from nmigen import Module, Signal
from soc.decoder.pseudo.lexer import IndentLexer
-# I use the Python AST
-#from compiler import ast
-import ast
-# Helper function
-def Assign(left, right):
- names = []
- if isinstance(left, ast.Name):
- # Single assignment on left
- return ast.Assign([ast.Name(, ast.Store())], right)
- elif isinstance(left, ast.Tuple):
- # List of things - make sure they are Name nodes
- names = []
- for child in left.getChildren():
- if not isinstance(child, ast.Name):
- raise SyntaxError("that assignment not supported")
- names.append(
- ass_list = [ast.AssName(name, 'OP_ASSIGN') for name in names]
- return ast.Assign([ast.AssTuple(ass_list)], right)
- else:
- raise SyntaxError("Can't do that yet")
-## I implemented INDENT / DEDENT generation as a post-processing filter
-# The original lex token stream contains WS and NEWLINE characters.
-# WS will only occur before any other tokens on a line.
-# I have three filters. One tags tokens by adding two attributes.
-# "must_indent" is True if the token must be indented from the
-# previous code. The other is "at_line_start" which is True for WS
-# and the first non-WS/non-NEWLINE on a line. It flags the check so
-# see if the new line has changed indication level.
-## No using Python's approach because Ply supports precedence
-# comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
-# arith_expr: term (('+'|'-') term)*
-# term: factor (('*'|'/'|'%'|'//') factor)*
-# factor: ('+'|'-'|'~') factor | power
-# comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
-def make_lt_compare(arg):
- (left, right) = arg
- return ast.Compare(left, [ast.Lt()], [right])
-def make_gt_compare(arg):
- (left, right) = arg
- return ast.Compare(left, [ast.Gt()], [right])
-def make_eq_compare(arg):
- (left, right) = arg
- return ast.Compare(left, [ast.Eq()], [right])
-binary_ops = {
- "+": ast.Add(),
- "-": ast.Sub(),
- "*": ast.Mult(),
- "/": ast.Div(),
- "<": make_lt_compare,
- ">": make_gt_compare,
- "=": make_eq_compare,
-unary_ops = {
- "+": ast.Add,
- "-": ast.Sub,
- }
-def check_concat(node): # checks if the comparison is already a concat
- print (node)
- if not isinstance(node, ast.Call):
- return [node]
- if node[0].id != 'concat':
- return node
- return node[1]
-########## Parser (tokens -> AST) ######
-# also part of Ply
-#import yacc
-class PowerParser:
- precedence = (
- ("left", "EQ", "GT", "LT"),
- ("left", "PLUS", "MINUS"),
- ("left", "MULT", "DIV"),
- )
- def __init__(self):
- self.gprs = {}
- for rname in ['RA', 'RB', 'RC', 'RT', 'RS']:
- self.gprs[rname] = None
- self.read_regs = []
- self.write_regs = []
- # The grammar comments come from Python's Grammar/Grammar file
- ## NB: compound_stmt in single_input is followed by extra NEWLINE!
