based on Anton Blanchard microwatt icache.vhdl
+Set associative icache
+TODO (in no specific order):
+* Add debug interface to inspect cache content
+* Add snoop/invalidate path
+* Add multi-hit error detection
+* Pipelined bus interface (wb or axi)
+* Maybe add parity? There's a few bits free in each BRAM row on Xilinx
+* Add optimization: service hits on partially loaded lines
+* Add optimization: (maybe) interrupt reload on fluch/redirect
+* Check if playing with the geometry of the cache tags allow for more
+ efficient use of distributed RAM and less logic/muxes. Currently we
+ write TAG_BITS width which may not match full ram blocks and might
+ cause muxes to be inferred for "partial writes".
+* Check if making the read size of PLRU a ROM helps utilization
from enum import Enum, unique
from nmigen import (Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Cat, Signal)
from nmutil.iocontrol import RecordObject
from nmutil.byterev import byte_reverse
from nmutil.mask import Mask
+from nmigen.util import log2_int
+from soc.experiment.mem_types import Fetch1ToICacheType,
+ ICacheToDecode1Type,
+ MMUToICacheType
+from experiment.wb_types import WB_ADDR_BITS, WB_DATA_BITS, WB_SEL_BITS,
+ WBAddrType, WBDataType, WBSelType,
+ WbMasterOut, WBSlaveOut,
+ WBMasterOutVector, WBSlaveOutVector,
+ WBIOMasterOut, WBIOSlaveOut
-from soc.experiment.mem_types import (LoadStore1ToMmuType,
- MmuToLoadStore1Type,
- MmuToDcacheType,
- DcacheToMmuType,
- MmuToIcacheType)
-# -- Set associative icache
-# --
-# -- TODO (in no specific order):
-# --
-# -- * Add debug interface to inspect cache content
-# -- * Add snoop/invalidate path
-# -- * Add multi-hit error detection
-# -- * Pipelined bus interface (wb or axi)
-# -- * Maybe add parity? There's a few bits free in each BRAM row on Xilinx
-# -- * Add optimization: service hits on partially loaded lines
-# -- * Add optimization: (maybe) interrupt reload on fluch/redirect
-# -- * Check if playing with the geometry of the cache tags allow for more
-# -- efficient use of distributed RAM and less logic/muxes. Currently we
-# -- write TAG_BITS width which may not match full ram blocks and might
-# -- cause muxes to be inferred for "partial writes".
-# -- * Check if making the read size of PLRU a ROM helps utilization
-# --
-# library ieee;
-# use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-# use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-# library work;
-# use work.utils.all;
-# use work.common.all;
-# use work.wishbone_types.all;
+# Cache reload state machine
+class State(Enum):
+# type reg_internal_t is record
+# -- Cache hit state (Latches for 1 cycle BRAM access)
+# hit_way : way_t;
+# hit_nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+# hit_smark : std_ulogic;
+# hit_valid : std_ulogic;
+# -- Cache miss state (reload state machine)
+# state : state_t;
+# wb : wishbone_master_out;
+# store_way : way_t;
+# store_index : index_t;
+# store_row : row_t;
+# store_tag : cache_tag_t;
+# store_valid : std_ulogic;
+# end_row_ix : row_in_line_t;
+# rows_valid : row_per_line_valid_t;
+# -- TLB miss state
+# fetch_failed : std_ulogic;
+# end record;
+class RegInternal(RecordObject):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ # Cache hit state (Latches for 1 cycle BRAM access)
+ self.hit_way = Signal(NUM_WAYS)
+ self.hit_nia = Signal(64)
+ self.hit_smark = Signal()
+ self.hit_valid = Signal()
+ # Cache miss state (reload state machine)
+ self.state = State()
+ self.wb = WBMasterOut()
+ self.store_way = Signal(NUM_WAYS)
+ self.store_index = Signal(NUM_LINES)
+ self.store_row = Signal(BRAM_ROWS)
+ self.store_tag = Signal(TAG_BITS)
+ self.store_valid = Signal()
+ self.end_row_ix = Signal(ROW_LINE_BITS)
+ self.rows_valid = RowPerLineValidArray()
+ # TLB miss state
+ self.fetch_failed = Signal()
# -- 64 bit direct mapped icache. All instructions are 4B aligned.
# entity icache is
# log_out : out std_ulogic_vector(53 downto 0)
# );
# end entity icache;
+# 64 bit direct mapped icache. All instructions are 4B aligned.
