interface IOCellSide iocell_side;
+ module mkgpioa(PeripheralSideGPIOA);
+ // allotted to it
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_a0_out<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_a0_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_a0_in<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_a1_out<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_a1_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_a1_in<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_a2_out<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_a2_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_a2_in<-mkDWire(0);
+ interface gpioa = interface PeripheralSideGPIOA
+ method Action a0_out(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_a0_out<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method Action a0_outen(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_a0_outen<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method a0_in=wr_a0_in;
+ method Action a1_out(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_a1_out<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method Action a1_outen(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_a1_outen<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method a1_in=wr_a1_in;
+ method Action a2_out(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_a2_out<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method Action a2_outen(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_a2_outen<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method a2_in=wr_a2_in;
+ endinterface
+ endmodule
+ module mkuart(PeripheralSideUART);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_tx<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_rx<-mkDWire(0);
+ interface uart = interface PeripheralSideUART
+ method Action tx(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_tx<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method rx=wr_rx;
+ endinterface
+ endmodule
+ module mktwi(PeripheralSideTWI);
+ // following wires capture signals to IO CELL if twi-0 is
+ // allotted to it
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_sda_out<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_sda_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_sda_in<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_scl_out<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_scl_outen<-mkDWire(0);
+ Wire#(Bit#(1)) wr_scl_in<-mkDWire(0);
+ interface twi = interface PeripheralSideTWI
+ method Action sda_out(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_sda_out<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method Action sda_outen(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_sda_outen<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method sda_in=wr_sda_in;
+ method Action scl_out(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_scl_out<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method Action scl_outen(Bit#(1) in);
+ wr_scl_outen<=in;
+ endmethod
+ method scl_in=wr_scl_in;
+ endinterface;
+ endmodule
module mkpinmux(Ifc_pinmux);
// the followins wires capture the pin-mux selection