- # file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
- def p_file_input_end(self, p):
- """file_input_end : file_input ENDMARKER"""
- print ("end", p[1])
- p[0] = p[1]
- def p_file_input(self, p):
- """file_input : file_input NEWLINE
- | file_input stmt
- | stmt"""
- if isinstance(p[len(p)-1], str):
- if len(p) == 3:
- p[0] = p[1]
- else:
- p[0] = [] # p == 2 --> only a blank line
- else:
- if len(p) == 3:
- p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
- else:
- p[0] = p[1]
- # funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
- # ignoring decorators
- def p_funcdef(self, p):
- "funcdef : DEF NAME parameters COLON suite"
- p[0] = ast.FunctionDef(p[2], p[3], p[5], ())
- # parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'
- def p_parameters(self, p):
- """parameters : LPAR RPAR
- | LPAR varargslist RPAR"""
- if len(p) == 3:
- args=[]
- else:
- args = p[2]
- p[0] = ast.arguments(args=args, vararg=None, kwarg=None, defaults=[])
- # varargslist: (fpdef ['=' test] ',')* ('*' NAME [',' '**' NAME] |
- # '**' NAME) |
- # highly simplified
- def p_varargslist(self, p):
- """varargslist : varargslist COMMA NAME
- | NAME"""
- if len(p) == 4:
- p[0] = p[1] + p[3]
- else:
- p[0] = [p[1]]
- # stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
- def p_stmt_simple(self, p):
- """stmt : simple_stmt"""
- # simple_stmt is a list
- p[0] = p[1]
- def p_stmt_compound(self, p):
- """stmt : compound_stmt"""
- p[0] = [p[1]]
- # simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE
- def p_simple_stmt(self, p):
- """simple_stmt : small_stmts NEWLINE
- | small_stmts SEMICOLON NEWLINE"""
- p[0] = p[1]
- def p_small_stmts(self, p):
- """small_stmts : small_stmts SEMICOLON small_stmt
- | small_stmt"""
- if len(p) == 4:
- p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
- else:
- p[0] = [p[1]]
- # small_stmt: expr_stmt | print_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt |
- # import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt
- def p_small_stmt(self, p):
- """small_stmt : flow_stmt
- | break_stmt
- | expr_stmt"""
- if isinstance(p[1], ast.Call):
- p[0] = ast.Expr(p[1])
- else:
- p[0] = p[1]
- # expr_stmt: testlist (augassign (yield_expr|testlist) |
- # ('=' (yield_expr|testlist))*)
- # augassign: ('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' |
- # '<<=' | '>>=' | '**=' | '//=')
- def p_expr_stmt(self, p):
- """expr_stmt : testlist ASSIGN testlist
- | testlist """
- if len(p) == 2:
- # a list of expressions
- #p[0] = ast.Discard(p[1])
- p[0] = p[1]
- else:
- if p[1].id in self.gprs:
- self.write_regs.append(p[1].id) # add to list of regs to write
- p[0] = Assign(p[1], p[3])
- def p_flow_stmt(self, p):
- "flow_stmt : return_stmt"
- p[0] = p[1]
- # return_stmt: 'return' [testlist]
- def p_return_stmt(self, p):
- "return_stmt : RETURN testlist"
- p[0] = ast.Return(p[2])
- def p_compound_stmt(self, p):
- """compound_stmt : if_stmt
- | while_stmt
- | for_stmt
- | funcdef
- """
- p[0] = p[1]
- def p_break_stmt(self, p):
- """break_stmt : BREAK
- """
- p[0] = ast.Break()
- def p_for_stmt(self, p):
- """for_stmt : FOR test EQ test TO test COLON suite
- """
- p[0] = ast.While(p[2], p[4], [])
- # auto-add-one (sigh) due to python range
- start = p[4]
- end = ast.BinOp(p[6], ast.Add(), ast.Constant(1))
- it = ast.Call(ast.Name("range"), [start, end], [])
- p[0] = ast.For(p[2], it, p[8], [])
- def p_while_stmt(self, p):
- """while_stmt : DO WHILE test COLON suite ELSE COLON suite
- | DO WHILE test COLON suite
- """
- if len(p) == 6:
- p[0] = ast.While(p[3], p[5], [])
- else:
- p[0] = ast.While(p[3], p[5], p[8])
- def p_if_stmt(self, p):
- """if_stmt : IF test COLON suite ELSE COLON suite
- | IF test COLON suite
- """
- if len(p) == 5:
- p[0] = ast.If(p[2], p[4], [])
- else:
- p[0] = ast.If(p[2], p[4], p[7])
- def p_suite(self, p):
- """suite : simple_stmt
- if len(p) == 2:
- p[0] = p[1]
- else:
- p[0] = p[3]
- def p_stmts(self, p):
- """stmts : stmts stmt
- | stmt"""
- if len(p) == 3:
- p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
- else:
- p[0] = p[1]
- def p_comparison(self, p):
- """comparison : comparison PLUS comparison
- | comparison MINUS comparison
- | comparison MULT comparison
- | comparison DIV comparison
- | comparison LT comparison
- | comparison EQ comparison
- | comparison GT comparison
- | PLUS comparison
- | MINUS comparison
- | comparison APPEND comparison
- | power"""
- if len(p) == 4:
- print (list(p))
- if p[2] == '||':
- l = check_concat(p[1]) + check_concat(p[3])
- p[0] = ast.Call(ast.Name("concat"), l, [])
- elif p[2] in ['<', '>', '=']:
- p[0] = binary_ops[p[2]]((p[1],p[3]))
- else:
- p[0] = ast.BinOp(p[1], binary_ops[p[2]], p[3])
- elif len(p) == 3:
- p[0] = unary_ops[p[1]](p[2])
- else:
- p[0] = p[1]
- # power: atom trailer* ['**' factor]
- # trailers enables function calls (and subscripts).
