 (11:51 +0100)
committerTobias Platen <>
Thu, 23 Jan 2020 10:51:52 +0000 (11:51 +0100)
20 files changed:
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/iommu/axi_rab/ [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4cbd97d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi4_ar_sender(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.axi4_aclk = Signal()  # input
+        self.axi4_arstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_done_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.l1_accept_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_drop_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_save_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_done_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.l2_accept_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_drop_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_sending_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.l1_araddr_i = Signal(AXI_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.l2_araddr_i = Signal(AXI_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_arlen = Signal(8)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arsize = Signal(3)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arburst = Signal(2)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arlock = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arprot = Signal(3)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arcache = Signal(4)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_aruser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_arid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_araddr = Signal(AXI_ADDR_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_arvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_arready = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_arlen = Signal(8)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_arsize = Signal(3)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_arburst = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_arlock = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_arprot = Signal(3)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_arcache = Signal(4)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_aruser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.l1_save.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.l1_done_o.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arvalid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_arready.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_aruser.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arcache.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arprot.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arlock.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arburst.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arsize.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arlen.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_araddr.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_sending_o.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_sent.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_done_o.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_aruser.eq(self.s_axi4_aruser)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arcache.eq(self.s_axi4_arcache)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arprot.eq(self.s_axi4_arprot)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arlock.eq(self.s_axi4_arlock)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arburst.eq(self.s_axi4_arburst)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arsize.eq(self.s_axi4_arsize)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arlen.eq(self.s_axi4_arlen)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_araddr.eq(self.l1_araddr_i)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_arid.eq(self.s_axi4_arid)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_sending_o.eq(self.1: 'b0)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_available_q.eq(self.1: 'b0)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_done_o.eq(self.1: 'b0)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# module axi4_ar_sender
+#  #(
+#    parameter AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 40,
+#    parameter AXI_ID_WIDTH   = 4,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH = 4,
+#    parameter ENABLE_L2TLB   = 0
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input  logic                      axi4_aclk,
+#    input  logic                      axi4_arstn,
+#    output logic                      l1_done_o,
+#    input  logic                      l1_accept_i,
+#    input  logic                      l1_drop_i,
+#    input  logic                      l1_save_i,
+#    output logic                      l2_done_o,
+#    input  logic                      l2_accept_i,
+#    input  logic                      l2_drop_i,
+#    output logic                      l2_sending_o,
+#    input  logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] l1_araddr_i,
+#    input  logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] l2_araddr_i,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_arid,
+#    input  logic                      s_axi4_arvalid,
+#    output logic                      s_axi4_arready,
+#    input  logic                [7:0] s_axi4_arlen,
+#    input  logic                [2:0] s_axi4_arsize,
+#    input  logic                [1:0] s_axi4_arburst,
+#    input  logic                      s_axi4_arlock,
+#    input  logic                [2:0] s_axi4_arprot,
+#    input  logic                [3:0] s_axi4_arcache,
+#    input  logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_aruser,
+#    output logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_arid,
+#    output logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_araddr,
+#    output logic                      m_axi4_arvalid,
+#    input  logic                      m_axi4_arready,
+#    output logic                [7:0] m_axi4_arlen,
+#    output logic                [2:0] m_axi4_arsize,
+#    output logic                [1:0] m_axi4_arburst,
+#    output logic                      m_axi4_arlock,
+#    output logic                [2:0] m_axi4_arprot,
+#    output logic                [3:0] m_axi4_arcache,
+#    output logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_aruser
+#  );
+#  logic l1_save;
+#  logic l2_sent;
+#  logic l2_available_q;
+#  assign l1_save      = l1_save_i & l2_available_q;
+#  assign l1_done_o    = s_axi4_arvalid & s_axi4_arready ;
+#  // if 1: accept and forward a transaction translated by L1
+#  //    2: drop or save request (if L2 slot not occupied already)
+#  assign m_axi4_arvalid = (s_axi4_arvalid & l1_accept_i) |
+#                          l2_sending_o;
+#  assign s_axi4_arready = (m_axi4_arvalid & m_axi4_arready & ~l2_sending_o) |
+#                          (s_axi4_arvalid & (l1_drop_i | l1_save));
+# generate
+#  if (ENABLE_L2TLB == 1) begin
+#    logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] l2_axi4_aruser  ;
+#    logic                [3:0] l2_axi4_arcache ;
+#    logic                [3:0] l2_axi4_arregion;
+#    logic                [3:0] l2_axi4_arqos   ;
+#    logic                [2:0] l2_axi4_arprot  ;
+#    logic                      l2_axi4_arlock  ;
+#    logic                [1:0] l2_axi4_arburst ;
+#    logic                [2:0] l2_axi4_arsize  ;
+#    logic                [7:0] l2_axi4_arlen   ;
+#    logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] l2_axi4_arid    ;
+#    assign m_axi4_aruser  = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_aruser   : s_axi4_aruser;
+#    assign m_axi4_arcache = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_arcache  : s_axi4_arcache;
+#    assign m_axi4_arprot  = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_arprot   : s_axi4_arprot;
+#    assign m_axi4_arlock  = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_arlock   : s_axi4_arlock;
+#    assign m_axi4_arburst = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_arburst  : s_axi4_arburst;
+#    assign m_axi4_arsize  = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_arsize   : s_axi4_arsize;
+#    assign m_axi4_arlen   = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_arlen    : s_axi4_arlen;
+#    assign m_axi4_araddr  = l2_sending_o ? l2_araddr_i      : l1_araddr_i;
+#    assign m_axi4_arid    = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_arid     : s_axi4_arid;
+#    // Buffer AXI signals in case of L1 miss
+#    always @(posedge axi4_aclk or negedge axi4_arstn) begin
+#      if (axi4_arstn == 1'b0) begin
+#        l2_axi4_aruser  <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_arcache <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_arprot  <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_arlock  <= 1'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_arburst <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_arsize  <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_arlen   <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_arid    <=  'b0;
+#      end else if (l1_save) begin
+#        l2_axi4_aruser  <= s_axi4_aruser;
+#        l2_axi4_arcache <= s_axi4_arcache;
+#        l2_axi4_arprot  <= s_axi4_arprot;
+#        l2_axi4_arlock  <= s_axi4_arlock;
+#        l2_axi4_arburst <= s_axi4_arburst;
+#        l2_axi4_arsize  <= s_axi4_arsize;
+#        l2_axi4_arlen   <= s_axi4_arlen;
+#        l2_axi4_arid    <= s_axi4_arid;
+#      end
+#    end
+#    // signal that an l1_save_i can be accepted
+#    always @(posedge axi4_aclk or negedge axi4_arstn) begin
+#      if (axi4_arstn == 1'b0) begin
+#        l2_available_q <= 1'b1;
+#      end else if (l2_sent | l2_drop_i) begin
+#        l2_available_q <= 1'b1;
+#      end else if (l1_save) begin
+#        l2_available_q <= 1'b0;
+#      end
+#    end
+#    assign l2_sending_o = l2_accept_i & ~l2_available_q;
+#    assign l2_sent      = l2_sending_o & m_axi4_arvalid & m_axi4_arready;
+#    // if 1: having sent out a transaction translated by L2
+#    //    2: drop request (L2 slot is available again)
+#    assign l2_done_o    = l2_sent | l2_drop_i;
+#  end else begin // !`ifdef ENABLE_L2TLB
+#    assign m_axi4_aruser  =  s_axi4_aruser;
+#    assign m_axi4_arcache =  s_axi4_arcache;
+#    assign m_axi4_arprot  =  s_axi4_arprot;
+#    assign m_axi4_arlock  =  s_axi4_arlock;
+#    assign m_axi4_arburst =  s_axi4_arburst;
+#    assign m_axi4_arsize  =  s_axi4_arsize;
+#    assign m_axi4_arlen   =  s_axi4_arlen;
+#    assign m_axi4_araddr  =  l1_araddr_i;
+#    assign m_axi4_arid    =  s_axi4_arid;
+#    assign l2_sending_o   = 1'b0;
+#    assign l2_available_q = 1'b0;
+#    assign l2_done_o      = 1'b0;
+#  end // else: !if(ENABLE_L2TLB == 1)
+# endgenerate
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f5ca37d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi4_aw_buffer(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.axi4_aclk = Signal()  # input
+        self.axi4_arstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awaddr = Signal(32)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_awlen = Signal(8)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awsize = Signal(3)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awburst = Signal(2)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awlock = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awprot = Signal(3)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awcache = Signal(4)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awregion = Signal(4)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awqos = Signal(4)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awuser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_awid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awaddr = Signal(32)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awready = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_awlen = Signal(8)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awsize = Signal(3)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awburst = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awlock = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awprot = Signal(3)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awcache = Signal(4)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awregion = Signal(4)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awqos = Signal(4)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awuser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awcache)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awprot)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awlock)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awburst)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awsize)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awlen)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awaddr)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awregion)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awqos)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awid)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.s_axi4_awuser)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awcache.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awprot.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awlock.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awburst.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awsize.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awlen.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awaddr.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awregion.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awqos.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awuser.eq(self.None)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# module axi4_aw_buffer
+#  #(
+#    parameter AXI_ID_WIDTH   = 4,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH = 4
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input  logic                      axi4_aclk,
+#    input  logic                      axi4_arstn,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_awid,
+#    input  logic               [31:0] s_axi4_awaddr,
+#    input  logic                      s_axi4_awvalid,
+#    output logic                      s_axi4_awready,
+#    input  logic                [7:0] s_axi4_awlen,
+#    input  logic                [2:0] s_axi4_awsize,
+#    input  logic                [1:0] s_axi4_awburst,
+#    input  logic                      s_axi4_awlock,
+#    input  logic                [2:0] s_axi4_awprot,
+#    input  logic                [3:0] s_axi4_awcache,
+#    input  logic                [3:0] s_axi4_awregion,
+#    input  logic                [3:0] s_axi4_awqos,
+#    input  logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_awuser,
+#    output logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_awid,
+#    output logic               [31:0] m_axi4_awaddr,
+#    output logic                      m_axi4_awvalid,
+#    input  logic                      m_axi4_awready,
+#    output logic                [7:0] m_axi4_awlen,
+#    output logic                [2:0] m_axi4_awsize,
+#    output logic                [1:0] m_axi4_awburst,
+#    output logic                      m_axi4_awlock,
+#    output logic                [2:0] m_axi4_awprot,
+#    output logic                [3:0] m_axi4_awcache,
+#    output logic                [3:0] m_axi4_awregion,
+#    output logic                [3:0] m_axi4_awqos,
+#    output logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_awuser
+#  );
+#  wire [AXI_USER_WIDTH+AXI_ID_WIDTH+60:0] data_in;
+#  wire [AXI_USER_WIDTH+AXI_ID_WIDTH+60:0] data_out;
+#  assign data_in                                            [3:0] = s_axi4_awcache;
+#  assign data_in                                            [6:4] = s_axi4_awprot;
+#  assign data_in                                              [7] = s_axi4_awlock;
+#  assign data_in                                            [9:8] = s_axi4_awburst;
+#  assign data_in                                          [12:10] = s_axi4_awsize;
+#  assign data_in                                          [20:13] = s_axi4_awlen;
+#  assign data_in                                          [52:21] = s_axi4_awaddr;
+#  assign data_in                                          [56:53] = s_axi4_awregion;
+#  assign data_in                                          [60:57] = s_axi4_awqos;
+#  assign data_in                             [60+AXI_ID_WIDTH:61] = s_axi4_awid;
+#  assign data_in [60+AXI_ID_WIDTH+AXI_USER_WIDTH:61+AXI_ID_WIDTH] = s_axi4_awuser;
+#  assign m_axi4_awcache  = data_out[3:0];
+#  assign m_axi4_awprot   = data_out[6:4];
+#  assign m_axi4_awlock   = data_out[7];
+#  assign m_axi4_awburst  = data_out[9:8];
+#  assign m_axi4_awsize   = data_out[12:10];
+#  assign m_axi4_awlen    = data_out[20:13];
+#  assign m_axi4_awaddr   = data_out[52:21];
+#  assign m_axi4_awregion = data_out[56:53];
+#  assign m_axi4_awqos    = data_out[60:57];
+#  assign m_axi4_awid     = data_out[60+AXI_ID_WIDTH:61];
+#  assign m_axi4_awuser   = data_out[60+AXI_ID_WIDTH+AXI_USER_WIDTH:61+AXI_ID_WIDTH];
+#  axi_buffer_rab
+#    #(
+#      .BUFFER_DEPTH ( 4                               )
+#    )
+#    u_buffer
+#    (
+#      .clk       ( axi4_aclk      ),
+#      .rstn      ( axi4_arstn     ),
+#      .valid_out ( m_axi4_awvalid ),
+#      .data_out  ( data_out       ),
+#      .ready_in  ( m_axi4_awready ),
+#      .valid_in  ( s_axi4_awvalid ),
+#      .data_in   ( data_in        ),
+#      .ready_out ( s_axi4_awready )
+#    );
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fbc917d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi4_aw_sender(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.axi4_aclk = Signal()  # input
+        self.axi4_arstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_done_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.l1_accept_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_drop_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_save_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_done_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.l2_accept_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_drop_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_sending_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.l1_awaddr_i = Signal(AXI_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.l2_awaddr_i = Signal(AXI_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_awlen = Signal(8)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awsize = Signal(3)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awburst = Signal(2)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awlock = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awprot = Signal(3)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awcache = Signal(4)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awregion = Signal(4)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awqos = Signal(4)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awuser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_awid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awaddr = Signal(AXI_ADDR_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awready = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_awlen = Signal(8)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awsize = Signal(3)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awburst = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awlock = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awprot = Signal(3)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awcache = Signal(4)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awregion = Signal(4)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awqos = Signal(4)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_awuser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.l1_save.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.l1_done_o.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awvalid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_awready.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awuser.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awcache.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awregion.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awqos.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awprot.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awlock.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awburst.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awsize.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awlen.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awaddr.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_sending_o.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_sent.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_done_o.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awuser.eq(self.s_axi4_awuser)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awcache.eq(self.s_axi4_awcache)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awregion.eq(self.s_axi4_awregion)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awqos.eq(self.s_axi4_awqos)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awprot.eq(self.s_axi4_awprot)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awlock.eq(self.s_axi4_awlock)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awburst.eq(self.s_axi4_awburst)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awsize.eq(self.s_axi4_awsize)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awlen.eq(self.s_axi4_awlen)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awaddr.eq(self.l1_awaddr_i)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_awid.eq(self.s_axi4_awid)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_sending_o.eq(self.1: 'b0)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_available_q.eq(self.1: 'b0)
+        m.d.comb += self.l2_done_o.eq(self.1: 'b0)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# module axi4_aw_sender
+#  #(
+#    parameter AXI_ADDR_WIDTH   = 40,
+#    parameter AXI_ID_WIDTH     = 4,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH   = 4,
+#    parameter ENABLE_L2TLB     = 0
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input  logic                      axi4_aclk,
+#    input  logic                      axi4_arstn,
+#    output logic                      l1_done_o,
+#    input  logic                      l1_accept_i,
+#    input  logic                      l1_drop_i,
+#    input  logic                      l1_save_i,
+#    output logic                      l2_done_o,
+#    input  logic                      l2_accept_i,
+#    input  logic                      l2_drop_i,
+#    output logic                      l2_sending_o,
+#    input  logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] l1_awaddr_i,
+#    input  logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] l2_awaddr_i,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_awid,
+#    input  logic                      s_axi4_awvalid,
+#    output logic                      s_axi4_awready,
+#    input  logic                [7:0] s_axi4_awlen,
+#    input  logic                [2:0] s_axi4_awsize,
+#    input  logic                [1:0] s_axi4_awburst,
+#    input  logic                      s_axi4_awlock,
+#    input  logic                [2:0] s_axi4_awprot,
+#    input  logic                [3:0] s_axi4_awcache,
+#    input  logic                [3:0] s_axi4_awregion,
+#    input  logic                [3:0] s_axi4_awqos,
+#    input  logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_awuser,
+#    output logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_awid,
+#    output logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_awaddr,
+#    output logic                      m_axi4_awvalid,
+#    input  logic                      m_axi4_awready,
+#    output logic                [7:0] m_axi4_awlen,
+#    output logic                [2:0] m_axi4_awsize,
+#    output logic                [1:0] m_axi4_awburst,
+#    output logic                      m_axi4_awlock,
+#    output logic                [2:0] m_axi4_awprot,
+#    output logic                [3:0] m_axi4_awcache,
+#    output logic                [3:0] m_axi4_awregion,
+#    output logic                [3:0] m_axi4_awqos,
+#    output logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_awuser
+#  );
+#  logic l1_save;
+#  logic l2_sent;
+#  logic l2_available_q;
+#  assign l1_save      = l1_save_i & l2_available_q;
+#  assign l1_done_o    = s_axi4_awvalid & s_axi4_awready ;
+#  // if 1: accept and forward a transaction translated by L1
+#  //    2: drop or save request (if L2 slot not occupied already)
+#  assign m_axi4_awvalid = (s_axi4_awvalid & l1_accept_i) |
+#                          l2_sending_o;
+#  assign s_axi4_awready = (m_axi4_awvalid & m_axi4_awready & ~l2_sending_o) |
+#                          (s_axi4_awvalid & (l1_drop_i | l1_save));
+# generate
+#  if (ENABLE_L2TLB    == 1) begin
+#    logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] l2_axi4_awuser  ;
+#    logic                [3:0] l2_axi4_awcache ;
+#    logic                [3:0] l2_axi4_awregion;
+#    logic                [3:0] l2_axi4_awqos   ;
+#    logic                [2:0] l2_axi4_awprot  ;
+#    logic                      l2_axi4_awlock  ;
+#    logic                [1:0] l2_axi4_awburst ;
+#    logic                [2:0] l2_axi4_awsize  ;
+#    logic                [7:0] l2_axi4_awlen   ;
+#    logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] l2_axi4_awid    ;
+#    assign m_axi4_awuser   = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_awuser   : s_axi4_awuser;
+#    assign m_axi4_awcache  = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_awcache  : s_axi4_awcache;
+#    assign m_axi4_awregion = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_awregion : s_axi4_awregion;
+#    assign m_axi4_awqos    = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_awqos    : s_axi4_awqos;
+#    assign m_axi4_awprot   = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_awprot   : s_axi4_awprot;
+#    assign m_axi4_awlock   = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_awlock   : s_axi4_awlock;
+#    assign m_axi4_awburst  = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_awburst  : s_axi4_awburst;
+#    assign m_axi4_awsize   = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_awsize   : s_axi4_awsize;
+#    assign m_axi4_awlen    = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_awlen    : s_axi4_awlen;
+#    assign m_axi4_awaddr   = l2_sending_o ? l2_awaddr_i      : l1_awaddr_i;
+#    assign m_axi4_awid     = l2_sending_o ? l2_axi4_awid     : s_axi4_awid;
+#    // buffer AXI signals in case of L1 miss
+#    always @(posedge axi4_aclk or negedge axi4_arstn) begin
+#      if (axi4_arstn == 1'b0) begin
+#        l2_axi4_awuser   <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_awcache  <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_awregion <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_awqos    <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_awprot   <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_awlock   <= 1'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_awburst  <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_awsize   <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_awlen    <=  'b0;
+#        l2_axi4_awid     <=  'b0;
+#      end else if (l1_save) begin
+#        l2_axi4_awuser   <= s_axi4_awuser;
+#        l2_axi4_awcache  <= s_axi4_awcache;
+#        l2_axi4_awregion <= s_axi4_awregion;
+#        l2_axi4_awqos    <= s_axi4_awqos;
+#        l2_axi4_awprot   <= s_axi4_awprot;
+#        l2_axi4_awlock   <= s_axi4_awlock;
+#        l2_axi4_awburst  <= s_axi4_awburst;
+#        l2_axi4_awsize   <= s_axi4_awsize;
+#        l2_axi4_awlen    <= s_axi4_awlen;
+#        l2_axi4_awid     <= s_axi4_awid;
+#      end
+#    end
+#    // signal that an l1_save_i can be accepted
+#    always @(posedge axi4_aclk or negedge axi4_arstn) begin
+#      if (axi4_arstn == 1'b0) begin
+#        l2_available_q <= 1'b1;
+#      end else if (l2_sent | l2_drop_i) begin
+#        l2_available_q <= 1'b1;
+#      end else if (l1_save) begin
+#        l2_available_q <= 1'b0;
+#      end
+#    end
+#    assign l2_sending_o = l2_accept_i & ~l2_available_q;
+#    assign l2_sent      = l2_sending_o & m_axi4_awvalid & m_axi4_awready;
+#    // if 1: having sent out a transaction translated by L2
+#    //    2: drop request (L2 slot is available again)
+#    assign l2_done_o    = l2_sent | l2_drop_i;
+#  end else begin // !`ifdef ENABLE_L2TLB
+#    assign m_axi4_awuser   =  s_axi4_awuser;
+#    assign m_axi4_awcache  =  s_axi4_awcache;
+#    assign m_axi4_awregion =  s_axi4_awregion;
+#    assign m_axi4_awqos    =  s_axi4_awqos;
+#    assign m_axi4_awprot   =  s_axi4_awprot;
+#    assign m_axi4_awlock   =  s_axi4_awlock;
+#    assign m_axi4_awburst  =  s_axi4_awburst;
+#    assign m_axi4_awsize   =  s_axi4_awsize;
+#    assign m_axi4_awlen    =  s_axi4_awlen;
+#    assign m_axi4_awaddr   =  l1_awaddr_i;
+#    assign m_axi4_awid     =  s_axi4_awid;
+#    assign l2_sending_o    = 1'b0;
+#    assign l2_available_q  = 1'b0;
+#    assign l2_done_o       = 1'b0;
+#  end // !`ifdef ENABLE_L2TLB
+# endgenerate
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..42fce1a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi4_b_buffer(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.axi4_aclk = Signal()  # input
+        self.axi4_arstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_bid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_bresp = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_bvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_buser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_bready = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_bid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_bresp = Signal(2)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_bvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_buser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_bready = Signal()  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.m_axi4_bresp)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.m_axi4_bid)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.m_axi4_buser)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_buser.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_bid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_bresp.eq(self.None)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# module axi4_b_buffer
+#  #(
+#    parameter AXI_ID_WIDTH   = 4,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH = 4
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input  logic                      axi4_aclk,
+#    input  logic                      axi4_arstn,
+#    output logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_bid,
+#    output logic                [1:0] s_axi4_bresp,
+#    output logic                      s_axi4_bvalid,
+#    output logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_buser,
+#    input  logic                      s_axi4_bready,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_bid,
+#    input  logic                [1:0] m_axi4_bresp,
+#    input  logic                      m_axi4_bvalid,
+#    input  logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_buser,
+#    output logic                      m_axi4_bready
+#  );
+#  wire [AXI_ID_WIDTH+AXI_USER_WIDTH+1:0] data_in;
+#  wire [AXI_ID_WIDTH+AXI_USER_WIDTH+1:0] data_out;
+#  assign data_in                                         [1:0] = m_axi4_bresp;
+#  assign data_in                            [AXI_ID_WIDTH+1:2] = m_axi4_bid;
+#  assign data_in[AXI_ID_WIDTH+AXI_USER_WIDTH+1:AXI_ID_WIDTH+2] = m_axi4_buser;
+#  assign s_axi4_buser = data_out[AXI_ID_WIDTH+AXI_USER_WIDTH+1:AXI_ID_WIDTH+2];
+#  assign s_axi4_bid   = data_out[AXI_ID_WIDTH+1:2];
+#  assign s_axi4_bresp = data_out[1:0];
+#  axi_buffer_rab
+#  #(
+#    .BUFFER_DEPTH ( 4                             )
+#    )
+#  u_buffer
+#  (
+#    .clk      ( axi4_aclk     ),
+#    .rstn     ( axi4_arstn    ),
+#    .valid_out( s_axi4_bvalid ),
+#    .data_out ( data_out      ),
+#    .ready_in ( s_axi4_bready ),
+#    .valid_in ( m_axi4_bvalid ),
+#    .data_in  ( data_in       ),
+#    .ready_out( m_axi4_bready )
+#  );
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1c61a2a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi4_b_sender(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.axi4_aclk = Signal()  # input
+        self.axi4_arstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.drop_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.done_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.id_i = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.prefetch_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.hit_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_bid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_bresp = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_bvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_buser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_bready = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_bid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_bresp = Signal(2)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_bvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_buser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_bready = Signal()  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.fifo_push.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.done_o.eq(self.fifo_push)
+        m.d.comb += self.fifo_pop.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_buser.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_bid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_bresp.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_bvalid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_bready.eq(self.None)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# module axi4_b_sender
+#  #(
+#    parameter AXI_ID_WIDTH   = 10,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH = 4
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input  logic                      axi4_aclk,
+#    input  logic                      axi4_arstn,
+#    input  logic                      drop_i,
+#    output logic                      done_o,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] id_i,
+#    input  logic                      prefetch_i,
+#    input  logic                      hit_i,
+#    output logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_bid,
+#    output logic                [1:0] s_axi4_bresp,
+#    output logic                      s_axi4_bvalid,
+#    output logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_buser,
+#    input  logic                      s_axi4_bready,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_bid,
+#    input  logic                [1:0] m_axi4_bresp,
+#    input  logic                      m_axi4_bvalid,
+#    input  logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_buser,
+#    output logic                      m_axi4_bready
+#  );
+#  logic                    fifo_valid;
+#  logic                    fifo_pop;
+#  logic                    fifo_push;
+#  logic                    fifo_ready;
+#  logic [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] id;
+#  logic                    prefetch;
+#  logic                    hit;
+#  logic                    dropping;
+#  axi_buffer_rab
+#    #(
+#      .DATA_WIDTH   ( 2+AXI_ID_WIDTH  ),
+#      .BUFFER_DEPTH ( 4               )
+#      )
+#    u_fifo
+#      (
+#        .clk       ( axi4_aclk                 ),
+#        .rstn      ( axi4_arstn                ),
+#        // Pop
+#        .data_out  ( {prefetch,   hit,   id}   ),
+#        .valid_out ( fifo_valid                ),
+#        .ready_in  ( fifo_pop                  ),
+#        // Push
+#        .valid_in  ( fifo_push                 ),
+#        .data_in   ( {prefetch_i, hit_i, id_i} ),
+#        .ready_out ( fifo_ready                )
+#      );
+#  assign fifo_push = drop_i & fifo_ready;
+#  assign done_o    = fifo_push;
+#  assign fifo_pop  = dropping & s_axi4_bready;
+#  always @ (posedge axi4_aclk or negedge axi4_arstn) begin
+#    if (axi4_arstn == 1'b0) begin
+#      dropping <= 1'b0;
+#    end else begin
+#      if (fifo_valid && ~dropping)
+#        dropping <= 1'b1;
+#      else if (fifo_pop)
+#        dropping <= 1'b0;
+#    end
+#  end
+#  assign s_axi4_buser  = dropping ? {AXI_USER_WIDTH{1'b0}} : m_axi4_buser;
+#  assign s_axi4_bid    = dropping ? id : m_axi4_bid;
+#  assign s_axi4_bresp  = (dropping & prefetch & hit) ? 2'b00 : // prefetch hit, mutli, prot
+#                         (dropping & prefetch      ) ? 2'b10 : // prefetch miss
+#                         (dropping            & hit) ? 2'b10 : // non-prefetch multi, prot
+#                         (dropping                 ) ? 2'b10 : // non-prefetch miss
+#                         m_axi4_bresp;
+#  assign s_axi4_bvalid =  dropping | m_axi4_bvalid;
+#  assign m_axi4_bready = ~dropping & s_axi4_bready;
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..91bdf0a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi4_r_buffer(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.axi4_aclk = Signal()  # input
+        self.axi4_arstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_rid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rresp = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rdata = Signal(AXI_DATA_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rlast = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_ruser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rready = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rresp = Signal(2)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rdata = Signal(AXI_DATA_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rlast = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_ruser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rready = Signal()  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.m_axi4_rresp)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.m_axi4_rlast)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.m_axi4_rid)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.m_axi4_rdata)
+        m.d.comb += self.None.eq(self.m_axi4_ruser)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_rresp.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_rlast.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_rid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_rdata.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_ruser.eq(self.None)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# module axi4_r_buffer
+#  #(
+#    parameter AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
+#    parameter AXI_ID_WIDTH   = 4,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH = 4
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input  logic                      axi4_aclk,
+#    input  logic                      axi4_arstn,
+#    output logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_rid,
+#    output logic                [1:0] s_axi4_rresp,
+#    output logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_rdata,
+#    output logic                      s_axi4_rlast,
+#    output logic                      s_axi4_rvalid,
+#    output logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_ruser,
+#    input  logic                      s_axi4_rready,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_rid,
+#    input  logic                [1:0] m_axi4_rresp,
+#    input  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_rdata,
+#    input  logic                      m_axi4_rlast,
+#    input  logic                      m_axi4_rvalid,
+#    input  logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_ruser,
+#    output logic                      m_axi4_rready
+#  );
+#  wire [AXI_DATA_WIDTH+AXI_ID_WIDTH+AXI_USER_WIDTH+3-1:0] data_in;
+#  wire [AXI_DATA_WIDTH+AXI_ID_WIDTH+AXI_USER_WIDTH+3-1:0] data_out;
+#  localparam ID_START   = 3;
+#  localparam ID_END     = AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 + ID_START;
+#  localparam DATA_START = ID_END + 1;
+#  localparam DATA_END   = AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 + DATA_START;
+#  localparam USER_START = DATA_END + 1;
+#  localparam USER_END   = AXI_USER_WIDTH-1 + USER_START;
+#  assign data_in                [1:0] = m_axi4_rresp;
+#  assign data_in                  [2] = m_axi4_rlast;
+#  assign data_in    [ID_END:ID_START] = m_axi4_rid;
+#  assign data_in[DATA_END:DATA_START] = m_axi4_rdata;
+#  assign data_in[USER_END:USER_START] = m_axi4_ruser;
+#  assign s_axi4_rresp  = data_out                [1:0];
+#  assign s_axi4_rlast  = data_out                  [2];
+#  assign s_axi4_rid    = data_out    [ID_END:ID_START];
+#  assign s_axi4_rdata  = data_out[DATA_END:DATA_START];
+#  assign s_axi4_ruser  = data_out[USER_END:USER_START];
+#  axi_buffer_rab
+#  #(
+#    .BUFFER_DEPTH ( 4                                             )
+#    )
+#  u_buffer
+#  (
+#    .clk       ( axi4_aclk     ),
+#    .rstn      ( axi4_arstn    ),
+#    // Pop
+#    .valid_out ( s_axi4_rvalid ),
+#    .data_out  ( data_out      ),
+#    .ready_in  ( s_axi4_rready ),
+#    // Push
+#    .valid_in  ( m_axi4_rvalid ),
+#    .data_in   ( data_in       ),
+#    .ready_out ( m_axi4_rready )
+#  );
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d4e22bb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi4_r_sender(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.axi4_aclk = Signal()  # input
+        self.axi4_arstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.drop_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.drop_len_i = Signal(8)  # input
+        self.done_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.id_i = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.prefetch_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.hit_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_rid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rresp = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rdata = Signal(AXI_DATA_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rlast = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_ruser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rready = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rid = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rresp = Signal(2)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rdata = Signal(AXI_DATA_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rlast = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_ruser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_rready = Signal()  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.fifo_push.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.done_o.eq(self.fifo_push)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_rdata.eq(self.m_axi4_rdata)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_ruser.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_rid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_rresp.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_rvalid.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_rready.eq(self.None)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# //import CfMath::log2;
+# module axi4_r_sender
+#  #(
+#    parameter AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
+#    parameter AXI_ID_WIDTH   = 4,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH = 4
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input  logic                      axi4_aclk,
+#    input  logic                      axi4_arstn,
+#    input  logic                      drop_i,
+#    input  logic                [7:0] drop_len_i,
+#    output logic                      done_o,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] id_i,
+#    input  logic                      prefetch_i,
+#    input  logic                      hit_i,
+#    output logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_rid,
+#    output logic                [1:0] s_axi4_rresp,
+#    output logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_rdata,
+#    output logic                      s_axi4_rlast,
+#    output logic                      s_axi4_rvalid,
+#    output logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_ruser,
+#    input  logic                      s_axi4_rready,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_rid,
+#    input  logic                [1:0] m_axi4_rresp,
+#    input  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_rdata,
+#    input  logic                      m_axi4_rlast,
+#    input  logic                      m_axi4_rvalid,
+#    input  logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_ruser,
+#    output logic                      m_axi4_rready
+#  );
+#  localparam BUFFER_DEPTH = 16;
+#  logic                    fifo_valid;
+#  logic                    fifo_pop;
+#  logic                    fifo_push;
+#  logic                    fifo_ready;
+#  logic [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] id;
+#  logic              [7:0] len;
+#  logic                    prefetch;
+#  logic                    hit;
+#  logic                    dropping;
+#  enum logic [1:0]  { FORWARDING, DROPPING }
+#                            state_d,                state_q;
+#  logic                     burst_ongoing_d,        burst_ongoing_q;
+#  logic [7:0]               drop_cnt_d,             drop_cnt_q;
+#  axi_buffer_rab
+#    #(
+#      .DATA_WIDTH       ( 2+AXI_ID_WIDTH+8  ),
+#      .BUFFER_DEPTH     ( BUFFER_DEPTH      )
+#      )
+#    u_fifo
+#      (
+#        .clk       ( axi4_aclk                              ),
+#        .rstn      ( axi4_arstn                             ),
+#        // Pop
+#        .data_out  ( {prefetch,   hit,   id,   len}         ),
+#        .valid_out ( fifo_valid                             ),
+#        .ready_in  ( fifo_pop                               ),
+#        // Push
+#        .valid_in  ( fifo_push                              ),
+#        .data_in   ( {prefetch_i, hit_i, id_i, drop_len_i}  ),
+#        .ready_out ( fifo_ready                             )
+#      );
+#  assign fifo_push = drop_i & fifo_ready;
+#  assign done_o    = fifo_push;
+#  always_comb begin
+#    burst_ongoing_d = burst_ongoing_q;
+#    drop_cnt_d      = drop_cnt_q;
+#    dropping        = 1'b0;
+#    s_axi4_rlast    = 1'b0;
+#    fifo_pop        = 1'b0;
+#    state_d         = state_q;
+#    case (state_q)
+#      FORWARDING: begin
+#        s_axi4_rlast = m_axi4_rlast;
+#        // Remember whether there is currently a burst ongoing.
