--- /dev/null
+"""simple core issuer
+not in any way intended for production use. this runs a FSM that:
+* reads the Program Counter from StateRegs
+* reads an instruction from a fixed-size Test Memory
+* issues it to the Simple Core
+* waits for it to complete
+* increments the PC
+* does it all over again
+the purpose of this module is to verify the functional correctness
+of the Function Units in the absolute simplest and clearest possible
+way, and to at provide something that can be further incrementally
+from nmigen import (Elaboratable, Module, Signal,
+ Mux, Const, Repl, Cat)
+from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+from nmigen.cli import main
+import sys
+from nmutil.singlepipe import ControlBase
+from soc.simple.core_data import FetchOutput, FetchInput
+from openpower.decoder.power_enums import MicrOp
+from openpower.state import CoreState
+from soc.regfile.regfiles import StateRegs
+from soc.config.test.test_loadstore import TestMemPspec
+from soc.experiment.icache import ICache
+from nmutil.util import rising_edge
+from soc.simple.issuer import TestIssuerBase
+def get_insn(f_instr_o, pc):
+ if f_instr_o.width == 32:
+ return f_instr_o
+ else:
+ # 64-bit: bit 2 of pc decides which word to select
+ return f_instr_o.word_select(pc[2], 32)
+# Fetch Finite State Machine.
+# WARNING: there are currently DriverConflicts but it's actually working.
+# TODO, here: everything that is global in nature, information from the
+# main TestIssuerInternal, needs to move to either ispec() or ospec().
+# not only that: TestIssuerInternal.imem can entirely move into here
+# because imem is only ever accessed inside the FetchFSM.
+class FetchFSM(ControlBase):
+ def __init__(self, allow_overlap, svp64_en, imem, core_rst,
+ pdecode2, cur_state,
+ dbg, core, svstate, nia, is_svp64_mode):
+ self.allow_overlap = allow_overlap
+ self.svp64_en = svp64_en
+ self.imem = imem
+ self.core_rst = core_rst
+ self.pdecode2 = pdecode2
+ self.cur_state = cur_state
+ self.dbg = dbg
+ self.core = core
+ self.svstate = svstate
+ self.nia = nia
+ self.is_svp64_mode = is_svp64_mode
+ # set up pipeline ControlBase and allocate i/o specs
+ # (unusual: normally done by the Pipeline API)
+ super().__init__(stage=self)
+ self.p.i_data, self.n.o_data = self.new_specs(None)
+ self.i, self.o = self.p.i_data, self.n.o_data
+ # next 3 functions are Stage API Compliance
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ pass
+ def ispec(self):
+ return FetchInput()
+ def ospec(self):
+ return FetchOutput()
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ """fetch FSM
+ this FSM performs fetch of raw instruction data, partial-decodes
+ it 32-bit at a time to detect SVP64 prefixes, and will optionally
+ read a 2nd 32-bit quantity if that occurs.
+ """
+ m = super().elaborate(platform)
+ dbg = self.dbg
+ core = self.core
+ pc = self.i.pc
+ msr = self.i.msr
+ svstate = self.svstate
+ nia = self.nia
+ is_svp64_mode = self.is_svp64_mode
+ fetch_pc_o_ready = self.p.o_ready
+ fetch_pc_i_valid = self.p.i_valid
+ fetch_insn_o_valid = self.n.o_valid
+ fetch_insn_i_ready = self.n.i_ready
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ sync = m.d.sync
+ pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
+ cur_state = self.cur_state
+ dec_opcode_o = pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in # raw opcode
+ # also note instruction fetch failed
+ if hasattr(core, "icache"):
+ fetch_failed = core.icache.i_out.fetch_failed
+ flush_needed = True
+ else:
+ fetch_failed = Const(0, 1)
+ flush_needed = False
+ with m.FSM(name='fetch_fsm'):
+ # waiting (zzz)
+ with m.State("IDLE"):
+ with m.If(~dbg.stopping_o & ~fetch_failed):
+ comb += fetch_pc_o_ready.eq(1)
+ with m.If(fetch_pc_i_valid & ~fetch_failed):
+ # instruction allowed to go: start by reading the PC
+ # capture the PC and also drop it into Insn Memory
+ # we have joined a pair of combinatorial memory
+ # lookups together. this is Generally Bad.