- # I only allow one level of calls
- # so this is 'trailer'
- def p_power(self, p):
- """power : atom
- | atom trailer"""
- if len(p) == 2:
- p[0] = p[1]
- else:
- if p[2][0] == "CALL":
- #p[0] = ast.Expr(ast.Call(p[1], p[2][1], []))
- p[0] = ast.Call(p[1], p[2][1], [])
- #if p[1].id == 'print':
- # p[0] = ast.Printnl(ast.Tuple(p[2][1]), None, None)
- #else:
- # p[0] = ast.CallFunc(p[1], p[2][1], None, None)
- else:
- print (p[2][1])
- #raise AssertionError("not implemented %s" % p[2][0])
- subs = p[2][1]
- if len(subs) == 1:
- idx = subs[0]
- else:
- idx = ast.Slice(subs[0], subs[1], None)
- p[0] = ast.Subscript(p[1], idx)
- def p_atom_name(self, p):
- """atom : NAME"""
- p[0] = ast.Name(p[1], ctx=ast.Load())
- def p_atom_number(self, p):
- """atom : BINARY
- | STRING"""
- p[0] = ast.Constant(p[1])
- #'[' [listmaker] ']' |
- def p_atom_listmaker(self, p):
- """atom : LBRACK listmaker RBRACK"""
- p[0] = p[2]
- def p_listmaker(self, p):
- """listmaker : test COMMA listmaker
- | test
- """
- if len(p) == 2:
- p[0] = ast.List([p[1]])
- else:
- p[0] = ast.List([p[1]] + p[3].nodes)
- def p_atom_tuple(self, p):
- """atom : LPAR testlist RPAR"""
- print ("tuple", p[2])
- if isinstance(p[2], ast.Name):
- print ("tuple name", p[2].id)
- if p[2].id in self.gprs:
- self.read_regs.append(p[2].id) # add to list of regs to read
- #p[0] = ast.Subscript(ast.Name("GPR"), ast.Str(p[2].id))
- #return
- p[0] = p[2]
- # trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
- def p_trailer(self, p):
- """trailer : trailer_arglist
- | trailer_subscript
- """
- p[0] = p[1]
- def p_trailer_arglist(self, p):
- "trailer_arglist : LPAR arglist RPAR"
- p[0] = ("CALL", p[2])
- def p_trailer_subscript(self, p):
- "trailer_subscript : LBRACK subscript RBRACK"
- p[0] = ("SUBS", p[2])
- #subscript: '.' '.' '.' | test | [test] ':' [test]
- def p_subscript(self, p):
- """subscript : test COLON test
- | test
- """
- if len(p) == 4:
- p[0] = [p[1], p[3]]
- else:
- p[0] = [p[1]]
- # testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
- # Contains shift/reduce error
- def p_testlist(self, p):
- """testlist : testlist_multi COMMA
- | testlist_multi """
- if len(p) == 2:
- p[0] = p[1]
- else:
- # May need to promote singleton to tuple
- if isinstance(p[1], list):
- p[0] = p[1]
- else:
- p[0] = [p[1]]
- # Convert into a tuple?
