+++ /dev/null
-import types
-from copy import deepcopy
-class PBase(object):
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- def slowifdeclmux(self):
- return ''
- def slowifinstance(self):
- return ''
- def slowimport(self):
- return ''
- def num_axi_regs32(self):
- return 0
- def slowifdecl(self):
- return ''
- def get_iname(self, inum):
- return "{0}{1}".format(self.name, self.mksuffix(self.name, inum))
- def axibase(self, name, ifacenum):
- name = name.upper()
- return "%(name)s%(ifacenum)dBase" % locals()
- def axiend(self, name, ifacenum):
- name = name.upper()
- return "%(name)s%(ifacenum)dEnd" % locals()
- def axi_reg_def(self, start, name, ifacenum):
- name = name.upper()
- offs = self.num_axi_regs32() * 4 * 16
- if offs == 0:
- return ('', 0)
- end = start + offs - 1
- bname = self.axibase(name, ifacenum)
- bend = self.axiend(name, ifacenum)
- comment = "%d 32-bit regs" % self.num_axi_regs32()
- return (" `define %(bname)s 'h%(start)08X\n"
- " `define %(bend)s 'h%(end)08X // %(comment)s" % locals(),
- offs)
- def axi_slave_name(self, name, ifacenum):
- name = name.upper()
- return "{0}{1}_slave_num".format(name, ifacenum)
- def axi_slave_idx(self, idx, name, ifacenum):
- name = self.axi_slave_name(name, ifacenum)
- return ("typedef {0} {1};".format(idx, name), 1)
- def axi_addr_map(self, name, ifacenum):
- bname = self.axibase(name, ifacenum)
- bend = self.axiend(name, ifacenum)
- name = self.axi_slave_name(name, ifacenum)
- return """\
- if(addr>=`{0} && addr<=`{1})
- return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf({2})));
- else""".format(bname, bend, name)
- def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
- # TODO: really should be using bsv.interface_decl.Interfaces
- # pin-naming rules.... logic here is hard-coded to duplicate
- # it (see Interface.__init__ outen)
- ret = []
- for p in self.peripheral.pinspecs:
- typ = p['type']
- pname = p['name']
- #n = "{0}{1}".format(self.name, self.mksuffix(name, count))
- n = name # "{0}{1}".format(self.name, self.mksuffix(name, count))
- ret.append(" //%s %s" % (n, str(p)))
- sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
- ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s" % sname
- if typ == 'out' or typ == 'inout':
- ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_%s_out;" % (name, count, pname))
- fname = self.pinname_out(pname)
- if not n.startswith('gpio'): # XXX EURGH! horrible hack
- n_ = "{0}{1}".format(n, count)
- else:
- n_ = n
- if fname:
- if p.get('outen'):
- ps_ = ps + '_out'
- else:
- ps_ = ps
- ret.append(" {0}({1}.{2});".format(ps_, n_, fname))
- fname = None
- if p.get('outen'):
- fname = self.pinname_outen(pname)
- if fname:
- if isinstance(fname, str):
- fname = "{0}.{1}".format(n_, fname)
- fname = self.pinname_tweak(pname, 'outen', fname)
- ret.append(" {0}_outen({1});".format(ps, fname))
- ret.append(" endrule")
- if typ == 'in' or typ == 'inout':
- fname = self.pinname_in(pname)
- if fname:
- if p.get('outen'):
- ps_ = ps + '_in'
- else:
- ps_ = ps
- ret.append(
- " rule con_%s%d_%s_in;" %
- (name, count, pname))
- n_ = "{0}{1}".format(n, count)
- n_ = '{0}.{1}'.format(n_, fname)
- n_ = self.ifname_tweak(pname, 'in', n_)
- ret.append(" {1}({0});".format(ps_, n_))
- ret.append(" endrule")
- return '\n'.join(ret)
- def mk_cellconn(self, *args):
- return ''
- def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
- return ''
- def mksuffix(self, name, i):
- return i
- def __mk_connection(self, con, aname):
- txt = " mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves\n" + \
- " [fromInteger(valueOf({1}))],\n" + \
- " {0});"
- print "PBase __mk_connection", self.name, aname
- if not con:
- return ''
- return txt.format(con, aname)
- def mk_connection(self, count, name=None):
- if name is None:
- name = self.name
- print "PBase mk_conn", self.name, count
- aname = self.axi_slave_name(name, count)
- #dname = self.mksuffix(name, count)
- #dname = "{0}{1}".format(name, dname)
- con = self._mk_connection(name, count).format(count, aname)
- return self.__mk_connection(con, aname)
- def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
- return ''
- def pinname_out(self, pname):
- return ''
- def pinname_in(self, pname):
- return ''
- def pinname_outen(self, pname):
- return ''
- def ifname_tweak(self, pname, typ, txt):
- return txt
- def pinname_tweak(self, pname, typ, txt):
- return txt
- def num_irqs(self):
- return 0
- def mk_plic(self, inum, irq_offs):
- res = []
- print "mk_plic", self.name, inum, irq_offs
- niq = self.num_irqs()
- if niq == 0:
- return ('', irq_offs)
- name = self.get_iname(inum)
- res.append(" // PLIC rules for {0}".format(name))
- for idx in range(niq):
- plic_obj = self.plic_object(name, idx)
- print "plic_obj", name, idx, plic_obj
- plic = mkplic_rule.format(name, plic_obj, irq_offs)
- res.append(plic)
- irq_offs += 1 # increment to next irq
- return ('\n'.join(res), irq_offs)
- def mk_ext_ifacedef(self, iname, inum):
- return ''
-mkplic_rule = """\
- rule rl_connect_{0}_to_plic_{2};
- if({1} == 1'b1) begin
- ff_gateway_queue[{2}].enq(1);
- plic.ifc_external_irq[{2}].irq_frm_gateway(True);
- end
- endrule
-class uart(PBase):
- def slowimport(self):
- return " import Uart_bs :: *;\n" + \
- " import RS232_modified::*;"
- def slowifdecl(self):
- return " interface RS232 uart{0}_coe;\n" + \
- " method Bit#(1) uart{0}_intr;"
- def num_axi_regs32(self):
- return 8
- def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
- return " Ifc_Uart_bs uart{0} <- \n" + \
- " mkUart_bs(clocked_by sp_clock,\n" + \
- " reset_by uart_reset, sp_clock, sp_reset);"
- def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
- return "uart{0}.slave_axi_uart"
- def pinname_out(self, pname):
- return {'tx': 'coe_rs232.sout'}.get(pname, '')
- def pinname_in(self, pname):
- return {'rx': 'coe_rs232.sin'}.get(pname, '')
-class quart(PBase):
- def slowimport(self):
- return " import Uart16550 :: *;"
- def slowifdecl(self):
- return " interface RS232_PHY_Ifc quart{0}_coe;\n" + \
- " method Bit#(1) quart{0}_intr;"
