from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
import operator
+from nmigen.hdl.ast import Value, Const
@dataclass(order=True, unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
return "\n".join(map(str.rstrip, lines))
+def tree_reduction_ops(item_count):
+ assert isinstance(item_count, int) and item_count >= 1
+ ops = list(prefix_sum_ops(item_count=item_count))
+ items_live_flags = [False] * item_count
+ items_live_flags[-1] = True
+ ops_live_flags = [False] * len(ops)
+ for i in reversed(range(len(ops))):
+ op = ops[i]
+ out_live = items_live_flags[op.out]
+ items_live_flags[op.out] = False
+ items_live_flags[op.lhs] |= out_live
+ items_live_flags[op.rhs] |= out_live
+ ops_live_flags[i] = out_live
+ for op, live_flag in zip(ops, ops_live_flags):
+ if live_flag:
+ yield op
+def tree_reduction(items, fn=operator.add):
+ items = list(items)
+ for op in tree_reduction_ops(len(items)):
+ items[op.out] = fn(items[op.lhs], items[op.rhs])
+ return items[-1]
+def pop_count(v, *, width=None, process_temporary=lambda v: v):
+ if isinstance(v, Value):
+ if width is None:
+ width = len(v)
+ assert width == len(v)
+ bits = [v[i] for i in range(width)]
+ if len(bits) == 0:
+ return Const(0)
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(width, int) and width >= 0
+ assert isinstance(v, int)
+ bits = [(v & (1 << i)) != 0 for i in range(width)]
+ if len(bits) == 0:
+ return 0
+ return tree_reduction(bits, fn=lambda a, b: process_temporary(a + b))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("the non-work-efficient algorithm, matches the diagram in wikipedia:"
# Funded by NLnet Assure Programme 2021-02-052, part
# of Horizon 2020 EU Programme 957073.
+from functools import reduce
from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
+from nmutil.sim_util import write_il
from itertools import accumulate
import operator
-from nmutil.prefix_sum import prefix_sum, render_prefix_sum_diagram
+from nmutil.prefix_sum import (Op, pop_count, prefix_sum,
+ render_prefix_sum_diagram,
+ tree_reduction, tree_reduction_ops)
import unittest
+from nmigen.hdl.ast import Signal, AnyConst, Assert
+from nmigen.hdl.dsl import Module
def reference_prefix_sum(items, fn):
work_efficient = prefix_sum(input_items, work_efficient=True)
self.assertEqual(expected, work_efficient)
+ def test_tree_reduction_str(self):
+ input_items = ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i")
+ expected = reduce(operator.add, input_items)
+ with self.subTest(expected=repr(expected)):
+ work_efficient = tree_reduction(input_items)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, work_efficient)
+ def test_tree_reduction_ops_9(self):
+ ops = list(tree_reduction_ops(9))
+ self.assertEqual(ops, [
+ Op(out=8, lhs=7, rhs=8, row=0),
+ Op(out=6, lhs=5, rhs=6, row=0),
+ Op(out=4, lhs=3, rhs=4, row=0),
+ Op(out=2, lhs=1, rhs=2, row=0),
+ Op(out=8, lhs=6, rhs=8, row=1),
+ Op(out=4, lhs=2, rhs=4, row=1),
+ Op(out=8, lhs=4, rhs=8, row=2),
+ Op(out=8, lhs=0, rhs=8, row=3),
+ ])
+ def test_tree_reduction_ops_8(self):
+ ops = list(tree_reduction_ops(8))
+ self.assertEqual(ops, [
+ Op(out=7, lhs=6, rhs=7, row=0),
+ Op(out=5, lhs=4, rhs=5, row=0),
+ Op(out=3, lhs=2, rhs=3, row=0),
+ Op(out=1, lhs=0, rhs=1, row=0),
+ Op(out=7, lhs=5, rhs=7, row=1),
+ Op(out=3, lhs=1, rhs=3, row=1),
+ Op(out=7, lhs=3, rhs=7, row=2),
+ ])
+ def tst_pop_count_int(self, width):
+ assert isinstance(width, int)
+ for v in range(1 << width):
+ expected = f"{v:b}".count("1")
+ with self.subTest(v=v, expected=expected):
+ self.assertEqual(expected, pop_count(v, width=width))
+ def test_pop_count_int_0(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(0)
+ def test_pop_count_int_1(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(1)
+ def test_pop_count_int_2(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(2)
+ def test_pop_count_int_3(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(3)
+ def test_pop_count_int_4(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(4)
+ def test_pop_count_int_5(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(5)
+ def test_pop_count_int_6(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(6)
+ def test_pop_count_int_7(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(7)
+ def test_pop_count_int_8(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(8)
+ def test_pop_count_int_9(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(9)
+ def test_pop_count_int_10(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_int(10)
+ def tst_pop_count_formal(self, width):
+ assert isinstance(width, int)
+ m = Module()
+ v = Signal(width)
+ out = Signal(16)
+ def process_temporary(v):
+ sig =
+ m.d.comb += sig.eq(v)
+ return sig
+ m.d.comb += out.eq(pop_count(v, process_temporary=process_temporary))
+ write_il(self, m, [v, out])
+ m.d.comb += v.eq(AnyConst(width))
+ expected = Signal(16)
+ m.d.comb += expected.eq(reduce(operator.add,
+ (v[i] for i in range(width)),
+ 0))
+ m.d.comb += Assert(out == expected)
+ self.assertFormal(m)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_0(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(0)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_1(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(1)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_2(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(2)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_3(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(3)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_4(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(4)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_5(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(5)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_6(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(6)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_7(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(7)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_8(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(8)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_9(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(9)
+ def test_pop_count_formal_10(self):
+ self.tst_pop_count_formal(10)
def test_render_work_efficient(self):
text = render_prefix_sum_diagram(16, work_efficient=True, plus="@")
expected = r"""