import operator
from collections import defaultdict
import dataclasses
-from ieee754.part.util import XLEN, FpElWid, IntElWid, SimdMap, SimdScope
from ieee754.part_mul_add.partpoints import PartitionPoints
return f"LayoutResult({fields})"
-class SimdLayout(Shape):
- def __init__(self, lane_shapes=None, signed=None, *, fixed_width=None,
- width_follows_hint=True, scope=None):
- """calculate a SIMD layout.
- Glossary:
- * element: a single scalar value that is an element of a SIMD vector.
- it has a width in bits, and a signedness. Every element is made of
- 1 or more parts. An element optionally includes the padding
- associated with it.
- * lane: an element. An element optionally includes the padding
- associated with it.
- * ElWid: the element-width (really the element type) of an instruction.
- Either an integer or a FP type. Integer `ElWid`s are sign-agnostic.
- In Python, `ElWid` is either an enum type or is `int`.
- Example `ElWid` definition for integers:
- class ElWid(Enum):
- I8 = ...
- I16 = ...
- I32 = ...
- I64 = ...
- Example `ElWid` definition for floats:
- class ElWid(Enum):
- F16 = ...
- BF16 = ...
- F32 = ...
- F64 = ...
- * part: (not to be confused with a partition) A piece of a SIMD vector,
- every SIMD vector is made of a non-negative integer of parts.
- Elements are made of a power-of-two number of parts. A part is a
- fixed number of bits wide for each different SIMD layout, it
- doesn't vary when `elwid` changes. A part can have a bit width of
- any non-negative integer, it is not restricted to power-of-two.
- Arguments:
- * lane_shapes: int or Mapping[ElWid, int] or SimdMap (optional)
- the bit-width of all elements in this SIMD layout.
- * signed: bool
- the signedness of all elements in this SIMD layout
- * fixed_width: int (optional)
- the total width of a SIMD vector. One of lane_shapes and fixed_width
- must be provided.
- * width_follows_hint: bool
- if fixed_width defaults to SimdScope.get().simd_full_width_hint
- Values used from SimdScope:
- * elwid: ElWid or nmigen Value with ElWid as the shape
- the current ElWid value
- * part_counts: SimdMap
- a map from `ElWid` values `k` to the number of parts in an element
- when `elwid == k`. Values should be minimized, since higher values
- often create bigger circuits.
- Example:
- # here, an I8 element is 1 part wide
- part_counts = SimdMap({
- IntElWid.I8: 1,
- IntElWid.I16: 2,
- IntElWid.I32: 4,
- IntElWid.I64: 8,
- })
- Another Example:
- # here, an F16 element is 1 part wide
- part_counts = SimdMap({
- FpElWid.F16: 1,
- FpElWid.BF16: 1,
- FpElWid.F32: 2,
- FpElWid.F64: 4,
- })
- """
- if scope is None:
- scope = SimdScope.get()
- assert isinstance(scope, SimdScope)
- self.scope = scope
- elwid = self.scope.elwid
- part_counts = self.scope.part_counts
- assert isinstance(part_counts, SimdMap)
- simd_full_width_hint = self.scope.simd_full_width_hint
- full_part_count = self.scope.full_part_count
- print(f"layout(elwid={elwid},\n"
- f" signed={signed},\n"
- f" part_counts={part_counts},\n"
- f" lane_shapes={lane_shapes},\n"
- f" fixed_width={fixed_width},\n"
- f" simd_full_width_hint={simd_full_width_hint},\n"
- f" width_follows_hint={width_follows_hint})")
- # when there are no lane_shapes specified, this indicates a
- # desire to use the maximum available space based on the fixed width
- #
- if lane_shapes is None:
- assert fixed_width is not None, \
- "both fixed_width and lane_shapes cannot be None"
- lane_shapes = {}
- for k, cur_part_count in part_counts.items():
- cur_element_count = full_part_count // cur_part_count
- assert fixed_width % cur_element_count == 0, (
- f"fixed_width ({fixed_width}) can't be split evenly into "
- f"{cur_element_count} elements")
- lane_shapes[k] = fixed_width // cur_element_count
- print("lane_shapes", fixed_width, lane_shapes)
- # convert lane_shapes to a Mapping[ElWid, Any]
- lane_shapes = SimdMap(lane_shapes).mapping
- # filter out unsupported elwidths
- lane_shapes = {i: lane_shapes[i] for i in part_counts.keys()}
- self.lane_shapes = lane_shapes
- # calculate the minimum possible bit-width of a part.