- def num_axi_regs32(self):
- return 8
- def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
- return " Uart16550_AXI4_Lite_Ifc quart{0} <- \n" + \
- " mkUart16550(clocked_by sp_clock,\n" + \
- " reset_by uart_reset, sp_clock, sp_reset);"
- def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
- return "quart{0}.slave_axi_uart"
- def pinname_out(self, pname):
- return {'tx' : 'coe_rs232.modem_output_stx',
- 'rts': 'coe_rs232.modem_output_rts',
- }.get(pname, '')
- def _pinname_in(self, pname):
- return {'rx': 'coe_rs232.modem_input.srx',
- 'cts': 'coe_rs232.modem_input.cts'
- }.get(pname, '')
- def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
- ret = [PBase.mk_pincon(self, name, count)]
- ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_io_in;" % (name, count))
- ret.append(" {0}{1}.coe_rs232.modem_input(".format(name, count))
- for idx, pname in enumerate(['rx', 'cts']):
- sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
- ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s" % sname
- ret.append(" {0},".format(ps))
- ret.append(" 1'b1,1'b0,1'b1")
- ret.append(" );")
- ret.append(" endrule")
- return '\n'.join(ret)
- def num_irqs(self):
- return 1
- def plic_object(self, pname, idx):
- return "{0}_interrupt.read".format(pname)
- def mk_plic(self, inum, irq_offs):
- name = self.get_iname(inum)
- ret = [uart_plic_template.format(name, irq_offs)]
- (ret2, irq_offs) = PBase.mk_plic(self, inum, irq_offs)
- ret.append(ret2)
- return ('\n'.join(ret), irq_offs)
- def mk_ext_ifacedef(self, iname, inum):
- name = self.get_iname(inum)
- return " method {0}_intr = {0}.irq;".format(name)
- def slowifdeclmux(self):
- return " method Bit#(1) {1}{0}_intr;"
-uart_plic_template = """\
- // PLIC {0} synchronisation with irq {1}
- SyncBitIfc#(Bit#(1)) {0}_interrupt <-
- mkSyncBitToCC(sp_clock, uart_reset);
- rule plic_synchronize_{0}_interrupt_{1};
- {0}_interrupt.send({0}.irq);
- endrule
-class rs232(PBase):
- def slowimport(self):
- return " import Uart_bs::*;\n" + \
- " import RS232_modified::*;"
- def slowifdecl(self):
- return " interface RS232 uart{0}_coe;"
- def num_axi_regs32(self):
- return 2
- def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
- return " //Ifc_Uart_bs uart{0} <-" + \
- " // mkUart_bs(clocked_by uart_clock,\n" + \
- " // reset_by uart_reset,sp_clock, sp_reset);" +\
- " Ifc_Uart_bs uart{0} <-" + \
- " mkUart_bs(clocked_by sp_clock,\n" + \
- " reset_by sp_reset, sp_clock, sp_reset);"
- def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
- return "uart{0}.slave_axi_uart"
- def pinname_out(self, pname):
- return {'tx': 'coe_rs232.sout'}.get(pname, '')
- def pinname_in(self, pname):
- return {'rx': 'coe_rs232.sin'}.get(pname, '')
-class twi(PBase):
- def slowimport(self):
- return " import I2C_top :: *;"
- def slowifdecl(self):
- return " interface I2C_out twi{0}_out;\n" + \
- " method Bit#(1) twi{0}_isint;"
- def num_axi_regs32(self):
- return 8
- def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
- return " I2C_IFC twi{0} <- mkI2CController();"
- def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
- return "twi{0}.slave_i2c_axi"
- def pinname_out(self, pname):
- return {'sda': 'out.sda_out',
- 'scl': 'out.scl_out'}.get(pname, '')
- def pinname_in(self, pname):
- return {'sda': 'out.sda_in',
- 'scl': 'out.scl_in'}.get(pname, '')
- def pinname_outen(self, pname):
- return {'sda': 'out.sda_out_en',
- 'scl': 'out.scl_out_en'}.get(pname, '')
- def pinname_tweak(self, pname, typ, txt):
- if typ == 'outen':
- return "pack({0})".format(txt)
- return txt
- def num_irqs(self):
- return 3
- def plic_object(self, pname, idx):
- return ["{0}.isint()",
- "{0}.timerint()",
- "{0}.isber()"
- ][idx].format(pname)
- def mk_ext_ifacedef(self, iname, inum):
- name = self.get_iname(inum)
- return " method {0}_isint = {0}.isint;".format(name)
- def slowifdeclmux(self):
- return " method Bit#(1) {1}{0}_isint;"
-class eint(PBase):
- def slowimport(self):
- size = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
- return " `define NUM_EINTS %d" % size
- def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
- size = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
- return " Wire#(Bit#(%d)) wr_interrupt <- mkWire();" % size
- def axi_slave_name(self, name, ifacenum):
- return ''
- def axi_slave_idx(self, idx, name, ifacenum):
- return ('', 0)
- def axi_addr_map(self, name, ifacenum):
- return ''
- def ifname_tweak(self, pname, typ, txt):
- if typ != 'in':
- return txt
- print "ifnameweak", pname, typ, txt
- return "wr_interrupt[{0}] <= ".format(pname)
- def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
- ret = [PBase.mk_pincon(self, name, count)]
- size = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
- ret.append(eint_pincon_template.format(size))
- ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_io_in;" % (name, count))
- ret.append(" wr_interrupt <= ({")
- for idx, p in enumerate(self.peripheral.pinspecs):
- pname = p['name']
- sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
- ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s" % sname
- comma = '' if idx == size - 1 else ','
- ret.append(" {0}{1}".format(ps, comma))
- ret.append(" });")
- ret.append(" endrule")
- return '\n'.join(ret)
-eint_pincon_template = '''\
- // EINT is offset at end of other peripheral interrupts
-`ifdef PLIC
- for(Integer i=0;i<{0};i=i+ 1)begin
- rule connect_int_to_plic(wr_interrupt[i]==1);
- ff_gateway_queue[i+`NUM_SLOW_IRQS].enq(1);
- plic.ifc_external_irq[i+`NUM_SLOW_IRQS].irq_frm_gateway(True);
- endrule
- end
-class jtag(PBase):
- def axi_slave_name(self, name, ifacenum):
- return ''
- def axi_slave_idx(self, idx, name, ifacenum):
- return ('', 0)
- def axi_addr_map(self, name, ifacenum):
- return ''
- def slowifdeclmux(self):
- return " method Action jtag_ms (Bit#(1) in);\n" + \
- " method Bit#(1) jtag_di;\n" + \
- " method Action jtag_do (Bit#(1) in);\n" + \
- " method Action jtag_ck (Bit#(1) in);"
- def slowifinstance(self):
- return jtag_method_template # bit of a lazy hack this...
