yield 0x4E5693A4, 0x42500000
yield 0x42500000, 0x4E5693A4
- yield 0x08000000, 0xff8000010
+ yield 0x08000000, 0xff800001
yield 0x22cb525a, 0xadd79efa
yield 0x40000000, 0xC0000000
yield 0x83e73d5c, 0x1c800000
--- /dev/null
+""" test of FPADDMuxInOut
+from ieee754.fpadd.pipeline import (FPADDMuxInOut,)
+from ieee754.fpcommon.test.fpmux import runfp, repeat
+from ieee754.fpcommon.test.case_gen import get_corner_cases
+from ieee754.fpcommon.test import unit_test_single
+from ieee754.fpadd.test.add_data32 import regressions
+from sfpy import Float32
+from operator import add
+def test_pipe_fp32_cornercases():
+ dut = FPADDMuxInOut(32, 4)
+ vals = repeat(dut.num_rows, get_corner_cases(unit_test_single))
+ runfp(dut, 32, "test_fpadd_pipe_fp32_cornercases", Float32, add, vals=vals)
+def test_pipe_fp32_regressions():
+ dut = FPADDMuxInOut(32, 4)
+ vals = repeat(dut.num_rows, regressions())
+ runfp(dut, 32, "test_fpadd_pipe_fp32_regressions", Float32, add, vals=vals)
+def test_pipe_fp32_rand():
+ dut = FPADDMuxInOut(32, 4)
+ runfp(dut, 32, "test_fpadd_pipe_fp32_rand", Float32, add)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_pipe_fp32_rand()
+ test_pipe_fp32_regressions()
+ test_pipe_fp32_cornercases()
--- /dev/null
+from random import randint
+from random import seed
+import sys
+from sfpy import Float32
+corner_cases = [0x80000000, 0x00000000, 0x7f800000, 0xff800000,
+ 0x7fc00000, 0xffc00000]
+def get_corner_cases(mod):
+ #corner cases
+ from itertools import permutations
+ corner_cases = [mod.zero(1), mod.zero(0),
+ mod.inf(1), mod.inf(0),
+ mod.nan(1), mod.nan(0)]
+ stimulus_a = [i[0] for i in permutations(corner_cases, 2)]
+ stimulus_b = [i[1] for i in permutations(corner_cases, 2)]
+ return zip(stimulus_a, stimulus_b)
+def run_fpunit_2(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, op, get_case_fn):
+ yield from run_fpunit(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, op, get_case_fn)
+ yield from run_fpunit(dut, stimulus_b, stimulus_a, op, get_case_fn)
+def run_cases(dut, count, op, fixed_num, maxcount, get_case_fn):
+ if isinstance(fixed_num, int):
+ stimulus_a = [fixed_num for i in range(maxcount)]
+ report = hex(fixed_num)
+ else:
+ stimulus_a = fixed_num
+ report = "random"
+ stimulus_b = [randint(0, 1<<32) for i in range(maxcount)]
+ yield from run_fpunit_2(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, op, get_case_fn)
+ count += len(stimulus_a)
+ print (count, "vectors passed 2^32", report)
+ # non-canonical NaNs.
