from PermissionValidator import PermissionValidator
from Cam import Cam
-from RegisterFile import RegisterFile
# The expected form of the data is
# Item (Bits)
self.state = 0
# L1 Cache Modules
L1_size = 8
- bits_for_LRU = 8 # Just a placeholder for not. Arbitrary 8!
self.cam_L1 = Cam(vma_size, cam_size)
- self.reg_file = RegisterFile(pte_size + bits_for_LRU, cam_size)
+ self.mem_L1 = Memory(asid_size + pte_size, cam_size)
# Permission Validator
self.perm_validator = PermissionValidator(asid_size + pte_size)
# Inputs
self.super = Signal(1) # Supervisor Mode
self.super_access = Signal(1) # Supervisor Access
- self.command = Signal(2) # 00=None, 01=Search, 10=Write PTE, 11=None
+ self.command = Signal(2) # 00=None, 01=Search, 10=Write L1, 11=Write L2
self.xwr = Signal(3) # Execute, Write, Read
self.mode = Signal(4) # 4 bits for access to Sv48 on Rv64
+ self.address_L1 = Signal(max= am_size)
self.asid = Signal(asid_size) # Address Space IDentifier (ASID)
self.vma = Signal(vma_size) # Virtual Memory Address (VMA)
self.pte_in = Signal(pte_size) # To be saved Page Table Entry (PTE)
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
# Add submodules
- m.d.submodules.perm_valididator += self.perm_validator
- m.d.submodules.cam_L1 += self.cam_L1
- m.d.sumbmodules.reg_file += self.reg_file
+ # Submodules for L1 Cache
+ m.d.submodules.cam_L1 = self.cam_L1
+ m.d.sumbmodules.read_L1 = read_L1 = self.mem_L1.read_port
+ m.d.sumbmodules.read_L1 = write_L1 = self.mem_L1.read_port
+ # Permission Validator Submodule
+ m.d.submodules.perm_valididator = self.perm_validator
# When MODE specifies translation
# TODO add in different bit length handling ie prefix 0s
with m.If(self.mode != 0):
m.d.comb += [
- self.cam_L1.enable.eq(1),
- self.reg_file.enable.eq(1)
+ self.cam_L1.enable.eq(1)
with m.Switch(self.command):
# Search
with m.Case("01"):
m.d.comb += [
+ write_L1.en.eq(0),
- # Write
+ # Write L1
+ # Expected that the miss will be handled in software
with m.Case("10"):
- # LRU logic should go in here
- # Or take in address for writing?
- # Add hardware option/software option
+ # Memory_L1 Logic
+ m.d.comb += [
+ write_L1.en.eq(1),
+ write_L1.addr.eq(self.address_L1),
+ # The first argument is the LSB
+, self.asid))
+ ]
+ # CAM_L1 Logic
m.d.comb += [
- self.cam_L1.data_in.eq(self.vma)
+ self.cam_L1.data_in.eq(self.vma),
+ # TODO
+ #with m.Case("11"):
# Match found in L1 CAM
with m.If(self.cam_L1.single_match
| self.cam_L1.multiple_match):
- # Register file shortcut variables
- reg_addrress = self.cam_L1.match_address
- reg_data = self.reg_file.register_array[reg_addrress]
- # Set all permission validator fields
+ # Memory shortcut variables
+ mem_addrress = self.cam_L1.match_address
+ # Memory Logic
+ m.d.comb += read_L1.addr(mem_address)
+ # Permission vVlidator Logic
m.d.comb += [
# Set permission validator data to the correct
# register file data according to CAM match
# address
# Execute, Read, Write
# Supervisor Mode
m.d.comb += [
+ # Miss Logic
with m.Else():
m.d.comb += [
return m
-thing = TLB()