if self.conn:
- def get_connection(self):
- r, w, e = select.select( [self.s], [], [], 0)
+ def get_connection(self, timeout=0):
+ r, w, e = select.select( [self.s], [], [], timeout)
for sock in r:
#incoming message from remote server
if sock == self.s:
based on Staf Verhaegen (Chips4Makers) wishbone TAP
+import sys
from nmigen import (Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Const)
from c4m.nmigen.jtag.tap import TAP, IOType
from c4m.nmigen.jtag.bus import Interface as JTAGInterface
# set up client-server on port 44843-something
dut.s = JTAGServer()
- dut.c = JTAGClient()
- dut.s.get_connection()
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2 and sys.argv[1] != 'server':
+ dut.c = JTAGClient()
+ dut.s.get_connection()
+ else:
+ dut.s.get_connection(None) # block waiting for connection
# rather than the client access the JTAG bus directly
# create an alternative that the client sets
sim.add_clock(1e-6, domain="sync") # standard clock
sim.add_sync_process(wrap(jtag_srv(dut))) # jtag server
- sim.add_sync_process(wrap(jtag_sim(dut))) # actual jtag tester
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2 and sys.argv[1] != 'server':
+ sim.add_sync_process(wrap(jtag_sim(dut))) # actual jtag tester
+ else:
+ print ("running server only as requested, use openocd remote to test")
sim.add_sync_process(wrap(dmi_sim(dut))) # handles (pretends to be) DMI
with sim.write_vcd("dmi2jtag_test_srv.vcd"):