return recwidth
-# This test bench is a bit different than is usual. Initially when I
-# was writing it, I had all of the tests call a function to create a
-# device under test and simulator, initialize the dut, run the
-# simulation for ~2 cycles, and assert that the dut output what it
-# should have. However, this was really slow, since it needed to
-# create and tear down the dut and simulator for every test case.
-# Now, instead of doing that, every test case in ALUTestCase puts some
-# data into the test_data list below, describing the instructions to
-# be tested and the initial state. Once all the tests have been run,
-# test_data gets passed to TestRunner which then sets up the DUT and
-# simulator once, runs all the data through it, and asserts that the
-# results match the pseudocode sim at every cycle.
-# By doing this, I've reduced the time it takes to run the test suite
-# massively. Before, it took around 1 minute on my computer, now it
-# takes around 3 seconds
def get_cu_inputs(dec2, sim):
"""naming (res) must conform to BranchFunctionUnit input regspec
class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
- def __init__(self, test_data):
- super().__init__("run_all")
- self.test_data = test_data
- def run_all(self):
+ def test_it(self):
+ test_data = BranchTestCase().test_data
m = Module()
comb = m.d.comb
instruction = Signal(32)
def process():
- for test in self.test_data:
+ for test in test_data:
program = test.program
- self.subTest(
- simulator = ISA(pdecode2, test.regs, test.sprs,,
- test.mem, test.msr,
- bigendian=bigendian)
- initial_cia = 0x2000
- simulator.set_pc(initial_cia)
- gen = program.generate_instructions()
- instructions = list(zip(gen, program.assembly.splitlines()))
- pc = simulator.pc.CIA.value
- msr = simulator.msr.value
- index = (pc - initial_cia)//4
- while index < len(instructions) and index >= 0:
- print(index)
- ins, code = instructions[index]
- print("0x{:X}".format(ins & 0xffffffff))
- print(code)
- # ask the decoder to decode this binary data (endian'd)
- yield pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(bigendian) # little / big?
- yield pdecode2.msr.eq(msr) # set MSR in pdecode2
- yield pdecode2.cia.eq(pc) # set PC in pdecode2
- yield instruction.eq(ins) # raw binary instr.
- # note, here, the op will need further decoding in order
- # to set the correct SPRs on SPR1/2/3. op_bc* require
- # spr1 to be set to CTR, op_bctar require spr2 to be
- # set to TAR, op_bclr* require spr2 to be set to LR.
- # if op_sc*, op_rf* and op_hrfid are to be added here
- # then additional op-decoding is required, accordingly
- yield Settle()
- lk = yield
- print("lk:", lk)
- yield from self.set_inputs(branch, pdecode2, simulator)
- fn_unit = yield
- self.assertEqual(fn_unit, Function.BRANCH.value, code)
- yield
- yield
- opname = code.split(' ')[0]
- prev_nia = simulator.pc.NIA.value
- yield from
+ with self.subTest(
+ simulator = ISA(pdecode2, test.regs, test.sprs,,
+ test.mem, test.msr,
+ bigendian=bigendian)
+ initial_cia = 0x2000
+ simulator.set_pc(initial_cia)
+ gen = program.generate_instructions()
+ instructions = list(
+ zip(gen, program.assembly.splitlines()))
pc = simulator.pc.CIA.value
msr = simulator.msr.value
index = (pc - initial_cia)//4
- yield from self.assert_outputs(branch, pdecode2,
- simulator, prev_nia, code)
+ while index < len(instructions) and index >= 0:
+ print(index)
+ ins, code = instructions[index]
+ print("0x{:X}".format(ins & 0xffffffff))
+ print(code)
+ # ask the decoder to decode this binary data (endian'd)
+ # little / big?
+ yield pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(bigendian)
+ yield pdecode2.msr.eq(msr) # set MSR in pdecode2
+ yield pdecode2.cia.eq(pc) # set PC in pdecode2
+ yield instruction.eq(ins) # raw binary instr.
+ # note, here, the op will need further decoding in order
+ # to set the correct SPRs on SPR1/2/3. op_bc* require
+ # spr1 to be set to CTR, op_bctar require spr2 to be
+ # set to TAR, op_bclr* require spr2 to be set to LR.
+ # if op_sc*, op_rf* and op_hrfid are to be added here
+ # then additional op-decoding is required, accordingly
+ yield Settle()
+ lk = yield
+ print("lk:", lk)
+ yield from self.set_inputs(branch, pdecode2, simulator)
+ fn_unit = yield
+ self.assertEqual(fn_unit, Function.BRANCH.value, code)
+ yield
+ yield
+ opname = code.split(' ')[0]
+ prev_nia = simulator.pc.NIA.value
+ yield from
+ pc = simulator.pc.CIA.value
+ msr = simulator.msr.value
+ index = (pc - initial_cia)//4
+ yield from self.assert_outputs(branch, pdecode2,
+ simulator, prev_nia, code)
with sim.write_vcd("branch_simulator.vcd"):
if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main(exit=False)
- suite = unittest.TestSuite()
- suite.addTest(TestRunner(BranchTestCase().test_data))
- runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
+ unittest.main()