+ comb += self.imem.a_pc_i.eq(pc)
+ comb += self.imem.a_i_valid.eq(1)
+ comb += self.imem.f_i_valid.eq(1)
+ sync += cur_state.pc.eq(pc)
+ sync += cur_state.svstate.eq(svstate) # and svstate
+ sync += cur_state.msr.eq(msr) # and msr
+ m.next = "INSN_READ" # move to "wait for bus" phase
+ # dummy pause to find out why simulation is not keeping up
+ with m.State("INSN_READ"):
+ if self.allow_overlap:
+ stopping = dbg.stopping_o
+ else:
+ stopping = Const(0)
+ with m.If(stopping):
+ # stopping: jump back to idle
+ m.next = "IDLE"
+ with m.Else():
+ with m.If(self.imem.f_busy_o & ~fetch_failed): # zzz...
+ # busy but not fetch failed: stay in wait-read
+ comb += self.imem.a_i_valid.eq(1)
+ comb += self.imem.f_i_valid.eq(1)
+ with m.Else():
+ # not busy (or fetch failed!): instruction fetched
+ # when fetch failed, the instruction gets ignored
+ # by the decoder
+ insn = get_insn(self.imem.f_instr_o, cur_state.pc)
+ if self.svp64_en:
+ svp64 = self.svp64
+ # decode the SVP64 prefix, if any
+ comb += svp64.raw_opcode_in.eq(insn)
+ comb += svp64.bigendian.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
+ # pass the decoded prefix (if any) to PowerDecoder2
+ sync += pdecode2.sv_rm.eq(svp64.svp64_rm)
+ sync += pdecode2.is_svp64_mode.eq(is_svp64_mode)
+ # remember whether this is a prefixed instruction,
+ # so the FSM can readily loop when VL==0
+ sync += is_svp64_mode.eq(svp64.is_svp64_mode)
+ # calculate the address of the following instruction
+ insn_size = Mux(svp64.is_svp64_mode, 8, 4)
+ sync += nia.eq(cur_state.pc + insn_size)
+ with m.If(~svp64.is_svp64_mode):
+ # with no prefix, store the instruction
+ # and hand it directly to the next FSM
+ sync += dec_opcode_o.eq(insn)
+ m.next = "INSN_READY"
+ with m.Else():
+ # fetch the rest of the instruction from memory
+ comb += self.imem.a_pc_i.eq(cur_state.pc + 4)
+ comb += self.imem.a_i_valid.eq(1)
+ comb += self.imem.f_i_valid.eq(1)
+ m.next = "INSN_READ2"
+ else:
+ # not SVP64 - 32-bit only
+ sync += nia.eq(cur_state.pc + 4)
+ sync += dec_opcode_o.eq(insn)
+ m.next = "INSN_READY"
+ with m.State("INSN_READ2"):
+ with m.If(self.imem.f_busy_o): # zzz...
+ # busy: stay in wait-read
+ comb += self.imem.a_i_valid.eq(1)
+ comb += self.imem.f_i_valid.eq(1)
+ with m.Else():
+ # not busy: instruction fetched
+ insn = get_insn(self.imem.f_instr_o, cur_state.pc+4)
+ sync += dec_opcode_o.eq(insn)
+ m.next = "INSN_READY"
+ with m.State("INSN_READY"):
+ # hand over the instruction, to be decoded
+ comb += fetch_insn_o_valid.eq(1)
+ with m.If(fetch_insn_i_ready):
+ m.next = "IDLE"
+ # whatever was done above, over-ride it if core reset is held
+ with m.If(self.core_rst):
+ sync += nia.eq(0)
+ return m
+class TestIssuerInternalInOrder(TestIssuerBase):
+ """TestIssuer - reads instructions from TestMemory and issues them
+ efficiency and speed is not the main goal here: functional correctness
+ and code clarity is. optimisations (which almost 100% interfere with
+ easy understanding) come later.
+ """
+ def issue_fsm(self, m, core, nia,
+ dbg, core_rst, is_svp64_mode,
+ fetch_pc_o_ready, fetch_pc_i_valid,
+ fetch_insn_o_valid, fetch_insn_i_ready,
+ exec_insn_i_valid, exec_insn_o_ready,
+ exec_pc_o_valid, exec_pc_i_ready):
+ """issue FSM
+ decode / issue FSM. this interacts with the "fetch" FSM
+ through fetch_insn_ready/valid (incoming) and fetch_pc_ready/valid
+ (outgoing). also interacts with the "execute" FSM
+ through exec_insn_ready/valid (outgoing) and exec_pc_ready/valid
+ (incoming).
