from ieee754.part_shift.part_shift_dynamic import PartitionedDynamicShift
from ieee754.part_shift.part_shift_scalar import PartitionedScalarShift
from ieee754.part_mul_add.partpoints import make_partition, PartitionPoints
+from ieee754.part_mux.part_mux import PMux
from operator import or_, xor, and_, not_
from nmigen import (Signal, Const)
self.partpoints = make_partition(mask, width)
self.modnames = {}
+ # for sub-modules to be created on-demand. Mux is done slightly
+ # differently
for name in ['add', 'eq', 'gt', 'ge', 'ls', 'xor']:
self.modnames[name] = 0
result.m = other.m
return result
+ # nmigen-redirected constructs (Mux, Cat, Switch, Assign)
+ def __Mux__(self, val1, val2):
+ assert len(val1) == len(val2), \
+ "PartitionedSignal width sources must be the same " \
+ "val1 == %d, val2 == %d" % (len(val1), len(val2))
+ return PMux(self.m, self.partpoints, self, val1, val2)
# unary ops that do not require partitioning
def __invert__(self):