--- /dev/null
+(* blackbox = 1 *)
+module SPBlock_512W64B8W(input [8:0] a,
+ input [63:0] d,
+ output [63:0] q,
+ input [7:0] we,
+ input clk);
+endmodule // SPBlock_512W64B8W
--- /dev/null
+-- Phony VHDL interface for SRAM block.
+entity SPBlock_512W64B8W is
+ port ( clk : in bit
+ ; we : in bit_vector( 7 downto 0)
+ ; a : in bit_vector( 8 downto 0)
+ ; d : in bit_vector(63 downto 0)
+ ; q : out bit_vector(63 downto 0)
+ ; vdd : in bit
+ ; vss : in bit
+ );
+end SPBlock_512W64B8W;
+architecture behavioral of SPBlock_512W64B8W is
+end behavioral;
--- /dev/null
+# full core build including QTY 4of 4k SRAMs: please remember to alter
+# doDesign.py before running!
+# change the settings to the larger chip/corona size
+echo "remember to check doDesign core size"
+# initialise/update the pinmux submodule
+git submodule update --init --remote
+# makes symlinks to alliance
+# generates the io pads needed for ioring.py
+make pinmux
+# clear out
+make clean
+rm *.vst *.ap
+# copies over a "full" core
+cp non_generated/full_core_4_4ksram_ls180.il ls180.il
+# make the vst from ilang
+make vst
+# starts the build.
+make lvx
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from helpers import l, u, n
+import os
+import json
+def _byteify(data, ignore_dicts = False):
+ # if this is a unicode string, return its string representation
+ if isinstance(data, unicode):
+ return data.encode('utf-8')
+ # if this is a list of values, return list of byteified values
+ if isinstance(data, list):
+ return [ _byteify(item, ignore_dicts=True) for item in data ]
+ # if this is a dictionary, return dictionary of byteified keys and values
+ # but only if we haven't already byteified it
+ if isinstance(data, dict) and not ignore_dicts:
+ return dict((_byteify(key, ignore_dicts=True),
+ _byteify(value, ignore_dicts=True))
+ for key, value in data.iteritems())
+ # if it's anything else, return it in its original form
+ return data
+# load JSON-formatted pad info from pinmux
+pth = os.path.abspath(__file__)
+pth = os.path.split(pth)[0]
+print "path", pth
+with open("%s/ls180/litex_pinpads.json" % pth) as f:
+ txt = f.read()
+chip = json.loads(txt, object_hook=_byteify)
+chip = _byteify(chip, ignore_dicts=True)
+print chip
+chip.update({ 'pads.ioPadGauge' : 'pxlib',
+ # core option (big, time-consuming)
+ #'core.size' : ( l(28000), l(28000) ),
+ #'chip.size' : ( l(30200), l(30200) ),
+ # no-core option (test_issuer but no actual core)
+ 'core.size' : ( l(13000), l(13000) ),
+ 'chip.size' : ( l(14400), l(14400) ),
+ 'pads.useCoreSize': True,
+ 'chip.clockTree' : True,
+ })
--- /dev/null
+from Hurricane import DebugSession
+#DebugSession.addToTrace( katana.getCell().getNet( 'cu_issue_i' ) )
+#DebugSession.addToTrace( katana.getCell().getNet( 'cu_wr_rel_o(2)' ) )
+#DebugSession.addToTrace( katana.getCell().getNet( 'xer_so_ok' ) )
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# -*- Mode:Python -*-
+import Cfg
+import CRL
+import Viewer
+from helpers.overlay import CfgCache
+import symbolic.cmos45 # do not remove
+import os
+if os.environ.has_key('CELLS_TOP'):
+ cellsTop = os.environ['CELLS_TOP']
+ cellsTop = '../../../alliance-check-toolkit/cells'
+with CfgCache('', priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.UserFile) as cfg:
+ cfg.misc.catchCore = False
+ cfg.misc.info = False
+ cfg.misc.paranoid = False
+ cfg.misc.bug = False
+ cfg.misc.logMode = True
+ cfg.misc.verboseLevel1 = True
+ cfg.misc.verboseLevel2 = True
+ cfg.anabatic.edgeLenght = 24
+ cfg.anabatic.edgeWidth = 8
+ cfg.anabatic.topRoutingLayer = 'METAL5'
+ cfg.etesian.graphics = 3
+ #cfg.katana.searchHalo = 30
+ #cfg.katana.eventsLimit = 1000000
+ #cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 7
+ # Run 2 (make-cgt-2.log)
+ #cfg.etesian.effort = 2
+ #cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ #cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.05
+ #cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
+ #cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 4
+ #cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 4
+ # Run 3 (make-cgt-3.log)
+ #cfg.etesian.effort = 2
+ #cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = False