+#        if (m_axi4_rvalid && m_axi4_rready) begin
+#          if (m_axi4_rlast) begin
+#            burst_ongoing_d = 1'b0;
+#          end else begin
+#            burst_ongoing_d = 1'b1;
+#          end
+#        end
+#        // If there is no burst ongoing and the FIFO has a drop request ready, process it.
+#        if (!burst_ongoing_d && fifo_valid) begin
+#          drop_cnt_d  = len;
+#          state_d     = DROPPING;
+#        end
+#      end
+#      DROPPING: begin
+#        dropping      = 1'b1;
+#        s_axi4_rlast  = (drop_cnt_q == '0);
+#        // Handshake on slave interface
+#        if (s_axi4_rready) begin
+#          drop_cnt_d -= 1;
+#          if (drop_cnt_q == '0) begin
+#            drop_cnt_d  = '0;
+#            fifo_pop    = 1'b1;
+#            state_d     = FORWARDING;
+#          end
+#        end
+#      end
+#      default: begin
+#        state_d = FORWARDING;
+#      end
+#    endcase
+#  end
+#  assign s_axi4_rdata  = m_axi4_rdata;
+#  assign s_axi4_ruser  = dropping ? {AXI_USER_WIDTH{1'b0}} : m_axi4_ruser;
+#  assign s_axi4_rid    = dropping ? id : m_axi4_rid;
+#  assign s_axi4_rresp  = (dropping & prefetch & hit) ? 2'b00 : // prefetch hit, mutli, prot
+#                         (dropping & prefetch      ) ? 2'b10 : // prefetch miss
+#                         (dropping            & hit) ? 2'b10 : // non-prefetch multi, prot
+#                         (dropping                 ) ? 2'b10 : // non-prefetch miss
+#                         m_axi4_rresp;
+#  assign s_axi4_rvalid =  dropping | m_axi4_rvalid;
+#  assign m_axi4_rready = ~dropping & s_axi4_rready;
+#  always_ff @(posedge axi4_aclk, negedge axi4_arstn) begin
+#    if (axi4_arstn == 1'b0) begin
+#      burst_ongoing_q <= 1'b0;
+#      drop_cnt_q      <=  'b0;
+#      state_q         <= FORWARDING;
+#    end else begin
+#      burst_ongoing_q <= burst_ongoing_d;
+#      drop_cnt_q      <= drop_cnt_d;
+#      state_q         <= state_d;
+#    end
+#  end
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aa06dc2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi4_w_buffer(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.axi4_aclk = Signal()  # input
+        self.axi4_arstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_done_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.l1_accept_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_save_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_drop_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_master_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_id_i = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.l1_len_i = Signal(8)  # input
+        self.l1_prefetch_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l1_hit_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_done_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.l2_accept_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_drop_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_master_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_id_i = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.l2_len_i = Signal(8)  # input
+        self.l2_prefetch_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.l2_hit_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.master_select_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.input_stall_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.output_stall_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.b_drop_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.b_done_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.id_o = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.prefetch_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.hit_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_wdata = Signal(AXI_DATA_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_wstrb = Signal(1+ERROR p_expression_25)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wlast = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wuser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.m_axi4_wdata = Signal(AXI_DATA_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_wvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_wready = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_wstrb = Signal(1+ERROR p_expression_25)  # output
+        self.m_axi4_wlast = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_wuser = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        return m
+# //import CfMath::log2;
+# module axi4_w_buffer
+#  #(
+#    parameter AXI_DATA_WIDTH   = 32,
+#    parameter AXI_ID_WIDTH     = 4,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH   = 4,
+#    parameter ENABLE_L2TLB     = 0,
+#    parameter HUM_BUFFER_DEPTH = 16
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input  logic                        axi4_aclk,
+#    input  logic                        axi4_arstn,
+#    // L1 & L2 interfaces
+#    output logic                        l1_done_o,
+#    input  logic                        l1_accept_i,
+#    input  logic                        l1_save_i,
+#    input  logic                        l1_drop_i,
+#    input  logic                        l1_master_i,
+#    input  logic     [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] l1_id_i,
+#    input  logic                  [7:0] l1_len_i,
+#    input  logic                        l1_prefetch_i,
+#    input  logic                        l1_hit_i,
+#    output logic                        l2_done_o,
+#    input  logic                        l2_accept_i,
+#    input  logic                        l2_drop_i,
+#    input  logic                        l2_master_i,
+#    input  logic     [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] l2_id_i,
+#    input  logic                  [7:0] l2_len_i,
+#    input  logic                        l2_prefetch_i,
+#    input  logic                        l2_hit_i,
+#    output logic                        master_select_o,
+#    output logic                        input_stall_o,
+#    output logic                        output_stall_o,
+#    // B sender interface
+#    output logic                        b_drop_o,
+#    input  logic                        b_done_i,
+#    output logic     [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] id_o,
+#    output logic                        prefetch_o,
+#    output logic                        hit_o,
+#    // AXI W channel interfaces
+#    input  logic   [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_wdata,
+#    input  logic                        s_axi4_wvalid,
+#    output logic                        s_axi4_wready,
+#    input  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] s_axi4_wstrb,
+#    input  logic                        s_axi4_wlast,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_wuser,
+#    output logic   [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_wdata,
+#    output logic                        m_axi4_wvalid,
+#    input  logic                        m_axi4_wready,
+#    output logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] m_axi4_wstrb,
+#    output logic                        m_axi4_wlast,
+#    output logic   [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_wuser
+#  );
+  localparam INPUT_BUFFER_DEPTH = 4;
+  localparam L1_FIFO_DEPTH      = 8;
+  localparam L2_FIFO_DEPTH      = 4;
+  logic      [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] axi4_wdata;
+  logic                           axi4_wvalid;
+  logic                           axi4_wready;
+  logic    [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] axi4_wstrb;
+  logic                           axi4_wlast;
+  logic      [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] axi4_wuser;
+  logic                           l1_fifo_valid_out;
+  logic                           l1_fifo_ready_in;
+  logic                           l1_fifo_valid_in;
+  logic                           l1_fifo_ready_out;
+  logic                           l1_req;
+  logic                           l1_accept_cur, l1_save_cur, l1_drop_cur;
+  logic                           l1_master_cur;
+  logic        [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] l1_id_cur;
+  logic                     [7:0] l1_len_cur;
+  logic                           l1_hit_cur, l1_prefetch_cur;
+  logic                           l1_save_in, l1_save_out;
+  logic [log2(L1_FIFO_DEPTH)-1:0] n_l1_save_SP;
+  logic                           l2_fifo_valid_out;
+  logic                           l2_fifo_ready_in;
+  logic                           l2_fifo_valid_in;
+  logic                           l2_fifo_ready_out;
+  logic                           l2_req;
+  logic                           l2_accept_cur, l2_drop_cur;
+  logic                           l2_master_cur;
+  logic        [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] l2_id_cur;
+  logic                     [7:0] l2_len_cur;
+  logic                           l2_hit_cur, l2_prefetch_cur;
+  logic                           fifo_select, fifo_select_SN, fifo_select_SP;
+  logic                           w_done;
+  logic                           b_drop_set;
+  // HUM buffer signals
+  logic                           hum_buf_ready_out;
+  logic                           hum_buf_valid_in;
+  logic                           hum_buf_ready_in;
+  logic                           hum_buf_valid_out;
+  logic                           hum_buf_underfull;
+  logic      [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] hum_buf_wdata;
+  logic    [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] hum_buf_wstrb;
+  logic                           hum_buf_wlast;
+  logic      [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] hum_buf_wuser;
+  logic                           hum_buf_drop_req_SN, hum_buf_drop_req_SP;
+  logic                     [7:0] hum_buf_drop_len_SN, hum_buf_drop_len_SP;
+  logic                           hum_buf_almost_full;
+  logic                           stop_store;
+  logic                           wlast_in, wlast_out;
+  logic signed              [3:0] n_wlast_SN,          n_wlast_SP;
+  logic                           block_forwarding;
+  // Search FSM
+  typedef enum logic        [3:0] {STORE,                       BYPASS,
+                                   WAIT_L1_BYPASS_YES,          WAIT_L2_BYPASS_YES,
+                                   WAIT_L1_BYPASS_NO,           WAIT_L2_BYPASS_NO,
+                                   FLUSH,                       DISCARD,
+                                   DISCARD_FINISH}
+                                  hum_buf_state_t;
+  hum_buf_state_t                 hum_buf_SP; // Present state
+  hum_buf_state_tbg                 hum_buf_SN; // Next State
+  axi_buffer_rab
+    #(
+      .DATA_WIDTH       ( BUFFER_WIDTH        ),
+      )
+    u_input_buf
+    (
+      .clk       ( axi4_aclk                                                ),
+      .rstn      ( axi4_arstn                                               ),
+      // Push
+      .data_in   ( {s_axi4_wuser, s_axi4_wstrb, s_axi4_wdata, s_axi4_wlast} ),
+      .valid_in  ( s_axi4_wvalid                                            ),
+      .ready_out ( s_axi4_wready                                            ),
+      // Pop
+      .data_out  ( {axi4_wuser,   axi4_wstrb,   axi4_wdata,   axi4_wlast}   ),
+      .valid_out ( axi4_wvalid                                              ),
+      .ready_in  ( axi4_wready                                              )
+    );
+  axi_buffer_rab
+    #(
+      .DATA_WIDTH       ( 2+AXI_ID_WIDTH+8+4  ),
+      .BUFFER_DEPTH     ( L1_FIFO_DEPTH       )
+      )
+    u_l1_fifo
+    (
+      .clk       ( axi4_aclk                                                                                                    ),
+      .rstn      ( axi4_arstn                                                                                                   ),
+      // Push
+      .data_in   ( {l1_prefetch_i,   l1_hit_i,   l1_id_i,   l1_len_i,   l1_master_i,   l1_accept_i,   l1_save_i,   l1_drop_i}   ),
+      .valid_in  ( l1_fifo_valid_in                                                                                             ),
+      .ready_out ( l1_fifo_ready_out                                                                                            ),
+      // Pop
+      .data_out  ( {l1_prefetch_cur, l1_hit_cur, l1_id_cur, l1_len_cur, l1_master_cur, l1_accept_cur, l1_save_cur, l1_drop_cur} ),
+      .valid_out ( l1_fifo_valid_out                                                                                            ),
+      .ready_in  ( l1_fifo_ready_in                                                                                             )
+    );
+    // Push upon receiving new requests from the TLB.
+    assign l1_req           = l1_accept_i | l1_save_i | l1_drop_i;
+    assign l1_fifo_valid_in = l1_req & l1_fifo_ready_out;
+    // Signal handshake
+    assign l1_done_o  = l1_fifo_valid_in;
+    assign l2_done_o  = l2_fifo_valid_in;
+    // Stall AW input of L1 TLB
+    assign input_stall_o = ~(l1_fifo_ready_out & l2_fifo_ready_out);
+    // Interface b_drop signals + handshake
+    always_comb begin
+      if (fifo_select == 1'b0) begin
+        prefetch_o       = l1_prefetch_cur;
+        hit_o            = l1_hit_cur;
+        id_o             = l1_id_cur;
+        l1_fifo_ready_in = w_done | b_done_i;
+        l2_fifo_ready_in = 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+        prefetch_o       = l2_prefetch_cur;
+        hit_o            = l2_hit_cur;
+        id_o             = l2_id_cur;
+        l1_fifo_ready_in = 1'b0;
+        l2_fifo_ready_in = w_done | b_done_i;
+      end
+    end
+    // Detect when an L1 transaction save request enters or exits the L1 FIFO.
+    assign l1_save_in  = l1_fifo_valid_in & l1_save_i;
+    assign l1_save_out = l1_fifo_ready_in & l1_save_cur;
+    // Count the number of L1 transaction to save in the L1 FIFO.
+    always_ff @(posedge axi4_aclk or negedge axi4_arstn) begin
+      if (axi4_arstn == 0) begin
+        n_l1_save_SP <= '0;
+      end else if (l1_save_in ^ l1_save_out) begin
+        if (l1_save_in) begin
+          n_l1_save_SP <= n_l1_save_SP + 1'b1;
+        end else if (l1_save_out) begin
+          n_l1_save_SP <= n_l1_save_SP - 1'b1;
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    // Stall forwarding of AW L1 hits if:
+    // 1. The HUM buffer does not allow to be bypassed.
+    // 2. There are multiple L1 save requests in the FIFO, i.e., multiple L2 outputs pending.
+    assign output_stall_o = (n_l1_save_SP > 1) || (block_forwarding == 1'b1);
+  generate
+  if (ENABLE_L2TLB == 1) begin : HUM_BUFFER
+    axi_buffer_rab_bram
+    #(
+      .DATA_WIDTH       ( BUFFER_WIDTH      ),
+      )
+    u_hum_buf
+    (
+      .clk           ( axi4_aclk                                                    ),
+      .rstn          ( axi4_arstn                                                   ),
+      // Push
+      .data_in       ( {axi4_wuser,    axi4_wstrb,    axi4_wdata,    axi4_wlast}    ),
+      .valid_in      ( hum_buf_valid_in                                             ),
+      .ready_out     ( hum_buf_ready_out                                            ),
+      // Pop
+      .data_out      ( {hum_buf_wuser, hum_buf_wstrb, hum_buf_wdata, hum_buf_wlast} ),
+      .valid_out     ( hum_buf_valid_out                                            ),
+      .ready_in      ( hum_buf_ready_in                                             ),
+      // Clear
+      .almost_full   ( hum_buf_almost_full                                          ),
+      .underfull     ( hum_buf_underfull                                            ),
+      .drop_req      ( hum_buf_drop_req_SP                                          ),
+      .drop_len      ( hum_buf_drop_len_SP                                          )
+    );
+    axi_buffer_rab
+    #(
+      .DATA_WIDTH       ( 2+AXI_ID_WIDTH+8+3  ),
+      .BUFFER_DEPTH     ( L2_FIFO_DEPTH       )
+      )
+    u_l2_fifo
+    (
+      .clk       ( axi4_aclk                                                                                        ),
+      .rstn      ( axi4_arstn                                                                                       ),
+      // Push
+      .data_in   ( {l2_prefetch_i,   l2_hit_i,   l2_id_i,   l2_len_i,   l2_master_i,   l2_accept_i,   l2_drop_i}    ),
+      .valid_in  ( l2_fifo_valid_in                                                                                 ),
+      .ready_out ( l2_fifo_ready_out                                                                                ),
+      // Pop
+      .data_out  ( {l2_prefetch_cur, l2_hit_cur, l2_id_cur, l2_len_cur, l2_master_cur, l2_accept_cur, l2_drop_cur}  ),
+      .valid_out ( l2_fifo_valid_out                                                                                ),
+      .ready_in  ( l2_fifo_ready_in                                                                                 )
+    );
+    // Push upon receiving new result from TLB.
+    assign l2_req           = l2_accept_i | l2_drop_i;
+    assign l2_fifo_valid_in = l2_req & l2_fifo_ready_out;
+    assign wlast_in  =    axi4_wlast & hum_buf_valid_in  & hum_buf_ready_out;
+    assign wlast_out = hum_buf_wlast & hum_buf_valid_out & hum_buf_ready_in;
+    always_ff @(posedge axi4_aclk or negedge axi4_arstn) begin
+      if (axi4_arstn == 0) begin
+        fifo_select_SP      <= 1'b0;
+        hum_buf_drop_len_SP <=  'b0;
+        hum_buf_drop_req_SP <= 1'b0;
+        hum_buf_SP          <= STORE;
+        n_wlast_SP          <=  'b0;
+      end else begin
+        fifo_select_SP      <= fifo_select_SN;
+        hum_buf_drop_len_SP <= hum_buf_drop_len_SN;
+        hum_buf_drop_req_SP <= hum_buf_drop_req_SN;
+        hum_buf_SP          <= hum_buf_SN;
+        n_wlast_SP          <= n_wlast_SN;
+      end
+    end
+    always_comb begin
+      n_wlast_SN = n_wlast_SP;
+      if (hum_buf_drop_req_SP) begin  // Happens exactly once per burst to be dropped.
+        n_wlast_SN -= 1;
+      end
+      if (wlast_in) begin
+        n_wlast_SN += 1;
+      end
+      if (wlast_out) begin
+        n_wlast_SN -= 1;
+      end
+    end
+    always_comb begin : HUM_BUFFER_FSM
+      hum_buf_SN       = hum_buf_SP;
+      m_axi4_wlast     = 1'b0;
+      m_axi4_wdata     =  'b0;
+      m_axi4_wstrb     =  'b0;
+      m_axi4_wuser     =  'b0;
+      m_axi4_wvalid    = 1'b0;
+      axi4_wready      = 1'b0;
+      hum_buf_valid_in = 1'b0;
+      hum_buf_ready_in = 1'b0;
+      hum_buf_drop_req_SN = hum_buf_drop_req_SP;
+      hum_buf_drop_len_SN = hum_buf_drop_len_SP;
+      master_select_o  = 1'b0;
+      w_done           = 1'b0; // read from FIFO without handshake with B sender
+      b_drop_o         = 1'b0; // send data from FIFO to B sender (with handshake)
+      fifo_select      = 1'b0;
+      fifo_select_SN   = fifo_select_SP;
+      stop_store       = 1'b0;
+      block_forwarding = 1'b0;
+      unique case (hum_buf_SP)
+        STORE : begin
+          // Simply store the data in the buffer.
+          hum_buf_valid_in = axi4_wvalid & hum_buf_ready_out;
+          axi4_wready      = hum_buf_ready_out;
+          // We have got a full burst in the HUM buffer, thus stop storing.
+          if (wlast_in & !hum_buf_underfull | (n_wlast_SP > $signed(0))) begin
+            hum_buf_SN = WAIT_L1_BYPASS_YES;
+          // The buffer is full, thus wait for decision.
+          end else if (~hum_buf_ready_out) begin
+            hum_buf_SN = WAIT_L1_BYPASS_NO;
+          end
+          // Avoid the forwarding of L1 hits until we know whether we can bypass.
+          if (l1_fifo_valid_out & l1_save_cur) begin
+            block_forwarding = 1'b1;
+          end
+        end
+        WAIT_L1_BYPASS_YES : begin
+          // Wait for orders from L1 TLB.
+          if (l1_fifo_valid_out) begin
+            // L1 hit - forward data from buffer
+            if (l1_accept_cur) begin
+              m_axi4_wlast       = hum_buf_wlast;
+              m_axi4_wdata       = hum_buf_wdata;
+              m_axi4_wstrb       = hum_buf_wstrb;
+              m_axi4_wuser       = hum_buf_wuser;
+              m_axi4_wvalid      = hum_buf_valid_out;
+              hum_buf_ready_in   = m_axi4_wready;
+              master_select_o    = l1_master_cur;
+              // Detect last data beat.
+              if (wlast_out) begin
+                fifo_select      = 1'b0;
+                w_done           = 1'b1;
+                hum_buf_SN       = STORE;
+              end
+            // L1 miss - wait for L2
+            end else if (l1_save_cur) begin
+              fifo_select        = 1'b0;
+              w_done             = 1'b1;
+              hum_buf_SN         = WAIT_L2_BYPASS_YES;
+            // L1 prefetch, prot, multi - drop data
+            end else if (l1_drop_cur) begin
+              fifo_select_SN      = 1'b0; // L1
+              hum_buf_drop_req_SN = 1'b1;
+              hum_buf_drop_len_SN = l1_len_cur;
+              hum_buf_SN          = FLUSH;
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        WAIT_L2_BYPASS_YES : begin
+          // Wait for orders from L2 TLB.
+          if (l2_fifo_valid_out) begin
+            // L2 hit - forward data from buffer
+            if (l2_accept_cur) begin
+              m_axi4_wlast       = hum_buf_wlast;
+              m_axi4_wdata       = hum_buf_wdata;
+              m_axi4_wstrb       = hum_buf_wstrb;
+              m_axi4_wuser       = hum_buf_wuser;
+              m_axi4_wvalid      = hum_buf_valid_out;
+              hum_buf_ready_in   = m_axi4_wready;
+              master_select_o    = l2_master_cur;
+              // Detect last data beat.
+              if (wlast_out) begin
+                fifo_select      = 1'b1;
+                w_done           = 1'b1;
+                hum_buf_SN       = STORE;
+              end
+            // L2 miss/prefetch hit
+            end else if (l2_drop_cur) begin
+              fifo_select_SN      = 1'b1; // L2
+              hum_buf_drop_req_SN = 1'b1;
+              hum_buf_drop_len_SN = l2_len_cur;
+              hum_buf_SN          = FLUSH;
+            end
+          // While we wait for orders from L2 TLB, we can still drop and accept L1 transactions.
+          end else if (l1_fifo_valid_out) begin
+            // L1 hit
+            if (l1_accept_cur) begin
+              hum_buf_SN         = BYPASS;
+            // L1 prefetch/prot/multi
+            end else if (l1_drop_cur) begin
+              hum_buf_SN         = DISCARD;
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        FLUSH : begin
+          // Clear HUM buffer flush request.
+          hum_buf_drop_req_SN = 1'b0;
+          // perform handshake with B sender
+          fifo_select      = fifo_select_SP;
+          b_drop_o         = 1'b1;
+          if (b_done_i) begin
+            hum_buf_SN     = STORE;
+          end
+        end
+        BYPASS : begin
+          // Forward one full transaction from input buffer.
+          m_axi4_wlast       = axi4_wlast;
+          m_axi4_wdata       = axi4_wdata;
+          m_axi4_wstrb       = axi4_wstrb;
+          m_axi4_wuser       = axi4_wuser;
+          m_axi4_wvalid      = axi4_wvalid;
+          axi4_wready        = m_axi4_wready;
+          master_select_o    = l1_master_cur;
+          // We have got a full transaction.
+          if (axi4_wlast & axi4_wready & axi4_wvalid) begin
+            fifo_select      = 1'b0;
+            w_done           = 1'b1;
+            hum_buf_SN       = WAIT_L2_BYPASS_YES;
+          end
+        end
+        DISCARD : begin
+          // Discard one full transaction from input buffer.
+          axi4_wready        = 1'b1;
+          // We have got a full transaction.
+          if (axi4_wlast & axi4_wready & axi4_wvalid) begin
+            // Try to perform handshake with B sender.
+            fifo_select      = 1'b0;
+            b_drop_o         = 1'b1;
+            // We cannot wait here due to axi4_wready.
+            if (b_done_i) begin
+              hum_buf_SN     = WAIT_L2_BYPASS_YES;
+            end else begin
+              hum_buf_SN     = DISCARD_FINISH;
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        DISCARD_FINISH : begin
+          // Perform handshake with B sender.
+          fifo_select      = 1'b0;
+          b_drop_o         = 1'b1;
+          if (b_done_i) begin
+            hum_buf_SN     = WAIT_L2_BYPASS_YES;
+          end
+        end
+        WAIT_L1_BYPASS_NO : begin
+          // Do not allow the forwarding of L1 hits.
+          block_forwarding       = 1'b1;
+          // Wait for orders from L1 TLB.
+          if (l1_fifo_valid_out) begin
+            // L1 hit - forward data from/through HUM buffer and refill the buffer
+            if (l1_accept_cur) begin
+              // Forward data from HUM buffer.
+              m_axi4_wlast       = hum_buf_wlast;
+              m_axi4_wdata       = hum_buf_wdata;
+              m_axi4_wstrb       = hum_buf_wstrb;
+              m_axi4_wuser       = hum_buf_wuser;
+              m_axi4_wvalid      = hum_buf_valid_out;
+              hum_buf_ready_in   = m_axi4_wready;
+              master_select_o    = l1_master_cur;
+              // Refill the HUM buffer. Stop when buffer full.
+              stop_store         = ~hum_buf_ready_out;
+              hum_buf_valid_in   = stop_store ? 1'b0 : axi4_wvalid      ;
+              axi4_wready        = stop_store ? 1'b0 : hum_buf_ready_out;
+              // Detect last data beat.
+              if (wlast_out) begin
+                fifo_select      = 1'b0;
+                w_done           = 1'b1;
+                if (~hum_buf_ready_out | hum_buf_almost_full) begin
+                  hum_buf_SN     = WAIT_L1_BYPASS_NO;
+                end else begin
+                  hum_buf_SN     = STORE;
+                end
+              end
+              // Allow the forwarding of L1 hits.
+              block_forwarding   = 1'b0;
+            // L1 miss - wait for L2
+            end else if (l1_save_cur) begin
+              fifo_select        = 1'b0;
+              w_done             = 1'b1;
+              hum_buf_SN         = WAIT_L2_BYPASS_NO;
+            // L1 prefetch, prot, multi - drop data
+            end else if (l1_drop_cur) begin
+              fifo_select_SN      = 1'b0; // L1
+              hum_buf_drop_req_SN = 1'b1;
+              hum_buf_drop_len_SN = l1_len_cur;
+              hum_buf_SN          = FLUSH;
+              // Allow the forwarding of L1 hits.
+              block_forwarding   = 1'b0;
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        WAIT_L2_BYPASS_NO : begin
+          // Do not allow the forwarding of L1 hits.
+          block_forwarding       = 1'b1;
+          // Wait for orders from L2 TLB.
+          if (l2_fifo_valid_out) begin
+            // L2 hit - forward first part from HUM buffer, rest from input buffer
+            if (l2_accept_cur) begin
+              // Forward data from HUM buffer.
+              m_axi4_wlast       = hum_buf_wlast;
+              m_axi4_wdata       = hum_buf_wdata;
+              m_axi4_wstrb       = hum_buf_wstrb;
+              m_axi4_wuser       = hum_buf_wuser;
+              m_axi4_wvalid      = hum_buf_valid_out;
+              hum_buf_ready_in   = m_axi4_wready;
+              master_select_o    = l2_master_cur;
+              // Refill the HUM buffer. Stop when buffer full.
+              stop_store         = ~hum_buf_ready_out;
+              hum_buf_valid_in   = stop_store ? 1'b0 : axi4_wvalid      ;
+              axi4_wready        = stop_store ? 1'b0 : hum_buf_ready_out;
+              // Detect last data beat.
+              if (wlast_out) begin
+                fifo_select      = 1'b1;
+                w_done           = 1'b1;
+                if (~hum_buf_ready_out | hum_buf_almost_full) begin
+                  hum_buf_SN     = WAIT_L1_BYPASS_NO;
+                end else begin
+                  hum_buf_SN     = STORE;
+                end
+              end
+              // Allow the forwarding of L1 hits.
+              block_forwarding   = 1'b0;
+            // L2 miss/prefetch hit - drop data
+            end else if (l2_drop_cur) begin
+              fifo_select_SN      = 1'b1; // L2
+              hum_buf_drop_req_SN = 1'b1;
+              hum_buf_drop_len_SN = l2_len_cur;
+              hum_buf_SN          = FLUSH;
+              // Allow the forwarding of L1 hits.
