import ariane_pkg::*;
-from nmigen import Const, Signal, Cat
+from nmigen import Const, Signal, Cat, Module
from nmigen.hdl.ast import ArrayProxy
-from math import log
+from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
+from math import log2
CONFIG_L1D_SIZE = 32*1024
class DCacheReqI:
def __init__(self):
self.address_index = Signal(DCACHE_INDEX_WIDTH)
self.kill_req = Signal()
self.tag_valid = Signal()
+ def ports(self):
+ return [self.address_index, self.address_tag,
+ self.data_wdata, self.data_req,
+ self.data_we, self.data_be, self.data_size,
+ self.kill_req, self.tag_valid,
+ ]
class DCacheReqO:
def __init__(self):
- data_gnt = Signal()
- data_rvalid = Signal()
- data_rdata = Signal(64)
+ self.data_gnt = Signal()
+ self.data_rvalid = Signal()
+ self.data_rdata = Signal(64)
+ def ports(self):
+ return [ self.data_gnt, self.data_rvalid, self.data_rdata]
# SV39 defines three levels of page tables
-LVL1 = Const(0, 2)
+LVL1 = Const(0, 2) # defined to 0 so that ptw_lvl default-resets to LVL1
LVL2 = Const(1, 2)
LVL3 = Const(2, 2)
flush_i = Signal() # flush everything, we need to do this because
# actually everything we do is speculative at this stage
# e.g.: there could be a CSR instruction that changes everything
- ptw_active_o = Signal()
- walking_instr_o = Signal() # set when walking for TLB
- ptw_error_o = Signal() # set when an error occurred
- enable_translation_i = Signal() # CSRs indicate to enable SV39
- en_ld_st_translation_i = Signal() # enable VM translation for ld/st
+ self.ptw_active_o = Signal(reset=1)
+ self.walking_instr_o = Signal() # set when walking for TLB
+ self.ptw_error_o = Signal() # set when an error occurred
+ self.enable_translation_i = Signal() # CSRs indicate to enable SV39
+ self.en_ld_st_translation_i = Signal() # enable VM translation for ld/st
- lsu_is_store_i = Signal() , # this translation triggered by store
+ self.lsu_is_store_i = Signal() , # translation triggered by store
# PTW memory interface
- req_port_i = DCacheReqO()
- req_port_o = DCacheReqI()
+ self.req_port_i = DCacheReqO()
+ self.req_port_o = DCacheReqI()
# to TLBs, update logic
- itlb_update_o = TLBUpdate()
- dtlb_update_o = TLBUpdate()
+ self.itlb_update_o = TLBUpdate()
+ self.dtlb_update_o = TLBUpdate()
- update_vaddr_o = Signal(39)
+ self.update_vaddr_o = Signal(39)
- asid_i = Signal(ASID_WIDTH)
+ self.asid_i = Signal(ASID_WIDTH)