- # we divide each element's width by the number of parts in an element,
- # giving the number of bits needed per part.
- min_part_wid = 0
- for i, c in part_counts.items():
- # double negate to get ceil division
- needed = -(-lane_shapes[i] // c)
- min_part_wid = max(min_part_wid, needed)
- # calculate the minimum bit-width required
- min_width = min_part_wid * full_part_count
- print("width", min_width, min_part_wid, full_part_count)
- if width_follows_hint \
- and min_width <= simd_full_width_hint \
- and fixed_width is None:
- fixed_width = simd_full_width_hint
- if fixed_width is not None: # override the width and part_wid
- assert min_width <= fixed_width, \
- "not enough space to fit partitions"
- self.part_wid = fixed_width // full_part_count
- assert fixed_width % full_part_count == 0, \
- "fixed_width must be a multiple of full_part_count"
- width = fixed_width
- print("part_wid", self.part_wid, "count", full_part_count)
- else:
- # go with computed width
- width = min_width
- self.part_wid = min_part_wid
- super().__init__(width, signed)
- # create the breakpoints dictionary.
- # do multi-stage version
- #
- # dpoints: dict from bit-index to dict[ElWid, None]
- # we use a dict from ElWid to None as the values of dpoints in order to
- # get an ordered set
- dpoints = defaultdict(dict) # if empty key, create a (empty) dict
- for i, cur_part_count in part_counts.items():
- def add_p(bit_index):
- # auto-creates dict if key non-existent
- dpoints[bit_index][i] = None
- # go through all elements for elwid `i`, each element starts at
- # part index `start_part`, and goes for `cur_part_count` parts
- for start_part in range(0, full_part_count, cur_part_count):
- start_bit = start_part * self.part_wid
- add_p(start_bit) # start of lane
- add_p(start_bit + lane_shapes[i]) # start of padding
- # do not need the breakpoints at the very start or the very end
- dpoints.pop(0, None)
- dpoints.pop(self.width, None)
- plist = list(dpoints.keys())
- plist.sort()
- dpoints = {k: dpoints[k].keys() for k in plist}
- self.dpoints = dpoints
- print("dpoints")
- for k in plist:
- print(f"{k}: {list(dpoints[k])}")
- # second stage, add (map to) the elwidth==i expressions.
- # TODO: use nmutil.treereduce?
- points = {}
- for p in plist:
- it = map(lambda i: elwid == i, dpoints[p])
- points[p] = reduce(operator.or_, it)
- # third stage, create the binary values which *if* elwidth is set to i
- # *would* result in the mask at that elwidth being set to this value
- # these can easily be double-checked through Assertion
- self.bitp = {}
- for i in part_counts.keys():
- self.bitp[i] = 0
- for p, elwidths in dpoints.items():
- if i in elwidths:
- bitpos = plist.index(p)
- self.bitp[i] |= 1 << bitpos
- # fourth stage: determine which partitions are 100% unused.
- # these can then be "blanked out"
- self.bmask = (1 << len(plist)) - 1
- for p in self.bitp.values():
- self.bmask &= ~p
- self.ppoints = PartitionPoints(points)
- def __repr__(self):
- bitp = ", ".join(f"{k}: {bin(v)}" for k, v in self.bitp.items())
- dpoints = []
- for k, v in self.dpoints.items():
- dpoints.append(f"{k}: {list(v)}")
- dpoints = ",\n ".join(dpoints)
- ppoints = []
- for k, v in self.ppoints.items():
- ppoints.append(f"{k}: {list(v)}")
- ppoints = ",\n ".join(ppoints)
- return (f"SimdLayout(lane_shapes={self.lane_shapes},\n"
- f" signed={self.signed},\n"
- f" fixed_width={self.width},\n"
- f" scope={self.scope},\n"
- f" bitp={{{bitp}}},\n"
- f" bmask={bin(self.bmask)},\n"
- f" dpoints={{\n"
- f" {dpoints}}},\n"
- f" part_wid={self.part_wid},\n"
- f" ppoints=PartitionPoints({{\n"
- f" {ppoints}}}))")
+# main fn, which started out here in the bugtracker:
+def layout(elwid, signed, part_counts, lane_shapes=None, fixed_width=None):
+ """calculate a SIMD layout.