+class ICache(Elaboratable):
+ """64 bit direct mapped icache. All instructions are 4B aligned."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.SIM = 0
+ self.LINE_SIZE = 64
+ # BRAM organisation: We never access more than wishbone_data_bits
+ # at a time so to save resources we make the array only that wide,
+ # and use consecutive indices for to make a cache "line"
+ #
+ # ROW_SIZE is the width in bytes of the BRAM (based on WB, so 64-bits)
+ self.ROW_SIZE = WB_DATA_BITS / 8
+ # Number of lines in a set
+ self.NUM_LINES = 32
+ # Number of ways
+ self.NUM_WAYS = 4
+ # L1 ITLB number of entries (direct mapped)
+ self.TLB_SIZE = 64
+ # L1 ITLB log_2(page_size)
+ self.TLB_LG_PGSZ = 12
+ # Number of real address bits that we store
+ self.REAL_ADDR_BITS = 56
+ # Non-zero to enable log data collection
+ self.LOG_LENGTH = 0
+ self.i_in = Fetch1ToICacheType()
+ self.i_out = ICacheToDecode1Type()
+ self.m_in = MMUToICacheType()
+ self.stall_in = Signal()
+ self.stall_out = Signal()
+ self.flush_in = Signal()
+ self.inval_in = Signal()
+ self.wb_out = WBMasterOut()
+ self.wb_in = WBSlaveOut()
+ self.log_out = Signal(54)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
# architecture rtl of icache is
# constant ROW_SIZE_BITS : natural := ROW_SIZE*8;
# -- ROW_PER_LINE is the number of row (wishbone transactions) in a line
# constant TAG_BITS : natural := REAL_ADDR_BITS - SET_SIZE_BITS;
# -- WAY_BITS is the number of bits to select a way
# constant WAY_BITS : natural := log2(NUM_WAYS);
+ # ROW_PER_LINE is the number of row
+ # (wishbone) transactions in a line
+ # BRAM_ROWS is the number of rows in
+ # BRAM needed to represent the full icache
+ # INSN_PER_ROW is the number of 32bit
+ # instructions per BRAM row
+ # Bit fields counts in the address
+ #
+ # INSN_BITS is the number of bits to
+ # select an instruction in a row
+ INSN_BITS = log2_int(INSN_PER_ROW)
+ # ROW_BITS is the number of bits to
+ # select a row
+ ROW_BITS = log2_int(BRAM_ROWS)
+ # ROW_LINEBITS is the number of bits to
+ # select a row within a line
+ # LINE_OFF_BITS is the number of bits for
+ # the offset in a cache line
+ # ROW_OFF_BITS is the number of bits for
+ # the offset in a row
+ ROW_OFF_BITS = log2_int(ROW_SIZE)
+ # INDEX_BITS is the number of bits to
+ # select a cache line
+ INDEX_BITS = log2_int(NUM_LINES)
+ # SET_SIZE_BITS is the log base 2 of
+ # the set size
+ # TAG_BITS is the number of bits of
+ # the tag part of the address
+ # WAY_BITS is the number of bits to
+ # select a way
+ WAY_BITS = log2_int(NUM_WAYS)
# -- Example of layout for 32 lines of 64 bytes:
# --
# -- .. tag |index| line |
# -- .. |----- ---| | ROW_BITS (8)
# -- .. |-----| | INDEX_BITS (5)
# -- .. --------| | TAG_BITS (53)
+ # Example of layout for 32 lines of 64 bytes:
+ #
+ # .. tag |index| line |
+ # .. | row | |
+ # .. | | | |00| zero (2)
+ # .. | | |-| | INSN_BITS (1)
+ # .. | |---| | ROW_LINEBITS (3)
+ # .. | |--- - --| LINE_OFF_BITS (6)
+ # .. | |- --| ROW_OFF_BITS (3)
+ # .. |----- ---| | ROW_BITS (8)
+ # .. |-----| | INDEX_BITS (5)
+ # .. --------| | TAG_BITS (53)
# subtype row_t is integer range 0 to BRAM_ROWS-1;
# subtype index_t is integer range 0 to NUM_LINES-1;
# subtype way_t is integer range 0 to NUM_WAYS-1;
# constant TAG_RAM_WIDTH : natural := TAG_BITS * NUM_WAYS;
# subtype cache_tags_set_t is std_logic_vector(TAG_RAM_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
# type cache_tags_array_t is array(index_t) of cache_tags_set_t;
+ def CacheTagArray():
+ return Array(Signal(TAG_RAM_WIDTH) for x in range(NUM_LINES))
# -- The cache valid bits
# subtype cache_way_valids_t is std_ulogic_vector(NUM_WAYS-1 downto 0);
# type cache_valids_t is array(index_t) of cache_way_valids_t;
# type row_per_line_valid_t is array(0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1) of std_ulogic;
+ def CacheValidBitsArray():
+ return Array(Signal() for x in ROW_PER_LINE)
+ def RowPerLineValidArray():
+ return Array(Signal() for x in range ROW_PER_LINE)
# -- Storage. Hopefully "cache_rows" is a BRAM, the rest is LUTs
# signal cache_tags : cache_tags_array_t;
# signal cache_valids : cache_valids_t;
+ # Storage. Hopefully "cache_rows" is a BRAM, the rest is LUTs
+ cache_tags = CacheTagArray()
+ cache_valid_bits = CacheValidBitsArray()
# attribute ram_style : string;
# attribute ram_style of cache_tags : signal is "distributed";
+ # TODO to be passed to nigmen as ram attributes
+ # attribute ram_style : string;
+ # attribute ram_style of cache_tags : signal is "distributed";