+              block_forwarding   = 1'b0;
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        default: begin
+          hum_buf_SN = STORE;
+        end
+      endcase // hum_buf_SP
+    end // HUM_BUFFER_FSM
+    assign b_drop_set = 1'b0;
+  end else begin // HUM_BUFFER
+    // register to perform the handshake with B sender
+    always_ff @(posedge axi4_aclk or negedge axi4_arstn) begin
+      if (axi4_arstn == 0) begin
+        b_drop_o <= 1'b0;
+      end else if (b_done_i) begin
+        b_drop_o <= 1'b0;
+      end else if (b_drop_set) begin
+        b_drop_o <= 1'b1;;
+      end
+    end
+    always_comb begin : OUTPUT_CTRL
+      fifo_select   = 1'b0;
+      w_done        = 1'b0;
+      b_drop_set    = 1'b0;
+      m_axi4_wlast  = 1'b0;
+      m_axi4_wdata  =  'b0;
+      m_axi4_wstrb  =  'b0;
+      m_axi4_wuser  =  'b0;
+      m_axi4_wvalid = 1'b0;
+      axi4_wready   = 1'b0;
+      if (l1_fifo_valid_out) begin
+        // forward data
+        if (l1_accept_cur) begin
+          m_axi4_wlast  = axi4_wlast;
+          m_axi4_wdata  = axi4_wdata;
+          m_axi4_wstrb  = axi4_wstrb;
+          m_axi4_wuser  = axi4_wuser;
+          m_axi4_wvalid = axi4_wvalid;
+          axi4_wready   = m_axi4_wready;
+          // Simply pop from FIFO upon last data beat.
+          w_done        = axi4_wlast & axi4_wvalid & axi4_wready;
+        // discard entire burst
+        end else if (b_drop_o == 1'b0) begin
+          axi4_wready   = 1'b1;
+          // Simply pop from FIFO upon last data beat. Perform handshake with B sender.
+          if (axi4_wlast & axi4_wvalid & axi4_wready)
+            b_drop_set  = 1'b1;
+        end
+      end
+    end // OUTPUT_CTRL
+    assign master_select_o     = l1_master_cur;
+    assign l2_fifo_ready_out   = 1'b1;
+    assign block_forwarding    = 1'b0;
+    // unused signals
+    assign hum_buf_ready_out   = 1'b0;
+    assign hum_buf_valid_in    = 1'b0;
+    assign hum_buf_ready_in    = 1'b0;
+    assign hum_buf_valid_out   = 1'b0;
+    assign hum_buf_wdata       =  'b0;
+    assign hum_buf_wstrb       =  'b0;
+    assign hum_buf_wlast       = 1'b0;
+    assign hum_buf_wuser       =  'b0;
+    assign hum_buf_drop_len_SN =  'b0;
+    assign hum_buf_drop_req_SN = 1'b0;
+    assign hum_buf_almost_full = 1'b0;
+    assign l2_fifo_valid_in    = 1'b0;
+    assign l2_fifo_valid_out   = 1'b0;
+    assign l2_prefetch_cur     = 1'b0;
+    assign l2_hit_cur          = 1'b0;
+    assign l2_id_cur           =  'b0;
+    assign l2_len_cur          =  'b0;
+    assign l2_master_cur       = 1'b0;
+    assign l2_accept_cur       = 1'b0;
+    assign l2_drop_cur         = 1'b0;
+    assign l2_req              = 1'b0;
+    assign fifo_select_SN      = 1'b0;
+    assign fifo_select_SP      = 1'b0;
+    assign stop_store          = 1'b0;
+    assign n_wlast_SP          =  'b0;
+    assign wlast_in            = 1'b0;
+    assign wlast_out           = 1'b0;
+  end // HUM_BUFFER
+  endgenerate
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9916334
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi4_w_sender(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.axi4_aclk = Signal()  # input
+        self.axi4_arstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wdata = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_wstrb = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wlast = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wuser = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_wdata = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_wvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_wready = Signal()  # input
+        self.m_axi4_wstrb = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_wlast = Signal()  # output
+        self.m_axi4_wuser = Signal()  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_wdata.eq(self.s_axi4_wdata)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_wstrb.eq(self.s_axi4_wstrb)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_wlast.eq(self.s_axi4_wlast)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_wuser.eq(self.s_axi4_wuser)
+        m.d.comb += self.m_axi4_wvalid.eq(self.s_axi4_wvalid)
+        m.d.comb += self.s_axi4_wready.eq(self.m_axi4_wready)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# module axi4_w_sender
+#  #(
+#    parameter AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH = 2
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input                         axi4_aclk,
+#    input                         axi4_arstn,
+#    input    [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_wdata,
+#    input                         s_axi4_wvalid,
+#    output                        s_axi4_wready,
+#    input  [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] s_axi4_wstrb,
+#    input                         s_axi4_wlast,
+#    input    [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_wuser,
+#    output   [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_wdata,
+#    output                        m_axi4_wvalid,
+#    input                         m_axi4_wready,
+#    output [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] m_axi4_wstrb,
+#    output                        m_axi4_wlast,
+#    output   [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m_axi4_wuser
+#  );
+#  assign m_axi4_wdata  = s_axi4_wdata;
+#  assign m_axi4_wstrb  = s_axi4_wstrb;
+#  assign m_axi4_wlast  = s_axi4_wlast;
+#  assign m_axi4_wuser  = s_axi4_wuser;
+#  assign m_axi4_wvalid = s_axi4_wvalid;
+#  assign s_axi4_wready = m_axi4_wready;
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b4d9929
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi_buffer_rab(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.clk = Signal()  # input
+        self.rstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.data_out = Signal(DATA_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.valid_out = Signal()  # output
+        self.ready_in = Signal()  # input
+        self.valid_in = Signal()  # input
+        self.data_in = Signal(DATA_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.ready_out = Signal()  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.full.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.data_out.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.valid_out.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.ready_out.eq(self.None)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# //import CfMath::log2;
+# module axi_buffer_rab
+#  //#(
+#  //  parameter DATA_WIDTH,
+#  //  parameter BUFFER_DEPTH
+#  //)
+#  (
+#    input logic                   clk,
+#    input logic                   rstn,
+#    // Downstream port
+#    output logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out,
+#    output logic                  valid_out,
+#    input  logic                  ready_in,
+#    // Upstream port
+#    input  logic                  valid_in,
+#    input  logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_in,
+#    output logic                  ready_out
+#  );
+#  localparam integer LOG_BUFFER_DEPTH = log2(BUFFER_DEPTH);
+#    // Internal data structures
+#    reg [LOG_BUFFER_DEPTH - 1 : 0] pointer_in;   // location to which we last wrote
+#    reg [LOG_BUFFER_DEPTH - 1 : 0] pointer_out;  // location from which we last sent
+#    reg     [LOG_BUFFER_DEPTH : 0] elements;     // number of elements in the buffer
+#    reg       [DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] buffer [BUFFER_DEPTH - 1 : 0];
+#    wire full;
+#    integer loop1;
+#    assign full = (elements == BUFFER_DEPTH);
+#    always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)
+#      begin: elements_sequential
+#        if (rstn == 1'b0)
+#          elements <= 0;
+#        else
+#        begin
+#          // ------------------
+#          // Are we filling up?
+#          // ------------------
+#          // One out, none in
+#          if (ready_in && valid_out && (!valid_in || full))
+#            elements <= elements - 1;
+#          // None out, one in
+#          else if ((!valid_out || !ready_in) && valid_in && !full)
+#            elements <= elements + 1;
+#          // Else, either one out and one in, or none out and none in - stays unchanged
+#        end
+#      end
+#    always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)
+#      begin: buffers_sequential
+#        if (rstn == 1'b0)
+#        begin
+#          for (loop1 = 0 ; loop1 < BUFFER_DEPTH ; loop1 = loop1 + 1)
+#            buffer[loop1] <= 0;
+#        end
+#        else
+#        begin
+#          // Update the memory
+#          if (valid_in && !full)
+#            buffer[pointer_in] <= data_in;
+#        end
+#      end
+#    always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)
+#      begin: sequential
+#        if (rstn == 1'b0)
+#        begin
+#          pointer_out <= 0;
+#          pointer_in <= 0;
+#        end
+#        else
+#        begin
+#          // ------------------------------------
+#          // Check what to do with the input side
+#          // ------------------------------------
+#          // We have some input, increase by 1 the input pointer
+#          if (valid_in && !full)
+#          begin
+#            if (pointer_in == $unsigned(BUFFER_DEPTH - 1))
+#              pointer_in <= 0;
+#            else
+#              pointer_in <= pointer_in + 1;
+#          end
+#          // Else we don't have any input, the input pointer stays the same
+#          // -------------------------------------
+#          // Check what to do with the output side
+#          // -------------------------------------
+#          // We had pushed one flit out, we can try to go for the next one
+#          if (ready_in && valid_out)
+#          begin
+#            if (pointer_out == $unsigned(BUFFER_DEPTH - 1))
+#              pointer_out <= 0;
+#            else
+#              pointer_out <= pointer_out + 1;
+#          end
+#          // Else stay on the same output location
+#        end
+#      end
+#    // Update output ports
+#    assign data_out = buffer[pointer_out];
+#    assign valid_out = (elements != 0);
+#    assign ready_out = ~full;
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..349b314
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi_buffer_rab_bram(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.clk = Signal()  # input
+        self.rstn = Signal()  # input
+        self.data_out = Signal(DATA_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.valid_out = Signal()  # output
+        self.ready_in = Signal()  # input
+        self.valid_in = Signal()  # input
+        self.data_in = Signal(DATA_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.ready_out = Signal()  # output
+        self.almost_full = Signal()  # output
+        self.underfull = Signal()  # output
+        self.drop_req = Signal()  # input
+        self.drop_len = Signal(8)  # input
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# ////import CfMath::log2;
+# module axi_buffer_rab_bram
+#  //#(
+#  //  parameter DATA_WIDTH,
+#  //  parameter BUFFER_DEPTH
+#  //  )
+#   (
+#    input logic                   clk,
+#    input logic                   rstn,
+#    // Downstream port
+#    output logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out,
+#    output logic                  valid_out,
+#    input  logic                  ready_in,
+#    // Upstream port
+#    input  logic                  valid_in,
+#    input  logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_in,
+#    output logic                  ready_out,
+#    // Status and drop control
+#    output logic                  almost_full,
+#    output logic                  underfull,
+#    input  logic                  drop_req,
+#    // Number of items to drop.  As for AXI lengths, counting starts at zero, i.e., `drop_len == 0`
+#    // and `drop_req` means drop one item.
+#    input  logic [7:0]            drop_len
+#    );
+"""  #docstring_begin
+  // The BRAM needs to be in "write-first" mode for first-word fall-through FIFO behavior.
+  // To still push and pop simultaneously if the buffer is full, we internally increase the
+  // buffer depth by 1.
+  localparam ACT_BUFFER_DEPTH     = BUFFER_DEPTH+1;
+  localparam ACT_LOG_BUFFER_DEPTH = log2(ACT_BUFFER_DEPTH+1);
+  /**
+    * Internal data structures
+    */
+  // Location to which we last wrote
+  logic        [ACT_LOG_BUFFER_DEPTH-1:0] ptr_in_d,                   ptr_in_q;
+  // Location from which we last sent
+  logic        [ACT_LOG_BUFFER_DEPTH-1:0] ptr_out_d,                  ptr_out_q;
+  // Required for fall-through behavior on the first word
+  logic        [ACT_LOG_BUFFER_DEPTH-1:0] ptr_out_bram;
+  // Number of elements in the buffer.  Can be negative if elements that have been dropped have not
+  // yet been written.
+  logic signed   [ACT_LOG_BUFFER_DEPTH:0] n_elems_d,                  n_elems_q;
+  logic           [DATA_WIDTH-1:0]        data_out_bram, data_out_q;
+  logic                                   valid_out_q;
+  logic full;
+  assign almost_full = (n_elems_q == BUFFER_DEPTH-1);
+  assign full        = (n_elems_q == BUFFER_DEPTH);
+  always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rstn) begin
+    if (~rstn) begin
+      n_elems_q <= '0;
+      ptr_in_q  <= '0;
+      ptr_out_q <= '0;
+    end else begin
+      n_elems_q <= n_elems_d;
+      ptr_in_q  <= ptr_in_d;
+      ptr_out_q <= ptr_out_d;
+    end
+  end
+  // Update the number of elements.
+  always_comb begin
+    n_elems_d = n_elems_q;
+    if (drop_req) begin
+      n_elems_d -= (drop_len + 1);
+    end
+    if (valid_in && ready_out) begin
+      n_elems_d += 1;
+    end
+    if (valid_out && ready_in) begin
+      n_elems_d -= 1;
+    end
+  end
+  // Update the output pointer.
+  always_comb begin
+    ptr_out_d = ptr_out_q;
+    if (drop_req) begin
+      if ((ptr_out_q + drop_len + 1) > (ACT_BUFFER_DEPTH - 1)) begin
+        ptr_out_d = drop_len + 1 - (ACT_BUFFER_DEPTH - ptr_out_q);
+      end else begin
+        ptr_out_d += (drop_len + 1);
+      end
+    end
+    if (valid_out && ready_in) begin
+      if (ptr_out_d == (ACT_BUFFER_DEPTH - 1)) begin
+        ptr_out_d = '0;
+      end else begin
+        ptr_out_d += 1;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  // The BRAM has a read latency of one cycle, so apply the new address one cycle earlier for
+  // first-word fall-through FIFO behavior.
+  //assign ptr_out_bram = (ptr_out_q == (ACT_BUFFER_DEPTH-1)) ? '0 : (ptr_out_q + 1);
+  assign ptr_out_bram = ptr_out_d;
+  // Update the input pointer.
+  always_comb begin
+    ptr_in_d = ptr_in_q;
+    if (valid_in && ready_out) begin
+      if (ptr_in_d == (ACT_BUFFER_DEPTH - 1)) begin
+        ptr_in_d = '0;
+      end else begin
+        ptr_in_d += 1;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  // Update output ports.
+  assign valid_out = (n_elems_q > $signed(0));
+  assign underfull = (n_elems_q < $signed(0));
+  assign ready_out = ~full;
+  ram_tp_write_first #(
+    .DATA_WIDTH ( DATA_WIDTH           )
+  )
+  ram_tp_write_first_0
+  (
+    .clk   ( clk              ),
+    .we    ( valid_in & ~full ),
+    .addr0 ( ptr_in_q         ),
+    .addr1 ( ptr_out_bram     ),
+    .d_i   ( data_in          ),
+    .d0_o  (                  ),
+    .d1_o  ( data_out_bram    )
+  );
+  // When reading from/writing two the same address on both ports ("Write-Read Collision"),
+  // the data on the read port is invalid (during the write cycle). In this implementation,
+  // this can happen only when the buffer is empty. Thus, we forward the data from an
+  // register in this case.
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (rstn == 1'b0) begin
+      data_out_q <= 'b0;
+    end else if ( (ptr_out_bram == ptr_in_q) && (valid_in && !full) ) begin
+      data_out_q <= data_in;
+    end
+  end
+  always @(posedge clk) begin
+    if (rstn == 1'b0) begin
+      valid_out_q <= 'b0;
+    end else begin
+      valid_out_q <= valid_out;
+    end
+  end
+  // Drive output data
+  always_comb begin
+    if (valid_out && !valid_out_q) begin // We have just written to an empty FIFO
+      data_out = data_out_q;
+    end else begin
+      data_out = data_out_bram;
+    end
+  end
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..43843b9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi_rab_cfg(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.Clk_CI = Signal()  # input
+        self.Rst_RBI = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi_awaddr = Signal(AXI_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi_awvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi_awready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi_wdata = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi_wstrb = Signal(1+ERROR p_expression_25)  # input
+        self.s_axi_wvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi_wready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi_bresp = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.s_axi_bvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi_bready = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi_araddr = Signal(AXI_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi_arvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi_arready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi_rdata = Signal(AXI_DATA_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi_rresp = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.s_axi_rvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi_rready = Signal()  # input
+        self.L1Cfg_DO = Signal()  # output
+        self.L1AllowMultiHit_SO = Signal()  # output
+        self.MissAddr_DI = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT)  # input
+        self.MissMeta_DI = Signal(MISS_META_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.Miss_SI = Signal()  # input
+        self.MhFifoFull_SO = Signal()  # output
+        self.wdata_l2 = Signal()  # output
+        self.waddr_l2 = Signal()  # output
+        self.wren_l2 = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# // --=========================================================================--
+# //
+# //  █████╗ ██╗  ██╗██╗    ██████╗  █████╗ ██████╗      ██████╗███████╗ ██████╗
+# // ██╔══██╗╚██╗██╔╝██║    ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗    ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔════╝
+# // ███████║ ╚███╔╝ ██║    ██████╔╝███████║██████╔╝    ██║     █████╗  ██║  ███╗
+# // ██╔══██║ ██╔██╗ ██║    ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██╔══██╗    ██║     ██╔══╝  ██║   ██║
+# // ██║  ██║██╔╝ ██╗██║    ██║  ██║██║  ██║██████╔╝    ╚██████╗██║     ╚██████╔╝
+# // ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝    ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝      ╚═════╝╚═╝      ╚═════╝
+# //
+# //
+# // Author: Pirmin Vogel -
+# //
+# // Purpose : AXI4-Lite configuration and miss handling interface for RAB
+# //
+# // --=========================================================================--
+# //import CfMath::log2;
+# module axi_rab_cfg
+#  #(
+#    parameter N_PORTS         =   3,
+#    parameter N_REGS          = 196,
+#    parameter N_L2_SETS       =  32,
+#    parameter N_L2_SET_ENTRIES=  32,
+#    parameter ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS =  40,
+#    parameter ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT =  32,
+#    parameter N_FLAGS         =   4,
+#    parameter AXI_DATA_WIDTH  =  64,
+#    parameter AXI_ADDR_WIDTH  =  32,
+#    parameter MISS_META_WIDTH =  10,  // <= FIFO_WIDTH
+#    parameter MH_FIFO_DEPTH   =  16
+#    )
+#   (
+#    input  logic                                    Clk_CI,
+#    input  logic                                    Rst_RBI,
+#    // AXI Lite interface
+#    input  logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]               s_axi_awaddr,
+#    input  logic                                    s_axi_awvalid,
+#    output logic                                    s_axi_awready,
+#    input  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0][7:0]        s_axi_wdata,
+#    input  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0]             s_axi_wstrb,
+#    input  logic                                    s_axi_wvalid,
+#    output logic                                    s_axi_wready,
+#    output logic [1:0]                              s_axi_bresp,
+#    output logic                                    s_axi_bvalid,
+#    input  logic                                    s_axi_bready,
+#    input  logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]               s_axi_araddr,
+#    input  logic                                    s_axi_arvalid,
+#    output logic                                    s_axi_arready,
+#    output logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]               s_axi_rdata,
+#    output logic [1:0]                              s_axi_rresp,
+#    output logic                                    s_axi_rvalid,
+#    input  logic                                    s_axi_rready,
+#    // Slice configuration
+#    output logic [N_REGS-1:0][63:0]                 L1Cfg_DO,
+#    output logic                                    L1AllowMultiHit_SO,
+#    // Miss handling
+#    input  logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0]              MissAddr_DI,
+#    input  logic [MISS_META_WIDTH-1:0]              MissMeta_DI,
+#    input  logic                                    Miss_SI,
+#    output logic                                    MhFifoFull_SO,
+#    // L2 TLB
+#    output logic [N_PORTS-1:0] [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata_l2,
+#    output logic [N_PORTS-1:0] [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] waddr_l2,
+#    output logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                      wren_l2
+#  );
+"""  #docstring_begin
+  localparam ADDR_LSB = log2(64/8); // 64 even if the AXI Lite interface is 32,
+                                    // because RAB slices are 64 bit wide.
+  localparam ADDR_MSB = log2(N_REGS)+ADDR_LSB-1;
+  localparam L2SINGLE_AMAP_SIZE = 16'h4000; // Maximum 2048 TLB entries in L2
+  localparam integer N_L2_ENTRIES = N_L2_SETS * N_L2_SET_ENTRIES;
+  localparam logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] L2_VA_MAX_ADDR = (N_L2_ENTRIES-1) << 2;
+  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0][7:0] L1Cfg_DP[N_REGS]; // [Byte][Bit]
+  genvar j;
+  //  █████╗ ██╗  ██╗██╗██╗  ██╗      ██╗     ██╗████████╗███████╗
+  // ██╔══██╗╚██╗██╔╝██║██║  ██║      ██║     ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝
+  // ███████║ ╚███╔╝ ██║███████║█████╗██║     ██║   ██║   █████╗
+  // ██╔══██║ ██╔██╗ ██║╚════██║╚════╝██║     ██║   ██║   ██╔══╝
+  // ██║  ██║██╔╝ ██╗██║     ██║      ███████╗██║   ██║   ███████╗
+  // ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝     ╚═╝      ╚══════╝╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝
+  //
+  logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]        awaddr_reg;
+  logic                             awaddr_done_rise;
+  logic                             awaddr_done_reg;
+  logic                             awaddr_done_reg_dly;
+  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0][7:0] wdata_reg;
+  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0]      wstrb_reg;
+  logic                             wdata_done_rise;
+  logic                             wdata_done_reg;
+  logic                             wdata_done_reg_dly;
+  logic                             wresp_done_reg;
+  logic                             wresp_running_reg;
+  logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]        araddr_reg;
+  logic                             araddr_done_reg;
+  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]        rdata_reg;
+  logic                             rresp_done_reg;
+  logic                             rresp_running_reg;
+  logic                             awready;
+  logic                             wready;
+  logic                             bvalid;
+  logic                             arready;
+  logic                             rvalid;
+  logic                             wren;
+  logic                             wren_l1;
+  assign wren = ( wdata_done_rise & awaddr_done_reg ) | ( awaddr_done_rise & wdata_done_reg );
+  assign wdata_done_rise  = wdata_done_reg  & ~wdata_done_reg_dly;
+  assign awaddr_done_rise = awaddr_done_reg & ~awaddr_done_reg_dly;
+  // reg_dly
+  always @(posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI)
+    begin
+       if (!Rst_RBI)
+         begin
+            wdata_done_reg_dly  <= 1'b0;
+            awaddr_done_reg_dly <= 1'b0;
+         end
+       else
+         begin
+            wdata_done_reg_dly  <= wdata_done_reg;
+            awaddr_done_reg_dly <= awaddr_done_reg;
+         end
+    end
+  // AW Channel
+  always @(posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI)
+    begin
+       if (!Rst_RBI)
+         begin
+            awaddr_done_reg <= 1'b0;
+            awaddr_reg      <= '0;
+            awready         <= 1'b1;
+         end
+       else
+         begin
+            if (awready && s_axi_awvalid)
+              begin
+                 awready         <= 1'b0;
+                 awaddr_done_reg <= 1'b1;
+                 awaddr_reg      <= s_axi_awaddr;
+              end
+            else if (awaddr_done_reg && wresp_done_reg)
+              begin
+                 awready         <= 1'b1;
+                 awaddr_done_reg <= 1'b0;
+              end
+         end
+    end
+  // W Channel
+  always @(posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI)
+    begin
+       if (!Rst_RBI)
+         begin
+            wdata_done_reg <= 1'b0;
+            wready         <= 1'b1;
+            wdata_reg      <= '0;
+            wstrb_reg      <= '0;
+         end
+       else
+         begin
+            if (wready && s_axi_wvalid)
+              begin
+                 wready         <= 1'b0;
+                 wdata_done_reg <= 1'b1;
+                 wdata_reg      <= s_axi_wdata;
+                 wstrb_reg      <= s_axi_wstrb;
+              end
+            else if (wdata_done_reg && wresp_done_reg)
+              begin
+                 wready         <= 1'b1;
+                 wdata_done_reg <= 1'b0;
+              end
+         end
+    end
+  // B Channel
+  always @(posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI)
+    begin
+       if (!Rst_RBI)
+         begin
+            bvalid            <= 1'b0;
+            wresp_done_reg    <= 1'b0;
+            wresp_running_reg <= 1'b0;
+         end
+       else
+         begin
+            if (awaddr_done_reg && wdata_done_reg && !wresp_done_reg)
+              begin
+                 if (!wresp_running_reg)
+                   begin
+                      bvalid            <= 1'b1;
+                      wresp_running_reg <= 1'b1;
+                   end
+                 else if (s_axi_bready)
+                   begin
+                      bvalid            <= 1'b0;
+                      wresp_done_reg    <= 1'b1;
+                      wresp_running_reg <= 1'b0;
+                   end
+              end
+            else
+              begin
+                 bvalid            <= 1'b0;
+                 wresp_done_reg    <= 1'b0;
+                 wresp_running_reg <= 1'b0;
+              end
+         end
+    end
+  // AR Channel
+  always @(posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI)
+    begin
+       if (!Rst_RBI)
+         begin
+            araddr_done_reg <= 1'b0;
+            arready         <= 1'b1;
+            araddr_reg       <= '0;
+         end
+       else
+         begin
+            if (arready && s_axi_arvalid)
+              begin
+                 arready         <= 1'b0;
+                 araddr_done_reg <= 1'b1;
+                 araddr_reg      <= s_axi_araddr;
+              end
+            else if (araddr_done_reg && rresp_done_reg)
+              begin
+                 arready         <= 1'b1;
+                 araddr_done_reg <= 1'b0;
+              end
+         end
+    end
+  // R Channel
+  always @(posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI)
+    begin
+       if (!Rst_RBI)
+         begin
+            rresp_done_reg    <= 1'b0;
+            rvalid            <= 1'b0;
+            rresp_running_reg <= 1'b0;
+         end
+       else
+         begin
+            if (araddr_done_reg && !rresp_done_reg)
+              begin
+                 if (!rresp_running_reg)
+                   begin
+                      rvalid            <= 1'b1;
+                      rresp_running_reg <= 1'b1;
+                   end
+                 else if (s_axi_rready)
+                   begin
+                      rvalid            <= 1'b0;
+                      rresp_done_reg    <= 1'b1;
+                      rresp_running_reg <= 1'b0;
+                   end
+              end
+            else
+              begin
+                 rvalid            <= 1'b0;
+                 rresp_done_reg    <= 1'b0;
+                 rresp_running_reg <= 1'b0;
+              end
+         end
+    end
+  // ██╗     ██╗     ██████╗███████╗ ██████╗     ██████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗
+  // ██║    ███║    ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔════╝     ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝
+  // ██║    ╚██║    ██║     █████╗  ██║  ███╗    ██████╔╝█████╗  ██║  ███╗
+  // ██║     ██║    ██║     ██╔══╝  ██║   ██║    ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██║   ██║
+  // ███████╗██║    ╚██████╗██║     ╚██████╔╝    ██║  ██║███████╗╚██████╔╝
+  // ╚══════╝╚═╝     ╚═════╝╚═╝      ╚═════╝     ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝
+  //
+  assign wren_l1 = wren && (awaddr_reg < L2SINGLE_AMAP_SIZE);
+  always @( posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI )
+    begin
+      var integer idx_reg, idx_byte;
+      if ( Rst_RBI == 1'b0 )
+        begin
+          for ( idx_reg = 0; idx_reg < N_REGS; idx_reg++ )
+            L1Cfg_DP[idx_reg] <= '0;
+        end
+      else if ( wren_l1 )
+          begin
+            if ( awaddr_reg[ADDR_LSB+1] == 1'b0 ) begin                     // VIRT_ADDR
+              for ( idx_byte = 0; idx_byte < AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; idx_byte++ ) begin
+                if ( (idx_byte < ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT/8) ) begin
+                  if ( wstrb_reg[idx_byte] ) begin
+                    L1Cfg_DP[awaddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:ADDR_LSB]][idx_byte] <= wdata_reg[idx_byte];
+                  end
+                end
+                else begin  // Let synthesizer optimize away unused registers.
+                  L1Cfg_DP[awaddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:ADDR_LSB]][idx_byte] <= '0;
+                end
+              end
+            end
+            else if ( awaddr_reg[ADDR_LSB+1:ADDR_LSB] == 2'b10 ) begin      // PHYS_ADDR
+              for ( idx_byte = 0; idx_byte < AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; idx_byte++ ) begin
+                if ( (idx_byte < ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS/8) ) begin
+                  if ( wstrb_reg[idx_byte] ) begin
+                    L1Cfg_DP[awaddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:ADDR_LSB]][idx_byte] <= wdata_reg[idx_byte];
+                  end
+                end
+                else begin  // Let synthesizer optimize away unused registers.
+                  L1Cfg_DP[awaddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:ADDR_LSB]][idx_byte] <= '0;
+                end
+              end
+            end
+            else begin // ( awaddr_reg[ADDR_LSB+1:ADDR_LSB] == 2'b11 )      // FLAGS
+              for ( idx_byte = 0; idx_byte < AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; idx_byte++ ) begin
+                if ( (idx_byte < 1) ) begin
+                  if ( wstrb_reg[idx_byte] ) begin
+                    L1Cfg_DP[awaddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:ADDR_LSB]][idx_byte] <= wdata_reg[idx_byte] & { {{8-N_FLAGS}{1'b0}}, {{N_FLAGS}{1'b1}} };
+                  end
+                end
+                else begin  // Let synthesizer optimize away unused registers.