-jtag_method_template = """\
- method Action jtag_ms (Bit#(1) in);
- pinmux.peripheral_side.jtag_ms(in);
- endmethod
- method Bit#(1) jtag_di=pinmux.peripheral_side.jtag_di;
- method Action jtag_do (Bit#(1) in);
- pinmux.peripheral_side.jtag_do(in);
- endmethod
- method Action jtag_ck (Bit#(1) in);
- pinmux.peripheral_side.jtag_ck(in);
- endmethod
-class sdmmc(PBase):
- def slowimport(self):
- return " import sdcard_dummy :: *;"
- def slowifdecl(self):
- return " interface QSPI_out sd{0}_out;\n" + \
- " method Bit#(1) sd{0}_isint;"
- def num_axi_regs32(self):
- return 13
- def mkslow_peripheral(self):
- return " Ifc_sdcard_dummy sd{0} <- mksdcard_dummy();"
- def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
- return "sd{0}.slave"
- def pinname_in(self, pname):
- return "%s_in" % pname
- def pinname_out(self, pname):
- if pname.startswith('d'):
- return "%s_out" % pname
- return pname
- def pinname_outen(self, pname):
- if pname.startswith('d'):
- return "%s_outen" % pname
-class spi(PBase):
- def slowimport(self):
- return " import qspi :: *;"
- def slowifdecl(self):
- return " interface QSPI_out spi{0}_out;\n" + \
- " method Bit#(1) spi{0}_isint;"
- def num_axi_regs32(self):
- return 13
- def mkslow_peripheral(self):
- return " Ifc_qspi spi{0} <- mkqspi();"
- def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
- return "spi{0}.slave"
- def pinname_out(self, pname):
- return {'clk': 'out.clk_o',
- 'nss': 'out.ncs_o',
- 'mosi': 'out.io_o[0]',
- 'miso': 'out.io_o[1]',
- }.get(pname, '')
- def pinname_outen(self, pname):
- return {'clk': 1,
- 'nss': 1,
- 'mosi': 'out.io_enable[0]',
- 'miso': 'out.io_enable[1]',
- }.get(pname, '')
- def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
- ret = [PBase.mk_pincon(self, name, count)]
- # special-case for gpio in, store in a temporary vector
- plen = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
- ret.append(" // XXX NSS and CLK are hard-coded master")
- ret.append(" // TODO: must add spi slave-mode")
- ret.append(" // all ins done in one rule from 4-bitfield")
- ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_io_in;" % (name, count))
- ret.append(" {0}{1}.out.io_i({{".format(name, count))
- for idx, pname in enumerate(['mosi', 'miso']):
- sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
- ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s_in" % sname
- ret.append(" {0},".format(ps))
- ret.append(" 1'b0,1'b0")
- ret.append(" });")
- ret.append(" endrule")
- return '\n'.join(ret)
- def mk_ext_ifacedef(self, iname, inum):
- name = self.get_iname(inum)
- return " method {0}_isint = {0}.interrupts[5];".format(name)
- def slowifdeclmux(self):
- return " method Bit#(1) {1}{0}_isint;"
-class qspi(PBase):
- def slowimport(self):
- return " import qspi :: *;"
- def slowifdecl(self):
- return " interface QSPI_out qspi{0}_out;\n" + \
- " method Bit#(1) qspi{0}_isint;"
- def num_axi_regs32(self):
- return 13
- def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
- return " Ifc_qspi qspi{0} <- mkqspi();"
- def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
- return "qspi{0}.slave"
- def pinname_out(self, pname):
- return {'ck': 'out.clk_o',
- 'nss': 'out.ncs_o',
- 'io0': 'out.io_o[0]',
- 'io1': 'out.io_o[1]',
- 'io2': 'out.io_o[2]',
- 'io3': 'out.io_o[3]',
- }.get(pname, '')
- def pinname_outen(self, pname):
- return {'ck': 1,
- 'nss': 1,
- 'io0': 'out.io_enable[0]',
- 'io1': 'out.io_enable[1]',
- 'io2': 'out.io_enable[2]',
- 'io3': 'out.io_enable[3]',
- }.get(pname, '')
- def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
- ret = [PBase.mk_pincon(self, name, count)]
- # special-case for gpio in, store in a temporary vector
- plen = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
- ret.append(" // XXX NSS and CLK are hard-coded master")
- ret.append(" // TODO: must add qspi slave-mode")
- ret.append(" // all ins done in one rule from 4-bitfield")
- ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_io_in;" % (name, count))
- ret.append(" {0}{1}.out.io_i({{".format(name, count))
- for i, p in enumerate(self.peripheral.pinspecs):
- typ = p['type']
- pname = p['name']
- if not pname.startswith('io'):
- continue
- idx = pname[1:]
- n = name
- sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
- ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s_in" % sname
- comma = '' if i == 5 else ','
- ret.append(" {0}{1}".format(ps, comma))
- ret.append(" });")
- ret.append(" endrule")
- return '\n'.join(ret)
- def num_irqs(self):
- return 6
- def plic_object(self, pname, idx):
- return "{0}.interrupts()[{1}]".format(pname, idx)
- def mk_ext_ifacedef(self, iname, inum):
- name = self.get_iname(inum)
- return " method {0}_isint = {0}.interrupts[5];".format(name)
- def slowifdeclmux(self):
- return " method Bit#(1) {1}{0}_isint;"
-class pwm(PBase):
- def slowimport(self):
- return " import pwm::*;"
- def slowifdecl(self):
- return " interface PWMIO pwm{0}_io;"
- def num_axi_regs32(self):
- return 4
- def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
- return " Ifc_PWM_bus pwm{0} <- mkPWM_bus(sp_clock);"
- def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
- return "pwm{0}.axi4_slave"
- def pinname_out(self, pname):
- return {'out': 'pwm_io.pwm_o'}.get(pname, '')
-class gpio(PBase):
- def slowimport(self):
- return " import pinmux::*;\n" + \
- " import mux::*;\n" + \
- " import gpio::*;\n"
- def slowifdeclmux(self):
- size = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
- return " interface GPIO_config#(%d) pad_config{0};" % size
- def num_axi_regs32(self):
- return 2
- def axi_slave_idx(self, idx, name, ifacenum):
- """ generates AXI slave number definition, except
- GPIO also has a muxer per bank
- """
- name = name.upper()
- mname = 'mux' + name[4:]
- mname = mname.upper()
- print "AXIslavenum", name, mname
- (ret, x) = PBase.axi_slave_idx(self, idx, name, ifacenum)
- (ret2, x) = PBase.axi_slave_idx(self, idx + 1, mname, ifacenum)
- return ("%s\n%s" % (ret, ret2), 2)
- def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
- print "gpioslow", self.peripheral, dir(self.peripheral)
- size = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
- return " MUX#(%d) mux{0} <- mkmux();\n" % size + \
- " GPIO#(%d) gpio{0} <- mkgpio();" % size
- def mk_connection(self, count):
- print "GPIO mk_conn", self.name, count
- res = []
- dname = self.mksuffix(self.name, count)
- for i, n in enumerate(['gpio' + dname, 'mux' + dname]):
- res.append(PBase.mk_connection(self, count, n))
- return '\n'.join(res)
- def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
- n = self.mksuffix(name, count)