+ SVP64 RM prefixes have already been set up by the
+ "fetch" phase, so execute is fairly straightforward.
+ """
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ sync = m.d.sync
+ pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
+ cur_state = self.cur_state
+ # temporaries
+ dec_opcode_i = pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in # raw opcode
+ # note if an exception happened. in a pipelined or OoO design
+ # this needs to be accompanied by "shadowing" (or stalling)
+ exc_happened = self.core.o.exc_happened
+ # also note instruction fetch failed
+ if hasattr(core, "icache"):
+ fetch_failed = core.icache.i_out.fetch_failed
+ flush_needed = True
+ # set to fault in decoder
+ # update (highest priority) instruction fault
+ rising_fetch_failed = rising_edge(m, fetch_failed)
+ with m.If(rising_fetch_failed):
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(1)
+ else:
+ fetch_failed = Const(0, 1)
+ flush_needed = False
+ with m.FSM(name="issue_fsm"):
+ # sync with the "fetch" phase which is reading the instruction
+ # at this point, there is no instruction running, that
+ # could inadvertently update the PC.
+ with m.State("ISSUE_START"):
+ # reset instruction fault
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
+ # wait on "core stop" release, before next fetch
+ # need to do this here, in case we are in a VL==0 loop
+ with m.If(~dbg.core_stop_o & ~core_rst):
+ comb += fetch_pc_i_valid.eq(1) # tell fetch to start
+ with m.If(fetch_pc_o_ready): # fetch acknowledged us
+ m.next = "INSN_WAIT"
+ with m.Else():
+ # tell core it's stopped, and acknowledge debug handshake
+ comb += dbg.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
+ # while stopped, allow updating the MSR, PC and SVSTATE
+ with m.If(self.pc_i.ok):
+ comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
+ comb += self.state_w_pc.i_data.eq(self.pc_i.data)
+ sync += self.pc_changed.eq(1)
+ with m.If(self.msr_i.ok):
+ comb += self.state_w_msr.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.MSR)
+ comb += self.state_w_msr.i_data.eq(self.msr_i.data)
+ sync += self.msr_changed.eq(1)
+ # wait for an instruction to arrive from Fetch
+ with m.State("INSN_WAIT"):
+ if self.allow_overlap:
+ stopping = dbg.stopping_o
+ else:
+ stopping = Const(0)
+ with m.If(stopping):
+ # stopping: jump back to idle
+ m.next = "ISSUE_START"
+ if flush_needed:
+ # request the icache to stop asserting "failed"
+ comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
+ # stop instruction fault
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += fetch_insn_i_ready.eq(1)
+ with m.If(fetch_insn_o_valid):
+ # loop into ISSUE_START if it's a SVP64 instruction
+ # and VL == 0. this because VL==0 is a for-loop
+ # from 0 to 0 i.e. always, always a NOP.
+ m.next = "DECODE_SV" # skip predication
+ # after src/dst step have been updated, we are ready
+ # to decode the instruction
+ with m.State("DECODE_SV"):
+ # decode the instruction
+ with m.If(~fetch_failed):
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
+ sync += core.i.e.eq(pdecode2.e)
+ sync += core.i.state.eq(cur_state)
+ sync += core.i.raw_insn_i.eq(dec_opcode_i)
+ sync += core.i.bigendian_i.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
+ # after decoding, reset any previous exception condition,
+ # allowing it to be set again during the next execution
+ sync += pdecode2.ldst_exc.eq(0)
+ m.next = "INSN_EXECUTE" # move to "execute"
+ # handshake with execution FSM, move to "wait" once acknowledged
+ with m.State("INSN_EXECUTE"):
+ comb += exec_insn_i_valid.eq(1) # trigger execute
+ with m.If(exec_insn_o_ready): # execute acknowledged us
+ m.next = "EXECUTE_WAIT"
+ with m.State("EXECUTE_WAIT"):
+ # wait on "core stop" release, at instruction end
+ # need to do this here, in case we are in a VL>1 loop
+ with m.If(~dbg.core_stop_o & ~core_rst):
+ comb += exec_pc_i_ready.eq(1)
+ # see https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=636
+ # the exception info needs to be blatted into
+ # pdecode.ldst_exc, and the instruction "re-run".
+ # when ldst_exc.happened is set, the PowerDecoder2
+ # reacts very differently: it re-writes the instruction
+ # with a "trap" (calls PowerDecoder2.trap()) which
+ # will *overwrite* whatever was requested and jump the
+ # PC to the exception address, as well as alter MSR.