# from TLBs
# did we miss?
- itlb_access_i = Signal()
- itlb_hit_i = Signal()
- itlb_vaddr_i = Signal(64)
+ self.itlb_access_i = Signal()
+ self.itlb_hit_i = Signal()
+ self.itlb_vaddr_i = Signal(64)
- dtlb_access_i = Signal()
- dtlb_hit_i = Signal()
- dtlb_vaddr_i = Signal(64)
+ self.dtlb_access_i = Signal()
+ self.dtlb_hit_i = Signal()
+ self.dtlb_vaddr_i = Signal(64)
# from CSR file
- satp_ppn_i = Signal(44) # ppn from satp
- mxr_i = Signal()
+ self.satp_ppn_i = Signal(44) # ppn from satp
+ self.mxr_i = Signal()
# Performance counters
- itlb_miss_o = Signal()
- dtlb_miss_o = Signal()
+ self.itlb_miss_o = Signal()
+ self.dtlb_miss_o = Signal()
+ def ports(self):
+ return [self.ptw_active_o, self.walking_instr_o, self.ptw_error_o,
+ ]
+ return [
+ self.enable_translation_i, self.en_ld_st_translation_i,
+ self.lsu_is_store_i, self.req_port_i, self.req_port_o,
+ self.update_vaddr_o,
+ self.asid_i,
+ self.itlb_access_i, self.itlb_hit_i, self.itlb_vaddr_i,
+ self.dtlb_access_i, self.dtlb_hit_i, self.dtlb_vaddr_i,
+ self.satp_ppn_i, self.mxr_i,
+ self.itlb_miss_o, self.dtlb_miss_o
+ ] + self.itlb_update_o.ports() + self.dtlb_update_o.ports()
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
# input registers
data_rvalid = Signal()
data_rdata = Signal(64)
pte = PTE()
- m.d.comb += pte.eq(data_rdata)
+ m.d.comb += pte.flatten().eq(data_rdata)
+ ptw_lvl = Signal(2) # default=0=LVL1
- ptw_lvl = Signal(2, reset=LVL1)
+ # used to continue checking flush conditions
+ pte_lookup = Signal()
+ wait_grant = Signal()
# is this an instruction page table walk?
is_instr_ptw = Signal()
m.d.sync += [
# Assignments
- update_vaddr_o.eq(vaddr),
+ self.update_vaddr_o.eq(vaddr),
- ptw_active_o.eq(state != IDLE),
- walking_instr_o.eq(is_instr_ptw),
+ self.walking_instr_o.eq(is_instr_ptw),
# directly output the correct physical address
- req_port_o.address_index.eq(ptw_pptr[0:DCACHE_INDEX_WIDTH]),
- req_port_o.address_tag.eq(ptw_pptr[DCACHE_INDEX_WIDTH:end]),
+ self.req_port_o.address_index.eq(ptw_pptr[0:DCACHE_INDEX_WIDTH]),
+ self.req_port_o.address_tag.eq(ptw_pptr[DCACHE_INDEX_WIDTH:end]),
# we are never going to kill this request
- req_port_o.kill_req.eq(0),
+ self.req_port_o.kill_req.eq(0),
# we are never going to write with the HPTW
- req_port_o.data_wdata.eq(Const(0, 64)),
+ self.req_port_o.data_wdata.eq(Const(0, 64)),
# -----------
# TLB Update
# -----------
- itlb_update_o.vpn.eq(vaddr[12:39]),
- dtlb_update_o.vpn.eq(vaddr[12:39]),
+ self.itlb_update_o.vpn.eq(vaddr[12:39]),
+ self.dtlb_update_o.vpn.eq(vaddr[12:39]),
# update the correct page table level
- itlb_update_o.is_2M.eq(ptw_lvl == LVL2),
- itlb_update_o.is_1G.eq(ptw_lvl == LVL1),
- dtlb_update_o.is_2M.eq(ptw_lvl == LVL2),
- dtlb_update_o.is_1G.eq(ptw_lvl == LVL1),
+ self.itlb_update_o.is_2M.eq(ptw_lvl == LVL2),
+ self.itlb_update_o.is_1G.eq(ptw_lvl == LVL1),
+ self.dtlb_update_o.is_2M.eq(ptw_lvl == LVL2),
+ self.dtlb_update_o.is_1G.eq(ptw_lvl == LVL1),
# output the correct ASID
- itlb_update_o.asid.eq(tlb_update_asid),
- dtlb_update_o.asid.eq(tlb_update_asid),
+ self.itlb_update_o.asid.eq(tlb_update_asid),
