# store latch
comb += sto_l.s.eq(addr_ok & op_is_st)
- comb += sto_l.r.eq(reset_s | p_st_go)
+ sync += sto_l.r.eq(reset_s | p_st_go)
# ld/st done. needed to stop LD/ST from activating repeatedly
comb += lsd_l.s.eq(issue_i)
ldst = core.fus.fus['ldst0']
st_go_edge = rising_edge(m, ldst.st.rel_o)
m.d.comb += ldst.ad.go_i.eq(ldst.ad.rel_o) # link addr-go direct to rel
- m.d.sync += ldst.st.go_i.eq(st_go_edge) # link store-go to rising rel
+ m.d.comb += ldst.st.go_i.eq(st_go_edge) # link store-go to rising rel
# PC and instruction from I-Memory
current_insn = Signal(32) # current fetched instruction (note sync)