+ Glossary:
+ * element: a single scalar value that is an element of a SIMD vector.
+ it has a width in bits, and a signedness. Every element is made of 1 or
+ more parts. An element optionally includes the padding associated with
+ it.
+ * lane: an element. An element optionally includes the padding associated
+ with it.
+ * ElWid: the element-width (really the element type) of an instruction.
+ Either an integer or a FP type. Integer `ElWid`s are sign-agnostic.
+ In Python, `ElWid` is either an enum type or is `int`.
+ Example `ElWid` definition for integers:
+ class ElWid(Enum):
+ I8 = ...
+ I16 = ...
+ I32 = ...
+ I64 = ...
+ Example `ElWid` definition for floats:
+ class ElWid(Enum):
+ F16 = ...
+ BF16 = ...
+ F32 = ...
+ F64 = ...
+ * part: (not to be confused with a partition) A piece of a SIMD vector,
+ every SIMD vector is made of a non-negative integer of parts. Elements
+ are made of a power-of-two number of parts. A part is a fixed number
+ of bits wide for each different SIMD layout, it doesn't vary when
+ `elwid` changes. A part can have a bit width of any non-negative
+ integer, it is not restricted to power-of-two. SIMD vectors should
+ have as few parts as necessary, since some circuits have size
+ proportional to the number of parts.
+ * elwid: ElWid or nmigen Value with ElWid as the shape
+ the current element-width
+ * signed: bool
+ the signedness of all elements in a SIMD layout
+ * part_counts: dict[ElWid, int]
+ a map from `ElWid` values `k` to the number of parts in an element
+ when `elwid == k`. Values should be minimized, since higher values
+ often create bigger circuits.
+ Example:
+ # here, an I8 element is 1 part wide
+ part_counts = {ElWid.I8: 1, ElWid.I16: 2, ElWid.I32: 4, ElWid.I64: 8}
+ Another Example:
+ # here, an F16 element is 1 part wide
+ part_counts = {ElWid.F16: 1, ElWid.BF16: 1, ElWid.F32: 2, ElWid.F64: 4}
+ * lane_shapes: int or Mapping[ElWid, int] (optional)
+ the bit-width of all elements in a SIMD layout.
+ * fixed_width: int (optional)
+ the total width of a SIMD vector. One of lane_shapes and fixed_width
+ must be provided.
+ """
+ print(f"layout(elwid={elwid},\n"
+ f" signed={signed},\n"
+ f" part_counts={part_counts},\n"
+ f" lane_shapes={lane_shapes},\n"
+ f" fixed_width={fixed_width})")
+ assert isinstance(part_counts, Mapping)
+ # assert all part_counts are powers of two
+ assert all(v != 0 and (v & (v - 1)) == 0 for v in part_counts.values()),\
+ "part_counts values must all be powers of two"
+ full_part_count = max(part_counts.values())
+ # when there are no lane_shapes specified, this indicates a
+ # desire to use the maximum available space based on the fixed width
+ #
+ if lane_shapes is None:
+ assert fixed_width is not None, \
+ "both fixed_width and lane_shapes cannot be None"
+ lane_shapes = {}
+ for k, cur_part_count in part_counts.items():
+ cur_element_count = full_part_count // cur_part_count
+ assert fixed_width % cur_element_count == 0, (
+ f"fixed_width ({fixed_width}) can't be split evenly into "
+ f"{cur_element_count} elements")
+ lane_shapes[k] = fixed_width // cur_element_count
+ print("lane_shapes", fixed_width, lane_shapes)
+ # identify if the lane_shapes is a mapping (dict, etc.)