+ self.dtlb_update_o.asid.eq(tlb_update_asid),
# set the global mapping bit
- itlb_update_o.content.eq(pte | (global_mapping << 5)),
- dtlb_update_o.content.eq(pte | (global_mapping << 5)),
+ self.itlb_update_o.content.eq(pte),
+ self.itlb_update_o.content.g.eq(global_mapping),
+ self.dtlb_update_o.content.eq(pte),
+ self.dtlb_update_o.content.g.eq(global_mapping),
m.d.comb += [
- req_port_o.tag_valid.eq(tag_valid),
+ self.req_port_o.tag_valid.eq(tag_valid),
# Page table walker
# default assignments
m.d.comb += [
# PTW memory interface
- req_port_o.data_req.eq(0),
- req_port_o.data_be.eq(Const(0xFF, 8)),
- req_port_o.data_size.eq(Const(0b11, 2)),
- req_port_o.data_we.eq(0),
- ptw_error_o.eq(0),
- itlb_update_o.valid.eq(0),
- dtlb_update_o.valid.eq(0),
- itlb_miss_o.eq(0),
- dtlb_miss_o.eq(0),
+ self.req_port_o.data_req.eq(0),
+ self.req_port_o.data_be.eq(Const(0xFF, 8)),
+ self.req_port_o.data_size.eq(Const(0b11, 2)),
+ self.req_port_o.data_we.eq(0),
+ self.ptw_error_o.eq(0),
+ self.itlb_update_o.valid.eq(0),
+ self.dtlb_update_o.valid.eq(0),
+ self.itlb_miss_o.eq(0),
+ self.dtlb_miss_o.eq(0),
with m.FSM() as fsm:
m.d.sync += [is_instr_ptw.eq(0),
+ self.ptw_active_o.eq(1),
# we got an ITLB miss?
- with m.If(enable_translation_i & itlb_access_i & \
- ~itlb_hit_i & ~dtlb_access_i):
- pptr = Cat(Const(0, 3), itlb_vaddr_i[30:39], satp_ppn_i)
+ with m.If(self.enable_translation_i & self.itlb_access_i & \
+ ~self.itlb_hit_i & ~self.dtlb_access_i):
+ pptr = Cat(Const(0, 3), self.itlb_vaddr_i[30:39], self.satp_ppn_i)
m.d.sync += [ptw_pptr.eq(pptr),
- vaddr.eq(itlb_vaddr_i),
- tlb_update_asid.eq(asid_i),
+ vaddr.eq(self.itlb_vaddr_i),
+ tlb_update_asid.eq(self.asid_i),
- m.d.comb += [itlb_miss_o.eq(1)]
+ m.d.comb += [self.itlb_miss_o.eq(1)]
+ m.d.comb += wait_grant.eq(1) = "WAIT_GRANT"
# we got a DTLB miss?
- with m.Elif(en_ld_st_translation_i & dtlb_access_i & \
- ~dtlb_hit_i):
- pptr = Cat(Const(0, 3), dtlb_vaddr_i[30:39], satp_ppn_i)
+ with m.Elif(self.en_ld_st_translation_i & self.dtlb_access_i & \
+ ~self.dtlb_hit_i):
+ pptr = Cat(Const(0, 3), self.dtlb_vaddr_i[30:39], self.satp_ppn_i)
m.d.sync += [ptw_pptr.eq(pptr),
- vaddr.eq(dtlb_vaddr_i),
- tlb_update_asid.eq(asid_i),
+ vaddr.eq(self.dtlb_vaddr_i),
+ tlb_update_asid.eq(self.asid_i),
- m.d.comb += [ dtlb_miss_o.eq(1)]
+ m.d.comb += [ self.dtlb_miss_o.eq(1)]
+ m.d.comb += wait_grant.eq(1) = "WAIT_GRANT"
with m.State("WAIT_GRANT"):
# send a request out
- m.d.comb += req_port_o.data_req.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += self.req_port_o.data_req.eq(1)
# wait for the WAIT_GRANT
- with m.If(req_port_i.data_gnt):
+ with m.If(self.req_port_i.data_gnt):
# send the tag valid signal one cycle later
m.d.sync += tag_valid.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += pte_lookup.eq(1) = "PTE_LOOKUP"
with m.State("PTE_LOOKUP"):
with m.If (~pte.x | ~pte.a): = "IDLE"
with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += itlb_update_o.valid.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += self.itlb_update_o.valid.eq(1)
with m.Else():
