gts = Signal(width)
gates = Signal(width-1)
out = Signal(width)
- mux_input = Signal()
+ aux_input = Signal()
+ gt_en = Signal()
comb += [eqs.eq(AnyConst(width)),
- mux_input.eq(AnyConst(1))]
+ aux_input.eq(AnyConst(1)),
+ gt_en.eq(AnyConst(1))]
m.submodules.dut = dut = GTCombiner(width)
- # If the mux_input is 0, then this should work exactly as
+ # If the aux_input is 0, then this should work exactly as
# described in
# except for 2 gate bits, not 3
- with m.If(mux_input == 0):
+ with m.If((aux_input == 0) & (gt_en == 1)):
with m.Switch(gates):
with m.Case(0b11):
for i in range(out.width):
comb += Assert(out[2] == 0)
comb += Assert(out[1] == 0)
comb += Assert(out[0] == (gts[0] | (eqs[0] & (gts[1] | (eqs[1] & gts[2])))))
- # With the mux_input set to 1, this should work similarly to
+ # With the aux_input set to 1, this should work similarly to
# eq_combiner. It appears this is the case, however the
# ungated inputs are not set to 0 like they are in eq
- with m.Else():
- for i in range(gts.width):
- comb += Assume(gts[i] == 0)
+ with m.Elif((aux_input == 1) & (gt_en == 0)):
with m.Switch(gates):
with m.Case(0b11):
for i in range(out.width):
comb += dut.eqs.eq(eqs)
comb += dut.gts.eq(gts)
comb += dut.gates.eq(gates)
- comb += dut.mux_input.eq(mux_input)
+ comb += dut.aux_input.eq(aux_input)
+ comb += dut.gt_en.eq(gt_en)
comb += out.eq(dut.outputs)
return m
def __init__(self, width):
self.width = width
- self.mux_input = Signal(reset_less=True) # right hand side mux input
+ self.aux_input = Signal(reset_less=True) # right hand side mux input
+ self.gt_en = Signal(reset_less=True) # enable or disable the gt signal
self.eqs = Signal(width, reset_less=True) # the flags for EQ
self.gts = Signal(width, reset_less=True) # the flags for GT
self.gates = Signal(width-1, reset_less=True)
m = Module()
comb = m.d.comb
- previnput = self.gts[-1] | (self.eqs[-1] & self.mux_input)
+ previnput = (self.gts[-1] & self.gt_en) | (self.eqs[-1] & self.aux_input)
for i in range(self.width-1, 0, -1): # counts down from width-1 to 1
m.submodules["mux%d" % i] = mux = Combiner()
comb += mux.ina.eq(previnput)
- comb += mux.inb.eq(self.mux_input)
+ comb += mux.inb.eq(self.aux_input)
comb += mux.sel.eq(self.gates[i-1])
comb += self.outputs[i].eq(mux.outb)
- previnput = self.gts[i-1] | (self.eqs[i-1] & mux.outa)
+ previnput = (self.gts[i-1] & self.gt_en) | (self.eqs[i-1] & mux.outa)
comb += self.outputs[0].eq(previnput)