from soc.regfile.regfiles import RegFiles
from soc.decoder.power_decoder import create_pdecode
from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import PowerDecode2
+import operator
+# helper function for reducing a list of signals down to a parallel
+# ORed single signal.
def ortreereduce(tree, attr="data_o"):
return treereduce(tree, operator.or_, lambda x: getattr(x, attr))
for regfile, spec in byregfiles_rd.items():
fuspecs = byregfiles_rdspec[regfile]
rdpickers[regfile] = {}
+ # for each named regfile port, connect up all FUs to that port
for rpidx, (regname, fspec) in enumerate(fuspecs.items()):
# get the regfile specs for this regfile port
(rf, read, write, wid, fuspec) = fspec
with m.If(rdpick.en_o):
comb +=
- # connect up the FU req/go signals and the reg-read to the FU
+ # connect up the FU req/go signals, and the reg-read to the FU
+ # and create a Read Broadcast Bus
for pi, (funame, fu, idx) in enumerate(fuspec):
+ src = fu.src_i[idx]
# connect request-read to picker input, and output to go-rd
fu_active = fu_bitdict[funame]
pick = fu.rd_rel_o[idx] & fu_active & rdflag
comb += rdpick.i[pi].eq(pick)
comb += fu.go_rd_i[idx].eq(rdpick.o[pi])
- # connect regfile port to input
+ # connect regfile port to input, creating a Broadcast Bus
print ("reg connect widths",
regfile, regname, pi, funame,
- fu.src_i[idx].shape(), rport.data_o.shape())
- comb += fu.src_i[idx].eq(rport.data_o)
+ src.shape(), rport.data_o.shape())
+ comb += src.eq(rport.data_o) # all FUs connect to same port
# dictionary of lists of regfile write ports
- byregfiles_rd, byregfiles_rdspec = self.get_byregfiles(False)
+ byregfiles_wr, byregfiles_wrspec = self.get_byregfiles(False)
+ # same for write ports.
+ # BLECH! complex code-duplication! BLECH!
+ wrpickers = {}
+ for regfile, spec in byregfiles_wr.items():
+ fuspecs = byregfiles_wrspec[regfile]
+ wrpickers[regfile] = {}
+ for rpidx, (regname, fspec) in enumerate(fuspecs.items()):
+ # get the regfile specs for this regfile port
+ (rf, read, write, wid, fuspec) = fspec
+ # "munge" the regfile port index, due to full-port access
+ if regfile in ['XER', 'CA']:
+ if regname.startswith('full'):
+ rpidx = 0 # by convention, first port
+ else:
+ rpidx += 1 # start indexing port 0 from 1
+ # select the required write port. these are pre-defined sizes
+ print (regfile, regs.rf.keys())
+ wport = regs.rf[regfile.lower()].w_ports[rpidx]
+ # create a priority picker to manage this port
+ wrpickers[regfile][rpidx] = wrpick = PriorityPicker(len(fuspec))
+ setattr(m.submodules, "wrpick_%s_%d" % (regfile, rpidx), wrpick)
+ # connect the regspec write "reg select" number to this port
+ # only if one FU actually requests (and is granted) the port
+ # will the write-enable be activated
+ with m.If(wrpick.en_o):
+ comb += wport.wen.eq(write)
+ # connect up the FU req/go signals and the reg-read to the FU
+ # these are arbitrated by Data.ok signals
+ wsigs = []
+ for pi, (funame, fu, idx) in enumerate(fuspec):
+ # write-request comes from dest.ok
+ dest = fu.get_out(idx)
+ name = "wrflag_%s_%s_%d" % (funame, regname, idx)
+ wrflag = Signal(name=name, reset_less=True)
+ comb += wrflag.eq(dest.ok)
+ # connect request-read to picker input, and output to go-wr
+ fu_active = fu_bitdict[funame]
+ pick = fu.wr.rel[idx] & fu_active & wrflag
+ comb += wrpick.i[pi].eq(pick)
+ comb += fu.go_wr_i[idx].eq(wrpick.o[pi])
+ # connect regfile port to input
+ print ("reg connect widths",
+ regfile, regname, pi, funame,
+ dest.shape(), wport.data_i.shape())
+ wsigs.append(dest)
+ # here is where we create the Write Broadcast Bus. simple, eh?
+ comb += wport.data_i.eq(ortreereduce(wsigs, "data"))
return m