+ # if not, then assume that it is an integer (width) that
+ # needs to be requested across all partitions
+ if not isinstance(lane_shapes, Mapping):
+ lane_shapes = {i: lane_shapes for i in part_counts}
+ # calculate the minimum possible bit-width of a part.
+ # we divide each element's width by the number of parts in an element,
+ # giving the number of bits needed per part.
+ # we use `-min(-a // b for ...)` to get `max(ceil(a / b) for ...)`,
+ # but using integers.
+ min_part_wid = -min(-lane_shapes[i] // c for i, c in part_counts.items())
+ # calculate the minimum bit-width required
+ min_width = min_part_wid * full_part_count
+ print("width", min_width, min_part_wid, full_part_count)
+ if fixed_width is not None: # override the width and part_wid
+ assert min_width <= fixed_width, "not enough space to fit partitions"
+ part_wid = fixed_width // full_part_count
+ assert fixed_width % full_part_count == 0, \
+ "fixed_width must be a multiple of full_part_count"
+ width = fixed_width
+ print("part_wid", part_wid, "count", full_part_count)
+ else:
+ # go with computed width
+ width = min_width
+ part_wid = min_part_wid
+ # create the breakpoints dictionary.
+ # do multi-stage version
+ #
+ # dpoints: dict from bit-index to dict[ElWid, None]
+ # we use a dict from ElWid to None as the values of dpoints in order to
+ # get an ordered set
+ dpoints = defaultdict(dict) # if empty key, create a (empty) dict
+ for i, cur_part_count in part_counts.items():
+ def add_p(bit_index):
+ # auto-creates dict if key non-existent
+ dpoints[bit_index][i] = None
+ # go through all elements for elwid `i`, each element starts at
+ # part index `start_part`, and goes for `cur_part_count` parts
+ for start_part in range(0, full_part_count, cur_part_count):
+ start_bit = start_part * part_wid
+ add_p(start_bit) # start of lane
+ add_p(start_bit + lane_shapes[i]) # start of padding
+ # do not need the breakpoints at the very start or the very end
+ dpoints.pop(0, None)
+ dpoints.pop(width, None)
+ plist = list(dpoints.keys())
+ plist.sort()
+ print("dpoints")
+ for k in plist:
+ print(f"{k}: {list(dpoints[k].keys())}")
+ # second stage, add (map to) the elwidth==i expressions.
+ # TODO: use nmutil.treereduce?
+ points = {}
+ for p in plist:
+ it = map(lambda i: elwid == i, dpoints[p])
+ points[p] = reduce(operator.or_, it)
+ # third stage, create the binary values which *if* elwidth is set to i
+ # *would* result in the mask at that elwidth being set to this value
+ # these can easily be double-checked through Assertion
+ bitp = {}
+ for i in part_counts.keys():
+ bitp[i] = 0
+ for p, elwidths in dpoints.items():
+ if i in elwidths:
+ bitpos = plist.index(p)
+ bitp[i] |= 1 << bitpos
+ # fourth stage: determine which partitions are 100% unused.
+ # these can then be "blanked out"
+ bmask = (1 << len(plist)) - 1
+ for p in bitp.values():
+ bmask &= ~p
+ return LayoutResult(PartitionPoints(points), bitp, bmask, width,
+ lane_shapes, part_wid, full_part_count)
if __name__ == '__main__':
+ class FpElWid(Enum):
+ F64 = 0
+ F32 = 1
+ F16 = 2
+ BF16 = 3
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return super().__str__()
+ class IntElWid(Enum):
+ I64 = 0
+ I32 = 1
+ I16 = 2
+ I8 = 3
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return super().__str__()
# for each element-width (elwidth 0-3) the number of parts in an element
# is given:
# | part0 | part1 | part2 | part3 |
width_for_all_els = 3
for i in FpElWid:
- with SimdScope(elwid=i, part_counts=part_counts):
- print(i, SimdLayout(width_for_all_els, True, width_follows_hint=False))
+ print(i, layout(i, True, part_counts, width_for_all_els))
# fixed_width=32 and no lane_widths says "allocate maximum"
# elwid=F64 1x 32-bit |<-------i32------->|
print("maximum allocation from fixed_width=32")
for i in FpElWid:
- with SimdScope(elwid=i, part_counts=part_counts):
- print(i, SimdLayout(signed=True, fixed_width=32))
+ print(i, layout(i, True, part_counts, fixed_width=32))
