--- /dev/null
+package slow_peripherals;
+ /*===== Project imports =====*/
+ import defined_types::*;
+ import AXI4_Lite_Fabric::*;
+ import AXI4_Lite_Types::*;
+ import AXI4_Fabric::*;
+ import AXI4_Types::*;
+ import Semi_FIFOF::*;
+ import AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge::*;
+ `include "defined_parameters.bsv"
+ /*===========================*/
+ /*=== package imports ===*/
+ import Clocks::*;
+ import GetPut::*;
+ import ClientServer::*;
+ import Connectable::*;
+ import Vector::*;
+ import FIFO::*;
+ /*=======================*/
+ /*===== Import the slow peripherals ====*/
+ `ifdef UART0
+ import Uart16550 :: *;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef UART1
+ import Uart_bs::*;
+ import RS232_modified::*;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef CLINT
+ import clint::*;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PLIC
+ import gpio ::*;
+ import plic ::*;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C0
+ import I2C_top :: *;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI0
+ import qspi :: *;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef AXIEXP
+ import axiexpansion ::*;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+ import pwm::*;
+ `endif
+ /*=====================================*/
+ /*===== interface declaration =====*/
+ interface SP_ios;
+ `ifdef UART0
+ interface RS232_PHY_Ifc uart0_coe;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef UART1
+ interface RS232 uart1_coe;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PLIC
+ (*always_ready,always_enabled*)
+ method Action gpio_in (Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1)) inp);
+ (*always_ready,always_enabled*)
+ method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1)) gpio_out;
+ (*always_ready,always_enabled*)
+ method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1)) gpio_out_en;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C0
+ interface I2C_out i2c0_out;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C1
+ interface I2C_out i2c1_out;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI0
+ interface QSPI_out qspi0_out;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI1
+ interface QSPI_out qspi1_out;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef AXIEXP
+ interface Get#(Bit#(67)) axiexp1_out;
+ interface Put#(Bit#(67)) axiexp1_in;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+ interface PWMIO pwm_o;
+ `endif
+ endinterface
+ interface Ifc_slow_peripherals;
+ interface AXI4_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) axi_slave;
+ interface SP_ios slow_ios;
+ `ifdef CLINT
+ method Bit#(1) msip_int;
+ method Bit#(1) mtip_int;
+ method Bit#(`Reg_width) mtime;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PLIC method ActionValue#(Tuple2#(Bool,Bool)) intrpt_note; `endif
+ `ifdef I2C0 method Bit#(1) i2c0_isint; `endif
+ `ifdef I2C1 method Bit#(1) i2c1_isint; `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI0 method Bit#(1) qspi0_isint; `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI1 method Bit#(1) qspi1_isint; `endif
+ `ifdef UART0 method Bit#(1) uart0_intr; `endif
+ endinterface
+ /*================================*/
+ function Tuple2#(Bool, Bit#(TLog#(Num_Slow_Slaves))) fn_address_mapping (Bit#(`PADDR) addr);
+ `ifdef UART0
+ if(addr>=`UART0Base && addr<=`UART0End)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Uart0_slave_num)));
+ else
+ `endif
+ `ifdef UART1
+ if(addr>=`UART1Base && addr<=`UART1End)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Uart1_slave_num)));
+ else
+ `endif
+ `ifdef CLINT
+ if(addr>=`ClintBase && addr<=`ClintEnd)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(CLINT_slave_num)));
+ else
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PLIC
+ if(addr>=`PLICBase && addr<=`PLICEnd)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Plic_slave_num)));
+ else if(addr>=`GPIOBase && addr<=`GPIOEnd)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(GPIO_slave_num)));
+ else
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C0
+ if(addr>=`I2C0Base && addr<=`I2C0End)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(I2c0_slave_num)));
+ else
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C1
+ if(addr>=`I2C1Base && addr<=`I2C1End)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(I2c1_slave_num)));
+ else
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI0
+ if(addr>=`QSPI0CfgBase && addr<=`QSPI0CfgEnd)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi0_slave_num)));
+ else if(addr>=`QSPI0MemBase && addr<=`QSPI0MemEnd)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi0_slave_num)));
+ else
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI1
+ if(addr>=`QSPI1CfgBase && addr<=`QSPI1CfgEnd)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi1_slave_num)));
+ else if(addr>=`QSPI1MemBase && addr<=`QSPI1MemEnd)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi1_slave_num)));