+ # nothing else needs to be done other than to note
+ # the change of PC and MSR (and, later, SVSTATE)
+ with m.If(exc_happened):
+ mmu = core.fus.get_exc("mmu0")
+ ldst = core.fus.get_exc("ldst0")
+ if mmu is not None:
+ with m.If(fetch_failed):
+ # instruction fetch: exception is from MMU
+ # reset instr_fault (highest priority)
+ sync += pdecode2.ldst_exc.eq(mmu)
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
+ if flush_needed:
+ # request icache to stop asserting "failed"
+ comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
+ with m.If(~fetch_failed):
+ # otherwise assume it was a LDST exception
+ sync += pdecode2.ldst_exc.eq(ldst)
+ with m.If(exec_pc_o_valid):
+ # return directly to Decode if Execute generated an
+ # exception.
+ with m.If(pdecode2.ldst_exc.happened):
+ m.next = "DECODE_SV"
+ # if MSR, PC or SVSTATE were changed by the previous
+ # instruction, go directly back to Fetch, without
+ # updating either MSR PC or SVSTATE
+ with m.Elif(self.msr_changed | self.pc_changed |
+ self.sv_changed):
+ m.next = "ISSUE_START"
+ # returning to Execute? then, first update SRCSTEP
+ with m.Else():
+ # return to mask skip loop
+ m.next = "DECODE_SV"
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += dbg.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
+ if flush_needed:
+ # request the icache to stop asserting "failed"
+ comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
+ # stop instruction fault
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
+ if flush_needed:
+ # request the icache to stop asserting "failed"
+ comb += core.icache.flush_in.eq(1)
+ # stop instruction fault
+ sync += pdecode2.instr_fault.eq(0)
+ # while stopped, allow updating the MSR, PC and SVSTATE
+ with m.If(self.msr_i.ok):
+ comb += self.state_w_msr.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.MSR)
+ comb += self.state_w_msr.i_data.eq(self.msr_i.data)
+ sync += self.msr_changed.eq(1)
+ with m.If(self.pc_i.ok):
+ comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
+ comb += self.state_w_pc.i_data.eq(self.pc_i.data)
+ sync += self.pc_changed.eq(1)
+ def execute_fsm(self, m, core,
+ exec_insn_i_valid, exec_insn_o_ready,
+ exec_pc_o_valid, exec_pc_i_ready):
+ """execute FSM
+ execute FSM. this interacts with the "issue" FSM
+ through exec_insn_ready/valid (incoming) and exec_pc_ready/valid
+ (outgoing). SVP64 RM prefixes have already been set up by the
+ "issue" phase, so execute is fairly straightforward.
+ """
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ sync = m.d.sync
+ pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
+ # temporaries
+ core_busy_o = core.n.o_data.busy_o # core is busy
+ core_ivalid_i = core.p.i_valid # instruction is valid
+ if hasattr(core, "icache"):
+ fetch_failed = core.icache.i_out.fetch_failed
+ else:
+ fetch_failed = Const(0, 1)
+ with m.FSM(name="exec_fsm"):
+ # waiting for instruction bus (stays there until not busy)
+ with m.State("INSN_START"):
+ comb += exec_insn_o_ready.eq(1)
+ with m.If(exec_insn_i_valid):
+ comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid/issued
+ sync += self.sv_changed.eq(0)
+ sync += self.pc_changed.eq(0)
+ sync += self.msr_changed.eq(0)
+ with m.If(core.p.o_ready): # only move if accepted
+ m.next = "INSN_ACTIVE" # move to "wait completion"
+ # instruction started: must wait till it finishes
+ with m.State("INSN_ACTIVE"):
+ # note changes to MSR, PC and SVSTATE
+ # XXX oops, really must monitor *all* State Regfile write
+ # ports looking for changes!
+ with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1 << StateRegs.SVSTATE)):
+ sync += self.sv_changed.eq(1)
+ with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1 << StateRegs.MSR)):
+ sync += self.msr_changed.eq(1)
+ with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1 << StateRegs.PC)):
+ sync += self.pc_changed.eq(1)
+ with m.If(~core_busy_o): # instruction done!
+ comb += exec_pc_o_valid.eq(1)
+ with m.If(exec_pc_i_ready):
+ # when finished, indicate "done".
+ # however, if there was an exception, the instruction
+ # is *not* yet done. this is an implementation
+ # detail: we choose to implement exceptions by
+ # taking the exception information from the LDST
+ # unit, putting that *back* into the PowerDecoder2,
+ # and *re-running the entire instruction*.
