from nmigen import Elaboratable, Module, Signal
from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+from nmutil.picker import PriorityPicker
from soc.fu.compunits.compunits import AllFunctionUnits
from soc.regfile.regfiles import RegFiles
from soc.decoder.power_decoder import create_pdecode
regs = self.regs
fus = self.fus.fus
+ # enable-signals for each FU, get one bit for each FU (by name)
+ fu_enable = Signal(len(fus), reset_less=True)
+ fu_bitdict = {}
+ for i, funame in enumerate(fus.keys()):
+ fu_bitdict[funame] = fu_enable[i]
# dictionary of lists of regfile read ports
byregfiles_rd = {}
byregfiles_rdspec = {}
(regname, rdflag, read, wid) = byregfiles_rdspec[regfile]
print (" %s" % regname, wid, read, rdflag)
for (funame, fu) in fuspec:
- print (" ", funame, fu)
+ print (" ", funame, fu, fu.src_i[idx])
print ()
+ # okaay, now we need a PriorityPicker per regfile per regfile port
+ # loootta pickers... peter piper picked a pack of pickled peppers...
+ rdpickers = {}
+ for regfile, spec in byregfiles_rd.items():
+ rdpickers[regfile] = {}
+ for idx, fuspec in spec.items():
+ rdpickers[regfile][idx] = rdpick = PriorityPicker(len(fuspec))
+ setattr(m.submodules, "rdpick_%s_%d" % (regfile, idx), rdpick)
+ for pi, (funame, fu) in enumerate(fuspec):
+ # connect request-read to picker input, and output to go-rd
+ fu_active = fu_bitdict[funame]
+ comb += rdpick.i[pi].eq(fu.rd_rel_o[idx] & fu_active)
+ comb += fu.go_rd_i[idx].eq(rdpick.o[pi])
return m
def __iter__(self):