"""for_stmt : FOR atom EQ test TO test COLON suite
| DO atom EQ test TO test COLON suite
- # auto-add-one (sigh) due to python range
start = p[4]
- end = ast.BinOp(p[6], ast.Add(), ast.Constant(1))
- it = ast.Call(ast.Name("range", ast.Load()), [start, end], [])
+ end = p[6]
+ if start.value > end.value: # start greater than end, must go -ve
+ # auto-subtract-one (sigh) due to python range
+ end = ast.BinOp(p[6], ast.Add(), ast.Constant(-1))
+ arange = [start, end, ast.Constant(-1)]
+ else:
+ # auto-add-one (sigh) due to python range
+ end = ast.BinOp(p[6], ast.Add(), ast.Constant(1))
+ arange = [start, end]
+ it = ast.Call(ast.Name("range", ast.Load()), arange, [])
p[0] = ast.For(p[2], it, p[8], [])
def p_while_stmt(self, p):