- if name.startswith('gpio'):
- return "gpio{0}.axi_slave".format(n)
- if name.startswith('mux'):
- return "mux{0}.axi_slave".format(n)
- def mksuffix(self, name, i):
- if name.startswith('mux'):
- return name[3:]
- return name[4:]
- def mk_cellconn(self, cellnum, name, count):
- ret = []
- bank = self.mksuffix(name, count)
- txt = " pinmux.mux_lines.cell{0}_mux(mux{1}.mux_config.mux[{2}]);"
- for p in self.peripheral.pinspecs:
- ret.append(txt.format(cellnum, bank, p['name'][1:]))
- cellnum += 1
- return ("\n".join(ret), cellnum)
- def pinname_out(self, pname):
- return "func.gpio_out[{0}]".format(pname[1:])
- def pinname_outen(self, pname):
- return "func.gpio_out_en[{0}]".format(pname[1:])
- def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
- ret = [PBase.mk_pincon(self, name, count)]
- # special-case for gpio in, store in a temporary vector
- plen = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
- ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_in;" % (name, count))
- ret.append(" Vector#({0},Bit#(1)) temp;".format(plen))
- for p in self.peripheral.pinspecs:
- typ = p['type']
- pname = p['name']
- idx = pname[1:]
- n = name
- sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
- ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s_in" % sname
- ret.append(" temp[{0}]={1};".format(idx, ps))
- ret.append(" {0}.func.gpio_in(temp);".format(name))
- ret.append(" endrule")
- return '\n'.join(ret)
-axi_slave_declarations = """\
-typedef 0 SlowMaster;
-typedef TAdd#(LastGen_slave_num,`ifdef CLINT 1 `else 0 `endif )
- CLINT_slave_num;
-typedef TAdd#(CLINT_slave_num ,`ifdef PLIC 1 `else 0 `endif )
- Plic_slave_num;
-typedef TAdd#(Plic_slave_num ,`ifdef AXIEXP 1 `else 0 `endif )
- AxiExp1_slave_num;
-typedef TAdd#(AxiExp1_slave_num,1) Num_Slow_Slaves;
-pinmux_cellrule = """\
- rule connect_select_lines_pinmux;
- endrule
-class CallFn(object):
- def __init__(self, peripheral, name):
- self.peripheral = peripheral
- self.name = name
- def __call__(self, *args):
- #print "__call__", self.name, self.peripheral.slow, args
- if not self.peripheral.slow:
- return ''
- return getattr(self.peripheral.slow, self.name)(*args[1:])
-class PeripheralIface(object):
- def __init__(self, ifacename):
- self.slow = None
- slow = slowfactory.getcls(ifacename)
- print "Iface", ifacename, slow
- if slow:
- self.slow = slow(ifacename)
- self.slow.peripheral = self
- for fname in ['slowimport',
- 'slowifinstance', 'slowifdecl', 'slowifdeclmux',
- 'mkslow_peripheral', 'mk_plic', 'mk_ext_ifacedef',
- 'mk_connection', 'mk_cellconn', 'mk_pincon']:
- fn = CallFn(self, fname)
- setattr(self, fname, types.MethodType(fn, self))
- #print "PeripheralIface"
- #print dir(self)
- def mksuffix(self, name, i):
- if self.slow is None:
- return i
- return self.slow.mksuffix(name, i)
- def axi_reg_def(self, start, count):
- if not self.slow:
- return ('', 0)
- return self.slow.axi_reg_def(start, self.ifacename, count)
- def axi_slave_idx(self, start, count):
- if not self.slow:
- return ('', 0)
- return self.slow.axi_slave_idx(start, self.ifacename, count)
- def axi_addr_map(self, count):
- if not self.slow:
- return ''
- return self.slow.axi_addr_map(self.ifacename, count)
-class PeripheralInterfaces(object):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def slowimport(self, *args):
- ret = []
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- #print "slowimport", name, self.data[name].slowimport
- ret.append(self.data[name].slowimport())
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def slowifinstance(self, *args):
- ret = []
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- #print "slowimport", name, self.data[name].slowimport
- ret.append(self.data[name].slowifinstance())
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def slowifdeclmux(self, *args):
- ret = []
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- ret.append(self.data[name].slowifdeclmux().format(i, name))
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def slowifdecl(self, *args):
- ret = []
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- ret.append(self.data[name].slowifdecl().format(i, name))
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def axi_reg_def(self, *args):
- ret = []
- start = 0x00011100 # start of AXI peripherals address
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- x = self.data[name].axi_reg_def(start, i)
- #print ("ifc", name, x)
- (rdef, offs) = x
- ret.append(rdef)
- start += offs
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def axi_slave_idx(self, *args):
- ret = []
- start = 0
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- (rdef, offs) = self.data[name].axi_slave_idx(start, i)
- #print ("ifc", name, rdef, offs)
- ret.append(rdef)
- start += offs
- ret.append("typedef %d LastGen_slave_num;" % (start - 1))
- decls = '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- return axi_slave_declarations.format(decls)
- def axi_addr_map(self, *args):
- ret = []
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- ret.append(self.data[name].axi_addr_map(i))
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def mkslow_peripheral(self, *args):
- ret = []
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- print "mkslow", name, count
- x = self.data[name].mkslow_peripheral()
- print name, count, x
- suffix = self.data[name].mksuffix(name, i)
- ret.append(x.format(suffix))
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def mk_connection(self, *args):
- ret = []
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- print "mk_conn", name, i
- txt = self.data[name].mk_connection(i)
- if name == 'gpioa':
- print "txt", txt
- print self.data[name].mk_connection
- ret.append(txt)
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def mk_cellconn(self):
- ret = []
- cellcount = 0
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- res = self.data[name].mk_cellconn(cellcount, name, i)
- if not res:
- continue
- (txt, cellcount) = res
- ret.append(txt)
- ret = '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- return pinmux_cellrule.format(ret)
- def mk_pincon(self):
- ret = []
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- txt = self.data[name].mk_pincon(name, i)
- ret.append(txt)
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def mk_ext_ifacedef(self):
- ret = []
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- txt = self.data[name].mk_ext_ifacedef(name, i)
- ret.append(txt)
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def mk_plic(self):
- ret = []
- irq_offs = 8 # XXX: DMA scovers 0-7?