- if isinstance(p[0], list):
- p[0] = ast.Tuple(p[0])
- def p_testlist_multi(self, p):
- """testlist_multi : testlist_multi COMMA test
- | test"""
- if len(p) == 2:
- # singleton
- p[0] = p[1]
- else:
- if isinstance(p[1], list):
- p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
- else:
- # singleton -> tuple
- p[0] = [p[1], p[3]]
- # test: or_test ['if' or_test 'else' test] | lambdef
- # as I don't support 'and', 'or', and 'not' this works down to 'comparison'
- def p_test(self, p):
- "test : comparison"
- p[0] = p[1]
- # arglist: (argument ',')* (argument [',']| '*' test [',' '**' test]
- # | '**' test)
- # XXX INCOMPLETE: this doesn't allow the trailing comma
- def p_arglist(self, p):
- """arglist : arglist COMMA argument
- | argument"""
- if len(p) == 4:
- p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
- else:
- p[0] = [p[1]]
- # argument: test [gen_for] | test '=' test # Really [keyword '='] test
- def p_argument(self, p):
- "argument : test"
- p[0] = p[1]
- def p_error(self, p):
- #print "Error!", repr(p)
- raise SyntaxError(p)
-class GardenSnakeParser(PowerParser):
- def __init__(self, lexer = None):
- PowerParser.__init__(self)
- if lexer is None:
- lexer = IndentLexer(debug=1)
- self.lexer = lexer
- self.tokens = lexer.tokens
- self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, start="file_input_end",
- debug=False, write_tables=False)
- = create_pdecode()
- def parse(self, code):
- self.lexer.input(code)
- result = self.parser.parse(lexer = self.lexer, debug=False)
- return ast.Module(result)
-###### Code generation ######
-#from compiler import misc, syntax, pycodegen
-class GardenSnakeCompiler(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.parser = GardenSnakeParser()
- def compile(self, code, mode="exec", filename="<string>"):
- tree = self.parser.parse(code)
- print ("snake")
- pprint(tree)
- return tree
- #misc.set_filename(filename, tree)
- return compile(tree, mode="exec", filename="<string>")
- #syntax.check(tree)
- gen = pycodegen.ModuleCodeGenerator(tree)
- code = gen.getCode()
- return code
+from soc.decoder.pseudo.parser import GardenSnakeCompiler
####### Test code #######
code = cnttzd
#code = bpermd
-lexer = IndentLexer(debug=1)
+#lexer = IndentLexer(debug=1)
# Give the lexer some input
-print ("code")
-print (code)
+#print ("code")
+#print (code)
# Tokenize
-while True:
+while False:
tok = lexer.token()
if not tok:
break # No more input
--- /dev/null
+# Based on GardenSnake - a parser generator demonstration program
+# GardenSnake was released into the Public Domain by Andrew Dalke.
+# Portions of this work are derived from Python's Grammar definition
+# and may be covered under the Python copyright and license
+# Andrew Dalke / Dalke Scientific Software, LLC
+# 30 August 2006 / Cape Town, South Africa
+# Modifications for inclusion in PLY distribution
+from pprint import pprint
+from ply import lex, yacc
+import astor
+from soc.decoder.power_decoder import create_pdecode
+from soc.decoder.pseudo.lexer import IndentLexer
+# I use the Python AST
+#from compiler import ast
+import ast
+# Helper function
+def Assign(left, right):
+ names = []
+ if isinstance(left, ast.Name):
+ # Single assignment on left
+ return ast.Assign([ast.Name(, ast.Store())], right)
+ elif isinstance(left, ast.Tuple):
+ # List of things - make sure they are Name nodes
+ names = []
+ for child in left.getChildren():
+ if not isinstance(child, ast.Name):
+ raise SyntaxError("that assignment not supported")
+ names.append(
+ ass_list = [ast.AssName(name, 'OP_ASSIGN') for name in names]
+ return ast.Assign([ast.AssTuple(ass_list)], right)
+ else:
+ raise SyntaxError("Can't do that yet")
+## I implemented INDENT / DEDENT generation as a post-processing filter
+# The original lex token stream contains WS and NEWLINE characters.
+# WS will only occur before any other tokens on a line.
+# I have three filters. One tags tokens by adding two attributes.
+# "must_indent" is True if the token must be indented from the
+# previous code. The other is "at_line_start" which is True for WS
+# and the first non-WS/non-NEWLINE on a line. It flags the check so
+# see if the new line has changed indication level.