+                  L1Cfg_DP[awaddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:ADDR_LSB]][idx_byte] <= '0;
+                end
+              end
+            end
+          end
+    end // always @ ( posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI )
+  generate
+    // Mask unused bits -> Synthesizer should optimize away unused registers
+    for( j=0; j<N_REGS; j++ ) begin
+      if ( j[1] == 1'b0 ) // VIRT_ADDR
+        assign L1Cfg_DO[j] = { {{64-ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT}{1'b0}},{ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT{1'b1}} } & L1Cfg_DP[j];
+      else if ( j[1:0] == 2'b10 ) // PHYS_ADDR
+        assign L1Cfg_DO[j] = { {{64-ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS}{1'b0}},{ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS{1'b1}} } & L1Cfg_DP[j];
+      else // if ( j[1:0] == 2'b11 ) // FLAGS
+        assign L1Cfg_DO[j] = { {{64-N_FLAGS}{1'b0}},{N_FLAGS{1'b1}} } & L1Cfg_DP[j];
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  always_comb
+    begin
+      if ( araddr_reg[ADDR_LSB-1] == 1'b1 ) // read upper 32 bit, for debugging over 32-bit interface
+        rdata_reg = { {32'h00000000},{L1Cfg_DO[araddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:ADDR_LSB]][63:32]} };
+      else
+        rdata_reg = L1Cfg_DO[araddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:ADDR_LSB]];
+    end
+  assign s_axi_awready = awready;
+  assign s_axi_wready  = wready;
+  assign s_axi_bresp   = 2'b00;
+  assign s_axi_bvalid  = bvalid;
+  assign s_axi_arready = arready;
+  assign s_axi_rresp   = 2'b00;
+  assign s_axi_rvalid  = rvalid;
+  // ██╗     ██████╗      ██████╗███████╗ ██████╗
+  // ██║     ╚════██╗    ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔════╝
+  // ██║      █████╔╝    ██║     █████╗  ██║  ███╗
+  // ██║     ██╔═══╝     ██║     ██╔══╝  ██║   ██║
+  // ███████╗███████╗    ╚██████╗██║     ╚██████╔╝
+  // ╚══════╝╚══════╝     ╚═════╝╚═╝      ╚═════╝
+  //
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0] l2_addr_is_in_va_rams;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0] upper_word_is_written;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0] lower_word_is_written;
+  generate
+    for( j=0; j< N_PORTS; j++)
+      begin
+        if (AXI_DATA_WIDTH == 64) begin
+          assign l2_addr_is_in_va_rams[j] = (awaddr_reg >= (j+1)*L2SINGLE_AMAP_SIZE) && (awaddr_reg[log2(L2SINGLE_AMAP_SIZE)-1:0] <= L2_VA_MAX_ADDR);
+          assign upper_word_is_written[j] = (wstrb_reg[7:4] != 4'b0000);
+          assign lower_word_is_written[j] = (wstrb_reg[3:0] != 4'b0000);
+        end else begin
+          assign l2_addr_is_in_va_rams[j] = 1'b0;
+          assign upper_word_is_written[j] = 1'b0;
+          assign lower_word_is_written[j] = 1'b0;
+        end
+        always @( posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI ) begin
+          var integer idx_byte, off_byte;
+          if ( Rst_RBI == 1'b0 )
+            begin
+              wren_l2[j]  <= 1'b0;
+              wdata_l2[j] <= '0;
+            end
+          else if (wren)
+            begin
+              if ( (awaddr_reg >= (j+1)*L2SINGLE_AMAP_SIZE) && (awaddr_reg < (j+2)*L2SINGLE_AMAP_SIZE) && (|wstrb_reg) )
+                wren_l2[j] <= 1'b1;
+              if      (AXI_DATA_WIDTH == 32) begin
+                for ( idx_byte = 0; idx_byte < AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; idx_byte++ )
+                  wdata_l2[j][idx_byte*8 +: 8] <= wdata_reg[idx_byte] & {8{wstrb_reg[idx_byte]}};
+              end
+              else if (AXI_DATA_WIDTH == 64) begin
+                if (lower_word_is_written[j] == 1'b1)
+                  off_byte = 0;
+                else
+                  off_byte = 4;
+                // always put the payload in the lower word and set upper word to 0
+                for ( idx_byte = 0; idx_byte < AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8/2; idx_byte++ )
+                    wdata_l2[j][idx_byte*8 +: 8] <= wdata_reg[idx_byte+off_byte] & {8{wstrb_reg[idx_byte+off_byte]}};
+                wdata_l2[j][AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:AXI_DATA_WIDTH/2] <= 'b0;
+              end
+              // pragma translate_off
+              else
+                $fatal(1, "Unsupported AXI_DATA_WIDTH!");
+              // pragma translate_on
+            end
+          else
+            wren_l2[j] <= '0;
+        end // always @ ( posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI )
+        // Properly align the 32-bit word address when writing from 64-bit interface:
+        // Depending on the system, the incoming address is (non-)aligned to the 64-bit
+        // word when writing the upper 32-bit word.
+        always_comb begin
+          waddr_l2[j] = (awaddr_reg -(j+1)*L2SINGLE_AMAP_SIZE)/4;
+          if (wren_l2[j]) begin
+            if (AXI_DATA_WIDTH == 64) begin
+              if (upper_word_is_written[j] == 1'b1) begin
+                // address must be non-aligned
+                waddr_l2[j][0] = 1'b1;
+              end
+            end
+            // pragma translate_off
+            else if (AXI_DATA_WIDTH != 32) begin
+              $fatal(1, "Unsupported AXI_DATA_WIDTH!");
+            end
+            // pragma translate_on
+          end
+        end
+        // Assert that only one 32-bit word is ever written at a time to VA RAMs on 64-bit data
+        // systems.
+        // pragma translate_off
+        always_ff @ (posedge Clk_CI) begin
+          if (AXI_DATA_WIDTH == 64) begin
+            if  (l2_addr_is_in_va_rams[j]) begin
+              if (upper_word_is_written[j]) begin
+                assert (!lower_word_is_written[j])
+                  else $error("Unsupported write across two 32-bit words to VA RAMs!");
+              end
+              else if (lower_word_is_written[j]) begin
+                assert (!upper_word_is_written[j])
+                  else $error("Unsupported write across two 32-bit words to VA RAMs!");
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        // pragma translate_on
+      end // for (j=0; j< N_PORTS; j++)
+   endgenerate
+  // ███╗   ███╗██╗  ██╗    ███████╗██╗███████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
+  // ████╗ ████║██║  ██║    ██╔════╝██║██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██╔════╝
+  // ██╔████╔██║███████║    █████╗  ██║█████╗  ██║   ██║███████╗
+  // ██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║    ██╔══╝  ██║██╔══╝  ██║   ██║╚════██║
+  // ██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║  ██║    ██║     ██║██║     ╚██████╔╝███████║
+  // ╚═╝     ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝    ╚═╝     ╚═╝╚═╝      ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝
+  //
+  logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] AddrFifoDin_D;
+  logic                       AddrFifoWen_S;
+  logic                       AddrFifoRen_S;
+  logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] AddrFifoDout_D;
+  logic                       AddrFifoFull_S;
+  logic                       AddrFifoEmpty_S;
+  logic                       AddrFifoEmpty_SB;
+  logic                       AddrFifoFull_SB;
+  logic [MISS_META_WIDTH-1:0] MetaFifoDin_D;
+  logic                       MetaFifoWen_S;
+  logic                       MetaFifoRen_S;
+  logic [MISS_META_WIDTH-1:0] MetaFifoDout_D;
+  logic                       MetaFifoFull_S;
+  logic                       MetaFifoEmpty_S;
+  logic                       MetaFifoEmpty_SB;
+  logic                       MetaFifoFull_SB;
+  logic                       FifosDisabled_S;
+  logic                       ConfRegWen_S;
+  logic                 [1:0] ConfReg_DN;
+  logic                 [1:0] ConfReg_DP;
+  logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata_reg_vec;
+  assign FifosDisabled_S    = ConfReg_DP[0];
+  assign L1AllowMultiHit_SO = ConfReg_DP[1];
+  assign AddrFifoEmpty_S = ~AddrFifoEmpty_SB;
+  assign MetaFifoEmpty_S = ~MetaFifoEmpty_SB;
+  assign AddrFifoFull_S = ~AddrFifoFull_SB;
+  assign MetaFifoFull_S = ~MetaFifoFull_SB;
+  assign MhFifoFull_SO = (AddrFifoWen_S & AddrFifoFull_S) | (MetaFifoWen_S & MetaFifoFull_S);
+  generate
+     for ( j=0; j<AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8; j++ )
+       assign wdata_reg_vec[(j+1)*8-1:j*8] = wdata_reg[j];
+  endgenerate
+  // write address FIFO
+  always_comb
+    begin
+       AddrFifoWen_S = 1'b0;
+       AddrFifoDin_D = 'b0;
+       if ( (Miss_SI == 1'b1) && (FifosDisabled_S == 1'b0) ) // register a new miss
+         begin
+            AddrFifoWen_S = 1'b1;
+            AddrFifoDin_D = MissAddr_DI;
+         end
+       else if ( (wren_l1 == 1'b1) && (awaddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:0] == 'b0) && (FifosDisabled_S == 1'b0)) // write request from AXI interface
+         begin
+            AddrFifoWen_S = 1'b1;
+            AddrFifoDin_D = wdata_reg_vec[ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0];
+         end
+    end
+  // write meta FIFO
+  always_comb
+    begin
+       MetaFifoWen_S = 1'b0;
+       MetaFifoDin_D = 'b0;
+       if ( (Miss_SI == 1'b1) && (FifosDisabled_S == 1'b0) ) // register a new miss
+         begin
+            MetaFifoWen_S                      = 1'b1;
+            MetaFifoDin_D[MISS_META_WIDTH-1:0] = MissMeta_DI;
+         end
+       else if ( (wren_l1 == 1'b1) && (awaddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:0] == 4'h8) && (FifosDisabled_S == 1'b0) ) // write request from AXI interface
+         begin
+            MetaFifoWen_S = 1'b1;
+            MetaFifoDin_D = wdata_reg_vec[MISS_META_WIDTH-1:0];
+         end
+    end
+  // write configuration register
+  always_comb
+    begin
+       ConfRegWen_S = 1'b0;
+       ConfReg_DN   = 1'b0;
+       if ( (wren_l1 == 1'b1) && (awaddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:0] == 8'h10) ) // write request from AXI interface
+         begin
+            ConfRegWen_S = 1'b1;
+            ConfReg_DN   = wdata_reg_vec[$high(ConfReg_DN):0];
+         end
+    end
+  // AXI read data
+  always_comb
+    begin
+       s_axi_rdata   = rdata_reg; // read L1 config
+       AddrFifoRen_S = 1'b0;
+       MetaFifoRen_S = 1'b0;
+       if ( rvalid == 1'b1 )
+         begin
+            // read address FIFO
+            if ( araddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:0] == 'b0 )
+              begin
+                s_axi_rdata                      = {AXI_DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+                s_axi_rdata[ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] = AddrFifoDout_D;
+                if ( AddrFifoEmpty_S == 1'b0 )
+                  AddrFifoRen_S = 1'b1;
+              end
+            // read meta FIFO
+            else if ( araddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:0] == 4'h8 )
+              begin
+                s_axi_rdata                      = {AXI_DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+                s_axi_rdata[31]                  = MetaFifoEmpty_S;
+                s_axi_rdata[MISS_META_WIDTH-1:0] = MetaFifoDout_D;
+                if ( MetaFifoEmpty_S == 1'b0 )
+                  MetaFifoRen_S = 1'b1;
+              end
+            // read configuration register
+            else if ( araddr_reg[ADDR_MSB:0] == 8'h10 )
+              begin
+                s_axi_rdata                      = {AXI_DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}};
+                s_axi_rdata[$high(ConfReg_DP):0] = ConfReg_DP;
+              end
+         end // if ( rvalid == 1'b1 )
+    end // always_comb begin
+  // configuration register
+  always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI or negedge Rst_RBI) begin
+    if (Rst_RBI == 1'b0)
+      begin
+        ConfReg_DP <= 'b0;
+      end
+    else if (ConfRegWen_S == 1'b1)
+      begin
+        ConfReg_DP <= ConfReg_DN;
+      end
+  end
+  generic_fifo
+    #(
+      )
+    fifo_addr_i
+    (
+      .clk         ( Clk_CI                          ),
+      .rst_n       ( Rst_RBI                         ),
+      .data_i      ( AddrFifoDin_D                   ),
+      .valid_i     ( AddrFifoWen_S & AddrFifoFull_SB ),
+      .grant_o     ( AddrFifoFull_SB                 ),
+      .data_o      ( AddrFifoDout_D                  ),
+      .valid_o     ( AddrFifoEmpty_SB                ),
+      .grant_i     ( AddrFifoRen_S                   ),
+      .test_mode_i ( 1'b0                            )
+    );
+  generic_fifo
+    #(
+      )
+    fifo_meta_i
+    (
+      .clk         ( Clk_CI                          ),
+      .rst_n       ( Rst_RBI                         ),
+      .data_i      ( MetaFifoDin_D                   ),
+      .valid_i     ( MetaFifoWen_S & MetaFifoFull_SB ),
+      .grant_o     ( MetaFifoFull_SB                 ),
+      .data_o      ( MetaFifoDout_D                  ),
+      .valid_o     ( MetaFifoEmpty_SB                ),
+      .grant_i     ( MetaFifoRen_S                   ),
+      .test_mode_i ( 1'b0                            )
+    );
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ea1a802
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2642 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class axi_rab_top(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.Clk_CI = Signal()  # input
+        self.NonGatedClk_CI = Signal()  # input
+        self.Rst_RBI = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awaddr = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_awlen = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awsize = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awburst = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awlock = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awprot = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awcache = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awregion = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awqos = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_awuser = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wdata = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_wstrb = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wlast = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_wuser = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_bid = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_bresp = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_bvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_buser = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_bready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_araddr = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_arlen = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arsize = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arburst = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arlock = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arprot = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_arcache = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_aruser = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4_rid = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rdata = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rresp = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_rready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.s_axi4_rlast = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.s_axi4_ruser = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awid = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awaddr = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_awlen = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awsize = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awburst = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awlock = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awprot = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awcache = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awregion = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awqos = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_awuser = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_wdata = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_wvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_wready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_wstrb = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_wlast = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_wuser = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_bid = Signal()  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_bresp = Signal()  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_bvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_buser = Signal()  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_bready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_arid = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_araddr = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_arvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_arready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_arlen = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_arsize = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_arburst = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_arlock = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_arprot = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_arcache = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_aruser = Signal()  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_rid = Signal()  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_rdata = Signal()  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_rresp = Signal()  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_rvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_rready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m0_axi4_rlast = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m0_axi4_ruser = Signal()  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_awid = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awaddr = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_awlen = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awsize = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awburst = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awlock = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awprot = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awcache = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awregion = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awqos = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_awuser = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_wdata = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_wvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_wready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_wstrb = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_wlast = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_wuser = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_bid = Signal()  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_bresp = Signal()  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_bvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_buser = Signal()  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_bready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_arid = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_araddr = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_arvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_arready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_arlen = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_arsize = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_arburst = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_arlock = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_arprot = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_arcache = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_aruser = Signal()  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_rid = Signal()  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_rdata = Signal()  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_rresp = Signal()  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_rvalid = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_rready = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.m1_axi4_rlast = Signal(N_PORTS)  # input
+        self.m1_axi4_ruser = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4lite_awaddr = Signal(AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi4lite_awvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4lite_awready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4lite_wdata = Signal(AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi4lite_wvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4lite_wready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4lite_wstrb = Signal(1+ERROR p_expression_25)  # input
+        self.s_axi4lite_bresp = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.s_axi4lite_bvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4lite_bready = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4lite_araddr = Signal(AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.s_axi4lite_arvalid = Signal()  # input
+        self.s_axi4lite_arready = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4lite_rdata = Signal(AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.s_axi4lite_rresp = Signal(2)  # output
+        self.s_axi4lite_rvalid = Signal()  # output
+        self.s_axi4lite_rready = Signal()  # input
+        self.int_miss = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.int_multi = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.int_prot = Signal(N_PORTS)  # output
+        self.int_mhf_full = Signal()  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# // --=========================================================================--
+# //
+# //  █████╗ ██╗  ██╗██╗    ██████╗  █████╗ ██████╗     ████████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗
+# // ██╔══██╗╚██╗██╔╝██║    ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗    ╚══██╔══╝██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗
+# // ███████║ ╚███╔╝ ██║    ██████╔╝███████║██████╔╝       ██║   ██║   ██║██████╔╝
+# // ██╔══██║ ██╔██╗ ██║    ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██╔══██╗       ██║   ██║   ██║██╔═══╝
+# // ██║  ██║██╔╝ ██╗██║    ██║  ██║██║  ██║██████╔╝       ██║   ╚██████╔╝██║
+# // ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝    ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝        ╚═╝    ╚═════╝ ╚═╝
+# //
+# // --=========================================================================--
+# /*
+# * axi_rab_top
+# *
+# * The remapping address block (RAB) performs address translation for AXI
+# * transactions arriving at the input port and forwards them to different
+# * downstream AXI ports.
+# *
+# * The five axi channels are each buffered on the input side using a FIFO,
+# * described in axi4_XX_buffer. The RAB lookup result is merged into the
+# * AXI transaction via the axi4_XX_sender instances, which manages upstream
+# * error signaling for failed lookups.
+# *
+# * Address translation is performed based on data stored in up to two
+# * translation lookaside buffers (TLBs), which are private per RAB port (each
+# * of which having two AXI master ports and one AXI slave port). These TLBs
+# * are managed in software through the AXI-Lite interface.
+# *
+# * If ACP is enabled, the `cache_coherent` flag in the TLBs is used to
+# * multiplex between the two ports. If ACP is disabled, only the first master
+# * port is used. In this case, the `cache_coherent` flag is used to set the
+# * AxCACHE signals of the AXI bus accordingly.
+# *
+# * Authors:
+# * Antonio Pullini <>
+# * Conrad Burchert <>
+# * Maheshwara Sharma <>
+# * Andreas Kurth <>
+# * Johannes Weinbuch <>
+# * Pirmin Vogel <>
+# */
+# //`include ""
+# ////import CfMath::log2;
+# module axi_rab_top
+#  // Parameters {{{
+#  #(
+#    parameter N_PORTS             =  2,
+#    parameter N_L2_SETS           = 32,
+#    parameter N_L2_SET_ENTRIES    = 32,
+#    parameter AXI_DATA_WIDTH      = 64,
+#    parameter AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH    = 32,
+#    parameter AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH    = 40,
+#    parameter AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH = 64,
+#    parameter AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH = 32,
+#    parameter AXI_ID_WIDTH        = 10,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH      =  6,
+#    parameter MH_FIFO_DEPTH       = 16
+#  )
+#  // }}}
+#  // Ports {{{
+#  (
+#    input logic                                            Clk_CI,  // This clock may be gated.
+#    input logic                                            NonGatedClk_CI,
+#    input logic                                            Rst_RBI,
+#    // For every slave port there are two master ports. The master
+#    // port to use can be set using the master_select flag of the protection
+#    // bits of a slice
+#    // AXI4 Slave {{{
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_awid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]   [AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_awaddr,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_awvalid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_awready,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [7:0] s_axi4_awlen,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] s_axi4_awsize,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] s_axi4_awburst,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_awlock,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] s_axi4_awprot,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] s_axi4_awcache,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] s_axi4_awregion,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] s_axi4_awqos,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_awuser,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_wdata,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_wvalid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_wready,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]   [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] s_axi4_wstrb,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_wlast,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_wuser,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_bid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] s_axi4_bresp,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_bvalid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_buser,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_bready,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_arid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]   [AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_araddr,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_arvalid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_arready,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [7:0] s_axi4_arlen,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] s_axi4_arsize,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] s_axi4_arburst,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_arlock,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] s_axi4_arprot,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] s_axi4_arcache,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_aruser,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_rid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_rdata,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] s_axi4_rresp,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_rvalid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_rready,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          s_axi4_rlast,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4_ruser,
+#    // }}}
+#    // AXI4 Master 0 {{{
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_awid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]   [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_awaddr,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_awvalid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_awready,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [7:0] m0_axi4_awlen,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] m0_axi4_awsize,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] m0_axi4_awburst,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_awlock,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] m0_axi4_awprot,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] m0_axi4_awcache,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] m0_axi4_awregion,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] m0_axi4_awqos,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_awuser,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_wdata,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_wvalid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_wready,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]   [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] m0_axi4_wstrb,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_wlast,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_wuser,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_bid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] m0_axi4_bresp,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_bvalid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_buser,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_bready,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_arid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]   [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_araddr,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_arvalid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_arready,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [7:0] m0_axi4_arlen,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] m0_axi4_arsize,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] m0_axi4_arburst,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_arlock,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] m0_axi4_arprot,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] m0_axi4_arcache,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_aruser,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_rid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_rdata,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] m0_axi4_rresp,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_rvalid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_rready,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m0_axi4_rlast,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m0_axi4_ruser,
+#    // }}}
+#    // AXI4 Master 1 {{{
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_awid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]   [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_awaddr,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_awvalid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_awready,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [7:0] m1_axi4_awlen,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] m1_axi4_awsize,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] m1_axi4_awburst,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_awlock,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] m1_axi4_awprot,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] m1_axi4_awcache,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] m1_axi4_awregion,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] m1_axi4_awqos,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_awuser,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_wdata,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_wvalid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_wready,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]   [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] m1_axi4_wstrb,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_wlast,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_wuser,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_bid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] m1_axi4_bresp,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_bvalid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_buser,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_bready,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_arid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]   [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_araddr,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_arvalid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_arready,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [7:0] m1_axi4_arlen,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] m1_axi4_arsize,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] m1_axi4_arburst,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_arlock,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [2:0] m1_axi4_arprot,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [3:0] m1_axi4_arcache,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_aruser,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]       [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_rid,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_rdata,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                    [1:0] m1_axi4_rresp,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_rvalid,
+#    output logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_rready,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]                          m1_axi4_rlast,
+#    input  logic    [N_PORTS-1:0]     [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] m1_axi4_ruser,
+#    // }}}
+#    // AXI 4 Lite Slave (Configuration Interface) {{{
+#    // AXI4-Lite port to setup the rab slices
+#    // use this to program the configuration registers
+#    input  logic                 [AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4lite_awaddr,
+#    input  logic                                           s_axi4lite_awvalid,
+#    output logic                                           s_axi4lite_awready,
+#    input  logic                 [AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4lite_wdata,
+#    input  logic                                           s_axi4lite_wvalid,
+#    output logic                                           s_axi4lite_wready,
+#    input  logic               [AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] s_axi4lite_wstrb,
+#    output logic                                     [1:0] s_axi4lite_bresp,
+#    output logic                                           s_axi4lite_bvalid,
+#    input  logic                                           s_axi4lite_bready,
+#    input  logic                 [AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4lite_araddr,
+#    input  logic                                           s_axi4lite_arvalid,
+#    output logic                                           s_axi4lite_arready,
+#    output logic                 [AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] s_axi4lite_rdata,
+#    output logic                                     [1:0] s_axi4lite_rresp,
+#    output logic                                           s_axi4lite_rvalid,
+#    input  logic                                           s_axi4lite_rready,
+#    // }}}
+#    // BRAMs {{{
+# //`ifdef RAB_AX_LOG_EN
+# //    BramPort.Slave                                         ArBram_PS,
+# //    BramPort.Slave                                         AwBram_PS,
+# //`endif
+#    // }}}
+#    // Logger Control {{{
+# //`ifdef RAB_AX_LOG_EN
+# //   input  logic                                           LogEn_SI,
+# //   input  logic                                           ArLogClr_SI,
+# //   input  logic                                           AwLogClr_SI,
+#  //  output logic                                           ArLogRdy_SO,
+#  //  output logic                                           AwLogRdy_SO,
+# //`endif
+#    // }}}
+#    // Interrupt Outputs {{{
+#    // Interrupt lines to handle misses, collisions of slices/multiple hits,
+#    // protection faults and overflow of the miss handling fifo
+# //`ifdef RAB_AX_LOG_EN
+# //   output logic                                           int_ar_log_full,
+# //   output logic                                           int_aw_log_full,
+# //`endif
+#    output logic                             [N_PORTS-1:0] int_miss,
+#    output logic                             [N_PORTS-1:0] int_multi,
+#    output logic                             [N_PORTS-1:0] int_prot,
+#    output logic                                           int_mhf_full
+#    // }}}
+#  );
+  // }}}
+  // Signals {{{
+  // ███████╗██╗ ██████╗ ███╗   ██╗ █████╗ ██╗     ███████╗
+  // ██╔════╝██║██╔════╝ ████╗  ██║██╔══██╗██║     ██╔════╝
+  // ███████╗██║██║  ███╗██╔██╗ ██║███████║██║     ███████╗
+  // ╚════██║██║██║   ██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══██║██║     ╚════██║
+  // ███████║██║╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║██║  ██║███████╗███████║
+  // ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝
+  //
+  // Internal AXI4 lines, these connect buffers on the slave side to the rab core and
+  // multiplexers which switch between the two master outputs
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] int_awid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]  [AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] int_awaddr;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_awvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_awready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [7:0] int_awlen;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [2:0] int_awsize;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [1:0] int_awburst;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_awlock;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [2:0] int_awprot;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [3:0] int_awcache;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [3:0] int_awregion;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [3:0] int_awqos;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] int_awuser;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] int_wdata;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_wvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_wready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]  [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] int_wstrb;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_wlast;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] int_wuser;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] int_bid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [1:0] int_bresp;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_bvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] int_buser;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_bready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] int_arid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]  [AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] int_araddr;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_arvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_arready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [7:0] int_arlen;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [2:0] int_arsize;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [1:0] int_arburst;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_arlock;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [2:0] int_arprot;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [3:0] int_arcache;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] int_aruser;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] int_rid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [1:0] int_rresp;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] int_rdata;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_rlast;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] int_ruser;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_rvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_rready;
+  // rab_core outputs
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]  [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] int_wtrans_addr;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_wtrans_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_wtrans_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_wtrans_miss;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_wtrans_sent;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_wtrans_cache_coherent;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_wmaster_select;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]  [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] int_rtrans_addr;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_rtrans_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_rtrans_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_rtrans_miss;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_rtrans_sent;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_rtrans_cache_coherent;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_rmaster_select;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         w_master_select;
+  // Internal master0 AXI4 lines. These connect the first master port to the
+  // multiplexers
+  // For channels read address, write address and write data the other lines
+  // are ignored if valid is not set, therefore we only need to multiplex those
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_awvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_awready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_wvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_wready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] int_m0_bid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [1:0] int_m0_bresp;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_bvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] int_m0_buser;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_bready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_arvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_arready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] int_m0_rid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [1:0] int_m0_rresp;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] int_m0_rdata;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_rlast;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] int_m0_ruser;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_rready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m0_rvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m0_ar_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m0_ar_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m0_ar_save;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m0_ar_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m0_ar_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m0_ar_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m0_ar_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m0_ar_sending;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m0_aw_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m0_aw_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m0_aw_save;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m0_aw_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m0_aw_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m0_aw_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m0_aw_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m0_aw_sending;
+  // Internal master1 AXI4 lines. These connect the second master port to the
+  // multiplexers
+  // For channels read address, write address and write data the other lines
+  // are ignored if valid is not set, therefore we only need to multiplex those
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_awvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_awready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_wvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_wready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] int_m1_bid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [1:0] int_m1_bresp;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_bvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] int_m1_buser;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_bready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_arvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_arready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] int_m1_rid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                   [1:0] int_m1_rresp;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] int_m1_rdata;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_rlast;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] int_m1_ruser;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_rvalid;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         int_m1_rready;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m1_ar_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m1_ar_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m1_ar_save;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m1_ar_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m1_ar_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m1_ar_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m1_ar_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m1_aw_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m1_aw_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m1_aw_save;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l1_m1_aw_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m1_aw_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m1_aw_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         l2_m1_aw_done;
+  // L1 outputs
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         rab_miss; // L1 RAB miss
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         rab_prot;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         rab_multi;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                         rab_prefetch;
+  //
+  // Signals used to support L2 TLB
+  //
+  // L2 RAM configuration signals
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0] [AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] L2CfgWData_D;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0] [AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] L2CfgWAddr_D;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2CfgWE_S;
+  // L1 output and drop Buffer
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L1OutRwType_D, L1DropRwType_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] L1OutUser_D, L1DropUser_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]        [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] L1OutId_D, L1DropId_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                     [7:0] L1OutLen_D, L1DropLen_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] L1OutAddr_D, L1DropAddr_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L1OutProt_D, L1DropProt_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L1OutMulti_D, L1DropMulti_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L1DropEn_S;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L1DropPrefetch_S;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L1DropValid_SN, L1DropValid_SP;
+  // L2 input Buffer
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2InRwType_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] L2InUser_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]        [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] L2InId_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                     [7:0] L2InLen_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] L2InAddr_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2InEn_S;
+  // L2 output Buffer
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutRwType_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]      [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] L2OutUser_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]        [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] L2OutId_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                     [7:0] L2OutLen_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] L2OutInAddr_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutHit_SN, L2OutHit_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutMiss_SN, L2OutMiss_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutProt_SN, L2OutProt_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutMulti_SN, L2OutMulti_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutCC_SN, L2OutCC_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] L2OutAddr_DN, L2OutAddr_DP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutValid_SN, L2OutValid_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutPrefetch_S;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutReady_S;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutEn_S;
+   // L2 outputs
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2Busy_S;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2OutValid_S;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           L2Miss_S;
+  // Signals for interfacing the AXI modules
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_ar_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_aw_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_w_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_xw_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_ar_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_aw_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_w_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_xw_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_ar_save;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_aw_save;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_w_save;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_xw_save;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_ar_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_r_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_r_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           lx_r_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           lx_r_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_aw_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_w_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_xw_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_aw_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_w_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_ar_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_aw_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_w_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_xw_accept;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_ar_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_r_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_xr_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_aw_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_w_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_xw_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_aw_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_w_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_xw_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_aw_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_w_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_ar_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_r_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_xr_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_ar_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_r_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_mx_aw_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_mx_ar_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_m0_aw_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_m0_ar_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_m1_aw_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_m1_ar_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_mx_aw_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_mx_ar_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_m0_aw_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_m0_ar_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_m1_aw_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_m1_ar_done_SP;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]        [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] l1_id_drop, lx_id_drop, b_id_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                     [7:0] l1_len_drop, lx_len_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_prefetch_drop, lx_prefetch_drop, b_prefetch_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l1_hit_drop, lx_hit_drop, b_hit_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           b_drop;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           b_done;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] l2_aw_addr;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]    [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] l2_ar_addr;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_cache_coherent;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           l2_master_select;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           aw_in_stall;
+  logic [N_PORTS-1:0]                           aw_out_stall;
+  genvar                                        i;
+  typedef enum logic                    {IDLE, BUSY} r_resp_mux_ctrl_state_t;
+  r_resp_mux_ctrl_state_t [N_PORTS-1:0] RRespMuxCtrl_SN, RRespMuxCtrl_SP;
+  logic                   [N_PORTS-1:0] RRespSel_SN, RRespSel_SP;
+  logic                   [N_PORTS-1:0] RRespBurst_S;
+  logic                   [N_PORTS-1:0] RRespSelIm_S;
+  // }}}
+  // Local parameters {{{
+  // Enable L2 for select ports
+  localparam integer ENABLE_L2TLB[N_PORTS-1:0] = `EN_L2TLB_ARRAY;
+  // L2TLB parameters
+  localparam integer HUM_BUFFER_DEPTH = (N_L2_SET_ENTRIES/2/`RAB_L2_N_PAR_VA_RAMS)+13;
+  // }}}
+  // Derive `master_select` from cache coherency flag. {{{
+  `ifdef EN_ACP
+    assign int_wmaster_select = int_wtrans_cache_coherent;
+    assign int_rmaster_select = int_rtrans_cache_coherent;
+    assign l2_master_select   = l2_cache_coherent;
+  `else
+    assign int_wmaster_select = '0;
+    assign int_rmaster_select = '0;
+    assign l2_master_select   = '0;
+  `endif
+  // }}}
+  // Buf and Send {{{
+  // ██████╗ ██╗   ██╗███████╗       ██╗       ███████╗███████╗███╗   ██╗██████╗
+  // ██╔══██╗██║   ██║██╔════╝       ██║       ██╔════╝██╔════╝████╗  ██║██╔══██╗
+  // ██████╔╝██║   ██║█████╗      ████████╗    ███████╗█████╗  ██╔██╗ ██║██║  ██║
+  // ██╔══██╗██║   ██║██╔══╝      ██╔═██╔═╝    ╚════██║██╔══╝  ██║╚██╗██║██║  ██║
+  // ██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║         ██████║      ███████║███████╗██║ ╚████║██████╔╝
+  // ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝         ╚═════╝      ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚═════╝
+  //
+  logic[N_PORTS-1:0] m0_write_is_burst, m0_read_is_burst;
+  logic[N_PORTS-1:0] m1_write_is_burst, m1_read_is_burst;
+  generate for (i = 0; i < N_PORTS; i++) begin : BUF_AND_SEND
+  // Write Address channel (aw) {{{
+  /*
+   * write address channel (aw)
+   *
+   * ██╗    ██╗██████╗ ██╗████████╗███████╗     █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗
+   * ██║    ██║██╔══██╗██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝    ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗
+   * ██║ █╗ ██║██████╔╝██║   ██║   █████╗      ███████║██║  ██║██║  ██║██████╔╝
+   * ██║███╗██║██╔══██╗██║   ██║   ██╔══╝      ██╔══██║██║  ██║██║  ██║██╔══██╗
+   * ╚███╔███╔╝██║  ██║██║   ██║   ███████╗    ██║  ██║██████╔╝██████╔╝██║  ██║
+   *  ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝    ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝
+   *
+   */
+  axi4_aw_buffer
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH   ),
+      )
+    u_aw_buffer
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk       ( Clk_CI             ),
+      .axi4_arstn      ( Rst_RBI            ),
+      .s_axi4_awid     ( s_axi4_awid[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_awaddr   ( s_axi4_awaddr[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_awvalid  ( s_axi4_awvalid[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_awready  ( s_axi4_awready[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_awlen    ( s_axi4_awlen[i]    ),
+      .s_axi4_awsize   ( s_axi4_awsize[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_awburst  ( s_axi4_awburst[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_awlock   ( s_axi4_awlock[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_awprot   ( s_axi4_awprot[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_awcache  ( s_axi4_awcache[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_awregion ( s_axi4_awregion[i] ),
+      .s_axi4_awqos    ( s_axi4_awqos[i]    ),
+      .s_axi4_awuser   ( s_axi4_awuser[i]   ),
+      .m_axi4_awid     ( int_awid[i]        ),
+      .m_axi4_awaddr   ( int_awaddr[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_awvalid  ( int_awvalid[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awready  ( int_awready[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awlen    ( int_awlen[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_awsize   ( int_awsize[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_awburst  ( int_awburst[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awlock   ( int_awlock[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_awprot   ( int_awprot[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_awcache  ( int_awcache[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awregion ( int_awregion[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_awqos    ( int_awqos[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_awuser   ( int_awuser[i]      )
+    );
+  axi4_aw_sender
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH     ),
+      .ENABLE_L2TLB   ( ENABLE_L2TLB[i]  )
+      )
+    u_aw_sender_m0
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk       ( Clk_CI                ),
+      .axi4_arstn      ( Rst_RBI               ),
+      .l1_done_o       ( l1_m0_aw_done[i]      ),
+      .l1_accept_i     ( l1_m0_aw_accept[i]    ),
+      .l1_drop_i       ( l1_m0_aw_drop[i]      ),
+      .l1_save_i       ( l1_m0_aw_save[i]      ),
+      .l2_done_o       ( l2_m0_aw_done[i]      ),
+      .l2_accept_i     ( l2_m0_aw_accept[i]    ),
+      .l2_drop_i       ( l2_m0_aw_drop[i]      ),
+      .l2_sending_o    ( l2_m0_aw_sending[i]   ),
+      .l1_awaddr_i     ( int_wtrans_addr[i]    ),
+      .l2_awaddr_i     ( l2_aw_addr[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_awid     ( int_awid[i]           ),
+      .s_axi4_awvalid  ( int_m0_awvalid[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_awready  ( int_m0_awready[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_awlen    ( int_awlen[i]          ),
+      .s_axi4_awsize   ( int_awsize[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_awburst  ( int_awburst[i]        ),
+      .s_axi4_awlock   ( int_awlock[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_awprot   ( int_awprot[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_awcache  ( int_awcache[i]        ),
+      .s_axi4_awregion ( int_awregion[i]       ),
+      .s_axi4_awqos    ( int_awqos[i]          ),
+      .s_axi4_awuser   ( int_awuser[i]         ),
+      .m_axi4_awid     ( m0_axi4_awid[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_awaddr   ( m0_axi4_awaddr[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awvalid  ( m0_axi4_awvalid[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_awready  ( m0_axi4_awready[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_awlen    ( m0_axi4_awlen[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_awsize   ( m0_axi4_awsize[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awburst  ( m0_axi4_awburst[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_awlock   ( m0_axi4_awlock[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awprot   ( m0_axi4_awprot[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awcache  (                       ),
+      .m_axi4_awregion ( m0_axi4_awregion[i]   ),
+      .m_axi4_awqos    ( m0_axi4_awqos[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_awuser   ( m0_axi4_awuser[i]     )
+    );
+  // The AXCACHE signals are set according to burstiness and cache coherence or statically
+  // when not connected to ACP on Zynq (implemented below).
