# There's no field, just have to grab it directly from the insn
comb += lut.eq(op.insn[6:10])
- # Get the bit selector fields from the instruction
+ # Get the bit selector fields from the
+ # instruction. This operation takes in the little CR
+ # bitfields, so these fields need to get truncated to
+ # the least significant 2 bits
BT = xl_fields.BT[0:-1]
BA = xl_fields.BA[0:-1]
BB = xl_fields.BB[0:-1]
ba = Signal(2, reset_less=True)
bb = Signal(2, reset_less=True)
+ # Stupid bit ordering stuff
comb += bt.eq(3-BT[0:2])
comb += ba.eq(3-BA[0:2])
comb += bb.eq(3-BB[0:2])
- # Extract the two input bits from the CR
+ # Extract the two input bits from the CRs
bit_a = Signal(reset_less=True)
bit_b = Signal(reset_less=True)
comb += bit_a.eq(cr_a_arr[ba])
comb += bit_b.eq(cr_b_arr[bb])
+ # look up the output bit in the lookup table
bit_o = Signal()
comb += bit_o.eq(Mux(bit_b,
Mux(bit_a, lut[3], lut[1]),
Mux(bit_a, lut[2], lut[0])))
+ # insert the output bit into the 4-bit CR output
comb += cr_o_arr[bt].eq(bit_o)
- # ##### mtcrf #####
- # with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_MTCRF):
- # # mtocrf and mtcrf are essentially identical
- # # put input (RA) - mask-selected - into output CR, leave
- # # rest of CR alone.
- # comb += cr_o.eq((a[0:32] & mask) | (cr & ~mask))
+ ##### mtcrf #####
+ with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_MTCRF):
+ # mtocrf and mtcrf are essentially identical
+ # put input (RA) - mask-selected - into output CR, leave
+ # rest of CR alone.
+ comb += self.o.full_cr.eq((a[0:32] & mask) |
+ (self.i.full_cr & ~mask))
# ##### mfcr #####
- # with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_MFCR):
- # # Ugh. mtocrf and mtcrf have one random bit differentiating
- # # them. This bit is not in any particular field, so this
- # # extracts that bit from the instruction
- # move_one = Signal(reset_less=True)
- # comb += move_one.eq(op.insn[20])
- # # mfocrf
- # with m.If(move_one):
- # comb += self.o.o.eq(cr & mask) # output register RT
- # # mfcrf
- # with m.Else():
- # comb += self.o.o.eq(cr) # output register RT
+ with m.Case(InternalOp.OP_MFCR):
+ # Ugh. mtocrf and mtcrf have one random bit differentiating
+ # them. This bit is not in any particular field, so this
+ # extracts that bit from the instruction
+ move_one = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ comb += move_one.eq(op.insn[20])
+ # mfocrf
+ with m.If(move_one):
+ # output register RT
+ comb += self.o.o.eq(self.i.full_cr & mask)
+ # mfcrf
+ with m.Else():
+ # output register RT
+ comb += self.o.o.eq(self.i.full_cr)
comb += self.o.ctx.eq(self.i.ctx)
cr = 0xfeff0000
self.run_tst_program(Program(lst), initial_cr=cr)
- @unittest.skip("broken")
def test_mtcrf(self):
for i in range(20):
mask = random.randint(0, 255)
initial_regs[2] = random.randint(0, (1<<32)-1)
self.run_tst_program(Program(lst), initial_regs=initial_regs,
- @unittest.skip("broken")
def test_mtocrf(self):
for i in range(20):
mask = 1<<random.randint(0, 7)
self.run_tst_program(Program(lst), initial_regs=initial_regs,
- @unittest.skip("broken")
def test_mfcr(self):
for i in range(5):
lst = ["mfcr 2"]
cr = random.randint(0, (1<<32)-1)
self.run_tst_program(Program(lst), initial_cr=cr)
- @unittest.skip("broken")
def test_mfocrf(self):
for i in range(20):
mask = 1<<random.randint(0, 7)