- for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
- for i in range(count):
- res = self.data[name].mk_plic(i, irq_offs)
- if not res:
- continue
- (txt, irq_offs) = res
- ret.append(txt)
- self.num_slow_irqs = irq_offs
- return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
- def mk_sloirqsdef(self):
- return " `define NUM_SLOW_IRQS {0}".format(self.num_slow_irqs)
-class PFactory(object):
- def getcls(self, name):
- for k, v in {'uart': uart,
- 'rs232': rs232,
- 'twi': twi,
- 'quart': quart,
- 'qspi': qspi,
- 'spi': spi,
- 'pwm': pwm,
- 'eint': eint,
- 'sd': sdmmc,
- 'jtag': jtag,
- 'gpio': gpio
- }.items():
- if name.startswith(k):
- return v
- return None
-slowfactory = PFactory()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- p = uart('uart')
- print p.slowimport()
- print p.slowifdecl()
- i = PeripheralIface('uart')
- print i, i.slow
- i = PeripheralIface('gpioa')
- print i, i.slow
--- /dev/null
+import types
+from copy import deepcopy
+class PBase(object):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.name = name
+ def slowifdeclmux(self):
+ return ''
+ def slowifinstance(self):
+ return ''
+ def slowimport(self):
+ return ''
+ def num_axi_regs32(self):
+ return 0
+ def slowifdecl(self):
+ return ''
+ def get_iname(self, inum):
+ return "{0}{1}".format(self.name, self.mksuffix(self.name, inum))
+ def axibase(self, name, ifacenum):
+ name = name.upper()
+ return "%(name)s%(ifacenum)dBase" % locals()
+ def axiend(self, name, ifacenum):
+ name = name.upper()
+ return "%(name)s%(ifacenum)dEnd" % locals()
+ def axi_reg_def(self, start, name, ifacenum):
+ name = name.upper()
+ offs = self.num_axi_regs32() * 4 * 16
+ if offs == 0:
+ return ('', 0)
+ end = start + offs - 1
+ bname = self.axibase(name, ifacenum)
+ bend = self.axiend(name, ifacenum)
+ comment = "%d 32-bit regs" % self.num_axi_regs32()
+ return (" `define %(bname)s 'h%(start)08X\n"
+ " `define %(bend)s 'h%(end)08X // %(comment)s" % locals(),
+ offs)
+ def axi_slave_name(self, name, ifacenum):
+ name = name.upper()
+ return "{0}{1}_slave_num".format(name, ifacenum)
+ def axi_slave_idx(self, idx, name, ifacenum):
+ name = self.axi_slave_name(name, ifacenum)
+ return ("typedef {0} {1};".format(idx, name), 1)
+ def axi_addr_map(self, name, ifacenum):
+ bname = self.axibase(name, ifacenum)
+ bend = self.axiend(name, ifacenum)
+ name = self.axi_slave_name(name, ifacenum)
+ return """\
+ if(addr>=`{0} && addr<=`{1})
+ return tuple2(True,fromInteger(valueOf({2})));
+ else""".format(bname, bend, name)
+ def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
+ # TODO: really should be using bsv.interface_decl.Interfaces
+ # pin-naming rules.... logic here is hard-coded to duplicate
+ # it (see Interface.__init__ outen)
+ ret = []
+ for p in self.peripheral.pinspecs:
+ typ = p['type']
+ pname = p['name']
+ #n = "{0}{1}".format(self.name, self.mksuffix(name, count))
+ n = name # "{0}{1}".format(self.name, self.mksuffix(name, count))
+ ret.append(" //%s %s" % (n, str(p)))
+ sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
+ ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s" % sname
+ if typ == 'out' or typ == 'inout':
+ ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_%s_out;" % (name, count, pname))
+ fname = self.pinname_out(pname)
+ if not n.startswith('gpio'): # XXX EURGH! horrible hack
+ n_ = "{0}{1}".format(n, count)
+ else:
+ n_ = n
+ if fname:
+ if p.get('outen'):
+ ps_ = ps + '_out'
+ else:
+ ps_ = ps
+ ret.append(" {0}({1}.{2});".format(ps_, n_, fname))
+ fname = None
+ if p.get('outen'):
+ fname = self.pinname_outen(pname)
+ if fname:
+ if isinstance(fname, str):
+ fname = "{0}.{1}".format(n_, fname)
+ fname = self.pinname_tweak(pname, 'outen', fname)
+ ret.append(" {0}_outen({1});".format(ps, fname))
+ ret.append(" endrule")
+ if typ == 'in' or typ == 'inout':
+ fname = self.pinname_in(pname)
+ if fname:
+ if p.get('outen'):
+ ps_ = ps + '_in'
+ else:
+ ps_ = ps
+ ret.append(
+ " rule con_%s%d_%s_in;" %
+ (name, count, pname))
+ n_ = "{0}{1}".format(n, count)
+ n_ = '{0}.{1}'.format(n_, fname)
+ n_ = self.ifname_tweak(pname, 'in', n_)
+ ret.append(" {1}({0});".format(ps_, n_))
+ ret.append(" endrule")
+ return '\n'.join(ret)
+ def mk_cellconn(self, *args):
+ return ''
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
+ return ''
+ def mksuffix(self, name, i):
+ return i
+ def __mk_connection(self, con, aname):
+ txt = " mkConnection (slow_fabric.v_to_slaves\n" + \
+ " [fromInteger(valueOf({1}))],\n" + \
+ " {0});"
+ print "PBase __mk_connection", self.name, aname
+ if not con:
+ return ''
+ return txt.format(con, aname)
+ def mk_connection(self, count, name=None):
+ if name is None:
+ name = self.name
+ print "PBase mk_conn", self.name, count
+ aname = self.axi_slave_name(name, count)
+ #dname = self.mksuffix(name, count)
+ #dname = "{0}{1}".format(name, dname)
+ con = self._mk_connection(name, count).format(count, aname)
+ return self.__mk_connection(con, aname)
+ def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
+ return ''
+ def pinname_out(self, pname):
+ return ''
+ def pinname_in(self, pname):
+ return ''
+ def pinname_outen(self, pname):
+ return ''
+ def ifname_tweak(self, pname, typ, txt):
+ return txt
+ def pinname_tweak(self, pname, typ, txt):
+ return txt
+ def num_irqs(self):
+ return 0
+ def mk_plic(self, inum, irq_offs):
+ res = []
+ print "mk_plic", self.name, inum, irq_offs
+ niq = self.num_irqs()
+ if niq == 0:
+ return ('', irq_offs)
+ name = self.get_iname(inum)
+ res.append(" // PLIC rules for {0}".format(name))
+ for idx in range(niq):
+ plic_obj = self.plic_object(name, idx)
+ print "plic_obj", name, idx, plic_obj
+ plic = mkplic_rule.format(name, plic_obj, irq_offs)
+ res.append(plic)
+ irq_offs += 1 # increment to next irq
+ return ('\n'.join(res), irq_offs)
+ def mk_ext_ifacedef(self, iname, inum):
+ return ''
+mkplic_rule = """\
+ rule rl_connect_{0}_to_plic_{2};
+ if({1} == 1'b1) begin
+ ff_gateway_queue[{2}].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[{2}].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ end
+ endrule
+class uart(PBase):
+ def slowimport(self):
+ return " import Uart_bs :: *;\n" + \
+ " import RS232_modified::*;"
+ def slowifdecl(self):
+ return " interface RS232 uart{0}_coe;\n" + \
+ " method Bit#(1) uart{0}_intr;"
+ def num_axi_regs32(self):
+ return 8
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
+ return " Ifc_Uart_bs uart{0} <- \n" + \
+ " mkUart_bs(clocked_by sp_clock,\n" + \
