--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+pinmux documented here https://libre-soc.org/docs/pinmux/
+from nmigen.build.dsl import Resource, Subsignal, Pins
+from nmigen.build.plat import TemplatedPlatform
+from nmigen.build.res import ResourceManager, ResourceError
+from nmigen.hdl.rec import Layout
+from nmigen import Elaboratable, Signal, Module, Instance
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from jtag import JTAG, resiotypes, iotypes, scanlens
+from copy import deepcopy
+from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+import sys
+# extra dependencies for jtag testing (?)
+#from soc.bus.sram import SRAM
+#from nmigen import Memory
+from nmigen.sim import Simulator, Delay, Settle, Tick, Passive
+from nmutil.util import wrap
+from nmutil.gtkw import write_gtkw
+# from soc.debug.jtagutils import (jtag_read_write_reg,
+# jtag_srv, jtag_set_reset,
+# jtag_set_ir, jtag_set_get_dr)
+from soc.debug.test.test_jtag_tap import (jtag_read_write_reg,
+ jtag_set_reset,
+ jtag_set_shift_ir,
+ jtag_set_shift_dr,
+ jtag_set_run,
+ jtag_set_idle,
+ tms_data_getset)
+def dummy_pinset():
+ # sigh this needs to come from pinmux.
+ gpios = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ gpios.append("%d*0" % i) # gpios to mux 0
+ return {'uart': ['tx+1', 'rx-1'],
+ 'gpio': gpios,
+ # 'jtag': ['tms-', 'tdi-', 'tdo+', 'tck+'],
+ 'i2c': ['sda*2', 'scl+2']}
+a function is needed which turns the results of dummy_pinset()
+[UARTResource("uart", 0, tx=..., rx=..),
+ I2CResource("i2c", 0, scl=..., sda=...),
+ Resource("gpio", 0, Subsignal("i"...), Subsignal("o"...)
+ Resource("gpio", 1, Subsignal("i"...), Subsignal("o"...)
+ ...
+# TODO: move to suitable location
+class Pins:
+ """declare a list of pins, including name and direction. grouped by fn
+ the pin dictionary needs to be in a reliable order so that the JTAG
+ Boundary Scan is also in a reliable order
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pindict=None):
+ if pindict is None:
+ pindict = {}
+ self.io_names = OrderedDict()
+ if isinstance(pindict, OrderedDict):
+ self.io_names.update(pindict)
+ else:
+ keys = list(pindict.keys())
+ keys.sort()
+ for k in keys:
+ self.io_names[k] = pindict[k]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ # start parsing io_names and enumerate them to return pin specs
+ scan_idx = 0
+ for fn, pins in self.io_names.items():
+ for pin in pins:
+ # decode the pin name and determine the c4m jtag io type
+ name, pin_type, bank = pin[:-2], pin[-2], pin[-1]
+ iotype = iotypes[pin_type]
+ pin_name = "%s_%s" % (fn, name)
+ yield (fn, name, iotype, pin_name, scan_idx, bank)
+ scan_idx += scanlens[iotype] # inc boundary reg scan offset
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #pname = "test"
+ pinset = dummy_pinset()
+ #print()
+ #pin_test = Pins(Pins(pname+"_oe", dir="o", assert_width=1))
+ pin_test = Pins(pinset)
+ print(dir(pin_test))
+ print(pin_test.io_names)
+ for fn, name, iotype, pin_name, scan_idx, bank in pin_test:
+ print(fn, name, iotype, pin_name, scan_idx, "Bank %s" % bank)