+    assign m0_write_is_burst[i] = (m0_axi4_awlen[i] != {8{1'b0}}) && (m0_axi4_awburst[i] != 2'b00);
+  `ifndef EN_ACP
+    always_comb begin
+      if ( (l2_m0_aw_sending[i] & l2_cache_coherent[i]) | int_wtrans_cache_coherent[i]) begin
+        if (m0_write_is_burst[i]) begin
+          m0_axi4_awcache[i]  = 4'b0111;
+        end else begin
+          m0_axi4_awcache[i]  = 4'b1111;
+        end
+      end else begin
+        m0_axi4_awcache[i]    = 4'b0011;
+      end
+    end
+  `else
+    assign m0_axi4_awcache[i] = 4'b0011;
+  `endif
+  axi4_aw_sender
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH     ),
+      .ENABLE_L2TLB   ( ENABLE_L2TLB[i]  )
+      )
+    u_aw_sender_m1
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk       ( Clk_CI                ),
+      .axi4_arstn      ( Rst_RBI               ),
+      .l1_accept_i     ( l1_m1_aw_accept[i]    ),
+      .l1_drop_i       ( l1_m1_aw_drop[i]      ),
+      .l1_save_i       ( l1_m1_aw_save[i]      ),
+      .l1_done_o       ( l1_m1_aw_done[i]      ),
+      .l2_accept_i     ( l2_m1_aw_accept[i]    ),
+      .l2_drop_i       ( l2_m1_aw_drop[i]      ),
+      .l2_done_o       ( l2_m1_aw_done[i]      ),
+      .l2_sending_o    (                       ), // just helps to set axcache
+      .l1_awaddr_i     ( int_wtrans_addr[i]    ),
+      .l2_awaddr_i     ( l2_aw_addr[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_awid     ( int_awid[i]           ),
+      .s_axi4_awvalid  ( int_m1_awvalid[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_awready  ( int_m1_awready[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_awlen    ( int_awlen[i]          ),
+      .s_axi4_awsize   ( int_awsize[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_awburst  ( int_awburst[i]        ),
+      .s_axi4_awlock   ( int_awlock[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_awprot   ( int_awprot[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_awcache  ( int_awcache[i]        ),
+      .s_axi4_awregion ( int_awregion[i]       ),
+      .s_axi4_awqos    ( int_awqos[i]          ),
+      .s_axi4_awuser   ( int_awuser[i]         ),
+      .m_axi4_awid     ( m1_axi4_awid[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_awaddr   ( m1_axi4_awaddr[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awvalid  ( m1_axi4_awvalid[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_awready  ( m1_axi4_awready[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_awlen    ( m1_axi4_awlen[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_awsize   ( m1_axi4_awsize[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awburst  ( m1_axi4_awburst[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_awlock   ( m1_axi4_awlock[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awprot   ( m1_axi4_awprot[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_awcache  (                       ),
+      .m_axi4_awregion ( m1_axi4_awregion[i]   ),
+      .m_axi4_awqos    ( m1_axi4_awqos[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_awuser   ( m1_axi4_awuser[i]     )
+    );
+    // The AXCACHE signals are set according to burstiness and cache coherence or statically
+    // when not connected to ACP on Zynq (implemented below).
+      assign m1_write_is_burst[i] = (m1_axi4_awlen[i] != {8{1'b0}}) && (m1_axi4_awburst[i] != 2'b00);
+    `ifdef EN_ACP
+      always_comb begin
+        if (m1_write_is_burst[i]) begin
+          m1_axi4_awcache[i]    = 4'b1011;
+        end else begin
+          m1_axi4_awcache[i]    = 4'b1111;
+        end
+      end
+    `else
+      assign m1_axi4_awcache[i] = 4'b0011;
+    `endif
+  // }}}
+  // Write Data channel (w) {{{
+  /*
+   * write data channel (w)
+   *
+   * ██╗    ██╗██████╗ ██╗████████╗███████╗    ██████╗  █████╗ ████████╗ █████╗
+   * ██║    ██║██╔══██╗██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝    ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗
+   * ██║ █╗ ██║██████╔╝██║   ██║   █████╗      ██║  ██║███████║   ██║   ███████║
+   * ██║███╗██║██╔══██╗██║   ██║   ██╔══╝      ██║  ██║██╔══██║   ██║   ██╔══██║
+   * ╚███╔███╔╝██║  ██║██║   ██║   ███████╗    ██████╔╝██║  ██║   ██║   ██║  ██║
+   *  ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝    ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝  ╚═╝
+   *
+   */
+  axi4_w_buffer
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH     ( AXI_ID_WIDTH     ),
+      .ENABLE_L2TLB     ( ENABLE_L2TLB[i]  ),
+      )
+    u_w_buffer
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk       ( Clk_CI                ),
+      .axi4_arstn      ( Rst_RBI               ),
+      // L1 interface
+      .l1_done_o       ( l1_w_done[i]          ),
+      .l1_accept_i     ( l1_w_accept[i]        ),
+      .l1_save_i       ( l1_w_save[i]          ),
+      .l1_drop_i       ( l1_w_drop[i]          ),
+      .l1_master_i     ( int_wmaster_select[i] ),
+      .l1_id_i         ( l1_id_drop[i]         ),
+      .l1_len_i        ( l1_len_drop[i]        ),
+      .l1_prefetch_i   ( l1_prefetch_drop[i]   ),
+      .l1_hit_i        ( l1_hit_drop[i]        ),
+      // L2 interface
+      .l2_done_o       ( l2_w_done[i]          ),
+      .l2_accept_i     ( l2_w_accept[i]        ),
+      .l2_drop_i       ( l2_w_drop[i]          ),
+      .l2_master_i     ( l2_master_select[i]   ),
+      .l2_id_i         ( lx_id_drop[i]         ),
+      .l2_len_i        ( lx_len_drop[i]        ),
+      .l2_prefetch_i   ( lx_prefetch_drop[i]   ),
+      .l2_hit_i        ( lx_hit_drop[i]        ),
+      // Top-level control outputs
+      .master_select_o ( w_master_select[i]    ),
+      .input_stall_o   ( aw_in_stall[i]        ), // stall L1 AW input if request buffers full
+      .output_stall_o  ( aw_out_stall[i]       ), // stall L1 AW hit forwarding if bypass not possible
+      // B sender interface
+      .b_drop_o        ( b_drop[i]             ),
+      .b_done_i        ( b_done[i]             ),
+      .id_o            ( b_id_drop[i]          ),
+      .prefetch_o      ( b_prefetch_drop[i]    ),
+      .hit_o           ( b_hit_drop[i]         ),
+      // AXI W channel interfaces
+      .s_axi4_wdata    ( s_axi4_wdata[i]       ),
+      .s_axi4_wvalid   ( s_axi4_wvalid[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_wready   ( s_axi4_wready[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_wstrb    ( s_axi4_wstrb[i]       ),
+      .s_axi4_wlast    ( s_axi4_wlast[i]       ),
+      .s_axi4_wuser    ( s_axi4_wuser[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_wdata    ( int_wdata[i]          ),
+      .m_axi4_wvalid   ( int_wvalid[i]         ),
+      .m_axi4_wready   ( int_wready[i]         ),
+      .m_axi4_wstrb    ( int_wstrb[i]          ),
+      .m_axi4_wlast    ( int_wlast[i]          ),
+      .m_axi4_wuser    ( int_wuser[i]          )
+    );
+  axi4_w_sender
+    #(
+      )
+    u_w_sender_m0
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk       ( Clk_CI            ),
+      .axi4_arstn      ( Rst_RBI           ),
+      .s_axi4_wdata    ( int_wdata[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_wvalid   ( int_m0_wvalid[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_wready   ( int_m0_wready[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_wstrb    ( int_wstrb[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_wlast    ( int_wlast[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_wuser    ( int_wuser[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_wdata    ( m0_axi4_wdata[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_wvalid   ( m0_axi4_wvalid[i] ),
+      .m_axi4_wready   ( m0_axi4_wready[i] ),
+      .m_axi4_wstrb    ( m0_axi4_wstrb[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_wlast    ( m0_axi4_wlast[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_wuser    ( m0_axi4_wuser[i]  )
+    );
+  axi4_w_sender
+    #(
+      )
+    u_w_sender_m1
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk       ( Clk_CI            ),
+      .axi4_arstn      ( Rst_RBI           ),
+      .s_axi4_wdata    ( int_wdata[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_wvalid   ( int_m1_wvalid[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_wready   ( int_m1_wready[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_wstrb    ( int_wstrb[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_wlast    ( int_wlast[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_wuser    ( int_wuser[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_wdata    ( m1_axi4_wdata[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_wvalid   ( m1_axi4_wvalid[i] ),
+      .m_axi4_wready   ( m1_axi4_wready[i] ),
+      .m_axi4_wstrb    ( m1_axi4_wstrb[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_wlast    ( m1_axi4_wlast[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_wuser    ( m1_axi4_wuser[i]  )
+    );
+  /*
+   * Multiplexer to switch between the two output master ports on the write data (w) channel
+   */
+  always_comb begin
+    /* Only one output can be selected at any time */
+    if (w_master_select[i] == 1'b0) begin
+      int_m0_wvalid[i] = int_wvalid[i];
+      int_m1_wvalid[i] = 1'b0;
+      int_wready[i]    = int_m0_wready[i];
+    end else begin
+      int_m0_wvalid[i] = 1'b0;
+      int_m1_wvalid[i] = int_wvalid[i];
+      int_wready[i]    = int_m1_wready[i];
+    end
+  end
+  // }}}
+  // Write Response channel (b) {{{
+  /*
+   * write response channel (b)
+   *
+   * ██╗    ██╗██████╗ ██╗████████╗███████╗    ██████╗ ███████╗███████╗██████╗
+   * ██║    ██║██╔══██╗██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝    ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗
+   * ██║ █╗ ██║██████╔╝██║   ██║   █████╗      ██████╔╝█████╗  ███████╗██████╔╝
+   * ██║███╗██║██╔══██╗██║   ██║   ██╔══╝      ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ╚════██║██╔═══╝
+   * ╚███╔███╔╝██║  ██║██║   ██║   ███████╗    ██║  ██║███████╗███████║██║
+   *  ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝    ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝
+   *
+   */
+  axi4_b_buffer
+    #(
+        .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH   ),
+      )
+    u_b_buffer_m0
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk     ( Clk_CI            ),
+      .axi4_arstn    ( Rst_RBI           ),
+      .s_axi4_bid    ( int_m0_bid[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_bresp  ( int_m0_bresp[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_bvalid ( int_m0_bvalid[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_buser  ( int_m0_buser[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_bready ( int_m0_bready[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_bid    ( m0_axi4_bid[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_bresp  ( m0_axi4_bresp[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_bvalid ( m0_axi4_bvalid[i] ),
+      .m_axi4_buser  ( m0_axi4_buser[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_bready ( m0_axi4_bready[i] )
+    );
+  axi4_b_buffer
+    #(
+        .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH   ),
+      )
+    u_b_buffer_m1
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk      ( Clk_CI            ),
+      .axi4_arstn     ( Rst_RBI           ),
+      .s_axi4_bid     ( int_m1_bid[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_bresp   ( int_m1_bresp[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_bvalid  ( int_m1_bvalid[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_buser   ( int_m1_buser[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_bready  ( int_m1_bready[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_bid     ( m1_axi4_bid[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_bresp   ( m1_axi4_bresp[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_bvalid  ( m1_axi4_bvalid[i] ),
+      .m_axi4_buser   ( m1_axi4_buser[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_bready  ( m1_axi4_bready[i] )
+    );
+  axi4_b_sender
+    #(
+        .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH    ),
+      )
+    u_b_sender
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk      ( Clk_CI             ),
+      .axi4_arstn     ( Rst_RBI            ),
+      .drop_i         ( b_drop[i]          ),
+      .done_o         ( b_done[i]          ),
+      .id_i           ( b_id_drop[i]       ),
+      .prefetch_i     ( b_prefetch_drop[i] ),
+      .hit_i          ( b_hit_drop[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_bid     ( s_axi4_bid[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_bresp   ( s_axi4_bresp[i]    ),
+      .s_axi4_bvalid  ( s_axi4_bvalid[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_buser   ( s_axi4_buser[i]    ),
+      .s_axi4_bready  ( s_axi4_bready[i]   ),
+      .m_axi4_bid     ( int_bid[i]         ),
+      .m_axi4_bresp   ( int_bresp[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_bvalid  ( int_bvalid[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_buser   ( int_buser[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_bready  ( int_bready[i]      )
+    );
+  /*
+   * Multiplexer to switch between the two output master ports on the write response (b) channel
+   */
+  always_comb begin
+     /* Output 1 always gets priority, so if it has something to send connect
+      it and let output 0 wait using rready = 0 */
+    if (int_m1_bvalid[i] == 1'b1) begin
+      int_m0_bready[i] = 1'b0;
+      int_m1_bready[i] = int_bready[i];
+      int_bid[i]       = int_m1_bid[i];
+      int_bresp[i]     = int_m1_bresp[i];
+      int_buser[i]     = int_m1_buser[i];
+      int_bvalid[i]    = int_m1_bvalid[i];
+    end else begin
+      int_m0_bready[i] = int_bready[i];
+      int_m1_bready[i] = 1'b0;
+      int_bid[i]       = int_m0_bid[i];
+      int_bresp[i]     = int_m0_bresp[i];
+      int_buser[i]     = int_m0_buser[i];
+      int_bvalid[i]    = int_m0_bvalid[i];
+    end
+  end
+  // }}}
+  // Read Address channel (ar) {{{
+  /*
+   * read address channel (ar)
+   *
+   * ██████╗ ███████╗ █████╗ ██████╗      █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗
+   * ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗    ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗
+   * ██████╔╝█████╗  ███████║██║  ██║    ███████║██║  ██║██║  ██║██████╔╝
+   * ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██╔══██║██║  ██║    ██╔══██║██║  ██║██║  ██║██╔══██╗
+   * ██║  ██║███████╗██║  ██║██████╔╝    ██║  ██║██████╔╝██████╔╝██║  ██║
+   * ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝     ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝
+   *
+   */
+  axi4_ar_buffer
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH   ),
+      )
+    u_ar_buffer
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk      ( Clk_CI            ),
+      .axi4_arstn     ( Rst_RBI           ),
+      .s_axi4_arid    ( s_axi4_arid[i]    ),
+      .s_axi4_araddr  ( s_axi4_araddr[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_arvalid ( s_axi4_arvalid[i] ),
+      .s_axi4_arready ( s_axi4_arready[i] ),
+      .s_axi4_arlen   ( s_axi4_arlen[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_arsize  ( s_axi4_arsize[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_arburst ( s_axi4_arburst[i] ),
+      .s_axi4_arlock  ( s_axi4_arlock[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_arprot  ( s_axi4_arprot[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_arcache ( s_axi4_arcache[i] ),
+      .s_axi4_aruser  ( s_axi4_aruser[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_arid    ( int_arid[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_araddr  ( int_araddr[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arvalid ( int_arvalid[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_arready ( int_arready[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_arlen   ( int_arlen[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_arsize  ( int_arsize[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arburst ( int_arburst[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_arlock  ( int_arlock[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arprot  ( int_arprot[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arcache ( int_arcache[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_aruser  ( int_aruser[i]     )
+    );
+  axi4_ar_sender
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH     ),
+      .ENABLE_L2TLB   ( ENABLE_L2TLB[i]  )
+      )
+    u_ar_sender_m0
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk       ( Clk_CI                ),
+      .axi4_arstn      ( Rst_RBI               ),
+      .l1_done_o       ( l1_m0_ar_done[i]      ),
+      .l1_accept_i     ( l1_m0_ar_accept[i]    ),
+      .l1_drop_i       ( l1_m0_ar_drop[i]      ),
+      .l1_save_i       ( l1_m0_ar_save[i]      ),
+      .l2_done_o       ( l2_m0_ar_done[i]      ),
+      .l2_accept_i     ( l2_m0_ar_accept[i]    ),
+      .l2_drop_i       ( l2_m0_ar_drop[i]      ),
+      .l2_sending_o    ( l2_m0_ar_sending[i]   ),
+      .l1_araddr_i     ( int_rtrans_addr[i]    ),
+      .l2_araddr_i     ( l2_ar_addr[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_arid     ( int_arid[i]           ),
+      .s_axi4_arvalid  ( int_m0_arvalid[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_arready  ( int_m0_arready[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_arlen    ( int_arlen[i]          ),
+      .s_axi4_arsize   ( int_arsize[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_arburst  ( int_arburst[i]        ),
+      .s_axi4_arlock   ( int_arlock[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_arprot   ( int_arprot[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_arcache  ( int_arcache[i]        ),
+      .s_axi4_aruser   ( int_aruser[i]         ),
+      .m_axi4_arid     ( m0_axi4_arid[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_araddr   ( m0_axi4_araddr[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arvalid  ( m0_axi4_arvalid[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_arready  ( m0_axi4_arready[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_arlen    ( m0_axi4_arlen[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_arsize   ( m0_axi4_arsize[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arburst  ( m0_axi4_arburst[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_arlock   ( m0_axi4_arlock[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arprot   ( m0_axi4_arprot[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arcache  (                       ),
+      .m_axi4_aruser   ( m0_axi4_aruser[i]     )
+    );
+    // The AXCACHE signals are set according to burstiness and cache coherence or statically
+    // when not connected to ACP on Zynq (implemented below).
+      assign m0_read_is_burst[i] = (m0_axi4_arlen[i] != {8{1'b0}}) && (m0_axi4_arburst[i] != 2'b00);
+    `ifndef EN_ACP
+      always_comb begin
+        if ( (l2_m0_ar_sending[i] & l2_cache_coherent[i]) | int_rtrans_cache_coherent[i]) begin
+          if (m0_read_is_burst[i]) begin
+            m0_axi4_arcache[i]  = 4'b1011;
+          end else begin
+            m0_axi4_arcache[i]  = 4'b1111;
+          end
+        end else begin
+          m0_axi4_arcache[i]    = 4'b0011;
+        end
+      end
+    `else
+      assign m0_axi4_arcache[i] = 4'b0011;
+    `endif
+  axi4_ar_sender
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH     ),
+      .ENABLE_L2TLB   ( ENABLE_L2TLB[i]  )
+      )
+    u_ar_sender_m1
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk       ( Clk_CI                ),
+      .axi4_arstn      ( Rst_RBI               ),
+      .l1_done_o       ( l1_m1_ar_done[i]      ),
+      .l1_accept_i     ( l1_m1_ar_accept[i]    ),
+      .l1_drop_i       ( l1_m1_ar_drop[i]      ),
+      .l1_save_i       ( l1_m1_ar_save[i]      ),
+      .l2_done_o       ( l2_m1_ar_done[i]      ),
+      .l2_accept_i     ( l2_m1_ar_accept[i]    ),
+      .l2_drop_i       ( l2_m1_ar_drop[i]      ),
+      .l2_sending_o    (                       ), // just helps to set axcache
+      .l1_araddr_i     ( int_rtrans_addr[i]    ),
+      .l2_araddr_i     ( l2_ar_addr[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_arid     ( int_arid[i]           ),
+      .s_axi4_arvalid  ( int_m1_arvalid[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_arready  ( int_m1_arready[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_arlen    ( int_arlen[i]          ),
+      .s_axi4_arsize   ( int_arsize[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_arburst  ( int_arburst[i]        ),
+      .s_axi4_arlock   ( int_arlock[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_arprot   ( int_arprot[i]         ),
+      .s_axi4_arcache  ( int_arcache[i]        ),
+      .s_axi4_aruser   ( int_aruser[i]         ),
+      .m_axi4_arid     ( m1_axi4_arid[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_araddr   ( m1_axi4_araddr[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arvalid  ( m1_axi4_arvalid[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_arready  ( m1_axi4_arready[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_arlen    ( m1_axi4_arlen[i]      ),
+      .m_axi4_arsize   ( m1_axi4_arsize[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arburst  ( m1_axi4_arburst[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_arlock   ( m1_axi4_arlock[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arprot   ( m1_axi4_arprot[i]     ),
+      .m_axi4_arcache  (                       ),
+      .m_axi4_aruser   ( m1_axi4_aruser[i]     )
+    );
+    // The AXCACHE signals are set according to burstiness and cache coherence or statically
+    // when not connected to ACP on Zynq (implemented below).
+      assign m1_read_is_burst[i] = (m1_axi4_arlen[i] != {8{1'b0}}) && (m1_axi4_arburst[i] != 2'b00);
+    `ifdef EN_ACP
+      always_comb begin
+        if (m1_read_is_burst[i]) begin
+          m1_axi4_arcache[i]    = 4'b1011;
+        end else begin
+          m1_axi4_arcache[i]    = 4'b1111;
+        end
+      end
+    `else
+      assign m1_axi4_arcache[i] = 4'b0011;
+    `endif
+  // }}}
+  // Read Response channel (r) {{{
+  /*
+   * read response channel (r)
+   *
+   * ██████╗ ███████╗ █████╗ ██████╗     ██████╗ ███████╗███████╗██████╗
+   * ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗    ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗
+   * ██████╔╝█████╗  ███████║██║  ██║    ██████╔╝█████╗  ███████╗██████╔╝
+   * ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██╔══██║██║  ██║    ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ╚════██║██╔═══╝
+   * ██║  ██║███████╗██║  ██║██████╔╝    ██║  ██║███████╗███████║██║
+   * ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝     ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝
+   *
+   */
+  axi4_r_buffer
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH   ),
+      )
+    u_r_buffer_m0
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk     ( Clk_CI            ),
+      .axi4_arstn    ( Rst_RBI           ),
+      .s_axi4_rid    ( int_m0_rid[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_rresp  ( int_m0_rresp[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_rdata  ( int_m0_rdata[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_rlast  ( int_m0_rlast[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_rvalid ( int_m0_rvalid[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_ruser  ( int_m0_ruser[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_rready ( int_m0_rready[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_rid    ( m0_axi4_rid[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_rresp  ( m0_axi4_rresp[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_rdata  ( m0_axi4_rdata[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_rlast  ( m0_axi4_rlast[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_rvalid ( m0_axi4_rvalid[i] ),
+      .m_axi4_ruser  ( m0_axi4_ruser[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_rready ( m0_axi4_rready[i] )
+    );
+  axi4_r_buffer
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AXI_ID_WIDTH   ),
+      )
+    u_r_buffer_m1
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk     ( Clk_CI            ),
+      .axi4_arstn    ( Rst_RBI           ),
+      .s_axi4_rid    ( int_m1_rid[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_rresp  ( int_m1_rresp[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_rdata  ( int_m1_rdata[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_rlast  ( int_m1_rlast[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_rvalid ( int_m1_rvalid[i]  ),
+      .s_axi4_ruser  ( int_m1_ruser[i]   ),
+      .s_axi4_rready ( int_m1_rready[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_rid    ( m1_axi4_rid[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_rresp  ( m1_axi4_rresp[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_rdata  ( m1_axi4_rdata[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_rlast  ( m1_axi4_rlast[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_rvalid ( m1_axi4_rvalid[i] ),
+      .m_axi4_ruser  ( m1_axi4_ruser[i]  ),
+      .m_axi4_rready ( m1_axi4_rready[i] )
+    );
+  axi4_r_sender
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH    ( AXI_ID_WIDTH   ),
+      )
+    u_r_sender
+    (
+      .axi4_aclk     ( Clk_CI              ),
+      .axi4_arstn    ( Rst_RBI             ),
+      .drop_i        ( lx_r_drop[i]        ),
+      .drop_len_i    ( lx_len_drop[i]      ),
+      .done_o        ( lx_r_done[i]        ),
+      .id_i          ( lx_id_drop[i]       ),
+      .prefetch_i    ( lx_prefetch_drop[i] ),
+      .hit_i         ( lx_hit_drop[i]      ),
+      .s_axi4_rid    ( s_axi4_rid[i]       ),
+      .s_axi4_rresp  ( s_axi4_rresp[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_rdata  ( s_axi4_rdata[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_rlast  ( s_axi4_rlast[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_rvalid ( s_axi4_rvalid[i]    ),
+      .s_axi4_ruser  ( s_axi4_ruser[i]     ),
+      .s_axi4_rready ( s_axi4_rready[i]    ),
+      .m_axi4_rid    ( int_rid[i]          ),
+      .m_axi4_rresp  ( int_rresp[i]        ),
+      .m_axi4_rdata  ( int_rdata[i]        ),
+      .m_axi4_rlast  ( int_rlast[i]        ),
+      .m_axi4_rvalid ( int_rvalid[i]       ),
+      .m_axi4_ruser  ( int_ruser[i]        ),
+      .m_axi4_rready ( int_rready[i]       )
+    );
+  /*
+   * Multiplexer to switch between the two output master ports on the read response(r) channel
+   *
+   * Do not perform read burst interleaving as the DMA does not support it. This means we can only
+   * switch between the two masters upon sending rlast or when idle.
+   *
+   * However, if the downstream already performs burst interleaving, this cannot be undone here.
+   * Also, the downstream may interleave a burst reponse with a single-beat transaction. In this
+   * case, the FSM below falls out of the burst mode. To avoid it performing burst interleaving
+   * after such an event, it gives priority to the master which received the last burst in case
+   * both have a have a burst ready (rvalid).