# -- L1 ITLB.
# constant TLB_BITS : natural := log2(TLB_SIZE);
# constant TLB_EA_TAG_BITS : natural := 64 - (TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_BITS);
# constant TLB_PTE_BITS : natural := 64;
+ TLB_BITS = log2_int(TLB_SIZE)
# subtype tlb_index_t is integer range 0 to TLB_SIZE - 1;
# type tlb_valids_t is array(tlb_index_t) of std_ulogic;
# subtype tlb_tag_t is std_ulogic_vector(TLB_EA_TAG_BITS - 1 downto 0);
# type tlb_tags_t is array(tlb_index_t) of tlb_tag_t;
# subtype tlb_pte_t is std_ulogic_vector(TLB_PTE_BITS - 1 downto 0);
# type tlb_ptes_t is array(tlb_index_t) of tlb_pte_t;
+ def TLBValidBitsArray():
+ return Array(Signal() for x in range(TLB_SIZE))
+ def TLBTagArray():
+ return Array(Signal(TLB_EA_TAG_BITS) for x in range(TLB_SIZE))
+ def TLBPTEArray():
+ return Array(Signal(LTB_PTE_BITS) for x in range(TLB_SIZE))
# signal itlb_valids : tlb_valids_t;
# signal itlb_tags : tlb_tags_t;
# signal itlb_ptes : tlb_ptes_t;
# attribute ram_style of itlb_tags : signal is "distributed";
# attribute ram_style of itlb_ptes : signal is "distributed";
+ itlb_valid_bits = TLBValidBitsArray()
+ itlb_tags = TLBTagArray()
+ itlb_ptes = TLBPTEArray()
+ # TODO to be passed to nmigen as ram attributes
+ # attribute ram_style of itlb_tags : signal is "distributed";
+ # attribute ram_style of itlb_ptes : signal is "distributed";
# -- Privilege bit from PTE EAA field
# signal eaa_priv : std_ulogic;
-# -- Cache reload state machine
-# type state_t is (IDLE, CLR_TAG, WAIT_ACK);
-# type reg_internal_t is record
-# -- Cache hit state (Latches for 1 cycle BRAM access)
-# hit_way : way_t;
-# hit_nia : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
-# hit_smark : std_ulogic;
-# hit_valid : std_ulogic;
-# -- Cache miss state (reload state machine)
-# state : state_t;
-# wb : wishbone_master_out;
-# store_way : way_t;
-# store_index : index_t;
-# store_row : row_t;
-# store_tag : cache_tag_t;
-# store_valid : std_ulogic;
-# end_row_ix : row_in_line_t;
-# rows_valid : row_per_line_valid_t;
-# -- TLB miss state
-# fetch_failed : std_ulogic;
-# end record;
+ # Privilege bit from PTE EAA field
+ eaa_priv = Signal()
# signal r : reg_internal_t;
+ r = RegInternal()
# -- Async signals on incoming request
# signal req_index : index_t;
# signal req_row : row_t;
# signal req_is_hit : std_ulogic;
# signal req_is_miss : std_ulogic;
# signal req_laddr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ # Async signal on incoming request
+ req_index = Signal(NUM_LINES)
+ req_row = Signal(BRAM_ROWS)
+ req_hit_way = Signal(NUM_WAYS)
+ req_tag = Signal(TAG_BITS)
+ req_is_hit = Signal()
+ req_is_miss = Signal()
+ req_laddr = Signal(64)
# signal tlb_req_index : tlb_index_t;
# signal real_addr : std_ulogic_vector(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto 0);
# signal ra_valid : std_ulogic;
# signal priv_fault : std_ulogic;
# signal access_ok : std_ulogic;
# signal use_previous : std_ulogic;
+ tlb_req_index = Signal(TLB_SIZE)
+ real_addr = Signal(REAL_ADDR_BITS)
+ ra_valid = Signal()
+ priv_fault = Signal()
+ access_ok = Signal()
+ use_previous = Signal()
# -- Cache RAM interface
# type cache_ram_out_t is array(way_t) of cache_row_t;
# signal cache_out : cache_ram_out_t;
+ # Cache RAM interface
+ def CacheRamOut():
+ return Array(Signal(ROW_SIZE_BITS) for x in range(NUM_WAYS))
+ cache_out = CacheRamOut()
# -- PLRU output interface
# type plru_out_t is array(index_t) of
# std_ulogic_vector(WAY_BITS-1 downto 0);
# signal plru_victim : plru_out_t;
# signal replace_way : way_t;
+ # PLRU output interface
+ def PLRUOut():
+ return Array(Signal(WAY_BITS) for x in range(NUM_LINES))
+ plru_victim = PLRUOut()
+ replace_way = Signal(NUM_WAYS)
# -- Return the cache line index (tag index) for an address
# function get_index(addr: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0))
# return index_t is