modnames[name] = 0
+def get_runlengths(pbit, size):
+ res = []
+ count = 1
+ # identify where the 1s are, which indicates "start of a new partition"
+ # we want a list of the lengths of all partitions
+ for i in range(size):
+ if pbit & (1<<i): # it's a 1: ends old partition, starts new
+ res.append(count) # add partition
+ count = 1 # start again
+ else:
+ count += 1
+ # end reached, add whatever is left. could have done this by creating
+ # "fake" extra bit on the partitions, but hey
+ res.append(count)
+ return res
# Prototype
# this provides a "compatibility" layer with existing SimdSignal
# behaviour. the idea is that this interface defines which "combinations"
def get_cases(self):
return range(1 << len(self.get_mask()))
+ def get_num_elements(self, pbit):
+ keys = list(self.psig.partpoints.keys())
+ return len(get_runlengths(pbit, len(keys)))
+ def get_el_range(self, pbit, el_num):
+ """based on the element number and the current elwid/pbit (case)
+ return the range start/end of the element within its underlying signal
+ this function is not at all designed to be efficient.
+ """
+ keys = list(self.psig.partpoints.keys())
+ runs = get_runlengths(pbit, len(keys))
+ keys = [0] + keys + [len(self.psig.sig)]
+ y = 0
+ numparts = runs[0]
+ for i in range(el_num):
+ y += numparts
+ numparts = runs[i]
+ return range(keys[y], keys[y+numparts])
def blanklanes(self):
return 0