+ stimulus_b = [set_exponent(randint(0, 1<<32), 128) \
+ for i in range(maxcount)]
+ yield from run_fpunit_2(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, op, get_case_fn)
+ count += len(stimulus_a)
+ print (count, "vectors passed Non-Canonical NaN", report)
+ # -127
+ stimulus_b = [set_exponent(randint(0, 1<<32), -127) \
+ for i in range(maxcount)]
+ yield from run_fpunit_2(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, op, get_case_fn)
+ count += len(stimulus_a)
+ print (count, "vectors passed exp=-127", report)
+ # nearly zero
+ stimulus_b = [set_exponent(randint(0, 1<<32), -126) \
+ for i in range(maxcount)]
+ yield from run_fpunit_2(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, op, get_case_fn)
+ count += len(stimulus_a)
+ print (count, "vectors passed exp=-126", report)
+ # nearly inf
+ stimulus_b = [set_exponent(randint(0, 1<<32), 127) \
+ for i in range(maxcount)]
+ yield from run_fpunit_2(dut, stimulus_a, stimulus_b, op, get_case_fn)
+ count += len(stimulus_a)
+ print (count, "vectors passed exp=127", report)
+ return count
+def run_edge_cases(dut, count, op, get_case_fn, maxcount=10, num_loops=1000):
+ #edge cases
+ for testme in corner_cases:
+ count = yield from run_cases(dut, count, op, testme,
+ maxcount, get_case_fn)
+ for i in range(num_loops):
+ stimulus_a = [randint(0, 1<<32) for i in range(maxcount)]
+ count = yield from run_cases(dut, count, op, stimulus_a, 10,
+ get_case_fn)
+ return count
self.di[muxid][i] = (op1, )
(op1, op2, ) = vals.pop(0)
+ print ("test", hex(op1), hex(op2))
res = self.fpop(self.fpkls(op1), self.fpkls(op2))
self.di[muxid][i] = (op1, op2)
print ("recv ended", muxid)
-class InputTestRandom(InputTest):
- def __init__(self, dut, width, fpkls, fpop, single_op=False, n_vals=10):
- vals = []
- for muxid in range(dut.num_rows):
- for i in range(n_vals):
- if single_op:
- op1 = randint(0, (1<<width)-1)
- #op1 = 0x40900000
- #op1 = 0x94607b66
- #op1 = 0x889cd8c
- #op1 = 0xe98646d7
- #op1 = 0x3340f2a7
- #op1 = 0xfff13f05
- #op1 = 0x453eb000
- #op1 = 0x3a05de50
- #op1 = 0xc27ff989
- #op1 = 0x41689000
- #op1 = 0xbbc0edec
- #op1 = 0x2EDBE6FF
- #op1 = 0x358637BD
- #op1 = 0x3340f2a7
- #op1 = 0x33D6BF95
- #op1 = 0x9885020648d8c0e8
- vals.append((op1,))
- else:
- op1 = randint(0, (1<<width)-1)
- op2 = randint(0, (1<<width)-1)
- vals.append((op1, op2,))
+def create_random(num_rows, width, single_op=False, n_vals=10):
+ vals = []
+ for muxid in range(num_rows):
+ for i in range(n_vals):
+ if single_op:
+ op1 = randint(0, (1<<width)-1)
+ #op1 = 0x40900000
+ #op1 = 0x94607b66
+ #op1 = 0x889cd8c
+ #op1 = 0xe98646d7
+ #op1 = 0x3340f2a7
+ #op1 = 0xfff13f05
+ #op1 = 0x453eb000
+ #op1 = 0x3a05de50
+ #op1 = 0xc27ff989
+ #op1 = 0x41689000
+ #op1 = 0xbbc0edec
+ #op1 = 0x2EDBE6FF
+ #op1 = 0x358637BD
+ #op1 = 0x3340f2a7
+ #op1 = 0x33D6BF95
+ #op1 = 0x9885020648d8c0e8
+ vals.append((op1,))
+ else:
+ op1 = randint(0, (1<<width)-1)
+ op2 = randint(0, (1<<width)-1)
+ vals.append((op1, op2,))
+ return vals
- InputTest.__init__(self, dut, width, fpkls, fpop, vals, single_op)
+def repeat(num_rows, vals):
+ """ bit of a hack: repeats the last value to create a list
+ that will be accepted by the muxer, all mux lists to be
+ of equal length
+ """
+ vals = list(vals)
+ n_to_repeat = len(vals) % num_rows
+ print (vals, vals[-1])
+ return vals + [vals[-1]] * n_to_repeat
-def runfp(dut, width, name, fpkls, fpop, single_op=False, n_vals=10):
+def runfp(dut, width, name, fpkls, fpop, single_op=False, n_vals=10, vals=None):
vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
with open("%s.il" % name, "w") as f:
- test = InputTestRandom(dut, width, fpkls, fpop, single_op, n_vals)
+ if vals is None:
+ vals = create_random(dut.num_rows, width, single_op, n_vals)
+ test = InputTest(dut, width, fpkls, fpop, vals, single_op)
run_simulation(dut, [test.rcv(1), test.rcv(0),
test.rcv(3), test.rcv(2),
test.send(0), test.send(1),
(x == y)
-def create(s, e, x):
- return (s<<31) | ((e+127) << 23) | m
+def create(s, e, m):
+ return set_exponent((s<<31) | m, e)
def inf(s):
return create(s, 128, 0)
def nan(s):
- return create(s, 128, 1<<23)
+ return create(s, 128, 1<<22)
def zero(s):
return s<<31