+   *
+   * Order of priority:
+   * 1. Ongoing burst transaction
+   * 2. Single-beat transaction on Master 1.
+   * 3. Single-beat transaction on Master 0.
+   * 4. Burst transaction on master that received the last burst.
+   */
+  // Select signal
+  always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin
+    if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+      RRespSel_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+    end else begin
+      RRespSel_SP[i] <= RRespSel_SN[i];
+    end
+  end
+  // FSM
+  always_comb begin : RRespMuxFsm
+    RRespMuxCtrl_SN[i] = RRespMuxCtrl_SP[i];
+    RRespSel_SN[i]     = RRespSel_SP[i];
+    RRespBurst_S[i]    = 1'b0;
+    RRespSelIm_S[i]    = 1'b0;
+    unique case (RRespMuxCtrl_SP[i])
+      IDLE: begin
+        // immediately forward single-beat transactions
+        if      (int_m1_rvalid[i] && int_m1_rlast[i])
+          RRespSelIm_S[i] = 1'b1;
+        else if (int_m0_rvalid[i] && int_m0_rlast[i])
+          RRespSelIm_S[i] = 1'b0;
+        // bursts - they also start immediately
+        else if (int_m1_rvalid[i] || int_m0_rvalid[i]) begin
+          RRespMuxCtrl_SN[i] = BUSY;
+          // in case both are ready, continue with the master that had the last burst
+          if    (int_m1_rvalid[i] && int_m0_rvalid[i]) begin
+            RRespSel_SN[i]  = RRespSel_SP[i];
+            RRespSelIm_S[i] = RRespSel_SP[i];
+          end else if (int_m1_rvalid[i]) begin
+            RRespSel_SN[i]  = 1'b1;
+            RRespSelIm_S[i] = 1'b1;
+          end else begin
+            RRespSel_SN[i]  = 1'b0;
+            RRespSelIm_S[i] = 1'b0;
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      BUSY: begin
+        RRespBurst_S[i] = 1'b1;
+        // detect last handshake of currently ongoing transfer
+        if (int_rvalid[i] && int_rready[i] && int_rlast[i])
+          RRespMuxCtrl_SN[i] = IDLE;
+      end
+      default: begin
+        RRespMuxCtrl_SN[i] = IDLE;
+      end
+    endcase
+  end
+  // FSM state
+  always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin
+    if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+      RRespMuxCtrl_SP[i] <= IDLE;
+    end else begin
+      RRespMuxCtrl_SP[i] <= RRespMuxCtrl_SN[i];
+    end
+  end
+  // Actual multiplexer
+  always_comb begin
+    if ( (RRespBurst_S[i] && RRespSel_SP[i]) || (!RRespBurst_S[i] && RRespSelIm_S[i]) ) begin
+      int_m0_rready[i] = 1'b0;
+      int_m1_rready[i] = int_rready[i];
+      int_rid[i]    = int_m1_rid[i];
+      int_rresp[i]  = int_m1_rresp[i];
+      int_rdata[i]  = int_m1_rdata[i];
+      int_rlast[i]  = int_m1_rlast[i];
+      int_ruser[i]  = int_m1_ruser[i];
+      int_rvalid[i] = int_m1_rvalid[i];
+    end else begin
+      int_m0_rready[i] = int_rready[i];
+      int_m1_rready[i] = 1'b0;
+      int_rid[i]    = int_m0_rid[i];
+      int_rresp[i]  = int_m0_rresp[i];
+      int_rdata[i]  = int_m0_rdata[i];
+      int_rlast[i]  = int_m0_rlast[i];
+      int_ruser[i]  = int_m0_ruser[i];
+      int_rvalid[i] = int_m0_rvalid[i];
+    end
+  end
+  end // BUF & SEND
+  // }}}
+  endgenerate // BUF & SEND }}}
+  // Log {{{
+`ifdef RAB_AX_LOG_EN
+  AxiBramLogger
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_BITW     ( AXI_ID_WIDTH        ),
+      .AXI_ADDR_BITW   ( AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH    ),
+    )
+    u_aw_logger
+    (
+      .Clk_CI          ( NonGatedClk_CI    ),
+      .TimestampClk_CI ( Clk_CI            ),
+      .Rst_RBI         ( Rst_RBI           ),
+      .AxiValid_SI     ( s_axi4_awvalid[1] ),
+      .AxiReady_SI     ( s_axi4_awready[1] ),
+      .AxiId_DI        ( s_axi4_awid[1]    ),
+      .AxiAddr_DI      ( s_axi4_awaddr[1]  ),
+      .AxiLen_DI       ( s_axi4_awlen[1]   ),
+      .Clear_SI        ( AwLogClr_SI       ),
+      .LogEn_SI        ( LogEn_SI          ),
+      .Full_SO         ( int_aw_log_full   ),
+      .Ready_SO        ( AwLogRdy_SO       ),
+      .Bram_PS         ( AwBram_PS         )
+    );
+  AxiBramLogger
+    #(
+      .AXI_ID_BITW     ( AXI_ID_WIDTH        ),
+      .AXI_ADDR_BITW   ( AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH    ),
+    )
+    u_ar_logger
+    (
+      .Clk_CI          ( NonGatedClk_CI    ),
+      .TimestampClk_CI ( Clk_CI            ),
+      .Rst_RBI         ( Rst_RBI           ),
+      .AxiValid_SI     ( s_axi4_arvalid[1] ),
+      .AxiReady_SI     ( s_axi4_arready[1] ),
+      .AxiId_DI        ( s_axi4_arid[1]    ),
+      .AxiAddr_DI      ( s_axi4_araddr[1]  ),
+      .AxiLen_DI       ( s_axi4_arlen[1]   ),
+      .Clear_SI        ( ArLogClr_SI       ),
+      .LogEn_SI        ( LogEn_SI          ),
+      .Full_SO         ( int_ar_log_full   ),
+      .Ready_SO        ( ArLogRdy_SO       ),
+      .Bram_PS         ( ArBram_PS         )
+    );
+  // }}}
+  // RAB Core {{{
+  // ██████╗  █████╗ ██████╗      ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
+  // ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗    ██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝
+  // ██████╔╝███████║██████╔╝    ██║     ██║   ██║██████╔╝█████╗
+  // ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██╔══██╗    ██║     ██║   ██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝
+  // ██║  ██║██║  ██║██████╔╝    ╚██████╗╚██████╔╝██║  ██║███████╗
+  // ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝      ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝
+  //
+  /*
+   * rab_core
+   *
+   * The rab core translates addresses. It has two ports, which can be used
+   * independently, however they will compete for time internally, as lookups
+   * are serialized.
+   *
+   * type is the read(0) or write(1) used to check the protection flags. If they
+   * don't match an interrupt is created on the int_prot line.
+   */
+  rab_core
+    #(
+      .N_PORTS             ( N_PORTS             ),
+      .N_L2_SETS           ( N_L2_SETS           ),
+      .N_L2_SET_ENTRIES    ( N_L2_SET_ENTRIES    ),
+      .AXI_DATA_WIDTH      ( AXI_DATA_WIDTH      ),
+      .AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH    ( AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH    ),
+      .AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH    ( AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH    ),
+      .AXI_ID_WIDTH        ( AXI_ID_WIDTH        ),
+      .AXI_USER_WIDTH      ( AXI_USER_WIDTH      ),
+      .MH_FIFO_DEPTH       ( MH_FIFO_DEPTH       )
+    )
+    u_rab_core
+    (
+      .Clk_CI               ( Clk_CI                     ),
+      .Rst_RBI              ( Rst_RBI                    ),
+      // Config IF
+      .s_axi_awaddr         ( s_axi4lite_awaddr          ),
+      .s_axi_awvalid        ( s_axi4lite_awvalid         ),
+      .s_axi_awready        ( s_axi4lite_awready         ),
+      .s_axi_wdata          ( s_axi4lite_wdata           ),
+      .s_axi_wstrb          ( s_axi4lite_wstrb           ),
+      .s_axi_wvalid         ( s_axi4lite_wvalid          ),
+      .s_axi_wready         ( s_axi4lite_wready          ),
+      .s_axi_bresp          ( s_axi4lite_bresp           ),
+      .s_axi_bvalid         ( s_axi4lite_bvalid          ),
+      .s_axi_bready         ( s_axi4lite_bready          ),
+      .s_axi_araddr         ( s_axi4lite_araddr          ),
+      .s_axi_arvalid        ( s_axi4lite_arvalid         ),
+      .s_axi_arready        ( s_axi4lite_arready         ),
+      .s_axi_rready         ( s_axi4lite_rready          ),
+      .s_axi_rdata          ( s_axi4lite_rdata           ),
+      .s_axi_rresp          ( s_axi4lite_rresp           ),
+      .s_axi_rvalid         ( s_axi4lite_rvalid          ),
+      // L1 miss info outputs -> L2 TLB arbitration
+      .int_miss             ( rab_miss                   ),
+      .int_multi            ( rab_multi                  ),
+      .int_prot             ( rab_prot                   ),
+      .int_prefetch         ( rab_prefetch               ),
+      .int_mhf_full         ( int_mhf_full               ),
+      // L1 transaction info outputs -> L2 TLB arbitration
+      .int_axaddr_o         ( L1OutAddr_D                ),
+      .int_axid_o           ( L1OutId_D                  ),
+      .int_axlen_o          ( L1OutLen_D                 ),
+      .int_axuser_o         ( L1OutUser_D                ),
+      // Write Req IF
+      .port1_addr           ( int_awaddr                 ),
+      .port1_id             ( int_awid                   ),
+      .port1_len            ( int_awlen                  ),
+      .port1_size           ( int_awsize                 ),
+      .port1_addr_valid     ( int_awvalid & ~aw_in_stall ), // avoid the FSM accepting new AW requests
+      .port1_type           ( {N_PORTS{1'b1}}            ),
+      .port1_user           ( int_awuser                 ),
+      .port1_sent           ( int_wtrans_sent            ), // signal done to L1 FSM
+      .port1_out_addr       ( int_wtrans_addr            ),
+      .port1_cache_coherent ( int_wtrans_cache_coherent  ),
+      .port1_accept         ( int_wtrans_accept          ),
+      .port1_drop           ( int_wtrans_drop            ),
+      .port1_miss           ( int_wtrans_miss            ),
+      // Read Req IF
+      .port2_addr           ( int_araddr                 ),
+      .port2_id             ( int_arid                   ),
+      .port2_len            ( int_arlen                  ),
+      .port2_size           ( int_arsize                 ),
+      .port2_addr_valid     ( int_arvalid                ),
+      .port2_type           ( {N_PORTS{1'b0}}            ),
+      .port2_user           ( int_aruser                 ),
+      .port2_sent           ( int_rtrans_sent            ), // signal done to L1 FSM
+      .port2_out_addr       ( int_rtrans_addr            ),
+      .port2_cache_coherent ( int_rtrans_cache_coherent  ),
+      .port2_accept         ( int_rtrans_accept          ),
+      .port2_drop           ( int_rtrans_drop            ),
+      .port2_miss           ( int_rtrans_miss            ),
+      // L2 miss info inputs -> axi_rab_cfg
+      .miss_l2_i            ( L2Miss_S                   ),
+      .miss_l2_addr_i       ( L2OutInAddr_DP             ),
+      .miss_l2_id_i         ( L2OutId_DP                 ),
+      .miss_l2_user_i       ( L2OutUser_DP               ),
+      // L2 config outputs
+      .wdata_l2_o           ( L2CfgWData_D               ),
+      .waddr_l2_o           ( L2CfgWAddr_D               ),
+      .wren_l2_o            ( L2CfgWE_S                  )
+    );
+  // }}}
+  // AX SPLITS {{{
+  //  █████╗ ██╗  ██╗    ███████╗██████╗ ██╗     ██╗████████╗
+  // ██╔══██╗╚██╗██╔╝    ██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║     ██║╚══██╔══╝
+  // ███████║ ╚███╔╝     ███████╗██████╔╝██║     ██║   ██║
+  // ██╔══██║ ██╔██╗     ╚════██║██╔═══╝ ██║     ██║   ██║
+  // ██║  ██║██╔╝ ██╗    ███████║██║     ███████╗██║   ██║
+  // ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝    ╚══════╝╚═╝     ╚══════╝╚═╝   ╚═╝
+  //
+  /**
+   * Multiplex the two output master ports of the Read Address and Write Address (AR/AW) channels.
+   *
+   * Use the `int_xmaster_select` signal to route the signals to either Master 0 (to memory) or
+   * Master 1 (to ACP). In case of an L1 miss: Route the signals to both masters. They shall be
+   * saved until the L2 outputs are available.
+   */
+  generate for (i = 0; i < N_PORTS; i++) begin : AX_SPLIT
+    /*
+     * When accepting L1 transactions, we must just do so on the selected master. Drop requests must
+     * be performed on any one of the two masters. Save requests must be performed by both masters.
+     */
+    always_comb begin : AW_L1_SPLIT
+      // TLB handshake
+      l1_m0_aw_accept[i] = 1'b0;
+      l1_m1_aw_accept[i] = 1'b0;
+      l1_m0_aw_drop[i]   = 1'b0;
+      l1_m1_aw_drop[i]   = 1'b0;
+      l1_m0_aw_save[i]   = 1'b0;
+      l1_m1_aw_save[i]   = 1'b0;
+      l1_mx_aw_done[i]   = 1'b0;
+      // AXI sender input handshake
+      int_m0_awvalid[i]  = 1'b0;
+      int_m1_awvalid[i]  = 1'b0;
+      int_awready[i]     = 1'b0;
+      // accept on selected master only
+      if (l1_aw_accept[i]) begin
+        if (int_wmaster_select[i]) begin
+          l1_m1_aw_accept[i] = 1'b1;
+          l1_mx_aw_done[i]   = l1_m1_aw_done[i];
+          int_m1_awvalid[i]  = int_awvalid[i];
+          int_awready[i]     = int_m1_awready[i];
+        end else begin
+          l1_m0_aw_accept[i] = 1'b1;
+          l1_mx_aw_done[i]   = l1_m0_aw_done[i];
+          int_m0_awvalid[i]  = int_awvalid[i];
+          int_awready[i]     = int_m0_awready[i];
+        end
+      // drop on Master 0 only
+      end else if (l1_aw_drop[i]) begin
+        l1_m0_aw_drop[i]     = 1'b1;
+        l1_mx_aw_done[i]     = l1_m0_aw_done[i];
+        int_m0_awvalid[i]    = int_awvalid[i];
+        int_awready[i]       = l1_m0_aw_done[i];
+      // save on both masters
+      end else if (l1_aw_save[i]) begin
+        // split save
+        l1_m0_aw_save[i]     = ~l1_m0_aw_done_SP[i];
+        l1_m1_aw_save[i]     = ~l1_m1_aw_done_SP[i];
+        // combine done
+        l1_mx_aw_done[i]     = l1_m0_aw_done_SP[i] & l1_m1_aw_done_SP[i];
+        int_m0_awvalid[i]    = int_awvalid[i];
+        int_m1_awvalid[i]    = int_awvalid[i];
+        int_awready[i]       = l1_mx_aw_done[i];
+      end
+    end
+    // signal back to handshake splitter
+    assign l1_aw_done[i]     = l1_mx_aw_done[i];
+    always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : L1_MX_AW_DONE_REG
+      if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+        l1_m0_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+        l1_m1_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+      end else if (l1_mx_aw_done[i]) begin
+        l1_m0_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+        l1_m1_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+        l1_m0_aw_done_SP[i] <= l1_m0_aw_done_SP[i] | l1_m0_aw_done[i];
+        l1_m1_aw_done_SP[i] <= l1_m1_aw_done_SP[i] | l1_m1_aw_done[i];
+      end
+    end
+    /*
+     * When accepting L2 transactions, we must drop the corresponding transaction from the other
+     * master to make it available again for save requests from L1_DROP_SAVE.
+     */
+    always_comb begin : AW_L2_SPLIT
+      l2_m0_aw_accept[i] = 1'b0;
+      l2_m1_aw_accept[i] = 1'b0;
+      l2_m0_aw_drop[i]   = 1'b0;
+      l2_m1_aw_drop[i]   = 1'b0;
+      // de-assert request signals individually upon handshakes
+      if (l2_aw_accept[i]) begin
+        if (l2_master_select[i]) begin
+          l2_m1_aw_accept[i] = ~l2_m1_aw_done_SP[i];
+          l2_m0_aw_drop[i]   = ~l2_m0_aw_done_SP[i];
+        end else begin
+          l2_m0_aw_accept[i] = ~l2_m0_aw_done_SP[i];
+          l2_m1_aw_drop[i]   = ~l2_m1_aw_done_SP[i];
+        end
+      end else begin
+        l2_m0_aw_drop[i]     = ~l2_m0_aw_done_SP[i] ? l2_aw_drop[i] : 1'b0;
+        l2_m1_aw_drop[i]     = ~l2_m1_aw_done_SP[i] ? l2_aw_drop[i] : 1'b0;
+      end
+      // combine done
+      l2_mx_aw_done[i] = l2_m0_aw_done_SP[i] & l2_m1_aw_done_SP[i];
+      l2_aw_done[i]    = l2_mx_aw_done[i];
+    end
+    always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : L2_MX_AW_DONE_REG
+      if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+        l2_m0_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+        l2_m1_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+      end else if (l2_mx_aw_done[i]) begin
+        l2_m0_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+        l2_m1_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+        l2_m0_aw_done_SP[i] <= l2_m0_aw_done_SP[i] | l2_m0_aw_done[i];
+        l2_m1_aw_done_SP[i] <= l2_m1_aw_done_SP[i] | l2_m1_aw_done[i];
+      end
+    end
+    /*
+     * When accepting L1 transactions, we must just do so on the selected master. Drop requests must
+     * be performed on any one of the two masters. Save requests must be performed by both masters.
+     */
+    always_comb begin : AR_L1_SPLIT
+      // TLB handshake
+      l1_m0_ar_accept[i] = 1'b0;
+      l1_m1_ar_accept[i] = 1'b0;
+      l1_m0_ar_drop[i]   = 1'b0;
+      l1_m1_ar_drop[i]   = 1'b0;
+      l1_m0_ar_save[i]   = 1'b0;
+      l1_m1_ar_save[i]   = 1'b0;
+      l1_mx_ar_done[i]   = 1'b0;
+      // AXI sender input handshake
+      int_m0_arvalid[i]  = 1'b0;
+      int_m1_arvalid[i]  = 1'b0;
+      int_arready[i]     = 1'b0;
+      // accept on selected master only
+      if (l1_ar_accept[i]) begin
+        if (int_rmaster_select[i]) begin
+          l1_m1_ar_accept[i] = 1'b1;
+          l1_mx_ar_done[i]   = l1_m1_ar_done[i];
+          int_m1_arvalid[i]  = int_arvalid[i];
+          int_arready[i]     = int_m1_arready[i];
+        end else begin
+          l1_m0_ar_accept[i] = 1'b1;
+          l1_mx_ar_done[i]   = l1_m0_ar_done[i];
+          int_m0_arvalid[i]  = int_arvalid[i];
+          int_arready[i]     = int_m0_arready[i];
+        end
+      // drop on Master 0 only
+      end else if (l1_ar_drop[i]) begin
+        l1_m0_ar_drop[i]     = 1'b1;
+        l1_mx_ar_done[i]     = l1_m0_ar_done[i];
+        int_m0_arvalid[i]    = int_arvalid[i];
+        int_arready[i]       = l1_m0_ar_done[i];
+      // save on both masters
+      end else if (l1_ar_save[i]) begin
+        // split save
+        l1_m0_ar_save[i]     = ~l1_m0_ar_done_SP[i];
+        l1_m1_ar_save[i]     = ~l1_m1_ar_done_SP[i];
+        // combine done
+        l1_mx_ar_done[i]     = l1_m0_ar_done_SP[i] & l1_m1_ar_done_SP[i];
+        int_m0_arvalid[i]    = int_arvalid[i];
+        int_m1_arvalid[i]    = int_arvalid[i];
+        int_arready[i]       = l1_mx_ar_done[i];
+      end
+    end
+    // signal back to handshake splitter
+    assign l1_ar_done[i]     = l1_mx_ar_done[i];
+    always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : L1_MX_AR_DONE_REG
+      if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+        l1_m0_ar_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+        l1_m1_ar_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+      end else if (l1_mx_ar_done[i]) begin
+        l1_m0_ar_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+        l1_m1_ar_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+        l1_m0_ar_done_SP[i] <= l1_m0_ar_done_SP[i] | l1_m0_ar_done[i];
+        l1_m1_ar_done_SP[i] <= l1_m1_ar_done_SP[i] | l1_m1_ar_done[i];
+      end
+    end
+    /*
+     * When accepting L2 transactions, we must drop the corresponding transaction from the other
+     * master to make it available again for save requests from L1_DROP_SAVE.
+     */
+    always_comb begin : AR_L2_SPLIT
+      l2_m0_ar_accept[i] = 1'b0;
+      l2_m1_ar_accept[i] = 1'b0;
+      l2_m0_ar_drop[i]   = 1'b0;
+      l2_m1_ar_drop[i]   = 1'b0;
+      // de-assert request signals individually upon handshakes
+      if (l2_ar_accept[i]) begin
+        if (l2_master_select[i]) begin
+          l2_m1_ar_accept[i] = ~l2_m1_ar_done_SP[i];
+          l2_m0_ar_drop[i]   = ~l2_m0_ar_done_SP[i];
+        end else begin
+          l2_m0_ar_accept[i] = ~l2_m0_ar_done_SP[i];
+          l2_m1_ar_drop[i]   = ~l2_m1_ar_done_SP[i];
+        end
+      end else if (l2_ar_drop[i]) begin
+        l2_m0_ar_drop[i]     = ~l2_m0_ar_done_SP[i] ? l2_ar_drop[i] : 1'b0;
+        l2_m1_ar_drop[i]     = ~l2_m1_ar_done_SP[i] ? l2_ar_drop[i] : 1'b0;
+      end
+      // combine done
+      l2_mx_ar_done[i] = l2_m0_ar_done_SP[i] & l2_m1_ar_done_SP[i];
+      l2_ar_done[i]    = l2_mx_ar_done[i];
+    end
+    always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : L2_MX_AR_DONE_REG
+      if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+        l2_m0_ar_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+        l2_m1_ar_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+      end else if (l2_mx_ar_done[i]) begin
+        l2_m0_ar_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+        l2_m1_ar_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+        l2_m0_ar_done_SP[i] <= l2_m0_ar_done_SP[i] | l2_m0_ar_done[i];
+        l2_m1_ar_done_SP[i] <= l2_m1_ar_done_SP[i] | l2_m1_ar_done[i];
+      end
+    end
+  end // AX_SPLIT
+  endgenerate // AX_SPLIT
+  // }}}
+  // ██╗  ██╗███████╗    ███████╗██████╗ ██╗     ██╗████████╗
+  // ██║  ██║██╔════╝    ██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║     ██║╚══██╔══╝
+  // ███████║███████╗    ███████╗██████╔╝██║     ██║   ██║
+  // ██╔══██║╚════██║    ╚════██║██╔═══╝ ██║     ██║   ██║
+  // ██║  ██║███████║    ███████║██║     ███████╗██║   ██║
+  // ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝    ╚══════╝╚═╝     ╚══════╝╚═╝   ╚═╝
+  //
+  /*
+   * We need to perform combined handshakes with multiple AXI modules
+   * upon transactions drops, accepts, saves etc. from two TLBs.
+   */
+  generate for (i = 0; i < N_PORTS; i++) begin : HANDSHAKE_SPLIT
+    assign l1_xw_accept[i]    = int_wtrans_accept[i] & ~aw_out_stall[i];
+    assign int_wtrans_sent[i] = l1_xw_done[i];
+    assign l1_ar_accept[i]    = int_rtrans_accept[i];
+    assign int_rtrans_sent[i] = l1_ar_done[i];
+    /*
+     * L1 AW sender + W buffer handshake split
+     */
+    // forward
+    assign l1_aw_accept[i] = l1_xw_accept[i] & ~l1_aw_done_SP[i];
+    assign l1_w_accept[i]  = l1_xw_accept[i] & ~l1_w_done_SP[i];
+    assign l1_aw_save[i]   = l1_xw_save[i]   & ~l1_aw_done_SP[i];
+    assign l1_w_save[i]    = l1_xw_save[i]   & ~l1_w_done_SP[i];
+    assign l1_aw_drop[i]   = l1_xw_drop[i]   & ~l1_aw_done_SP[i];
+    assign l1_w_drop[i]    = l1_xw_drop[i]   & ~l1_w_done_SP[i];
+    // backward
+    assign l1_xw_done[i]   = l1_aw_done_SP[i] & l1_w_done_SP[i];
+    always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : L1_XW_HS_SPLIT
+      if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+        l1_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+        l1_w_done_SP[i]  <= 1'b0;
+      end else if (l1_xw_done[i]) begin
+        l1_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+        l1_w_done_SP[i]  <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+        l1_aw_done_SP[i] <= l1_aw_done_SP[i] | l1_aw_done[i];
+        l1_w_done_SP[i]  <= l1_w_done_SP[i]  | l1_w_done[i];
+      end
+    end
+    if (ENABLE_L2TLB[i] == 1) begin : L2_HS_SPLIT
+      /*
+       * L1 AR sender + R sender handshake split
+       *
+       * AR and R do not need to be strictly in sync. We thus use separate handshakes.
+       * But the handshake signals for the R sender are multiplexed with the those for
+       * the L2. However, L2_ACCEPT_DROP_SAVE has always higher priority.
+       */
+      assign lx_r_drop[i] = l2_r_drop[i] | l1_r_drop[i];
+      assign l1_r_done[i] = l2_r_drop[i] ? 1'b0         : lx_r_done[i];
+      assign l2_r_done[i] = l2_r_drop[i] ? lx_r_done[i] : 1'b0;
+      /*
+       * L2 AW sender + W buffer handshake split
+       */
+      // forward
+      assign l2_aw_accept[i] = l2_xw_accept[i] & ~l2_aw_done_SP[i];
+      assign l2_w_accept[i]  = l2_xw_accept[i] & ~l2_w_done_SP[i];
+      assign l2_aw_drop[i]   = l2_xw_drop[i]   & ~l2_aw_done_SP[i];
+      assign l2_w_drop[i]    = l2_xw_drop[i]   & ~l2_w_done_SP[i];
+      // backward
+      assign l2_xw_done[i]   = l2_aw_done_SP[i] & l2_w_done_SP[i];
+      always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : L2_XW_HS_SPLIT
+        if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+          l2_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+          l2_w_done_SP[i]  <= 1'b0;
+        end else if (l2_xw_done[i]) begin
+          l2_aw_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+          l2_w_done_SP[i]  <= 1'b0;
+        end else begin
+          l2_aw_done_SP[i] <= l2_aw_done_SP[i] | l2_aw_done[i];
+          l2_w_done_SP[i]  <= l2_w_done_SP[i]  | l2_w_done[i];
+        end
+      end
+      /*
+       * L2 AR + R sender handshake split
+       */
+      // forward
+      assign l2_ar_drop[i]   = l2_xr_drop[i]   & ~l2_ar_done_SP[i];
+      assign l2_r_drop[i]    = l2_xr_drop[i]   & ~l2_r_done_SP[i];
+      // backward - make sure to always clear L2_XR_HS_SPLIT
+      always_comb begin
+        if (l2_xr_drop[i]) begin
+          l2_xr_done[i]      = l2_ar_done_SP[i] & l2_r_done_SP[i];
+        end else begin
+          l2_xr_done[i]      = l2_ar_done_SP[i];
+        end
+      end
+      always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : L2_XR_HS_SPLIT
+        if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+          l2_ar_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+          l2_r_done_SP[i]  <= 1'b0;
+        end else if (l2_xr_done[i]) begin
+          l2_ar_done_SP[i] <= 1'b0;
+          l2_r_done_SP[i]  <= 1'b0;
+        end else begin
+          l2_ar_done_SP[i] <= l2_ar_done_SP[i] | l2_ar_done[i];
+          l2_r_done_SP[i]  <= l2_r_done_SP[i]  | l2_r_done[i];
+        end
+      end
+    end else begin // if (ENABLE_L2TLB[i] == 1)
+      assign lx_r_drop[i]     = l1_r_drop[i];
+      assign l1_r_done[i]     = lx_r_done[i];
+      assign l2_aw_accept[i]  = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_w_accept[i]   = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_aw_drop[i]    = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_w_drop[i]     = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_xw_done[i]    = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_aw_done_SP[i] = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_w_done_SP[i]  = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_ar_accept[i]  = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_ar_drop[i]    = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_r_drop[i]     = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_xr_done[i]    = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_r_done[i]     = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_ar_done_SP[i] = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_r_done_SP[i]  = 1'b0;
+    end // if (ENABLE_L2TLB[i] == 1)
+  endgenerate // HANDSHAKE_SPLIT
+  // }}}
+  // L2 TLB {{{
+  // ██╗     ██████╗     ████████╗██╗     ██████╗
+  // ██║     ╚════██╗    ╚══██╔══╝██║     ██╔══██╗
+  // ██║      █████╔╝       ██║   ██║     ██████╔╝
+  // ██║     ██╔═══╝        ██║   ██║     ██╔══██╗
+  // ███████╗███████╗       ██║   ███████╗██████╔╝
+  // ╚══════╝╚══════╝       ╚═╝   ╚══════╝╚═════╝
+  //
+  /*
+   * l2_tlb
+   *
+   * The L2 TLB translates addresses upon misses in the L1 TLB (rab_core).
+   *
+   * It supports one ongoing translation at a time. If an L1 miss occurs while the L2 is busy,
+   * the L1 is stalled untill the L2 is available again.
+   *
+   */
+  generate for (i = 0; i < N_PORTS; i++) begin : L2_TLB
+    if (ENABLE_L2TLB[i] == 1) begin : L2_TLB
+      /*
+       * L1 output selector
+       */
+      assign L1OutRwType_D[i] = int_wtrans_drop[i] ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+      assign L1OutProt_D[i]   = rab_prot[i];
+      assign L1OutMulti_D[i]  = rab_multi[i];
+      /*
+       * L1 output control + L1_DROP_BUF, L2_IN_BUF management
+       *
+       * Forward the L1 drop request to AR/AW sender modules if
+       * 1. the transactions needs to be dropped (L1 multi, prot, prefetch), or
+       * 2. if a lookup in the L2 TLB is required (L1 miss) and the input buffer is not full.