+ else
+ `endif
+ `ifdef AXIEXP
+ if(addr>=`AxiExp1Base && addr<=`AxiExp1End)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(AxiExp1_slave_num)));
+ else
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+ if(addr>=`PWMBase && addr<=`PWMEnd)
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf(Pwm_slave_num)));
+ else
+ `endif
+ return tuple2(False,?);
+ endfunction
+ (*synthesize*)
+ module mkslow_peripherals#(Clock fast_clock, Reset fast_reset, Clock uart_clock, Reset uart_reset
+ `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite ,Clock ext_pwm_clock `endif )(Ifc_slow_peripherals);
+ Clock sp_clock <-exposeCurrentClock; // slow peripheral clock
+ Reset sp_reset <-exposeCurrentReset; // slow peripheral reset
+ /*======= Module declarations for each peripheral =======*/
+ `ifdef UART0
+ Uart16550_AXI4_Lite_Ifc uart0 <- mkUart16550(clocked_by uart_clock, reset_by uart_reset, sp_clock, sp_reset);
+ `endif
+ `ifdef UART1
+ Ifc_Uart_bs uart1 <- mkUart_bs(clocked_by uart_clock, reset_by uart_reset,sp_clock, sp_reset);
+ `endif
+ `ifdef CLINT
+ Ifc_clint clint <- mkclint();
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PLIC
+ Ifc_PLIC_AXI plic <- mkplicperipheral();
+ Wire#(Bit#(TLog#(`INTERRUPT_PINS))) interrupt_id <- mkWire();
+ Vector#(`INTERRUPT_PINS, FIFO#(bit)) ff_gateway_queue <- replicateM(mkFIFO);
+ GPIO gpio <- mkgpio;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C0
+ I2C_IFC i2c0 <- mkI2CController();
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C1
+ I2C_IFC i2c1 <- mkI2CController();
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI0
+ Ifc_qspi qspi0 <- mkqspi();
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI1
+ Ifc_qspi qspi1 <- mkqspi();
+ `endif
+ `ifdef AXIEXP
+ Ifc_AxiExpansion axiexp1 <- mkAxiExpansion();
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+ Ifc_PWM_bus pwm_bus <- mkPWM_bus(ext_pwm_clock);
+ `endif
+ /*=======================================================*/
+ AXI4_Lite_Fabric_IFC #(1, Num_Slow_Slaves, `PADDR, `Reg_width,`USERSPACE) slow_fabric <-
+ mkAXI4_Lite_Fabric(fn_address_mapping);
+ Ifc_AXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge bridge <-mkAXI4Lite_AXI4_Bridge(fast_clock,fast_reset);
+ mkConnection (bridge.axi4_lite_master, slow_fabric.v_from_masters [0]);
+ /*======= Slave connections to AXI4Lite fabric =========*/
+ `ifdef UART0
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Uart0_slave_num))],
+ uart0.slave_axi_uart);
+ `endif
+ `ifdef UART1
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Uart1_slave_num))],
+ uart1.slave_axi_uart);
+ `endif
+ `ifdef CLINT
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(CLINT_slave_num))],
+ clint.axi4_slave);
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PLIC
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Plic_slave_num))],
+ plic.axi4_slave_plic); //
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(GPIO_slave_num))],
+ gpio.axi_slave); //
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C0
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(I2c0_slave_num))],
+ i2c0.slave_i2c_axi);
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C1
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(I2c1_slave_num))],
+ i2c1.slave_i2c_axi); //
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI0
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi0_slave_num))],
+ qspi0.slave);
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI1
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Qspi1_slave_num))],
+ qspi1.slave);
+ `endif
+ `ifdef AXIEXP
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(AxiExp1_slave_num))],
+ axiexp1.axi_slave); //
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+ mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves [fromInteger(valueOf(Pwm_slave_num))],
+ pwm_bus.axi4_slave);
+ `endif
+ /*=======================================================*/
+ /*=================== PLIC Connections ==================== */
+ `ifdef PLIC
+ /*TODO DMA interrupt need to be connected to the plic
+ for(Integer i=1; i<8; i=i+1) begin
+ `ifdef DMA
+ rule rl_connect_dma_interrupts_to_plic;
+ if(dma.interrupt_to_processor[i-1]==1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ endrule
+ `else
+ rule rl_connect_dma_interrupts_to_plic;
+ ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(0);
+ endrule
+ `endif
+ end
+ */
+ rule rl_connect_i2c0_to_plic;
+ `ifdef I2C0
+ if(i2c0.isint()==1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[8].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[8].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ `else
+ ff_gateway_queue[8].enq(0);
+ `endif
+ endrule
+ rule rl_connect_i2c1_to_plic;
+ `ifdef I2C1
+ if(i2c1.isint()==1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[9].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[9].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ `else
+ ff_gateway_queue[9].enq(0);