+## No using Python's approach because Ply supports precedence
+# comparison: expr (comp_op expr)*
+# arith_expr: term (('+'|'-') term)*
+# term: factor (('*'|'/'|'%'|'//') factor)*
+# factor: ('+'|'-'|'~') factor | power
+# comp_op: '<'|'>'|'=='|'>='|'<='|'<>'|'!='|'in'|'not' 'in'|'is'|'is' 'not'
+def make_lt_compare(arg):
+ (left, right) = arg
+ return ast.Compare(left, [ast.Lt()], [right])
+def make_gt_compare(arg):
+ (left, right) = arg
+ return ast.Compare(left, [ast.Gt()], [right])
+def make_eq_compare(arg):
+ (left, right) = arg
+ return ast.Compare(left, [ast.Eq()], [right])
+binary_ops = {
+ "+": ast.Add(),
+ "-": ast.Sub(),
+ "*": ast.Mult(),
+ "/": ast.Div(),
+ "<": make_lt_compare,
+ ">": make_gt_compare,
+ "=": make_eq_compare,
+unary_ops = {
+ "+": ast.Add,
+ "-": ast.Sub,
+ }
+def check_concat(node): # checks if the comparison is already a concat
+ print (node)
+ if not isinstance(node, ast.Call):
+ return [node]
+ if node[0].id != 'concat':
+ return node
+ return node[1]
+########## Parser (tokens -> AST) ######
+# also part of Ply
+#import yacc
+class PowerParser:
+ precedence = (
+ ("left", "EQ", "GT", "LT"),
+ ("left", "PLUS", "MINUS"),
+ ("left", "MULT", "DIV"),
+ )
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.gprs = {}
+ for rname in ['RA', 'RB', 'RC', 'RT', 'RS']:
+ self.gprs[rname] = None
+ self.read_regs = []
+ self.write_regs = []
+ # The grammar comments come from Python's Grammar/Grammar file
+ ## NB: compound_stmt in single_input is followed by extra NEWLINE!
+ # file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
+ def p_file_input_end(self, p):
+ """file_input_end : file_input ENDMARKER"""
+ print ("end", p[1])
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_file_input(self, p):
+ """file_input : file_input NEWLINE
+ | file_input stmt
+ | stmt"""
+ if isinstance(p[len(p)-1], str):
+ if len(p) == 3:
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ else:
+ p[0] = [] # p == 2 --> only a blank line
+ else:
+ if len(p) == 3:
+ p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
+ else:
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ # funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
+ # ignoring decorators
+ def p_funcdef(self, p):
+ "funcdef : DEF NAME parameters COLON suite"
+ p[0] = ast.FunctionDef(p[2], p[3], p[5], ())
+ # parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'
+ def p_parameters(self, p):
+ """parameters : LPAR RPAR
+ | LPAR varargslist RPAR"""
+ if len(p) == 3:
+ args=[]
+ else:
+ args = p[2]
+ p[0] = ast.arguments(args=args, vararg=None, kwarg=None, defaults=[])
+ # varargslist: (fpdef ['=' test] ',')* ('*' NAME [',' '**' NAME] |
+ # '**' NAME) |
+ # highly simplified
+ def p_varargslist(self, p):
+ """varargslist : varargslist COMMA NAME
+ | NAME"""
+ if len(p) == 4:
+ p[0] = p[1] + p[3]
+ else:
+ p[0] = [p[1]]
+ # stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
+ def p_stmt_simple(self, p):
+ """stmt : simple_stmt"""
+ # simple_stmt is a list
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_stmt_compound(self, p):
+ """stmt : compound_stmt"""
+ p[0] = [p[1]]
+ # simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE
+ def p_simple_stmt(self, p):
+ """simple_stmt : small_stmts NEWLINE
+ | small_stmts SEMICOLON NEWLINE"""
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_small_stmts(self, p):
+ """small_stmts : small_stmts SEMICOLON small_stmt