+ " reset_by uart_reset, sp_clock, sp_reset);"
+ def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
+ return "uart{0}.slave_axi_uart"
+ def pinname_out(self, pname):
+ return {'tx': 'coe_rs232.sout'}.get(pname, '')
+ def pinname_in(self, pname):
+ return {'rx': 'coe_rs232.sin'}.get(pname, '')
+class quart(PBase):
+ def slowimport(self):
+ return " import Uart16550 :: *;"
+ def slowifdecl(self):
+ return " interface RS232_PHY_Ifc quart{0}_coe;\n" + \
+ " method Bit#(1) quart{0}_intr;"
+ def num_axi_regs32(self):
+ return 8
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
+ return " Uart16550_AXI4_Lite_Ifc quart{0} <- \n" + \
+ " mkUart16550(clocked_by sp_clock,\n" + \
+ " reset_by uart_reset, sp_clock, sp_reset);"
+ def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
+ return "quart{0}.slave_axi_uart"
+ def pinname_out(self, pname):
+ return {'tx' : 'coe_rs232.modem_output_stx',
+ 'rts': 'coe_rs232.modem_output_rts',
+ }.get(pname, '')
+ def _pinname_in(self, pname):
+ return {'rx': 'coe_rs232.modem_input.srx',
+ 'cts': 'coe_rs232.modem_input.cts'
+ }.get(pname, '')
+ def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
+ ret = [PBase.mk_pincon(self, name, count)]
+ ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_io_in;" % (name, count))
+ ret.append(" {0}{1}.coe_rs232.modem_input(".format(name, count))
+ for idx, pname in enumerate(['rx', 'cts']):
+ sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
+ ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s" % sname
+ ret.append(" {0},".format(ps))
+ ret.append(" 1'b1,1'b0,1'b1")
+ ret.append(" );")
+ ret.append(" endrule")
+ return '\n'.join(ret)
+ def num_irqs(self):
+ return 1
+ def plic_object(self, pname, idx):
+ return "{0}_interrupt.read".format(pname)
+ def mk_plic(self, inum, irq_offs):
+ name = self.get_iname(inum)
+ ret = [uart_plic_template.format(name, irq_offs)]
+ (ret2, irq_offs) = PBase.mk_plic(self, inum, irq_offs)
+ ret.append(ret2)
+ return ('\n'.join(ret), irq_offs)
+ def mk_ext_ifacedef(self, iname, inum):
+ name = self.get_iname(inum)
+ return " method {0}_intr = {0}.irq;".format(name)
+ def slowifdeclmux(self):
+ return " method Bit#(1) {1}{0}_intr;"
+uart_plic_template = """\
+ // PLIC {0} synchronisation with irq {1}
+ SyncBitIfc#(Bit#(1)) {0}_interrupt <-
+ mkSyncBitToCC(sp_clock, uart_reset);
+ rule plic_synchronize_{0}_interrupt_{1};
+ {0}_interrupt.send({0}.irq);
+ endrule
+class rs232(PBase):
+ def slowimport(self):
+ return " import Uart_bs::*;\n" + \
+ " import RS232_modified::*;"
+ def slowifdecl(self):
+ return " interface RS232 uart{0}_coe;"
+ def num_axi_regs32(self):
+ return 2
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
+ return " //Ifc_Uart_bs uart{0} <-" + \
+ " // mkUart_bs(clocked_by uart_clock,\n" + \
+ " // reset_by uart_reset,sp_clock, sp_reset);" +\
+ " Ifc_Uart_bs uart{0} <-" + \
+ " mkUart_bs(clocked_by sp_clock,\n" + \
+ " reset_by sp_reset, sp_clock, sp_reset);"
+ def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
+ return "uart{0}.slave_axi_uart"
+ def pinname_out(self, pname):
+ return {'tx': 'coe_rs232.sout'}.get(pname, '')
+ def pinname_in(self, pname):
+ return {'rx': 'coe_rs232.sin'}.get(pname, '')
+class twi(PBase):
+ def slowimport(self):
+ return " import I2C_top :: *;"
+ def slowifdecl(self):
+ return " interface I2C_out twi{0}_out;\n" + \
+ " method Bit#(1) twi{0}_isint;"
+ def num_axi_regs32(self):
+ return 8
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
+ return " I2C_IFC twi{0} <- mkI2CController();"
+ def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
+ return "twi{0}.slave_i2c_axi"
+ def pinname_out(self, pname):
+ return {'sda': 'out.sda_out',
+ 'scl': 'out.scl_out'}.get(pname, '')
+ def pinname_in(self, pname):
+ return {'sda': 'out.sda_in',
+ 'scl': 'out.scl_in'}.get(pname, '')
+ def pinname_outen(self, pname):
+ return {'sda': 'out.sda_out_en',
+ 'scl': 'out.scl_out_en'}.get(pname, '')
+ def pinname_tweak(self, pname, typ, txt):
+ if typ == 'outen':
+ return "pack({0})".format(txt)
+ return txt
+ def num_irqs(self):
+ return 3
+ def plic_object(self, pname, idx):
+ return ["{0}.isint()",
+ "{0}.timerint()",
+ "{0}.isber()"
+ ][idx].format(pname)
+ def mk_ext_ifacedef(self, iname, inum):
+ name = self.get_iname(inum)
+ return " method {0}_isint = {0}.isint;".format(name)
+ def slowifdeclmux(self):
+ return " method Bit#(1) {1}{0}_isint;"
+class eint(PBase):
+ def slowimport(self):
+ size = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
+ return " `define NUM_EINTS %d" % size
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
+ size = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
+ return " Wire#(Bit#(%d)) wr_interrupt <- mkWire();" % size
+ def axi_slave_name(self, name, ifacenum):
+ return ''
+ def axi_slave_idx(self, idx, name, ifacenum):
+ return ('', 0)
+ def axi_addr_map(self, name, ifacenum):
+ return ''
+ def ifname_tweak(self, pname, typ, txt):
+ if typ != 'in':
+ return txt
+ print "ifnameweak", pname, typ, txt
+ return "wr_interrupt[{0}] <= ".format(pname)
+ def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
+ ret = [PBase.mk_pincon(self, name, count)]
+ size = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
+ ret.append(eint_pincon_template.format(size))
+ ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_io_in;" % (name, count))
+ ret.append(" wr_interrupt <= ({")
+ for idx, p in enumerate(self.peripheral.pinspecs):
+ pname = p['name']
+ sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
+ ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s" % sname
+ comma = '' if idx == size - 1 else ','
+ ret.append(" {0}{1}".format(ps, comma))
+ ret.append(" });")
+ ret.append(" endrule")
+ return '\n'.join(ret)
+eint_pincon_template = '''\
+ // EINT is offset at end of other peripheral interrupts
+`ifdef PLIC
+ for(Integer i=0;i<{0};i=i+ 1)begin
+ rule connect_int_to_plic(wr_interrupt[i]==1);
+ ff_gateway_queue[i+`NUM_SLOW_IRQS].enq(1);
+ plic.ifc_external_irq[i+`NUM_SLOW_IRQS].irq_frm_gateway(True);
+ endrule
+ end
+class jtag(PBase):
+ def axi_slave_name(self, name, ifacenum):
+ return ''
+ def axi_slave_idx(self, idx, name, ifacenum):
+ return ('', 0)
+ def axi_addr_map(self, name, ifacenum):
+ return ''
+ def slowifdeclmux(self):
+ return " method Action jtag_ms (Bit#(1) in);\n" + \
+ " method Bit#(1) jtag_di;\n" + \
+ " method Action jtag_do (Bit#(1) in);\n" + \
+ " method Action jtag_ck (Bit#(1) in);"
+ def slowifinstance(self):
+ return jtag_method_template # bit of a lazy hack this...
+jtag_method_template = """\
+ method Action jtag_ms (Bit#(1) in);
+ pinmux.peripheral_side.jtag_ms(in);
+ endmethod
+ method Bit#(1) jtag_di=pinmux.peripheral_side.jtag_di;
+ method Action jtag_do (Bit#(1) in);
+ pinmux.peripheral_side.jtag_do(in);
+ endmethod
+ method Action jtag_ck (Bit#(1) in);
+ pinmux.peripheral_side.jtag_ck(in);
+ endmethod
+class sdmmc(PBase):
+ def slowimport(self):
+ return " import sdcard_dummy :: *;"
+ def slowifdecl(self):
+ return " interface QSPI_out sd{0}_out;\n" + \
+ " method Bit#(1) sd{0}_isint;"
+ def num_axi_regs32(self):
+ return 13
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self):
+ return " Ifc_sdcard_dummy sd{0} <- mksdcard_dummy();"
+ def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
+ return "sd{0}.slave"
+ def pinname_in(self, pname):
+ return "%s_in" % pname
+ def pinname_out(self, pname):
+ if pname.startswith('d'):
+ return "%s_out" % pname
+ return pname
+ def pinname_outen(self, pname):
+ if pname.startswith('d'):
+ return "%s_outen" % pname
+class spi(PBase):
+ def slowimport(self):
+ return " import qspi :: *;"
+ def slowifdecl(self):
+ return " interface QSPI_out spi{0}_out;\n" + \
+ " method Bit#(1) spi{0}_isint;"
+ def num_axi_regs32(self):
+ return 13
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self):
+ return " Ifc_qspi spi{0} <- mkqspi();"
+ def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
+ return "spi{0}.slave"
+ def pinname_out(self, pname):
+ return {'clk': 'out.clk_o',
+ 'nss': 'out.ncs_o',
+ 'mosi': 'out.io_o[0]',
+ 'miso': 'out.io_o[1]',
+ }.get(pname, '')
+ def pinname_outen(self, pname):
+ return {'clk': 1,
+ 'nss': 1,
+ 'mosi': 'out.io_enable[0]',
+ 'miso': 'out.io_enable[1]',
+ }.get(pname, '')
+ def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
+ ret = [PBase.mk_pincon(self, name, count)]
+ # special-case for gpio in, store in a temporary vector
+ plen = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
+ ret.append(" // XXX NSS and CLK are hard-coded master")
+ ret.append(" // TODO: must add spi slave-mode")
+ ret.append(" // all ins done in one rule from 4-bitfield")
+ ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_io_in;" % (name, count))
+ ret.append(" {0}{1}.out.io_i({{".format(name, count))
+ for idx, pname in enumerate(['mosi', 'miso']):
+ sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
+ ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s_in" % sname
+ ret.append(" {0},".format(ps))
+ ret.append(" 1'b0,1'b0")
+ ret.append(" });")
+ ret.append(" endrule")
+ return '\n'.join(ret)
+ def mk_ext_ifacedef(self, iname, inum):
+ name = self.get_iname(inum)
+ return " method {0}_isint = {0}.interrupts[5];".format(name)
+ def slowifdeclmux(self):
+ return " method Bit#(1) {1}{0}_isint;"
+class qspi(PBase):
+ def slowimport(self):
+ return " import qspi :: *;"
+ def slowifdecl(self):
+ return " interface QSPI_out qspi{0}_out;\n" + \
+ " method Bit#(1) qspi{0}_isint;"
+ def num_axi_regs32(self):
+ return 13
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
+ return " Ifc_qspi qspi{0} <- mkqspi();"
+ def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
+ return "qspi{0}.slave"
+ def pinname_out(self, pname):
+ return {'ck': 'out.clk_o',
+ 'nss': 'out.ncs_o',
+ 'io0': 'out.io_o[0]',
+ 'io1': 'out.io_o[1]',
+ 'io2': 'out.io_o[2]',
+ 'io3': 'out.io_o[3]',
+ }.get(pname, '')
+ def pinname_outen(self, pname):
+ return {'ck': 1,
+ 'nss': 1,
+ 'io0': 'out.io_enable[0]',
+ 'io1': 'out.io_enable[1]',
+ 'io2': 'out.io_enable[2]',
+ 'io3': 'out.io_enable[3]',
+ }.get(pname, '')
+ def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
+ ret = [PBase.mk_pincon(self, name, count)]
+ # special-case for gpio in, store in a temporary vector
+ plen = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
+ ret.append(" // XXX NSS and CLK are hard-coded master")
+ ret.append(" // TODO: must add qspi slave-mode")
+ ret.append(" // all ins done in one rule from 4-bitfield")
+ ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_io_in;" % (name, count))
+ ret.append(" {0}{1}.out.io_i({{".format(name, count))
+ for i, p in enumerate(self.peripheral.pinspecs):
+ typ = p['type']
+ pname = p['name']
+ if not pname.startswith('io'):
+ continue
+ idx = pname[1:]
+ n = name
+ sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
+ ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s_in" % sname
+ comma = '' if i == 5 else ','
+ ret.append(" {0}{1}".format(ps, comma))
+ ret.append(" });")
+ ret.append(" endrule")
+ return '\n'.join(ret)
+ def num_irqs(self):
+ return 6
+ def plic_object(self, pname, idx):
+ return "{0}.interrupts()[{1}]".format(pname, idx)
+ def mk_ext_ifacedef(self, iname, inum):
+ name = self.get_iname(inum)
+ return " method {0}_isint = {0}.interrupts[5];".format(name)
+ def slowifdeclmux(self):
+ return " method Bit#(1) {1}{0}_isint;"
+class pwm(PBase):
+ def slowimport(self):
+ return " import pwm::*;"
+ def slowifdecl(self):
+ return " interface PWMIO pwm{0}_io;"
+ def num_axi_regs32(self):
+ return 4
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
+ return " Ifc_PWM_bus pwm{0} <- mkPWM_bus(sp_clock);"
+ def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
+ return "pwm{0}.axi4_slave"
+ def pinname_out(self, pname):
+ return {'out': 'pwm_io.pwm_o'}.get(pname, '')
+class gpio(PBase):
+ def slowimport(self):
+ return " import pinmux::*;\n" + \
+ " import mux::*;\n" + \
+ " import gpio::*;\n"
+ def slowifdeclmux(self):
+ size = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
+ return " interface GPIO_config#(%d) pad_config{0};" % size
+ def num_axi_regs32(self):
+ return 2
+ def axi_slave_idx(self, idx, name, ifacenum):
+ """ generates AXI slave number definition, except
+ GPIO also has a muxer per bank
+ """
+ name = name.upper()
+ mname = 'mux' + name[4:]
+ mname = mname.upper()
+ print "AXIslavenum", name, mname
+ (ret, x) = PBase.axi_slave_idx(self, idx, name, ifacenum)
+ (ret2, x) = PBase.axi_slave_idx(self, idx + 1, mname, ifacenum)
+ return ("%s\n%s" % (ret, ret2), 2)
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self, size=0):
+ print "gpioslow", self.peripheral, dir(self.peripheral)
+ size = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
+ return " MUX#(%d) mux{0} <- mkmux();\n" % size + \
+ " GPIO#(%d) gpio{0} <- mkgpio();" % size
+ def mk_connection(self, count):
+ print "GPIO mk_conn", self.name, count
+ res = []
+ dname = self.mksuffix(self.name, count)
+ for i, n in enumerate(['gpio' + dname, 'mux' + dname]):
+ res.append(PBase.mk_connection(self, count, n))
+ return '\n'.join(res)
+ def _mk_connection(self, name=None, count=0):
+ n = self.mksuffix(name, count)
+ if name.startswith('gpio'):
+ return "gpio{0}.axi_slave".format(n)
+ if name.startswith('mux'):
+ return "mux{0}.axi_slave".format(n)
+ def mksuffix(self, name, i):
+ if name.startswith('mux'):
+ return name[3:]
+ return name[4:]
+ def mk_cellconn(self, cellnum, name, count):
+ ret = []
+ bank = self.mksuffix(name, count)