+ `endif
+ endrule
+ rule rl_connect_i2c0_timerint_to_plic;
+ `ifdef I2C0
+ if(i2c0.timerint()==1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[10].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[10].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ `else
+ ff_gateway_queue[10].enq(0);
+ `endif
+ endrule
+ rule rl_connect_i2c1_timerint_to_plic;
+ `ifdef I2C1
+ if(i2c1.timerint()==1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[11].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[11].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ `else
+ ff_gateway_queue[11].enq(0);
+ `endif
+ endrule
+ rule rl_connect_i2c0_isber_to_plic;
+ `ifdef I2C0
+ if(i2c0.isber()==1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[12].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[12].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ `else
+ ff_gateway_queue[12].enq(0);
+ `endif
+ endrule
+ rule rl_connect_i2c1_isber_to_plic;
+ `ifdef I2C1
+ if(i2c1.isber()==1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[13].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[13].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ `else
+ ff_gateway_queue[13].enq(0);
+ `endif
+ endrule
+ for(Integer i = 14; i < 20; i=i+1) begin
+ rule rl_connect_qspi0_to_plic;
+ `ifdef QSPI0
+ if(qspi0.interrupts()[i-14]==1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ `else
+ ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(0);
+ `endif
+ endrule
+ end
+ for(Integer i = 20; i<26; i=i+1) begin
+ rule rl_connect_qspi1_to_plic;
+ `ifdef QSPI1
+ if(qspi1.interrupts()[i-20]==1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ `else
+ ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(0);
+ `endif
+ endrule
+ end
+ `ifdef UART0
+ SyncBitIfc#(Bit#(1)) uart0_interrupt <-mkSyncBitToCC(uart_clock,uart_reset);
+ rule synchronize_the_uart0_interrupt;
+ uart0_interrupt.send(uart0.irq);
+ endrule
+ `endif
+ rule rl_connect_uart_to_plic;
+ `ifdef UART0
+ if(uart0_interrupt.read==1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[27].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[27].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ `else
+ ff_gateway_queue[27].enq(0);
+ `endif
+ endrule
+ for(Integer i = 28; i<`INTERRUPT_PINS; i=i+1) begin
+ rule rl_raise_interrupts;
+ if((i-28)<`IONum) begin //Peripheral interrupts
+ if(gpio.to_plic[i-28]==1'b1) begin
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[i].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ ff_gateway_queue[i].enq(1);
+ end
+ end
+ endrule
+ end
+ rule rl_completion_msg_from_plic;
+ let id <- plic.intrpt_completion;
+ interrupt_id <= id;
+ `ifdef verbose $display("Dequeing the FIFO -- PLIC Interrupt Serviced id: %d",id); `endif
+ endrule
+ for(Integer i=0; i <`INTERRUPT_PINS; i=i+1) begin
+ rule deq_gateway_queue;
+ if(interrupt_id==fromInteger(i)) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[i].deq;
+ `ifdef $display($time,"Dequeing the Interrupt request for ID: %d",i); `endif
+ end
+ endrule
+ end
+ `endif
+ /*======================================================= */
+ /* ===== interface definition =======*/
+ interface axi_slave=bridge.axi_slave;
+ `ifdef PLIC method intrpt_note = plic.intrpt_note; `endif
+ `ifdef CLINT
+ method msip_int=clint.msip_int;
+ method mtip_int=clint.mtip_int;
+ method mtime=clint.mtime;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C0
+ method i2c0_isint=i2c0.isint;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C1
+ method i2c1_isint=i2c1.isint;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI0 method qspi0_isint=qspi0.interrupts[5]; `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI1 method qspi1_isint=qspi1.interrupts[5]; `endif
+ `ifdef UART0 method uart0_intr=uart0.irq; `endif
+ interface SP_ios slow_ios;
+ `ifdef UART0
+ interface uart0_coe=uart0.coe_rs232;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef UART1
+ interface uart1_coe=uart1.coe_rs232;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PLIC
+ method Action gpio_in (Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1)) inp)=gpio.gpio_in(inp);
+ method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1)) gpio_out=gpio.gpio_out;
+ method Vector#(`IONum,Bit#(1)) gpio_out_en=gpio.gpio_out_en;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C0
+ interface i2c0_out=i2c0.out;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef I2C1
+ interface i2c1_out=i2c1.out;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI0
+ interface qspi0_out = qspi0.out;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef QSPI1
+ interface qspi1_out = qspi1.out;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef AXIEXP
+ interface axiexp1_out=axiexp1.slave_out;
+ interface axiexp1_in=axiexp1.slave_in;
+ `endif
+ `ifdef PWM_AXI4Lite
+ interface pwm_o = pwm_bus.pwm_io;
+ `endif
+ endinterface
+ /*===================================*/
+ endmodule