+ #cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.05
+ #cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
+ #cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 5
+ #cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 5
+ # Run 4 (make-cgt-4.log)
+ #cfg.etesian.effort = 2
+ #cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ #cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.05
+ #cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
+ # Run 5 (make-cgt-5.log)
+ cfg.etesian.effort = 2
+ cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.05
+ cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
+ cfg.katana.useGlobalEstimate = False
+ cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 7
+ cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 6
+ cfg.katana.bloatOverloadAdd = 4
+ cfg.conductor.stopLevel = 0
+ cfg.conductor.maxPlaceIterations = 2
+ cfg.conductor.useFixedAbHeight = False
+ env = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getEnvironment()
+ env.setCLOCK( '^sys_clk$|^ck|^jtag_tck$' )
+ env.addSYSTEM_LIBRARY(library=cellsTop+'/niolib',
+ mode=CRL.Environment.Prepend )
+ env.addSYSTEM_LIBRARY(library=cellsTop+'/nsxlib',
+ mode=CRL.Environment.Prepend )
+ env.setPOWER ('vdd')
+ env.setGROUND('vss')
+Viewer.Graphics.setStyle('Alliance.Classic [black]')
+print( ' o Successfully run "<>/coriolis2/settings.py".' )
+print( ' - CELLS_TOP = "{}"'.format(cellsTop) )
--- /dev/null
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import json
+import sys
+import traceback
+import CRL
+import helpers
+from helpers.io import ErrorMessage, WarningMessage
+from helpers import trace, l, u, n
+import plugins
+from Hurricane import DbU
+from plugins.alpha.block.configuration import IoPin, GaugeConf
+from plugins.alpha.block.iospecs import IoSpecs
+from plugins.alpha.block.block import Block
+from plugins.alpha.core2chip.libresocio import CoreToChip
+from plugins.alpha.chip.configuration import ChipConf
+from plugins.alpha.chip.chip import Chip
+af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
+def scriptMain (**kw):
+ """The mandatory function to be called by Coriolis CGT/Unicorn."""
+ global af
+ rvalue = True
+ coreSize = 5200.0
+ chipBorder = 2*214.0 + 10*13.0
+ ioSpecs = IoSpecs()
+ ioSpecs.loadFromPinmux( './non_generated/litex_pinpads.json' )
+ try:
+ #helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
+ cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
+ cell = af.getCell( 'ls180', CRL.Catalog.State.Logical )
+ if cell is None:
+ print( ErrorMessage( 2, 'doDesign.scriptMain(): Unable to load cell "{}".' \
+ .format('ls180') ))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if editor: editor.setCell( cell )
+ ls180Conf = ChipConf( cell, ioPads=ioSpecs.ioPadsSpec )
+ ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.bloat = 'nsxlib'
+ ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
+ ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.05
+ ls180Conf.cfg.anabatic.searchHalo = 2
+ ls180Conf.cfg.anabatic.globalIterations = 20
+ ls180Conf.cfg.anabatic.topRoutingLayer = 'METAL5'
+ ls180Conf.cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 6
+ ls180Conf.cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 3
+ ls180Conf.cfg.katana.hTracksReservedMin = 3
+ ls180Conf.cfg.katana.vTracksReservedMin = 1
+ ls180Conf.cfg.block.spareSide = u(200)
+ ls180Conf.cfg.chip.supplyRailWidth = u(35)
+ ls180Conf.cfg.chip.supplyRailPitch = u(90)
+ ls180Conf.editor = editor
+ ls180Conf.useSpares = True
+ ls180Conf.useClockTree = True
+ ls180Conf.useHFNS = False
+ ls180Conf.bColumns = 2
+ ls180Conf.bRows = 2
+ ls180Conf.chipConf.name = 'chip'
+ ls180Conf.chipConf.ioPadGauge = 'LibreSOCIO'
+ ls180Conf.coreSize = (u(coreSize), u(coreSize))
+ ls180Conf.chipSize = (u(coreSize + chipBorder), u(coreSize + chipBorder))
+ ls180ToChip = CoreToChip( ls180Conf )
+ ls180ToChip.buildChip()
+ chipBuilder = Chip( ls180Conf )
+ rvalue = chipBuilder.doPnR()
+ chipBuilder.save()
+ CRL.Gds.save( ls180Conf.chip )
+ except Exception, e:
+ helpers.io.catch(e)
+ rvalue = False
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ return rvalue
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file