--- /dev/null
+# mux.py
+from math import log
+from myhdl import *
+period = 20 # clk frequency = 50 MHz
+def mux4(clk, in_a, in_b, in_c, in_d,
+ selector, out):
+ sel_r = Signal(intbv(0)[2:0])
+ sel25 = Signal(intbv(0)[4:0])
+ #@always(clk.posedge, reset_n.negedge)
+ #def logic_reg():
+ # if reset_n == 0:
+ # out.next = 0
+ # else:
+ # out.next = count_next
+ @always(clk.posedge)
+ def logic_selection():
+ sel_r.next = selector
+ @always(clk.posedge)
+ def logic_next():
+ if selector != sel_r:
+ sel25.next = intbv(0)[2:0]
+ else:
+ if selector == intbv(0)[2:0]:
+ sel25.next = intbv(1)[4:0]
+ if selector == intbv(1)[2:0]:
+ sel25.next = intbv(2)[4:0]
+ if selector == intbv(2)[2:0]:
+ sel25.next = intbv(4)[4:0]
+ if selector == intbv(3)[2:0]:
+ sel25.next = intbv(8)[4:0]
+ #@always(clk.posedge, clk.negedge)
+ @always(sel25, in_a, in_b, in_c, in_d)
+ def make_out():
+ out.next = bool(in_a if sel25[0] else False) | \
+ bool(in_b if sel25[1] else False) | \
+ bool(in_c if sel25[2] else False) | \
+ bool(in_d if sel25[3] else False)
+ return instances() # return all instances
+# testbench
+def mux_tb():
+ clk = Signal(bool(0))
+ in_a = Signal(intbv(0)[1:0])
+ in_b = Signal(intbv(0)[1:0])
+ in_c = Signal(intbv(0)[1:0])
+ in_d = Signal(intbv(0)[1:0])
+ selector = Signal(intbv(0)[2:0])
+ out = Signal(bool(0))
+ mux_inst = mux4(clk, in_a, in_b, in_c, in_d, selector, out)
+ @instance
+ def clk_signal():
+ while True:
+ clk.next = not clk
+ if clk:
+ in_a.next = not in_a
+ if in_a:
+ in_b.next = not in_b
+ if in_b:
+ in_c.next = not in_c
+ if in_c:
+ in_d.next = not in_d
+ if in_d:
+ if selector == 0:
+ selector.next = 3
+ else:
+ selector.next = selector - 1
+ yield delay(period // 2)
+ # print simulation data on screen and file
+ file_data = open("mux.csv", 'w') # file for saving data
+ # # print header on screen
+ s = "{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}".format("in_a", "in_b", "in_c", "in_d",
+ "selector", "out")
+ print(s)
+ # # print header to file
+ file_data.write(s)
+ # print data on each clock
+ @always(clk.posedge)
+ def print_data():
+ # print on screen
+ # print.format is not supported in MyHDL 1.0
+ s = str(in_a) + "," + str(in_b) + "," + str(in_c) + "," + str(in_d)
+ s = s + "," + str(selector) + "," + str(out)
+ print(s)
+ # print in file
+ # print.format is not supported in MyHDL 1.0
+ #file_data.write(s + "\n")
+ return instances()
+def main():
+ clk = Signal(bool(0))
+ in_a = Signal(intbv(0)[1:0])
+ in_b = Signal(intbv(0)[1:0])
+ in_c = Signal(intbv(0)[1:0])
+ in_d = Signal(intbv(0)[1:0])
+ selector = Signal(intbv(0)[2:0])
+ out = Signal(bool(0))
+ mux_v = mux4(clk, in_a, in_b, in_c, in_d, selector, out)
+ mux_v.convert(hdl="Verilog", initial_values=True)
+ # test bench
+ tb = mux_tb()
+ tb.convert(hdl="Verilog", initial_values=True)
+ # keep following lines below the 'tb.convert' line
+ # otherwise error will be reported
+ tb.config_sim(trace=True)
+ tb.run_sim(66 * period) # run for 15 clock cycle
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()