+       *
+       * The AR/AW senders do not support more than 1 oustanding L1 miss. The push back towards
+       * the upstream is realized by not accepting the save request (saving the L1 transaction)
+       * in the senders as long as the L2 TLB is busy or has valid output. This ultimately
+       * blocks the L1 TLB.
+       *
+       * Together with the AW drop/save, we also perform the W drop/save as AW and W need to
+       * absolutely remain in order. In contrast, the R drop is performed
+       */
+      always_comb begin : L1_DROP_SAVE
+        l1_ar_drop[i]       = 1'b0;
+        l1_ar_save[i]       = 1'b0;
+        l1_xw_drop[i]       = 1'b0;
+        l1_xw_save[i]       = 1'b0;
+        l1_id_drop[i]       = L1OutId_D[i];
+        l1_len_drop[i]      = L1OutLen_D[i];
+        l1_prefetch_drop[i] = rab_prefetch[i];
+        l1_hit_drop[i]      = 1'b1; // there are no drops for L1 misses
+        L1DropEn_S[i]       = 1'b0;
+        L2InEn_S[i]         = 1'b0;
+        if ( rab_prot[i] | rab_multi[i] | rab_prefetch[i] ) begin
+          // 1. Drop
+          l1_ar_drop[i] = int_rtrans_drop[i] & ~L1DropValid_SP[i];
+          l1_xw_drop[i] = int_wtrans_drop[i] & ~L1DropValid_SP[i];
+          // Store to L1_DROP_BUF upon handshake
+          L1DropEn_S[i] = (l1_ar_drop[i] & l1_ar_done[i]) |
+                          (l1_xw_drop[i] & l1_xw_done[i]);
+        end else if ( rab_miss[i] ) begin
+          // 2. Save - Make sure L2 is really available.
+          l1_ar_save[i] = int_rtrans_drop[i] & ~L2Busy_S[i];
+          l1_xw_save[i] = int_wtrans_drop[i] & ~L2Busy_S[i];
+          // Store to L2_IN_BUF upon handshake - triggers the L2 TLB
+          L2InEn_S[i]   = (l1_ar_save[i] & l1_ar_done[i]) |
+                          (l1_xw_save[i] & l1_xw_done[i]);
+        end
+      end
+      /*
+       * L2 output control + L2_OUT_BUF management + R/B sender control + W buffer control
+       *
+       * Perform L1 R transaction drops unless the L2 output buffer holds valid data. The AXI specs
+       * require the B response to be sent only after consuming/discarding the corresponding data
+       * in the W channel. Thus, we only send L2 drop request to the W buffer here. The drop
+       * request to the B sender is then sent by the W buffer autonomously.
+       *
+       * L1 AW/W drop requests are managed by L1_DROP_SAVE.
+       */
+      always_comb begin : L2_ACCEPT_DROP_SAVE
+        l2_ar_addr[i]       =  'b0;
+        l2_aw_addr[i]       =  'b0;
+        l2_ar_accept[i]     = 1'b0;
+        l2_xr_drop[i]       = 1'b0;
+        l2_xw_accept[i]     = 1'b0;
+        l2_xw_drop[i]       = 1'b0;
+        l1_r_drop[i]        = 1'b0;
+        lx_id_drop[i]       =  'b0;
+        lx_len_drop[i]      =  'b0;
+        lx_prefetch_drop[i] = 1'b0;
+        lx_hit_drop[i]      = 1'b0;
+        L1DropValid_SN[i]   = L1DropValid_SP[i] | L1DropEn_S[i];
+        L2OutValid_SN[i]    = L2OutValid_SP[i];
+        L2OutReady_S[i]     = 1'b0;
+        L2OutEn_S[i]        = 1'b0;
+        L2Miss_S[i]         = 1'b0;
+        int_multi[i]        = 1'b0;
+        int_prot[i]         = 1'b0;
+        if (L2OutValid_SP[i] == 1'b0) begin
+          // Drop L1 from R senders
+          if (L1DropValid_SP[i] == 1'b1) begin
+            // Only perform the R sender drop here.
+            if (~L1DropRwType_DP[i]) begin
+              l1_r_drop[i]        = 1'b1;
+              lx_id_drop[i]       = L1DropId_DP[i];
+              lx_len_drop[i]      = L1DropLen_DP[i];
+              lx_prefetch_drop[i] = L1DropPrefetch_S[i];
+              lx_hit_drop[i]      = 1'b1; // there are no drops for L1 misses
+              // Invalidate L1_DROP_BUF upon handshake
+              if ( l1_r_drop[i] & l1_r_done[i] ) begin
+                L1DropValid_SN[i] = 1'b0;
+                int_prot[i]       = L1DropProt_DP[i];
+                int_multi[i]      = L1DropMulti_DP[i];
+              end
+            end else begin
+              // Invalidate L1_DROP_BUF
+              L1DropValid_SN[i]   = 1'b0;
+              int_prot[i]         = L1DropProt_DP[i];
+              int_multi[i]        = L1DropMulti_DP[i];
+            end
+          end
+        end else begin // L2_OUT_BUF has valid data
+          if ( L2OutHit_SP[i] & ~(L2OutPrefetch_S[i] | L2OutProt_SP[i] | L2OutMulti_SP[i]) ) begin
+            l2_ar_addr[i]       = L2OutAddr_DP[i];
+            l2_aw_addr[i]       = L2OutAddr_DP[i];
+            l2_ar_accept[i]     = L2OutRwType_DP[i] ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
+            l2_xw_accept[i]     = L2OutRwType_DP[i] ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            // Invalidate L2_OUT_BUF upon handshake
+            L2OutValid_SN[i] = ~( (l2_ar_accept[i] & l2_ar_done[i]) |
+                                  (l2_xw_accept[i] & l2_xw_done[i]) );
+          end else begin
+            lx_id_drop[i]       = L2OutId_DP[i];
+            lx_len_drop[i]      = L2OutLen_DP[i];
+            lx_prefetch_drop[i] = L2OutPrefetch_S[i];
+            lx_hit_drop[i]      = L2OutHit_SP[i];
+            // The l2_xr_drop will also perform the handshake with the R sender
+            l2_xr_drop[i]       = L2OutRwType_DP[i] ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
+            l2_xw_drop[i]       = L2OutRwType_DP[i] ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+            // Invalidate L1_DROP_BUF upon handshake
+            if ( (l2_xr_drop[i] & l2_xr_done[i]) | (l2_xw_drop[i] & l2_xw_done[i]) ) begin
+              L2OutValid_SN[i]  = 1'b0;
+              L2Miss_S[i]       = ~L2OutHit_SP[i];
+              int_prot[i]       = L2OutProt_SP[i];
+              int_multi[i]      = L2OutMulti_SP[i];
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        // Only accept new L2 output after ongoing drops have finished.
+        if ( (l2_xr_drop[i] == l2_xr_done[i]) &
+             (l2_xw_drop[i] == l2_xw_done[i]) &
+             (l1_r_drop[i]  == l1_r_done[i] ) ) begin
+          // Store to L2_OUT_BUF upon handshake with L2 TLB module
+          if ( (L2OutValid_SP[i] == 1'b0) && (L2OutValid_S[i] == 1'b1) ) begin
+            L2OutValid_SN[i]   = 1'b1;
+            L2OutReady_S[i]    = 1'b1;
+            L2OutEn_S[i]       = 1'b1;
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      /*
+       * L1 drop buffer
+       *
+       * Used in case of multi, prot and prefetch hits in the L1 TLB.
+       */
+      always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : L1_DROP_BUF
+         if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+            L1DropProt_DP[i]   <= 1'b0;
+            L1DropMulti_DP[i]  <= 1'b0;
+            L1DropRwType_DP[i] <= 1'b0;
+            L1DropUser_DP[i]   <=  'b0;
+            L1DropId_DP[i]     <=  'b0;
+            L1DropLen_DP[i]    <=  'b0;
+            L1DropAddr_DP[i]   <=  'b0;
+         end else if (L1DropEn_S[i] == 1'b1) begin
+            L1DropProt_DP[i]   <= L1OutProt_D[i]  ;
+            L1DropMulti_DP[i]  <= L1OutMulti_D[i] ;
+            L1DropRwType_DP[i] <= L1OutRwType_D[i];
+            L1DropUser_DP[i]   <= L1OutUser_D[i]  ;
+            L1DropId_DP[i]     <= L1OutId_D[i]    ;
+            L1DropLen_DP[i]    <= L1OutLen_D[i]   ;
+            L1DropAddr_DP[i]   <= L1OutAddr_D[i]  ;
+         end
+      end // always_ff @ (posedge Clk_CI)
+      /*
+       * L2 input buffer
+       *
+       * Make sure there are no combinational paths between L1 TLB/inputs and L2 TLB.
+       */
+      always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : L2_IN_BUF
+         if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+            L2InRwType_DP[i] <= 1'b0;
+            L2InUser_DP[i]   <=  'b0;
+            L2InId_DP[i]     <=  'b0;
+            L2InLen_DP[i]    <=  'b0;
+            L2InAddr_DP[i]   <=  'b0;
+         end else if (L2InEn_S[i] == 1'b1) begin
+            L2InRwType_DP[i] <= L1OutRwType_D[i];
+            L2InUser_DP[i]   <= L1OutUser_D[i]  ;
+            L2InId_DP[i]     <= L1OutId_D[i]    ;
+            L2InLen_DP[i]    <= L1OutLen_D[i]   ;
+            L2InAddr_DP[i]   <= L1OutAddr_D[i]  ;
+         end
+      end // always_ff @ (posedge Clk_CI)
+      l2_tlb
+        #(
+          .AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH       ( AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH                                    ),
+          .AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH       ( AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH                                    ),
+          .AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH    ( AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH                                 ),
+          .AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH    ( AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH                                 ),
+          .N_SETS                 ( `RAB_L2_N_SETS                                      ),
+          .N_OFFSETS              ( `RAB_L2_N_SET_ENTRIES/2/`RAB_L2_N_PAR_VA_RAMS       ),
+          .N_PAR_VA_RAMS          ( `RAB_L2_N_PAR_VA_RAMS                               ),
+          )
+      u_l2_tlb
+        (
+          .clk_i              ( Clk_CI           ),
+          .rst_ni             ( Rst_RBI          ),
+          // Config inputs
+          .we_i               ( L2CfgWE_S[i]     ),
+          .waddr_i            ( L2CfgWAddr_D[i]  ),
+          .wdata_i            ( L2CfgWData_D[i]  ),
+          // Request input
+          .start_i            ( L2InEn_S[i]      ),
+          .busy_o             ( L2Busy_S[i]      ),
+          .rw_type_i          ( L2InRwType_DP[i] ),
+          .in_addr_i          ( L2InAddr_DP[i]   ),
+          // Response output
+          .out_ready_i        ( L2OutReady_S[i]  ),
+          .out_valid_o        ( L2OutValid_S[i]  ),
+          .hit_o              ( L2OutHit_SN[i]   ),
+          .miss_o             ( L2OutMiss_SN[i]  ),
+          .prot_o             ( L2OutProt_SN[i]  ),
+          .multi_o            ( L2OutMulti_SN[i] ),
+          .cache_coherent_o   ( L2OutCC_SN[i]    ),
+          .out_addr_o         ( L2OutAddr_DN[i]  )
+        );
+      /*
+       * L2 output buffer
+       *
+       * Make sure there are no combinational paths between L1 TLB/inputs and L2 TLB.
+       */
+      always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : L2_OUT_BUF
+         if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+            L2OutRwType_DP[i] <= 1'b0;
+            L2OutUser_DP[i]   <=  'b0;
+            L2OutLen_DP[i]    <=  'b0;
+            L2OutId_DP[i]     <=  'b0;
+            L2OutInAddr_DP[i] <=  'b0;
+            L2OutHit_SP[i]    <= 1'b0;
+            L2OutMiss_SP[i]   <= 1'b0;
+            L2OutProt_SP[i]   <= 1'b0;
+            L2OutMulti_SP[i]  <= 1'b0;
+            L2OutCC_SP[i]     <= 1'b0;
+            L2OutAddr_DP[i]   <=  'b0;
+         end else if (L2OutEn_S[i] == 1'b1) begin
+            L2OutRwType_DP[i] <= L2InRwType_DP[i];
+            L2OutUser_DP[i]   <= L2InUser_DP[i]  ;
+            L2OutLen_DP[i]    <= L2InLen_DP[i]   ;
+            L2OutId_DP[i]     <= L2InId_DP[i]    ;
+            L2OutInAddr_DP[i] <= L2InAddr_DP[i]  ;
+            L2OutHit_SP[i]    <= L2OutHit_SN[i]  ;
+            L2OutMiss_SP[i]   <= L2OutMiss_SN[i] ;
+            L2OutProt_SP[i]   <= L2OutProt_SN[i] ;
+            L2OutMulti_SP[i]  <= L2OutMulti_SN[i];
+            L2OutCC_SP[i]     <= L2OutCC_SN[i]   ;
+            L2OutAddr_DP[i]   <= L2OutAddr_DN[i] ;
+         end
+      end // always_ff @ (posedge Clk_CI)
+      always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI) begin : BUF_VALID
+        if (Rst_RBI == 0) begin
+          L1DropValid_SP[i] = 1'b0;
+          L2OutValid_SP[i]  = 1'b0;
+        end else begin
+          L1DropValid_SP[i] = L1DropValid_SN[i];
+          L2OutValid_SP[i]  = L2OutValid_SN[i];
+        end
+      end
+      always_comb begin : BUF_TO_PREFETCH
+        // L1 Drop Buf
+        if (L1DropUser_DP[i] == {AXI_USER_WIDTH{1'b1}})
+          L1DropPrefetch_S[i] = 1'b1;
+        else
+          L1DropPrefetch_S[i] = 1'b0;
+        // L2 Out Buf
+        if (L2OutUser_DP[i] == {AXI_USER_WIDTH{1'b1}})
+          L2OutPrefetch_S[i]  = 1'b1;
+        else
+          L2OutPrefetch_S[i]  = 1'b0;
+      end
+      assign l2_cache_coherent[i] = L2OutCC_SP[i];
+      assign int_miss[i]          = L2Miss_S[i];
+    end else begin : L2_TLB_STUB // if (ENABLE_L2TLB[i] == 1)
+      assign l1_ar_drop[i]        = int_rtrans_drop[i];
+      assign l1_r_drop[i]         = int_rtrans_drop[i];
+      assign l1_xw_drop[i]        = int_wtrans_drop[i];
+      assign l1_ar_save[i]        = 1'b0;
+      assign l1_xw_save[i]        = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_xw_accept[i]      = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_xr_drop[i]        = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_xw_drop[i]        = 1'b0;
+      assign l2_ar_addr[i]        =  'b0;
+      assign l2_aw_addr[i]        =  'b0;
+      assign l1_id_drop[i]        = int_wtrans_drop[i] ? int_awid[i] :
+                                    int_rtrans_drop[i] ? int_arid[i] :
+                                    '0;
+      assign l1_len_drop[i]       = int_wtrans_drop[i] ? int_awlen[i] :
+                                    int_rtrans_drop[i] ? int_arlen[i] :
+                                    '0;
+      assign l1_prefetch_drop[i]  = rab_prefetch[i];
+      assign l1_hit_drop[i]       = ~rab_miss[i];
+      assign lx_id_drop[i]        = int_wtrans_drop[i] ? int_awid[i] :
+                                    int_rtrans_drop[i] ? int_arid[i] :
+                                    '0;
+      assign lx_len_drop[i]       = int_wtrans_drop[i] ? int_awlen[i] :
+                                    int_rtrans_drop[i] ? int_arlen[i] :
+                                    '0;
+      assign lx_prefetch_drop[i]  = rab_prefetch[i];
+      assign lx_hit_drop[i]       = ~rab_miss[i];
+      assign l2_cache_coherent[i] = 1'b0;
+      assign int_miss[i]          = rab_miss[i];
+      assign int_prot[i]          = rab_prot[i];
+      assign int_multi[i]         = rab_multi[i];
+      // unused signals
+      assign L2Miss_S[i]          = 1'b0;
+      assign L1OutRwType_D[i]     = 1'b0;
+      assign L1OutProt_D[i]       = 1'b0;
+      assign L1OutMulti_D[i]      = 1'b0;
+      assign L1DropRwType_DP[i]   = 1'b0;
+      assign L1DropUser_DP[i]     =  'b0;
+      assign L1DropId_DP[i]       =  'b0;
+      assign L1DropLen_DP[i]      =  'b0;
+      assign L1DropAddr_DP[i]     =  'b0;
+      assign L1DropProt_DP[i]     = 1'b0;
+      assign L1DropMulti_DP[i]    = 1'b0;
+      assign L1DropEn_S[i]        = 1'b0;
+      assign L1DropPrefetch_S[i]  = 1'b0;
+      assign L1DropValid_SN[i]    = 1'b0;
+      assign L1DropValid_SP[i]    = 1'b0;
+      assign L2InRwType_DP[i]     = 1'b0;
+      assign L2InUser_DP[i]       =  'b0;
+      assign L2InId_DP[i]         =  'b0;
+      assign L2InLen_DP[i]        =  'b0;
+      assign L2InAddr_DP[i]       =  'b0;
+      assign L2InEn_S[i]          = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutHit_SN[i]       = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutMiss_SN[i]      = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutProt_SN[i]      = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutMulti_SN[i]     = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutCC_SN[i]        = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutAddr_DN[i]      =  'b0;
+      assign L2OutRwType_DP[i]    = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutUser_DP[i]      =  'b0;
+      assign L2OutId_DP[i]        =  'b0;
+      assign L2OutLen_DP[i]       =  'b0;
+      assign L2OutInAddr_DP[i]    =  'b0;
+      assign L2OutHit_SP[i]       = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutMiss_SP[i]      = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutProt_SP[i]      = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutMulti_SP[i]     = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutCC_SP[i]        = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutAddr_DP[i]      =  'b0;
+      assign L2OutEn_S[i]         = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutPrefetch_S[i]   = 1'b0;
+      assign L2Busy_S[i]          = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutValid_S[i]      = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutValid_SN[i]     = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutValid_SP[i]     = 1'b0;
+      assign L2OutReady_S[i]      = 1'b0;
+    end // !`ifdef ENABLE_L2TLB
+  end // for (i = 0; i < N_PORTS; i++)
+  endgenerate
+// }}}
+# endmodule
+# // vim: ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et nosmartindent autoindent foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..31bf32e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class check_ram(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.clk_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.rst_ni = Signal()  # input
+        self.in_addr = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.rw_type = Signal()  # input
+        self.ram_we = Signal()  # input
+        self.port0_addr = Signal(1+ERROR p_expression_25)  # input
+        self.port1_addr = Signal(1+ERROR p_expression_25)  # input
+        self.ram_wdata = Signal(RAM_DATA_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.output_sent = Signal()  # input
+        self.output_valid = Signal()  # input
+        self.offset_addr_d = Signal(OFFSET_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.hit_addr = Signal(1+ERROR p_expression_25)  # output
+        self.master = Signal()  # output
+        self.hit = Signal()  # output
+        self.multi_hit = Signal()  # output
+        self.prot = Signal()  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# //import CfMath::log2;
+# //`define MULTI_HIT_FULL_SET
+# module check_ram
+#  //#(
+#  //  parameter ADDR_WIDTH     = 32,
+#   // parameter RAM_DATA_WIDTH = 32,
+#   // parameter PAGE_SIZE      = 4096, // 4kB
+#  //  parameter SET_WIDTH      = 5,
+#   // parameter OFFSET_WIDTH   = 4
+#   // )
+#  (
+#   input  logic                                clk_i,
+#   input  logic                                rst_ni,
+#   input  logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]               in_addr,
+#   input  logic                                rw_type, // 1 => write, 0=> read
+#   input  logic                                ram_we,
+#   input  logic [SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH+1-1:0] port0_addr,
+#   input  logic [SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH+1-1:0] port1_addr,
+#   input  logic [RAM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]           ram_wdata,
+#   input  logic                                output_sent,
+#   input  logic                                output_valid,
+#   input  logic [OFFSET_WIDTH-1:0]             offset_addr_d,
+#   output logic [SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH+1-1:0] hit_addr,
+#   output logic                                master,
+#   output logic                                hit,
+#   output logic                                multi_hit,
+#   output logic                                prot
+#   );
+"""   #docstring_begin
+   localparam IGNORE_LSB = log2(PAGE_SIZE); // 12
+   logic [RAM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]           port0_data_o, port1_data_o; // RAM read data outputs
+   logic                                port0_hit, port1_hit; // Ram output matches in_addr
+    logic [SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH+1-1:0] port0_addr_saved, port1_addr_saved;
+   // Hit FSM Signals
+   typedef enum                         logic {SEARCH, HIT} hit_state_t;
+   hit_state_t                          hit_SP; // Hit FSM state
+   hit_state_t                          hit_SN; // Hit FSM next state
+   // Multi Hit FSM signals
+   typedef enum                         logic[1:0] {NO_HITS, ONE_HIT, MULTI_HIT} multi_state_t;
+   multi_state_t                        multi_SP; // Multi Hit FSM state
+   multi_state_t                        multi_SN; // Multi Hit FSM next state
+   logic [SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH+1-1:0] hit_addr_saved;
+   logic                                master_saved;
+  //// --------------- Block RAM (Dual Port) -------------- ////
+  // The outputs of the BRAMs are only valid if in the previous cycle:
+  // 1. the inputs were valid, and
+  // 2. the BRAM was not written to.
+  // Otherwise, the outputs must be ignored which is controlled by the output_valid signal.
+  // This signal is driven by the uppler level L2 TLB module.
+  ram_tp_no_change #(
+      .DATA_WIDTH( RAM_DATA_WIDTH           )
+    )
+    ram_tp_no_change_0
+    (
+      .clk   ( clk_i         ),
+      .we    ( ram_we        ),
+      .addr0 ( port0_addr    ),
+      .addr1 ( port1_addr    ),
+      .d_i   ( ram_wdata     ),
+      .d0_o  ( port0_data_o  ),
+      .d1_o  ( port1_data_o  )
+    );
+   //// Check Ram Outputs
+   assign port0_hit = (port0_data_o[0] == 1'b1) && (in_addr[ADDR_WIDTH-1: IGNORE_LSB] == port0_data_o[RAM_DATA_WIDTH-1:4]);
+   assign port1_hit = (port1_data_o[0] == 1'b1) && (in_addr[ADDR_WIDTH-1: IGNORE_LSB] == port1_data_o[RAM_DATA_WIDTH-1:4]);
+   //// ----------------------------------------------------- /////
+   //// ------------------- Check if Hit ------------------------ ////
+   // FSM
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         hit_SP <= SEARCH;
+      end else begin
+         hit_SP <= hit_SN;
+      end
+   end
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i, negedge rst_ni) begin
+       if (!rst_ni) begin
+           port0_addr_saved <= '0;
+           port1_addr_saved <= '0;
+       end else begin
+           port0_addr_saved <= port0_addr;
+           port1_addr_saved <= port1_addr;
+       end
+   end
+   always_comb begin
+      hit_SN   = hit_SP;
+      hit      = 1'b0;
+      hit_addr = 0;
+      master   = 1'b0;
+      unique case(hit_SP)
+        SEARCH :
+          if (output_valid)
+            if (port0_hit || port1_hit) begin
+               hit_SN   = HIT;
+               hit      = 1'b1;
+               hit_addr = port0_hit ? {port0_addr_saved[SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH:OFFSET_WIDTH], offset_addr_d} :
+                          port1_hit ? {port1_addr_saved[SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH:OFFSET_WIDTH], offset_addr_d} :
+                          0;
+               master   = port0_hit ? port0_data_o[3] :
+                          port1_hit ? port1_data_o[3] :
+                          1'b0;
+            end
+        HIT : begin
+`ifdef MULTI_HIT_FULL_SET // Since the search continues after the first hit, it needs to be saved to be accessed later.
+           hit      = 1'b1;
+           hit_addr = hit_addr_saved;
+           master   = master_saved;
+           if (output_sent)
+             hit_SN = SEARCH;
+        end
+        default : begin
+           hit_SN = SEARCH;
+        end
+      endcase // case (hit_SP)
+   end // always_comb begin
+   //// ------------------------------------------- ////
+   assign prot = output_valid && port0_hit ? ((~port0_data_o[2] && rw_type) || (~port0_data_o[1] && ~rw_type)) :
+                 output_valid && port1_hit ? ((~port1_data_o[2] && rw_type) || (~port1_data_o[1] && ~rw_type)) :
+                 1'b0;
+   //// ------------------- Multi ------------------- ////
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         hit_addr_saved <= 0;
+         master_saved   <= 1'b0;
+      end else if (output_valid) begin
+         hit_addr_saved <= hit_addr;
+         master_saved   <= master;
+      end
+   end
+   // FSM
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         multi_SP <= NO_HITS;
+      end else begin
+         multi_SP <= multi_SN;
+      end
+   end
+   always_comb begin
+      multi_SN  = multi_SP;
+      multi_hit = 1'b0;
+      unique case(multi_SP)
+        NO_HITS :
+          if(output_valid && (port0_hit && port1_hit)) begin
+             multi_SN  = MULTI_HIT;
+             multi_hit = 1'b1;
+          end else if(output_valid && (port0_hit || port1_hit))
+            multi_SN = ONE_HIT;
+        ONE_HIT :
+          if(output_valid && (port0_hit || port1_hit)) begin
+             multi_SN  = MULTI_HIT;
+             multi_hit = 1'b1;
+          end else if (output_sent)
+            multi_SN = NO_HITS;
+        MULTI_HIT : begin
+          multi_hit = 1'b1;
+           if (output_sent)
+             multi_SN = NO_HITS;
+        end
+      endcase // case (multi_SP)
+   end // always_comb begin
+`else // !`ifdef MULTI_HIT_FULL_SET
+   assign multi_hit = output_valid && port0_hit && port1_hit;
+`endif // !`ifdef MULTI_HIT_FULL_SET
+   //// ------------------------------------------- ////
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d64b1cb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class fsm(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.Clk_CI = Signal()  # input
+        self.Rst_RBI = Signal()  # input
+        self.port1_addr_valid_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.port2_addr_valid_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.port1_sent_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.port2_sent_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.select_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.no_hit_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.multi_hit_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.no_prot_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.prefetch_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.out_addr_i = Signal(AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.cache_coherent_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.port1_accept_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.port1_drop_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.port1_miss_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.port2_accept_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.port2_drop_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.port2_miss_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.out_addr_o = Signal(AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.cache_coherent_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.miss_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.multi_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.prot_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.prefetch_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.in_addr_i = Signal(AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.in_id_i = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.in_len_i = Signal(8)  # input
+        self.in_user_i = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.in_addr_o = Signal(AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.in_id_o = Signal(AXI_ID_WIDTH)  # output
+        self.in_len_o = Signal(8)  # output
+        self.in_user_o = Signal(AXI_USER_WIDTH)  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# //`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+# module fsm
+#  #(
+#    parameter AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH = 40,
+#    parameter AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH = 32,
+#    parameter AXI_ID_WIDTH     = 8,
+#    parameter AXI_USER_WIDTH   = 6
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input  logic                        Clk_CI,
+#    input  logic                        Rst_RBI,
+#    input  logic                        port1_addr_valid_i,
+#    input  logic                        port2_addr_valid_i,
+#    input  logic                        port1_sent_i,
+#    input  logic                        port2_sent_i,
+#    input  logic                        select_i,
+#    input  logic                        no_hit_i,
+#    input  logic                        multi_hit_i,
+#    input  logic                        no_prot_i,
+#    input  logic                        prefetch_i,
+#    input  logic [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] out_addr_i,
+#    input  logic                        cache_coherent_i,
+#    output logic                        port1_accept_o,
+#    output logic                        port1_drop_o,
+#    output logic                        port1_miss_o,
+#    output logic                        port2_accept_o,
+#    output logic                        port2_drop_o,
+#    output logic                        port2_miss_o,
+#    output logic [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] out_addr_o,
+#    output logic                        cache_coherent_o,
+#    output logic                        miss_o,
+#    output logic                        multi_o,
+#    output logic                        prot_o,
+#    output logic                        prefetch_o,
+#    input  logic [AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] in_addr_i,
+#    input  logic     [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] in_id_i,
+#    input  logic                  [7:0] in_len_i,
+#    input  logic   [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] in_user_i,
+#    output logic [AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] in_addr_o,
+#    output logic     [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] in_id_o,
+#    output logic                  [7:0] in_len_o,
+#    output logic   [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] in_user_o
+#  );
+"""  #docstring_begin
+  //-------------Internal Signals----------------------
+  typedef enum logic           {IDLE, WAIT} state_t;
+  logic                        state_SP; // Present state
+  logic                        state_SN; // Next State
+  logic                        port1_accept_SN;
+  logic                        port1_drop_SN;
+  logic                        port1_miss_SN;
+  logic                        port2_accept_SN;
+  logic                        port2_drop_SN;
+  logic                        port2_miss_SN;
+  logic                        miss_SN;
+  logic                        multi_SN;
+  logic                        prot_SN;
+  logic                        prefetch_SN;
+  logic                        cache_coherent_SN;
+  logic [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] out_addr_DN;
+  logic                        out_reg_en_S;
+  //----------FSM comb------------------------------
+  always_comb begin: FSM_COMBO
+    state_SN          = state_SP;
+    port1_accept_SN   = 1'b0;
+    port1_drop_SN     = 1'b0;
+    port1_miss_SN     = 1'b0;
+    port2_accept_SN   = 1'b0;
+    port2_drop_SN     = 1'b0;
+    port2_miss_SN     = 1'b0;
+    miss_SN           = 1'b0;
+    multi_SN          = 1'b0;
+    prot_SN           = 1'b0;
+    prefetch_SN       = 1'b0;
+    cache_coherent_SN = 1'b0;
+    out_addr_DN       =   '0;
+    out_reg_en_S      = 1'b0; // by default hold register output
+    unique case(state_SP)
+        IDLE :
+          if ( (port1_addr_valid_i & select_i) | (port2_addr_valid_i & ~select_i) ) begin
+            out_reg_en_S = 1'b1;
+            state_SN     = WAIT;
+            // Select inputs for output registers
+            if          (port1_addr_valid_i & select_i) begin
+              port1_accept_SN = ~(no_hit_i | multi_hit_i | ~no_prot_i | prefetch_i);
+              port1_drop_SN   =  (no_hit_i | multi_hit_i | ~no_prot_i | prefetch_i);
+              port1_miss_SN   =   no_hit_i;
+              port2_accept_SN = 1'b0;
+              port2_drop_SN   = 1'b0;
+              port2_miss_SN   = 1'b0;
+            end else if (port2_addr_valid_i & ~select_i) begin
+              port1_accept_SN = 1'b0;
+              port1_drop_SN   = 1'b0;
+              port1_miss_SN   = 1'b0;
+              port2_accept_SN = ~(no_hit_i | multi_hit_i | ~no_prot_i | prefetch_i);
+              port2_drop_SN   =  (no_hit_i | multi_hit_i | ~no_prot_i | prefetch_i);
+              port2_miss_SN   =   no_hit_i;
+            end
+            miss_SN           = port1_miss_SN | port2_miss_SN;
+            multi_SN          = multi_hit_i;
+            prot_SN           = ~no_prot_i;
+            prefetch_SN       = ~no_hit_i & prefetch_i;
+            cache_coherent_SN = cache_coherent_i;
+            out_addr_DN       = out_addr_i;
+          end
+        WAIT :
+          if ( port1_sent_i | port2_sent_i ) begin
+            out_reg_en_S = 1'b1; // "clear" the register
+            state_SN     = IDLE;
+          end
+        default : begin
+           state_SN      = IDLE;
+        end
+      endcase
+    end
+  //----------FSM seq-------------------------------
+  always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI, negedge Rst_RBI) begin: FSM_SEQ
+    if (Rst_RBI == 1'b0)
+      state_SP <= IDLE;
+    else
+      state_SP <= state_SN;
+  end
+  //----------Output seq--------------------------
+  always_ff @(posedge Clk_CI, negedge Rst_RBI) begin: OUTPUT_SEQ
+    if (Rst_RBI == 1'b0) begin
+      port1_accept_o   = 1'b0;
+      port1_drop_o     = 1'b0;
+      port1_miss_o     = 1'b0;
+      port2_accept_o   = 1'b0;
+      port2_drop_o     = 1'b0;
+      port2_miss_o     = 1'b0;
+      miss_o           = 1'b0;
+      multi_o          = 1'b0;
+      prot_o           = 1'b0;
+      prefetch_o       = 1'b0;
+      cache_coherent_o = 1'b0;
+      out_addr_o       =   '0;
+      in_addr_o        =   '0;
+      in_id_o          =   '0;
+      in_len_o         =   '0;
+      in_user_o        =   '0;
+    end else if (out_reg_en_S == 1'b1) begin
+      port1_accept_o   = port1_accept_SN;
+      port1_drop_o     = port1_drop_SN;
+      port1_miss_o     = port1_miss_SN;
+      port2_accept_o   = port2_accept_SN;
+      port2_drop_o     = port2_drop_SN;
+      port2_miss_o     = port2_miss_SN;
+      miss_o           = miss_SN;
+      multi_o          = multi_SN;
+      prot_o           = prot_SN;
+      prefetch_o       = prefetch_SN;
+      cache_coherent_o = cache_coherent_SN;
+      out_addr_o       = out_addr_DN;
+      in_addr_o        = in_addr_i;
+      in_id_o          = in_id_i;
+      in_len_o         = in_len_i;
+      in_user_o        = in_user_i;
+    end
+  end // block: OUTPUT_SEQ
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..11983f6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class l2_tlb(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.clk_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.rst_ni = Signal()  # input
+        self.we_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.waddr_i = Signal(AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.wdata_i = Signal(AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.start_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.busy_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.in_addr_i = Signal(AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH)  # input
+        self.rw_type_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.out_ready_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.out_valid_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.hit_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.miss_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.prot_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.multi_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.cache_coherent_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.out_addr_o = Signal(AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH)  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# //`include ""
+# ////import CfMath::log2;
+# //`define MULTI_HIT_FULL_SET  // Enable full multi hit detection. Always the entire set is searched.
