def elaborate(self, platform=None):
m = Module()
# Encoder checks for multiple matches
- m.submodules += self.encoder
+ m.submodules.encoder = self.encoder
# Priority Encoder is used to select output address
- m.submodules += self.p_encoder
+ m.submodules.p_encoder = self.p_encoder
# Decoder is used to select which entry will be written to
- m.submodules += self.decoder
+ m.submodules.decoder = self.decoder
# Don't forget to add all entries to the submodule list
entry_array = self.entry_array
m.submodules += entry_array
m.d.comb += self.p_encoder.i[index].eq(entry_array[index].match)
# If the priority encoder recieves an input of 0
+ # If n is 1 then the output is not valid
with m.If(self.p_encoder.n):
m.d.comb += [