+ # if we erroneously indicate "done" here, it is as if
+ # there were *TWO* instructions:
+ # 1) the failed LDST 2) a TRAP.
+ with m.If(~pdecode2.ldst_exc.happened &
+ ~fetch_failed):
+ comb += self.insn_done.eq(1)
+ m.next = "INSN_START" # back to fetch
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = super().elaborate(platform)
+ # convenience
+ comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
+ cur_state = self.cur_state
+ pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
+ dbg = self.dbg
+ core = self.core
+ # set up peripherals and core
+ core_rst = self.core_rst
+ # indicate to outside world if any FU is still executing
+ comb += self.any_busy.eq(core.n.o_data.any_busy_o) # any FU executing
+ # address of the next instruction, in the absence of a branch
+ # depends on the instruction size
+ nia = Signal(64)
+ # connect up debug signals
+ comb += dbg.terminate_i.eq(core.o.core_terminate_o)
+ # there are *THREE^WFOUR-if-SVP64-enabled* FSMs, fetch (32/64-bit)
+ # issue, decode/execute, now joined by "Predicate fetch/calculate".
+ # these are the handshake signals between each
+ # fetch FSM can run as soon as the PC is valid
+ fetch_pc_i_valid = Signal() # Execute tells Fetch "start next read"
+ fetch_pc_o_ready = Signal() # Fetch Tells SVSTATE "proceed"
+ # fetch FSM hands over the instruction to be decoded / issued
+ fetch_insn_o_valid = Signal()
+ fetch_insn_i_ready = Signal()
+ # issue FSM delivers the instruction to the be executed
+ exec_insn_i_valid = Signal()
+ exec_insn_o_ready = Signal()
+ # execute FSM, hands over the PC/SVSTATE back to the issue FSM
+ exec_pc_o_valid = Signal()
+ exec_pc_i_ready = Signal()
+ # the FSMs here are perhaps unusual in that they detect conditions
+ # then "hold" information, combinatorially, for the core
+ # (as opposed to using sync - which would be on a clock's delay)
+ # this includes the actual opcode, valid flags and so on.
+ # Fetch, then predicate fetch, then Issue, then Execute.
+ # Issue is where the VL for-loop # lives. the ready/valid
+ # signalling is used to communicate between the four.
+ # set up Fetch FSM
+ fetch = FetchFSM(self.allow_overlap, self.svp64_en,
+ self.imem, core_rst, pdecode2, cur_state,
+ dbg, core,
+ dbg.state.svstate, # combinatorially same
+ nia)
+ m.submodules.fetch = fetch
+ # connect up in/out data to existing Signals
+ comb += fetch.p.i_data.pc.eq(dbg.state.pc) # combinatorially same
+ comb += fetch.p.i_data.msr.eq(dbg.state.msr) # combinatorially same
+ # and the ready/valid signalling
+ comb += fetch_pc_o_ready.eq(fetch.p.o_ready)
+ comb += fetch.p.i_valid.eq(fetch_pc_i_valid)
+ comb += fetch_insn_o_valid.eq(fetch.n.o_valid)
+ comb += fetch.n.i_ready.eq(fetch_insn_i_ready)
+ self.issue_fsm(m, core, nia,
+ dbg, core_rst,
+ fetch_pc_o_ready, fetch_pc_i_valid,
+ fetch_insn_o_valid, fetch_insn_i_ready,
+ exec_insn_i_valid, exec_insn_o_ready,
+ exec_pc_o_valid, exec_pc_i_ready)
+ self.execute_fsm(m, core,
+ exec_insn_i_valid, exec_insn_o_ready,
+ exec_pc_o_valid, exec_pc_i_ready)
+ return m
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ units = {'alu': 1, 'cr': 1, 'branch': 1, 'trap': 1, 'logical': 1,
+ 'spr': 1,
+ 'div': 1,
+ 'mul': 1,
+ 'shiftrot': 1
+ }
+ pspec = TestMemPspec(ldst_ifacetype='bare_wb',
+ imem_ifacetype='bare_wb',
+ addr_wid=48,
+ mask_wid=8,
+ reg_wid=64,
+ units=units)
+ dut = TestIssuer(pspec)
+ vl = main(dut, ports=dut.ports(), name="test_issuer")
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.external_ports(), name="test_issuer")
+ with open("test_issuer.il", "w") as f:
+ f.write(vl)