* A third FSM activates to cover ST. it activates if op_is_st is true
+ * TODO document DCBZ (not complete yet)
* The "overall" (fourth) FSM coordinates the progression and completion
of the three other FSMs, firing "WR_RESET" which switches off "busy"
comb += pi.data_len.eq(oper_r.data_len) # data_len
# address: use sync to avoid long latency
sync += pi.addr.data.eq(addr_r) # EA from adder
+ sync += Display("EA from adder %i op_is_dcbz %i",addr_r,op_is_dcbz)
+ sync += pi.is_dcbz.eq(op_is_dcbz) # set dcbz
sync += pi.addr.ok.eq(alu_ok & lsd_l.q) # "do address stuff" (once)
comb += self.exc_o.eq(pi.exc_o) # exception occurred
comb += addr_ok.eq(self.pi.addr_ok_o) # no exc, address fine