+# //`define MULTI_HIT_CUR_CYCLE // Enable partial multi hit detection. Only multi hits in the same search cycle are detected.
+# //`ifdef MULTI_HIT_FULL_SET
+# //  `ifndef MULTI_HIT_CUR_CYCLE
+# //    `define MULTI_HIT_CUR_CYCLE
+# //  `endif
+# //`endif
+# module l2_tlb
+#  //#(
+#  //  parameter AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH       = 32,
+#   // parameter AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH       = 40,
+#  //  parameter AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH    = 64,
+#   // parameter AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH    = 32,
+#   // parameter N_SETS                 = 32,
+#   // parameter N_OFFSETS              = 4, //per port. There are 2 ports.
+#  //  parameter PAGE_SIZE              = 4096, // 4kB
+#  //  parameter N_PAR_VA_RAMS          = 4,
+#  //  parameter HIT_OFFSET_STORE_WIDTH = 2 // Num of bits of VA RAM offset stored. This should not be greater than OFFSET_WIDTH
+#  //  )
+#   (
+#    input  logic                           clk_i,
+#    input  logic                           rst_ni,
+#    input  logic                           we_i,
+#    input  logic [AXI_LITE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] waddr_i,
+#    input  logic [AXI_LITE_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata_i,
+#    input  logic                           start_i,
+#    output logic                           busy_o,
+#    input  logic    [AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] in_addr_i,
+#    input  logic                           rw_type_i, //1 => write, 0=> read
+#    input  logic                           out_ready_i,
+#    output logic                           out_valid_o,
+#    output logic                           hit_o,
+#    output logic                           miss_o,
+#    output logic                           prot_o,
+#    output logic                           multi_o,
+#    output logic                           cache_coherent_o,
+#    output logic    [AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] out_addr_o
+#    );
+"""    #docstring_begin
+   localparam VA_RAM_DEPTH      = N_SETS * N_OFFSETS * 2;
+   localparam PA_RAM_DEPTH      = VA_RAM_DEPTH * N_PAR_VA_RAMS;
+   localparam VA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH = log2(VA_RAM_DEPTH);
+   localparam PA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH = log2(PA_RAM_DEPTH);
+   localparam SET_WIDTH         = log2(N_SETS);
+   localparam OFFSET_WIDTH      = log2(N_OFFSETS);
+   localparam LL_WIDTH          = log2(N_PAR_VA_RAMS);
+   localparam IGNORE_LSB        = log2(PAGE_SIZE);
+   logic                               [N_PAR_VA_RAMS-1:0] hit, prot, multi_hit, cache_coherent;
+   logic                               [N_PAR_VA_RAMS-1:0] ram_we;
+   logic                                                   last_search, last_search_next;
+   logic                                                   first_search, first_search_next;
+   logic                    [SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH+1-1:0] ram_waddr;
+   logic [N_PAR_VA_RAMS-1:0][SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH+1-1:0] hit_addr;
+   logic                                                   pa_ram_we;
+   logic                           [PA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] pa_port0_raddr, pa_port0_waddr; // PA RAM read, Write addr;
+   logic                           [PA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] pa_port0_raddr_reg_SN, pa_port0_raddr_reg_SP; // registered addresses, needed for WAIT_ON_WRITE;
+   logic                           [PA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] pa_port0_addr; // PA RAM addr
+   logic                           [PA_RAM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pa_port0_data, pa_data, pa_port0_data_reg; // PA RAM data
+   logic                                                   pa_ram_store_data_SN, pa_ram_store_data_SP;
+   logic                                                   hit_top, prot_top, multi_hit_top, first_hit_top;
+   logic                                                   output_sent;
+   int                                                     hit_block_num;
+   logic                                                   searching, search_done;
+   logic                    [SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH+1-1:0] port0_addr, port0_raddr; // VA RAM port0 addr
+   logic                    [SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH+1-1:0] port1_addr; // VA RAM port1 addr
+   logic                                [OFFSET_WIDTH-1:0] offset_addr, offset_addr_d;
+   logic                                [OFFSET_WIDTH-1:0] offset_start_addr, offset_end_addr;
+   logic                                   [SET_WIDTH-1:0] set_num;
+   logic                                                   va_output_valid;
+   logic                                                   searching_q;
+   genvar                                                  z;
+   // Search FSM
+   typedef enum logic                                [1:0] {IDLE, SEARCH, DONE} search_state_t;
+   search_state_t                                          search_SP; // Present state
+   search_state_t                                          search_SN; // Next State
+   // Output FSM
+   typedef enum logic                                [1:0] {OUT_IDLE, SEND_OUTPUT, WAIT_ON_WRITE} out_state_t;
+   out_state_t                                             out_SP; // Present state
+   out_state_t                                             out_SN; // Next State
+   logic                                                   miss_next;
+   logic                                                   hit_next;
+   logic                                                   prot_next;
+   logic                                                   multi_next;
+   logic                                                   cache_coherent_next;
+   // Generate the VA Block rams and their surrounding logic
+   generate
+      for (z = 0; z < N_PAR_VA_RAMS; z++) begin : VA_RAMS
+         check_ram
+           #(
+             .ADDR_WIDTH     ( AXI_S_ADDR_WIDTH  ),
+             .RAM_DATA_WIDTH ( VA_RAM_DATA_WIDTH ),
+             .PAGE_SIZE      ( PAGE_SIZE         ),
+             .SET_WIDTH      ( SET_WIDTH         ),
+             .OFFSET_WIDTH   ( OFFSET_WIDTH      )
+             )
+         u_check_ram
+             (
+              .clk_i         ( clk_i                          ),
+              .rst_ni        ( rst_ni                         ),
+              .in_addr       ( in_addr_i                      ),
+              .rw_type       ( rw_type_i                      ),
+              .ram_we        ( ram_we[z]                      ),
+              .port0_addr    ( port0_addr                     ),
+              .port1_addr    ( port1_addr                     ),
+              .ram_wdata     ( wdata_i[VA_RAM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ),
+              .output_sent   ( output_sent                    ),
+              .output_valid  ( va_output_valid                ),
+              .offset_addr_d ( offset_addr_d                  ),
+              .hit_addr      ( hit_addr[z]                    ),
+              .master        ( cache_coherent[z]              ),
+              .hit           ( hit[z]                         ),
+              .multi_hit     ( multi_hit[z]                   ),
+              .prot          ( prot[z]                        )
+              );
+      end // for (z = 0; z < N_PORTS; z++)
+   endgenerate
+   ////////////////// ---------------- Control and Address --------------- ////////////////////////
+   // FSM
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         search_SP <= IDLE;
+      end else begin
+         search_SP <= search_SN;
+      end
+   end
+   always_comb begin : SEARCH_FSM
+      search_SN         = search_SP;
+      busy_o            = 1'b0;
+      searching         = 1'b0;
+      search_done       = 1'b0;
+      last_search_next  = 1'b0;
+      first_search_next = first_search;
+      unique case (search_SP)
+        IDLE : begin
+          if (start_i) begin
+            search_SN         = SEARCH;
+            first_search_next = 1'b1;
+          end
+        end
+        SEARCH : begin
+          busy_o = 1'b1;
+          // detect last search cycle
+          if ( (first_search == 1'b0) && (offset_addr == offset_end_addr) )
+             last_search_next  = 1'b1;
+          // pause search during VA RAM reconfigration
+          if (|ram_we) begin
+             searching         = 1'b0;
+          end else begin
+             searching         = 1'b1;
+             first_search_next = 1'b0;
+          end
+          if (va_output_valid) begin
+            // stop search
+            if (last_search | prot_top | multi_hit_top) begin
+            if (last_search | prot_top | multi_hit_top | hit_top ) begin
+              search_SN      = DONE;
+              search_done    = 1'b1;
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        DONE : begin
+          busy_o = 1'b1;
+          if (out_valid_o & out_ready_i)
+            search_SN = IDLE;
+        end
+        default : begin
+          search_SN = IDLE;
+        end
+      endcase // case (prot_SP)
+   end // always_comb begin
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         last_search  <= 1'b0;
+         first_search <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+         last_search  <= last_search_next;
+         first_search <= first_search_next;
+      end
+   end
+   /*
+    * VA RAM address generation
+    *
+    * The input address and set number, and thus the offset start address, are available in the
+    * cycle after the start signal. The buffered offset_addr becomes available one cycle later.
+    * During the first search cycle, we therefore directly use offset_addr_start for the lookup.
+    */
+   assign set_num = in_addr_i[SET_WIDTH+IGNORE_LSB -1 : IGNORE_LSB];
+   assign port0_raddr[OFFSET_WIDTH] = 1'b0;
+   assign port1_addr [OFFSET_WIDTH] = 1'b1;
+   assign port0_raddr[OFFSET_WIDTH-1:0] = first_search ? offset_start_addr : offset_addr;
+   assign port1_addr [OFFSET_WIDTH-1:0] = first_search ? offset_start_addr : offset_addr;
+   assign port0_raddr[SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH : OFFSET_WIDTH+1] = set_num;
+   assign port1_addr [SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH : OFFSET_WIDTH+1] = set_num;
+   assign port0_addr = ram_we ? ram_waddr : port0_raddr;
+   // The outputs of the BRAMs are only valid if in the previous cycle:
+   // 1. the inputs were valid, and
+   // 2. the BRAMs were not written to.
+   // Otherwise, the outputs must be ignored.
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         searching_q <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+         searching_q <= searching;
+      end
+   end
+   assign va_output_valid = searching_q;
+   // Address offset for looking up the VA RAMs
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         offset_addr   <= 0;
+      end else if (first_search) begin
+         offset_addr <= offset_start_addr + 1'b1;
+      end else if (searching) begin
+         offset_addr <= offset_addr + 1'b1;
+      end
+   end
+   // Delayed address offest for looking up the PA RAM upon a hit in the VA RAMs
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         offset_addr_d <= 0;
+      end else if (first_search) begin
+         offset_addr_d <= offset_start_addr;
+      end else if (searching) begin
+         offset_addr_d <= offset_addr_d + 1'b1;
+      end
+   end
+   // Store the offset addr for hit to reduce latency for next search.
+   generate
+         logic [N_SETS-1:0][HIT_OFFSET_STORE_WIDTH-1:0] hit_offset_addr; // Contains offset addr for previous hit for every SET.
+         logic [SET_WIDTH+OFFSET_WIDTH+1-1:0]           hit_addr_reg;
+         assign offset_start_addr = { hit_offset_addr[set_num] , {{OFFSET_WIDTH-HIT_OFFSET_STORE_WIDTH}{1'b0}} };
+         assign offset_end_addr   =   hit_offset_addr[set_num]-1'b1;
+         // Register the hit addr
+         always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+            if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+               hit_addr_reg <= 0;
+            end else if (hit_top) begin
+               hit_addr_reg <= hit_addr[hit_block_num];
+            end
+         end
+         // Store hit addr for each set. The next search in the same set will start from the saved addr.
+         always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+            if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+               hit_offset_addr <= 0;
+            end else if (hit_o) begin
+               hit_offset_addr[set_num][HIT_OFFSET_STORE_WIDTH-1:0] <= hit_addr_reg[OFFSET_WIDTH-1 : (OFFSET_WIDTH - HIT_OFFSET_STORE_WIDTH)];
+            end
+         end
+`else // No need to store offset if full multi hit detection is enabled because the entire SET is searched.
+         assign offset_start_addr = 0;
+         assign offset_end_addr   = {OFFSET_WIDTH{1'b1}};
+      end else begin // if (HIT_OFFSET_STORE_WIDTH > 0)
+         assign offset_start_addr = 0;
+         assign offset_end_addr   = {OFFSET_WIDTH{1'b1}};
+      end
+   endgenerate
+   assign prot_top = |prot;
+   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   // check for hit, multi hit
+   // In case of a multi hit, the hit_block_num indicates the lowest VA RAM with a hit.
+   // In case of a multi hit in the same VA RAM, Port 0 is given priority.
+   always_comb begin : HIT_CHECK
+      hit_top       = |hit;
+      hit_block_num = 0;
+      first_hit_top = 1'b0;
+      multi_hit_top = 1'b0;
+      for (int i=N_PAR_VA_RAMS-1; i>=0; i--) begin
+        if (hit[i] == 1'b1) begin
+          if (multi_hit[i] | first_hit_top ) begin
+            multi_hit_top = 1'b1;
+          end
+          first_hit_top = 1'b1;
+          hit_block_num = i;
+        end
+      end // for (int i=0; i<N_PAR_VA_RAMS; i++)
+   end // always_comb begin
+   ///////////////////// ------------- Outputs ------------ //////////////////////////////////
+   //// FSM
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         out_SP                     <= OUT_IDLE;
+         pa_ram_store_data_SP       <= 1'b0;
+         pa_port0_raddr_reg_SP      <=  'b0;
+      end else begin
+         out_SP                     <= out_SN;
+         pa_ram_store_data_SP       <= pa_ram_store_data_SN;
+         pa_port0_raddr_reg_SP      <= pa_port0_raddr_reg_SN;
+      end
+   end
+   always_comb begin : OUTPUT_FSM
+      out_SN                   = out_SP;
+      miss_next                = miss_o;
+      prot_next                = prot_o;
+      multi_next               = multi_o;
+      hit_next                 = hit_o;
+      cache_coherent_next      = cache_coherent_o;
+      pa_port0_raddr_reg_SN    = pa_port0_raddr_reg_SP;
+      pa_port0_raddr           =  'b0;
+      pa_ram_store_data_SN     = 1'b0;
+      out_valid_o              = 1'b0;
+      output_sent              = 1'b0;
+      unique case (out_SP)
+        OUT_IDLE : begin
+           hit_next            = 1'b0;
+           miss_next           = 1'b0;
+           prot_next           = 1'b0;
+           multi_next          = 1'b0;
+           cache_coherent_next = 1'b0;
+          // abort transaction
+          if         ((search_done & ~hit_top) | prot_top | multi_hit_top) begin
+             out_SN = SEND_OUTPUT;
+             if (search_done & ~hit_top) begin
+                miss_next  = 1'b1;
+             end
+             if (prot_top) begin
+                prot_next  = 1'b1;
+                hit_next   = 1'b1;
+             end
+             if (multi_hit_top) begin
+                multi_next = 1'b1;
+                hit_next   = 1'b1;
+             end
+          // read PA RAM
+          end else if (search_done & hit_top) begin
+             hit_next              = 1'b1;
+             cache_coherent_next   = cache_coherent[hit_block_num];
+             pa_port0_raddr        = (N_PAR_VA_RAMS * hit_addr[hit_block_num]) + hit_block_num;
+             pa_port0_raddr_reg_SN = pa_port0_raddr;
+             // read PA RAM now
+             if (~pa_ram_we) begin
+                out_SN               = SEND_OUTPUT;
+                pa_ram_store_data_SN = 1'b1;
+             // read PA RAM after PA RAM reconfiguration
+             end else begin // pa_ram_we
+                out_SN               = WAIT_ON_WRITE;
+             end
+          end
+        end
+        WAIT_ON_WRITE : begin
+          if ( ~pa_ram_we ) begin
+             out_SN               = SEND_OUTPUT;
+             pa_port0_raddr       = pa_port0_raddr_reg_SP;
+             pa_ram_store_data_SN = 1'b1;
+          end
+        end
+        SEND_OUTPUT : begin
+           out_valid_o  = 1'b1;
+           if (out_ready_i) begin
+              out_SN      = OUT_IDLE;
+              output_sent = 1'b1;
+           end
+        end
+        default : begin
+           out_SN = OUT_IDLE;
+        end
+      endcase // case (out_SP)
+   end // always_comb begin
+   //// Output signals
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         miss_o           <= 1'b0;
+         prot_o           <= 1'b0;
+         multi_o          <= 1'b0;
+         hit_o            <= 1'b0;
+         cache_coherent_o <= 1'b0;
+      end else begin
+         miss_o           <= miss_next;
+         prot_o           <= prot_next;
+         multi_o          <= multi_next;
+         hit_o            <= hit_next;
+         cache_coherent_o <= cache_coherent_next;
+      end
+   end
+   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  ///////////////////// --------------- Physical Address -------------- ////////////////////////////
+  /// PA Block RAM
+  ram_tp_no_change #(
+        )
+  pa_ram
+    (
+      .clk   ( clk_i                          ),
+      .we    ( pa_ram_we                      ),
+      .addr0 ( pa_port0_addr                  ),
+      .addr1 ( '0                             ),
+      .d_i   ( wdata_i[PA_RAM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ),
+      .d0_o  ( pa_port0_data                  ),
+      .d1_o  (                                )
+    );
+   assign out_addr_o[IGNORE_LSB-1:0]                = in_addr_i[IGNORE_LSB-1:0];
+   assign out_addr_o[AXI_M_ADDR_WIDTH-1:IGNORE_LSB] = pa_data;
+   always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
+      if (rst_ni == 0) begin
+         pa_port0_data_reg <= 0;
+      end else if (pa_ram_store_data_SP) begin
+         pa_port0_data_reg <= pa_port0_data;
+      end
+   end
+   assign pa_data = pa_ram_store_data_SP ? pa_port0_data : pa_port0_data_reg;
+///// Write enable for all block rams
+generate if (LL_WIDTH != 0) begin
+   always_comb begin
+      var reg[LL_WIDTH:0] para;
+      var int             para_int;
+      for (para = 0; para < N_PAR_VA_RAMS; para=para+1'b1) begin
+        para_int         = int'(para);
+        ram_we[para_int] = we_i && (waddr_i[LL_WIDTH+VA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH] == 1'b0) && (waddr_i[LL_WIDTH-1:0] == para);
+      end
+   end
+end else begin
+   assign ram_we[0] = we_i && (waddr_i[LL_WIDTH+VA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH] == 1'b0);
+// Addresses are word, not byte addresses
+assign pa_ram_we      = we_i && (waddr_i[LL_WIDTH+VA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH] == 1'b1); //waddr_i[LL_WIDTH+VA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH] will be 0 for all VA writes and 1 for all PA writes
+assign ram_waddr      = waddr_i[LL_WIDTH+VA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:LL_WIDTH];
+assign pa_port0_waddr = waddr_i[PA_RAM_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0];
+assign pa_port0_addr  = pa_ram_we ? pa_port0_waddr : pa_port0_raddr;
+# endmodule
+# // vim: ts=3 sw=3 sts=3 et nosmartindent autoindent foldmethod=marker tw=100
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0471061
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class rab_slice(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.cfg_min = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT)  # input
+        self.cfg_max = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT)  # input
+        self.cfg_offset = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS)  # input
+        self.cfg_wen = Signal()  # input
+        self.cfg_ren = Signal()  # input
+        self.cfg_en = Signal()  # input
+        self.in_trans_type = Signal()  # input
+        self.in_addr_min = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT)  # input
+        self.in_addr_max = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT)  # input
+        self.out_hit = Signal()  # output
+        self.out_prot = Signal()  # output
+        self.out_addr = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS)  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.min_above_min.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.min_below_max.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.max_below_max.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.out_hit.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.out_prot.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.out_addr.eq(self.None)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# module rab_slice
+# #(
+#    parameter ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS = 40,
+#    parameter ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT = 32
+#    )
+#   (
+#    input  logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] cfg_min,
+#    input  logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] cfg_max,
+#    input  logic [ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS-1:0] cfg_offset,
+#    input  logic                       cfg_wen,
+#    input  logic                       cfg_ren,
+#    input  logic                       cfg_en,
+#    input  logic                       in_trans_type,
+#    input  logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] in_addr_min,
+#    input  logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] in_addr_max,
+#    output logic                       out_hit,
+#    output logic                       out_prot,
+#    output logic [ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS-1:0] out_addr
+#  );
+#  wire min_above_min;
+#  wire min_below_max;
+#  wire max_below_max;
+#  assign min_above_min = (in_addr_min >= cfg_min) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+#  assign min_below_max = (in_addr_min <= cfg_max) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+#  assign max_below_max = (in_addr_max <= cfg_max) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
+#  assign out_hit  = cfg_en & min_above_min & min_below_max & max_below_max;
+#  assign out_prot = out_hit & ((in_trans_type & ~cfg_wen) | (~in_trans_type & ~cfg_ren));
+#  assign out_addr = in_addr_min - cfg_min + cfg_offset;
+# endmodule
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..958ffde
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class ram_tp_no_change(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.clk = Signal()  # input
+        self.we = Signal()  # input
+        self.addr0 = Signal()  # input
+        self.addr1 = Signal()  # input
+        self.d_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.d0_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.d1_o = Signal()  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.d0_o.eq(self.d0)
+        m.d.comb += self.d1_o.eq(self.d1)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# /*
+# * ram_tp_no_change
+# *
+# * This code implements a parameterizable two-port memory. Port 0 can read and
+# * write while Port 1 can read only. The Xilinx tools will infer a BRAM with
+# * Port 0 in "no change" mode, i.e., during a write, it retains the last read
+# * value on the output. Port 1 (read-only) is in "write first" mode. Still, it
+# * outputs the old data during the write cycle. Note: Port 1 outputs invalid
+# * data in the cycle after the write when reading the same address.
+# *
+# * For more information, see Xilinx PG058 Block Memory Generator Product Guide.
+# */
+# module ram_tp_no_change
+#  #(
+#    parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 10,
+#    parameter DATA_WIDTH = 36
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input                   clk,
+#    input                   we,
+#    input  [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr0,
+#    input  [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr1,
+#    input  [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d_i,
+#    output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d0_o,
+#    output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d1_o
+#  );
+#  localparam DEPTH = 2**ADDR_WIDTH;
+#  (* ram_style = "block" *) reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ram[DEPTH];
+#                            reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d0;
+#                            reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d1;
+#  always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
+#    if(we == 1'b1) begin
+#      ram[addr0] <= d_i;
+#    end else begin
+#      d0 <= ram[addr0];
+#    end
+#    d1   <= ram[addr1];
+#  end
+#  assign d0_o = d0;
+#  assign d1_o = d1;
+#endmodule // ram_tp_no_change
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e1f5c02
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class ram_tp_write_first(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.clk = Signal()  # input
+        self.we = Signal()  # input
+        self.addr0 = Signal()  # input
+        self.addr1 = Signal()  # input
+        self.d_i = Signal()  # input
+        self.d0_o = Signal()  # output
+        self.d1_o = Signal()  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        m.d.comb += self.d0_o.eq(self.None)
+        m.d.comb += self.d1_o.eq(self.None)
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# /*
+# * ram_tp_write_first
+# *
+# * This code implements a parameterizable two-port memory. Port 0 can read and
+# * write while Port 1 can read only. Xilinx Vivado will infer a BRAM in
+# * "write first" mode, i.e., upon a read and write to the same address, the
+# * new value is read. Note: Port 1 outputs invalid data in the cycle after
+# * the write when reading the same address.
+# *
+# * For more information, see Xilinx PG058 Block Memory Generator Product Guide.
+# */
+# module ram_tp_write_first
+#  #(
+#    parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 10,
+#    parameter DATA_WIDTH = 36
+#  )
+#  (
+#    input                   clk,
+#    input                   we,
+#    input  [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr0,
+#    input  [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr1,
+#    input  [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d_i,
+#    output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d0_o,
+#    output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] d1_o
+#  );
+#  localparam DEPTH = 2**ADDR_WIDTH;
+#  (* ram_style = "block" *) reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ram[DEPTH];
+#                            reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] raddr0;
+#                            reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] raddr1;
+#  always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
+#    if(we == 1'b1) begin
+#      ram[addr0] <= d_i;
+#    end
+#    raddr0 <= addr0;
+#    raddr1 <= addr1;
+#  end
+#  assign d0_o = ram[raddr0];
+#  assign d1_o = ram[raddr1];
+#endmodule // ram
diff --git a/src/iommu/axi_rab/ b/src/iommu/axi_rab/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0419d21
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# this file has been generated by sv2nmigen
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Const, Cat, Elaboratable
+class slice_top(Elaboratable):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.int_cfg_regs = Signal()  # input
+        self.int_rw = Signal()  # input
+        self.int_addr_min = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT)  # input
+        self.int_addr_max = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT)  # input
+        self.multi_hit_allow = Signal()  # input
+        self.multi_hit = Signal()  # output
+        self.prot = Signal(N_SLICES)  # output
+        self.hit = Signal(N_SLICES)  # output
+        self.cache_coherent = Signal()  # output
+        self.out_addr = Signal(ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS)  # output
+    def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+        m = Module()
+        return m
+# // Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+# // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+# // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+# // compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# // Unless required by applicable law
+# // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+# // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+# // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+# module slice_top
+# //#(
+#  //  parameter N_SLICES        = 16,
+#  //  parameter N_REGS          = 4*N_SLICES,
+#   // parameter ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS = 40,
+#   // parameter ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT = 32
+#  //  )
+#   (
+#    input   logic   [N_REGS-1:0] [63:0] int_cfg_regs,
+#    input   logic                       int_rw,
+#    input   logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] int_addr_min,
+#    input   logic [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0] int_addr_max,
+#    input   logic                       multi_hit_allow,
+#    output  logic                       multi_hit,
+#    output  logic        [N_SLICES-1:0] prot,
+#    output  logic        [N_SLICES-1:0] hit,
+#    output  logic                       cache_coherent,
+#    output  logic [ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS-1:0] out_addr
+#  );
+"""  #docstring_begin
+  logic first_hit;
+  genvar  i;
+  integer j;
+  logic [ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS*N_SLICES-1:0]  slice_out_addr;
+  generate
+    for ( i=0; i<N_SLICES; i++ )
+      begin
+        rab_slice
+          #(
+            )
+          u_slice
+          (
+            .cfg_min       ( int_cfg_regs[4*i]  [ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0]                              ),
+            .cfg_max       ( int_cfg_regs[4*i+1][ADDR_WIDTH_VIRT-1:0]                              ),
+            .cfg_offset    ( int_cfg_regs[4*i+2][ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS-1:0]                              ),
+            .cfg_wen       ( int_cfg_regs[4*i+3][2]                                                ),
+            .cfg_ren       ( int_cfg_regs[4*i+3][1]                                                ),
+            .cfg_en        ( int_cfg_regs[4*i+3][0]                                                ),
+            .in_trans_type ( int_rw                                                                ),
+            .in_addr_min   ( int_addr_min                                                          ),
+            .in_addr_max   ( int_addr_max                                                          ),
+            .out_addr      ( slice_out_addr[ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS*i+ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS-1:ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS*i] ),
+            .out_prot      ( prot[i]                                                               ),
+            .out_hit       ( hit[i]                                                                )
+          );
+     end
+  endgenerate
+  // In case of a multi hit, the lowest slice with a hit is selected.
+  always_comb begin : HIT_CHECK
+    first_hit      =  0;
+    multi_hit      =  0;
+    out_addr       = '0;
+    cache_coherent =  0;
+    for (j = 0; j < N_SLICES; j++) begin
+      if (hit[j] == 1'b1) begin
+        if (first_hit == 1'b1) begin
+          if (multi_hit_allow == 1'b0) begin
+            multi_hit = 1'b1;
+          end
+        end else begin
+          first_hit       = 1'b1;
+          out_addr        = slice_out_addr[ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS*j +: ADDR_WIDTH_PHYS];
+          cache_coherent  = int_cfg_regs[4*j+3][3];
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+# endmodule
+# // vim: ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et nosmartindent autoindent foldmethod=marker