+ | small_stmt"""
+ if len(p) == 4:
+ p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
+ else:
+ p[0] = [p[1]]
+ # small_stmt: expr_stmt | print_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt |
+ # import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt | assert_stmt
+ def p_small_stmt(self, p):
+ """small_stmt : flow_stmt
+ | break_stmt
+ | expr_stmt"""
+ if isinstance(p[1], ast.Call):
+ p[0] = ast.Expr(p[1])
+ else:
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ # expr_stmt: testlist (augassign (yield_expr|testlist) |
+ # ('=' (yield_expr|testlist))*)
+ # augassign: ('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' |
+ # '<<=' | '>>=' | '**=' | '//=')
+ def p_expr_stmt(self, p):
+ """expr_stmt : testlist ASSIGN testlist
+ | testlist """
+ if len(p) == 2:
+ # a list of expressions
+ #p[0] = ast.Discard(p[1])
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ else:
+ if p[1].id in self.gprs:
+ self.write_regs.append(p[1].id) # add to list of regs to write
+ p[0] = Assign(p[1], p[3])
+ def p_flow_stmt(self, p):
+ "flow_stmt : return_stmt"
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ # return_stmt: 'return' [testlist]
+ def p_return_stmt(self, p):
+ "return_stmt : RETURN testlist"
+ p[0] = ast.Return(p[2])
+ def p_compound_stmt(self, p):
+ """compound_stmt : if_stmt
+ | while_stmt
+ | for_stmt
+ | funcdef
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_break_stmt(self, p):
+ """break_stmt : BREAK
+ """
+ p[0] = ast.Break()
+ def p_for_stmt(self, p):
+ """for_stmt : FOR test EQ test TO test COLON suite
+ """
+ p[0] = ast.While(p[2], p[4], [])
+ # auto-add-one (sigh) due to python range
+ start = p[4]
+ end = ast.BinOp(p[6], ast.Add(), ast.Constant(1))
+ it = ast.Call(ast.Name("range"), [start, end], [])
+ p[0] = ast.For(p[2], it, p[8], [])
+ def p_while_stmt(self, p):
+ """while_stmt : DO WHILE test COLON suite ELSE COLON suite
+ | DO WHILE test COLON suite
+ """
+ if len(p) == 6:
+ p[0] = ast.While(p[3], p[5], [])
+ else:
+ p[0] = ast.While(p[3], p[5], p[8])
+ def p_if_stmt(self, p):
+ """if_stmt : IF test COLON suite ELSE COLON suite
+ | IF test COLON suite
+ """
+ if len(p) == 5:
+ p[0] = ast.If(p[2], p[4], [])
+ else:
+ p[0] = ast.If(p[2], p[4], p[7])
+ def p_suite(self, p):
+ """suite : simple_stmt
+ if len(p) == 2:
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ else:
+ p[0] = p[3]
+ def p_stmts(self, p):
+ """stmts : stmts stmt
+ | stmt"""
+ if len(p) == 3:
+ p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
+ else:
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_comparison(self, p):
+ """comparison : comparison PLUS comparison
+ | comparison MINUS comparison
+ | comparison MULT comparison
+ | comparison DIV comparison
+ | comparison LT comparison
+ | comparison EQ comparison
+ | comparison GT comparison
+ | PLUS comparison
+ | MINUS comparison
+ | comparison APPEND comparison
+ | power"""
+ if len(p) == 4:
+ print (list(p))
+ if p[2] == '||':
+ l = check_concat(p[1]) + check_concat(p[3])
+ p[0] = ast.Call(ast.Name("concat"), l, [])
+ elif p[2] in ['<', '>', '=']:
+ p[0] = binary_ops[p[2]]((p[1],p[3]))
+ else:
+ p[0] = ast.BinOp(p[1], binary_ops[p[2]], p[3])
+ elif len(p) == 3:
+ p[0] = unary_ops[p[1]](p[2])
+ else:
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ # power: atom trailer* ['**' factor]
+ # trailers enables function calls (and subscripts).