# ------------
# we can directly raise an error. This
# doesn't put a useless
# entry into the TLB.
- with m.If(pte.a & (pte.r | (pte.x & mxr_i))):
- m.d.comb += dtlb_update_o.valid.eq(1)
+ with m.If(pte.a & (pte.r | (pte.x & self.mxr_i))):
+ m.d.comb += self.dtlb_update_o.valid.eq(1)
with m.Else(): = "PROPAGATE_ERROR"
# Request is a store: perform some
# If the request was a store and the
# page is not write-able, raise an error
# the same applies if the dirty flag is not set
- with m.If (lsu_is_store_i & (~pte.w | ~pte.d)):
- m.d.comb += dtlb_update_o.valid.eq(0)
+ with m.If (self.lsu_is_store_i & (~pte.w | ~pte.d)):
+ m.d.comb += self.dtlb_update_o.valid.eq(0) = "PROPAGATE_ERROR"
# check if the ppn is correctly aligned: Case (6)
with m.If(l1err | l2err): = "PROPAGATE_ERROR"
- m.d.comb += [dtlb_update_o.valid.eq(0),
- itlb_update_o.valid.eq(0)]
+ m.d.comb += [self.dtlb_update_o.valid.eq(0),
+ self.itlb_update_o.valid.eq(0)]
# this is a pointer to the next TLB level
with m.Else():
# pointer to next level of page table
with m.If (ptw_lvl == LVL1):
# we are in the second level now
- pptr = Cat(Const(0, 3), dtlb_vaddr_i[21:30],
+ pptr = Cat(Const(0, 3), self.dtlb_vaddr_i[21:30],
m.d.sync += [ptw_pptr.eq(pptr),
with m.If(ptw_lvl == LVL2):
# here we received a pointer to the third level
- pptr = Cat(Const(0, 3), dtlb_vaddr_i[12:21],
+ pptr = Cat(Const(0, 3), self.dtlb_vaddr_i[12:21],
m.d.sync += [ptw_pptr.eq(pptr),
+ m.d.comb += wait_grant.eq(1)
with m.If (ptw_lvl == LVL3):
# Should already be the last level
# page table => Error
m.d.sync += ptw_lvl.eq(LVL3)
+ m.d.comb += wait_grant.eq(0) = "PROPAGATE_ERROR"
# we've got a data WAIT_GRANT so tell the
# cache that the tag is valid
# Propagate error to MMU/LSU
with m.State("PROPAGATE_ERROR"): = "IDLE"
- m.d.comb += ptw_error_o.eq(1)
+ m.d.comb += self.ptw_error_o.eq(1)
# wait for the rvalid before going back to IDLE
with m.State("WAIT_RVALID"):
# for an rvalid
# 2. waiting for a grant, if so: wait for it
# if not, go back to idle
- with m.If (((state == PTE_LOOKUP) & ~data_rvalid) | \
- ((state == WAIT_GRANT) & req_port_i.data_gnt)):
+ with m.If ((pte_lookup & ~data_rvalid) | \
+ (wait_grant & self.req_port_i.data_gnt)): = "WAIT_RVALID"
with m.Else(): = "IDLE"
- m.d.sync += [data_rdata.eq(req_port_i.data_rdata),
- data_rvalid.eq(req_port_i.data_rvalid)
+ m.d.sync += [data_rdata.eq(self.req_port_i.data_rdata),
+ data_rvalid.eq(self.req_port_i.data_rvalid)
+ return m
if __name__ == '__main__':
- dut = PTE()
- ports = [dut.p.i_valid, dut.n.i_ready,
- dut.n.o_valid, dut.p.o_ready] + \
- [dut.p.i_data] + [dut.n.o_data]
- vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=ports)
- with open("", "w") as f:
+ ptw = PTW()
+ vl = rtlil.convert(ptw, ports=ptw.ports())
+ with open("", "w") as f: