comb += Assert(dut.output == 0x_11_66_65_64_63_62_61_11)
with m.If(gates == 0b0000001):
comb += Assert(dut.output == 0x_77_76_75_74_73_72_71_11)
- # Make it interesting, by having four partitions.
- comb += Cover(sum(gates) == 3)
# Choose a partition offset and width at random.
p_offset = Signal(range(mwidth))
p_width = Signal(range(mwidth+1))
((p_offset == 2) & (p_width == 3)))
# Remove guard bits at each end and assign to the DUT gates
comb += gates.eq(p_gates[1:])
+ # Generate shifted down outputs:
+ p_output = Signal(width)
+ positions = [0] + list(points.keys()) + [width]
+ for i in range(mwidth):
+ with m.If(p_offset == i):
+ comb += p_output.eq(dut.output[positions[i]:])
+ # Some checks on the shifted down output, irrespective of offset:
+ with m.If(p_width == 2):
+ comb += Assert(p_output[:16] == 0x_22_21)
+ with m.If(p_width == 4):
+ comb += Assert(p_output[:32] == 0x_44_43_42_41)
+ # test zero shift
+ with m.If(p_offset == 0):
+ comb += Assert(p_output == dut.output)
+ # Output an example.
+ # Make it interesting, by having four partitions.
+ # Make the selected partition not start at the very beginning.
+ comb += Cover((sum(gates) == 3) & (p_offset != 0))
return m
('p_offset[2:0]', {'base': 'dec'}),
('p_width[3:0]', {'base': 'dec'}),
('p_finish[3:0]', {'base': 'dec'}),
- ('p_gates[8:0]', {'base': 'bin'})]
+ ('p_gates[8:0]', {'base': 'bin'}),
+ 'p_output[63:0]']
os.path.dirname(__file__) +