return [self.len_i, self.addr_i, self.lexp_o,]
+class TwinPartialAddrBitmap(PartialAddrMatch):
+ """TwinPartialAddrBitMap
+ designed to be connected to via LDSTSplitter, which generates
+ *pairs* of addresses and covers the misalignment across cache
+ line boundaries *in the splitter*. Also LDSTSplitter takes
+ care of expanding the LSBs of each address into a bitmap, itself.
+ the key difference between this and PartialAddrMap is that the
+ knowledge (fact) that pairs of addresses from the same LDSTSplitter
+ are 1 apart is *guaranteed* to be a miss for those two addresses.
+ therefore is_match specially takes that into account.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, n_adr, lsbwid, bitlen):
+ self.lsbwid = lsbwid # number of bits to turn into unary
+ self.midlen = bitlen-lsbwid
+ PartialAddrMatch.__init__(self, n_adr, self.midlen)
+ # input: length of the LOAD/STORE
+ expwid = 1+self.lsbwid # XXX assume LD/ST no greater than 8
+ self.lexp_i = Array(Signal(1<<expwid, reset_less=True,
+ name="len") for i in range(n_adr))
+ # input: full address
+ self.faddrs_i = Array(Signal(bitlen, reset_less=True,
+ name="fadr") for i in range(n_adr))
+ # registers for expanded len
+ self.len_r = Array(Signal(expwid, reset_less=True, name="l_r") \
+ for i in range(self.n_adr))
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = PartialAddrMatch.elaborate(self, platform)
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ # intermediaries
+ adrs_r, l = self.adrs_r, self.l
+ expwid = 1+self.lsbwid
+ for i in range(self.n_adr):
+ # copy the top lsbwid..(lsbwid-bit_len) of addresses to compare
+ comb += self.addrs_i[i].eq(self.faddrs_i[i][self.lsbwid:])
+ # copy in expanded-lengths and latch them
+ latchregister(m, self.lexp_i[i], self.len_r[i], l.q[i])
+ return m
+ # TODO make this a module. too much.
+ def is_match(self, i, j):
+ if i == j:
+ return Const(0) # don't match against self!
+ # we know that pairs have addr and addr+1 therefore it is
+ # guaranteed that they will not match.
+ if (i // 2) == (j // 2):
+ return Const(0) # don't match against twin, either.
+ # the bitmask contains data for *two* cache lines (16 bytes).
+ # however len==8 only covers *half* a cache line so we only
+ # need to compare half the bits
+ expwid = 1<<self.lsbwid
+ #if i % 2 == 1 or j % 2 == 1: # XXX hmmm...
+ # expwid >>= 1
+ # straight compare: binary top bits of addr, *unary* compare on bottom
+ straight_eq = (self.adrs_r[i] == self.adrs_r[j]) & \
+ (self.len_r[i][:expwid] & self.len_r[j][:expwid]).bool()
+ return straight_eq
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from self.faddrs_i
+ yield from self.lexp_i
+ yield self.addr_en_i
+ yield from self.addr_nomatch_a_o
+ yield self.addr_nomatch_o
+ def ports(self):
+ return list(self)
class PartialAddrBitmap(PartialAddrMatch):
def ports(self):
return list(self)
def part_addr_sim(dut):
yield dut.dest_i.eq(1)
yield dut.issue_i.eq(1)
with open("", "w") as f:
+ dut = TwinPartialAddrBitmap(3, 4, 10)
+ vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
+ with open("", "w") as f:
+ f.write(vl)
dut = PartialAddrBitmap(3, 4, 10)
vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
with open("", "w") as f: