The comment at the top of the test case was inconsistent with it:
"adds, CR predicated mask CR4.eq = 1, CR5.eq = 0, invert (ne)"
The whole test is consistent with this (mask is NE and first element is
The shift amount itself is also consistent with setting of CR4, not CR5.
expected_regs[1] = 0xbeef
expected_regs[2] = 0x3334
- # set up CR predicate - CR4.eq=0 and CR5.eq=1
- cr = (0b0010) << ((7-4)*4) # CR5.eq (we hope)
+ # set up CR predicate - CR4.eq=1 and CR5.eq=0
+ cr = (0b0010) << ((7-4)*4) # CR4.eq (we hope)
with Program(lst, bigendian=False) as program:
sim = self.run_tst_program(program, initial_regs, svstate,