# specify that the length is to be *different* at each of the elwidths.
# combined with part_counts we have:
for i in FpElWid:
- with SimdScope(elwid=i, part_counts=part_counts):
- print(i, SimdLayout(widths_at_elwidth,
- False, width_follows_hint=False))
+ print(i, layout(i, False, part_counts, widths_at_elwidth))
# this tests elwidth as an actual Signal. layout is allowed to
# determine arbitrarily the overall length
- with SimdScope(elwid_type=FpElWid, part_counts=part_counts) as scope:
- l = SimdLayout(widths_at_elwidth, False, width_follows_hint=False)
- elwid = scope.elwid
- print(l)
+ elwid = Signal(FpElWid)
+ lr = layout(elwid, False, part_counts, widths_at_elwidth)
+ print(lr)
+ for k, v in lr.bitp.items():
+ print(f"bitp elwidth={k}", bin(v))
+ print("bmask", bin(lr.bmask))
m = Module()
yield elwid.eq(i)
yield Settle()
ppt = []
- for pval in l.ppoints.values():
+ for pval in lr.ppoints.values():
val = yield pval # get nmigen to evaluate pp
print(i, ppt)
ival = int(''.join(map(str, ppt[::-1])), 2)
- assert ival == l.bitp[i]
- sim = Simulator(m)
- sim.add_process(process)
- # this tests elwidth as an actual Signal. layout uses the width hint
- #
- with SimdScope(elwid_type=FpElWid, part_counts=part_counts) as scope:
- l = SimdLayout(widths_at_elwidth, False)
- elwid = scope.elwid
- print(l)
- m = Module()
- def process():
- for i in FpElWid:
- yield elwid.eq(i)
- yield Settle()
- ppt = []
- for pval in l.ppoints.values():
- val = yield pval # get nmigen to evaluate pp
- ppt.append(val)
- print(i, ppt)
- # check the results against bitp static-expected partition points
- #
- #
- ival = int(''.join(map(str, ppt[::-1])), 2)
- assert ival == l.bitp[i]
+ assert ival == lr.bitp[i]
sim = Simulator(m)
# determine arbitrarily the overall length, it is fixed to 64
- with SimdScope(elwid_type=FpElWid, part_counts=part_counts) as scope:
- l = SimdLayout(widths_at_elwidth, False, fixed_width=64)
- elwid = scope.elwid
- print(l)
+ elwid = Signal(FpElWid)
+ lr = layout(elwid, False, part_counts, widths_at_elwidth, fixed_width=64)
+ print(lr)
+ for k, v in lr.bitp.items():
+ print(f"bitp elwidth={k}", bin(v))
+ print("bmask", bin(lr.bmask))
m = Module()
yield elwid.eq(i)
yield Settle()
ppt = []
- for pval in list(l.ppoints.values()):
+ for pval in list(lr.ppoints.values()):
val = yield pval # get nmigen to evaluate pp
print(f"test elwidth={i}")
ival = int(''.join(map(str, ppt[::-1])), 2)
- assert ival == l.bitp[i], \
- f"ival {bin(ival)} actual {bin(l.bitp[i])}"
+ assert ival == lr.bitp[i], \
+ f"ival {bin(ival)} actual {bin(lr.bitp[i])}"
sim = Simulator(m)
- # test XLEN
- with SimdScope(elwid_type=IntElWid):
- print("\nSimdLayout(XLEN):")
- l1 = SimdLayout(XLEN)
- print(l1)
- print("\nSimdLayout(XLEN // 2):")
- l2 = SimdLayout(XLEN // 2)
- print(l2)