carry_in = dut.i.xer_ca[0]
carry_in32 = dut.i.xer_ca[1]
carry_out = dut.o.xer_ca
- o = dut.o.o
+ o =
# setup random inputs
comb += [a.eq(AnyConst(64)),
comb += a_signed.eq(a)
comb += a_signed_32.eq(a[0:32])
+ # must check Data.ok
+ o_ok = Signal()
+ comb += o_ok.eq(1)
# main assertion of arithmetic operations
with m.Switch(rec.insn_type):
with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_SHL):
comb += Assume(ra == 0)
with m.If(rec.is_32bit):
comb += Assert(o[32:64] == 0)
with m.Else():
comb += Assert(o == ((a << b[0:7]) & ((1 << 64)-1)))
with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_SHR):
comb += Assume(ra == 0)
with m.If(~rec.is_signed):
comb += Assert(o[32:64] == Repl(a[31], 32))
with m.Else():
comb += Assert(o == (a_signed >> b[0:7]))
- #with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_RLC):
- #with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_RLCR):
- #with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_RLCL):
+ with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_RLC):
+ pass
+ with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_RLCR):
+ pass
+ with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_RLCL):
+ pass
+ with m.Default():
+ comb += o_ok.eq(0)
+ # check that data ok was only enabled when op actioned
+ comb += Assert(dut.o.o.ok == o_ok)
return m