+ # I only allow one level of calls
+ # so this is 'trailer'
+ def p_power(self, p):
+ """power : atom
+ | atom trailer"""
+ if len(p) == 2:
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ else:
+ if p[2][0] == "CALL":
+ #p[0] = ast.Expr(ast.Call(p[1], p[2][1], []))
+ p[0] = ast.Call(p[1], p[2][1], [])
+ #if p[1].id == 'print':
+ # p[0] = ast.Printnl(ast.Tuple(p[2][1]), None, None)
+ #else:
+ # p[0] = ast.CallFunc(p[1], p[2][1], None, None)
+ else:
+ print (p[2][1])
+ #raise AssertionError("not implemented %s" % p[2][0])
+ subs = p[2][1]
+ if len(subs) == 1:
+ idx = subs[0]
+ else:
+ idx = ast.Slice(subs[0], subs[1], None)
+ p[0] = ast.Subscript(p[1], idx)
+ def p_atom_name(self, p):
+ """atom : NAME"""
+ p[0] = ast.Name(p[1], ctx=ast.Load())
+ def p_atom_number(self, p):
+ """atom : BINARY
+ | STRING"""
+ p[0] = ast.Constant(p[1])
+ #'[' [listmaker] ']' |
+ def p_atom_listmaker(self, p):
+ """atom : LBRACK listmaker RBRACK"""
+ p[0] = p[2]
+ def p_listmaker(self, p):
+ """listmaker : test COMMA listmaker
+ | test
+ """
+ if len(p) == 2:
+ p[0] = ast.List([p[1]])
+ else:
+ p[0] = ast.List([p[1]] + p[3].nodes)
+ def p_atom_tuple(self, p):
+ """atom : LPAR testlist RPAR"""
+ print ("tuple", p[2])
+ if isinstance(p[2], ast.Name):
+ print ("tuple name", p[2].id)
+ if p[2].id in self.gprs:
+ self.read_regs.append(p[2].id) # add to list of regs to read
+ #p[0] = ast.Subscript(ast.Name("GPR"), ast.Str(p[2].id))
+ #return
+ p[0] = p[2]
+ # trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
+ def p_trailer(self, p):
+ """trailer : trailer_arglist
+ | trailer_subscript
+ """
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_trailer_arglist(self, p):
+ "trailer_arglist : LPAR arglist RPAR"
+ p[0] = ("CALL", p[2])
+ def p_trailer_subscript(self, p):
+ "trailer_subscript : LBRACK subscript RBRACK"
+ p[0] = ("SUBS", p[2])
+ #subscript: '.' '.' '.' | test | [test] ':' [test]
+ def p_subscript(self, p):
+ """subscript : test COLON test
+ | test
+ """
+ if len(p) == 4:
+ p[0] = [p[1], p[3]]
+ else:
+ p[0] = [p[1]]
+ # testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
+ # Contains shift/reduce error
+ def p_testlist(self, p):
+ """testlist : testlist_multi COMMA
+ | testlist_multi """
+ if len(p) == 2:
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ else:
+ # May need to promote singleton to tuple
+ if isinstance(p[1], list):
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ else:
+ p[0] = [p[1]]
+ # Convert into a tuple?
+ if isinstance(p[0], list):
+ p[0] = ast.Tuple(p[0])
+ def p_testlist_multi(self, p):
+ """testlist_multi : testlist_multi COMMA test
+ | test"""
+ if len(p) == 2:
+ # singleton
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ else:
+ if isinstance(p[1], list):
+ p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
+ else:
+ # singleton -> tuple
+ p[0] = [p[1], p[3]]
+ # test: or_test ['if' or_test 'else' test] | lambdef
+ # as I don't support 'and', 'or', and 'not' this works down to 'comparison'
+ def p_test(self, p):
+ "test : comparison"
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ # arglist: (argument ',')* (argument [',']| '*' test [',' '**' test]
+ # | '**' test)
+ # XXX INCOMPLETE: this doesn't allow the trailing comma
+ def p_arglist(self, p):
+ """arglist : arglist COMMA argument
+ | argument"""
+ if len(p) == 4:
+ p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
+ else:
+ p[0] = [p[1]]
+ # argument: test [gen_for] | test '=' test # Really [keyword '='] test
+ def p_argument(self, p):
+ "argument : test"
+ p[0] = p[1]
+ def p_error(self, p):
+ #print "Error!", repr(p)
+ raise SyntaxError(p)
+class GardenSnakeParser(PowerParser):
+ def __init__(self, lexer = None):
+ PowerParser.__init__(self)
+ if lexer is None:
+ lexer = IndentLexer(debug=1)
+ self.lexer = lexer
+ self.tokens = lexer.tokens
+ self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self, start="file_input_end",
+ debug=False, write_tables=False)
+ = create_pdecode()
+ def parse(self, code):
+ self.lexer.input(code)
+ result = self.parser.parse(lexer = self.lexer, debug=False)
+ return ast.Module(result)
+###### Code generation ######
+#from compiler import misc, syntax, pycodegen
+class GardenSnakeCompiler(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.parser = GardenSnakeParser()
+ def compile(self, code, mode="exec", filename="<string>"):
+ tree = self.parser.parse(code)
+ print ("snake")
+ pprint(tree)
+ return tree
+ #misc.set_filename(filename, tree)
+ return compile(tree, mode="exec", filename="<string>")
+ #syntax.check(tree)
+ gen = pycodegen.ModuleCodeGenerator(tree)
+ code = gen.getCode()
+ return code