+ txt = " pinmux.mux_lines.cell{0}_mux(mux{1}.mux_config.mux[{2}]);"
+ for p in self.peripheral.pinspecs:
+ ret.append(txt.format(cellnum, bank, p['name'][1:]))
+ cellnum += 1
+ return ("\n".join(ret), cellnum)
+ def pinname_out(self, pname):
+ return "func.gpio_out[{0}]".format(pname[1:])
+ def pinname_outen(self, pname):
+ return "func.gpio_out_en[{0}]".format(pname[1:])
+ def mk_pincon(self, name, count):
+ ret = [PBase.mk_pincon(self, name, count)]
+ # special-case for gpio in, store in a temporary vector
+ plen = len(self.peripheral.pinspecs)
+ ret.append(" rule con_%s%d_in;" % (name, count))
+ ret.append(" Vector#({0},Bit#(1)) temp;".format(plen))
+ for p in self.peripheral.pinspecs:
+ typ = p['type']
+ pname = p['name']
+ idx = pname[1:]
+ n = name
+ sname = self.peripheral.pname(pname).format(count)
+ ps = "pinmux.peripheral_side.%s_in" % sname
+ ret.append(" temp[{0}]={1};".format(idx, ps))
+ ret.append(" {0}.func.gpio_in(temp);".format(name))
+ ret.append(" endrule")
+ return '\n'.join(ret)
+axi_slave_declarations = """\
+typedef 0 SlowMaster;
+typedef TAdd#(LastGen_slave_num,`ifdef CLINT 1 `else 0 `endif )
+ CLINT_slave_num;
+typedef TAdd#(CLINT_slave_num ,`ifdef PLIC 1 `else 0 `endif )
+ Plic_slave_num;
+typedef TAdd#(Plic_slave_num ,`ifdef AXIEXP 1 `else 0 `endif )
+ AxiExp1_slave_num;
+typedef TAdd#(AxiExp1_slave_num,1) Num_Slow_Slaves;
+pinmux_cellrule = """\
+ rule connect_select_lines_pinmux;
+ endrule
+class CallFn(object):
+ def __init__(self, peripheral, name):
+ self.peripheral = peripheral
+ self.name = name
+ def __call__(self, *args):
+ #print "__call__", self.name, self.peripheral.slow, args
+ if not self.peripheral.slow:
+ return ''
+ return getattr(self.peripheral.slow, self.name)(*args[1:])
+class PeripheralIface(object):
+ def __init__(self, ifacename):
+ self.slow = None
+ slow = slowfactory.getcls(ifacename)
+ print "Iface", ifacename, slow
+ if slow:
+ self.slow = slow(ifacename)
+ self.slow.peripheral = self
+ for fname in ['slowimport',
+ 'slowifinstance', 'slowifdecl', 'slowifdeclmux',
+ 'mkslow_peripheral', 'mk_plic', 'mk_ext_ifacedef',
+ 'mk_connection', 'mk_cellconn', 'mk_pincon']:
+ fn = CallFn(self, fname)
+ setattr(self, fname, types.MethodType(fn, self))
+ #print "PeripheralIface"
+ #print dir(self)
+ def mksuffix(self, name, i):
+ if self.slow is None:
+ return i
+ return self.slow.mksuffix(name, i)
+ def axi_reg_def(self, start, count):
+ if not self.slow:
+ return ('', 0)
+ return self.slow.axi_reg_def(start, self.ifacename, count)
+ def axi_slave_idx(self, start, count):
+ if not self.slow:
+ return ('', 0)
+ return self.slow.axi_slave_idx(start, self.ifacename, count)
+ def axi_addr_map(self, count):
+ if not self.slow:
+ return ''
+ return self.slow.axi_addr_map(self.ifacename, count)
+class PeripheralInterfaces(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def slowimport(self, *args):
+ ret = []
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ #print "slowimport", name, self.data[name].slowimport
+ ret.append(self.data[name].slowimport())
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def slowifinstance(self, *args):
+ ret = []
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ #print "slowimport", name, self.data[name].slowimport
+ ret.append(self.data[name].slowifinstance())
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def slowifdeclmux(self, *args):
+ ret = []
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ ret.append(self.data[name].slowifdeclmux().format(i, name))
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def slowifdecl(self, *args):
+ ret = []
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ ret.append(self.data[name].slowifdecl().format(i, name))
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def axi_reg_def(self, *args):
+ ret = []
+ start = 0x00011100 # start of AXI peripherals address
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ x = self.data[name].axi_reg_def(start, i)
+ #print ("ifc", name, x)
+ (rdef, offs) = x
+ ret.append(rdef)
+ start += offs
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def axi_slave_idx(self, *args):
+ ret = []
+ start = 0
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ (rdef, offs) = self.data[name].axi_slave_idx(start, i)
+ #print ("ifc", name, rdef, offs)
+ ret.append(rdef)
+ start += offs
+ ret.append("typedef %d LastGen_slave_num;" % (start - 1))
+ decls = '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ return axi_slave_declarations.format(decls)
+ def axi_addr_map(self, *args):
+ ret = []
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ ret.append(self.data[name].axi_addr_map(i))
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def mkslow_peripheral(self, *args):
+ ret = []
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ print "mkslow", name, count
+ x = self.data[name].mkslow_peripheral()
+ print name, count, x
+ suffix = self.data[name].mksuffix(name, i)
+ ret.append(x.format(suffix))
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def mk_connection(self, *args):
+ ret = []
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ print "mk_conn", name, i
+ txt = self.data[name].mk_connection(i)
+ if name == 'gpioa':
+ print "txt", txt
+ print self.data[name].mk_connection
+ ret.append(txt)
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def mk_cellconn(self):
+ ret = []
+ cellcount = 0
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ res = self.data[name].mk_cellconn(cellcount, name, i)
+ if not res:
+ continue
+ (txt, cellcount) = res
+ ret.append(txt)
+ ret = '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ return pinmux_cellrule.format(ret)
+ def mk_pincon(self):
+ ret = []
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ txt = self.data[name].mk_pincon(name, i)
+ ret.append(txt)
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def mk_ext_ifacedef(self):
+ ret = []
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ txt = self.data[name].mk_ext_ifacedef(name, i)
+ ret.append(txt)
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def mk_plic(self):
+ ret = []
+ irq_offs = 8 # XXX: DMA scovers 0-7?
+ for (name, count) in self.ifacecount:
+ for i in range(count):
+ res = self.data[name].mk_plic(i, irq_offs)
+ if not res:
+ continue
+ (txt, irq_offs) = res
+ ret.append(txt)
+ self.num_slow_irqs = irq_offs
+ return '\n'.join(list(filter(None, ret)))
+ def mk_sloirqsdef(self):
+ return " `define NUM_SLOW_IRQS {0}".format(self.num_slow_irqs)
+class PFactory(object):
+ def getcls(self, name):
+ for k, v in {'uart': uart,
+ 'rs232': rs232,
+ 'twi': twi,
+ 'quart': quart,
+ 'qspi': qspi,
+ 'spi': spi,
+ 'pwm': pwm,
+ 'eint': eint,
+ 'sd': sdmmc,
+ 'jtag': jtag,
+ 'gpio': gpio
+ }.items():
+ if name.startswith(k):
+ return v
+ return None
+slowfactory = PFactory()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ p = uart('uart')
+ print p.slowimport()
+ print p.slowifdecl()
+ i = PeripheralIface('uart')
+ print i, i.slow
+ i = PeripheralIface('gpioa')
+ print i, i.slow