based on Anton Blanchard microwatt decode2.vhdl
+Note: OP_TRAP is used for exceptions and interrupts (micro-code style) by
+over-riding the internal opcode when an exception is needed.
from nmigen import Module, Elaboratable, Signal, Mux, Const, Cat, Repl, Record
from nmigen.cli import rtlil
"""Trap Pipeline
+Deals with td/tw/tdi/twi as well as mfmsr/mtmsr, sc and rfid. addpcis TODO.
+Also used generally for interrupts (as a micro-coding mechanism) by
+actually modifying the decoded instruction in PowerDecode2.
from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import (TT_FP, TT_PRIV, TT_TRAP, TT_ADDR)
from soc.consts import MSR, PI
def msr_copy(msr_o, msr_i, zero_me=True):
- """
- -- ISA says this:
- -- Defined MSR bits are classified as either full func-
- -- tion or partial function. Full function MSR bits are
- -- saved in SRR1 or HSRR1 when an interrupt other
- -- than a System Call Vectored interrupt occurs and
- -- restored by rfscv, rfid, or hrfid, while partial func-
- -- tion MSR bits are not saved or restored.
- -- Full function MSR bits lie in the range 0:32, 37:41, and
- -- 48:63, and partial function MSR bits lie in the range
- -- 33:36 and 42:47. (Note this is IBM bit numbering).
- msr_out := (others => '0');
- msr_out(63 downto 31) := msr(63 downto 31);
- msr_out(26 downto 22) := msr(26 downto 22);
- msr_out(15 downto 0) := msr(15 downto 0);
+ """msr_copy
+ ISA says this:
+ Defined MSR bits are classified as either full func tion or partial
+ function. Full function MSR bits are saved in SRR1 or HSRR1 when
+ an interrupt other than a System Call Vectored interrupt occurs and
+ restored by rfscv, rfid, or hrfid, while partial function MSR bits
+ are not saved or restored. Full function MSR bits lie in the range
+ 0:32, 37:41, and 48:63, and partial function MSR bits lie in the
+ range 33:36 and 42:47. (Note this is IBM bit numbering).
l = []
if zero_me: